Victory Road - TNA Legends Championship - AJ Styles (c) vs Kevin Nash


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
As part of the deal brokered to get Mick Foley his world title match, he gave Nash a Legends title shot. He takes on AJ Styles for the title. Nash claims it's all about money, with just a teensy bit of respect for the Legends title - which I can't understand considering it's a fake title that's been held by one "legend" and one young, admittedly phenomenal wrestler in Styles. But what the hell.

It should be a good match if you're a Nash fan, and I am. Even if you're not, Styles can make damn near any match good, so I'm looking forward to it. It may be for a fake title, but title matches always add in that little bit of excitement, so that's even better. Styles and Nash did this same match on Impact a while back, and it came off pretty well, so with PPV - extended time and no commercials - I'm hoping for it to come off even better.

I think this is a Nash win. Styles is, with all hope, moving on to a big program with Joe which will hopefully transition into a program with Angle for the title, and from there a WHC run. To do all that, he needs to unload the Legends belt, which admittedly has done him well, but lets put it on a real legend and get it off the guy who ought to be WHC anyway. Nash is a legit legend - 6 time worlds champion, one of the most iconic figures of the 90s, and a founding figure of the nWo - and even though it's a fake title, it's still nice for them to recognize him as a legend. He'll probably continue being in the backdrop of the Mafia after the title win, but I can see him wrestling a few matches with maybe Chris Daniels for it.

All in all, I figure on a solid match and a Nash title win here. Hopefully AJ gets to move onto the main event after this and gets a real WHC win that he so deserves.
as long as they give AJ a decent run as WHC, i wuddnt mind Nash having the legends strap, he cud have a decent run with others, including sting for the title.
Definitely would love to see Big Kev get that strap as we all know AJ needs to be in the WHC picture. The only issue is Nash needs to feud with someone who can make him look good like Daniels or even Sting...he is real slow in the ring but great on the mic and could have a nice feud bringing some much needed hype on the Legends title..AJ and Joe need to feud and it could be the feud of the year...its inevitable and then hopefully he gets a shot at Angle beats him and then a nice run...the match will be good cause AJ makes it with whomever he faces but Joe interfers and Nash gets the gold.
With a Strap on Nash, there is always the fear of a "Finger Poke of Doom" taking place in the future. I just hope this isn’t Nash’s way to mend things up with Sting in the future. Aside from that, I hope Nash does indeed win the Legends Title as well as A. J. moving up to the Top Tier. Maybe a run in by Joe would be helpful and then return the favor if and when Joe guns for the X – Title. I would also like to see the second Grand Slam TNA Champion, but I guess that won’t be happening this month, at the very least. Maybe, at the very next Impact after Victory Road, Kev and Kurt (or Joe, if he wins the X Strap) can trade…never mind.
Can Nash still go..really like?

I admit he was good in the day but since his knees went hes really been quite slow in the ring

I do suggest TNA Get the strap of styles but i think they should pick someone different than nash..i dont think he can carry it for long

Just my opinion guys.:)
Someone like Joe, maybe would have made more sense as far the current feud and it would have also given us the next Grand Slam winner. I really don’t understand why Nash is in this match, but I hope it all works out in the end.
Can Nash still go..really like?

I admit he was good in the day but since his knees went hes really been quite slow in the ring

I do suggest TNA Get the strap of styles but i think they should pick someone different than nash..i dont think he can carry it for long

Just my opinion guys.:)

To answer the first question, I'm afraid the answer is no. While I've never been overly fond of Nash in the ring, to me he was fairly decent at one time but he's kind of awful now and that has a lot to do with his age and condition overall.

No doubt the guy looks great. He's probably as cut, and not as heavy, as he was back during his days as Diesel in the WWF. The problem is that his body is kinda shot. Physically, he's just not really in ans good of condition as he looks. Because of his knees, certain other nagging injuries and yes his age, there are times Nash can barely move in the ring. It's so slow that I almost feel sorry for him. There are times I've seen him kind of grimmace painfully climbing into the ring or stepping over the top rope.

I agree that TNA should have someone else get the Legend's title off Styles, if that's what they're plan is. I would suggest giving it back to Booker T, as he's one of the only members of the MEM that can still really go at an overall stable pace that's comparable to him throughout most of his career. However, seeing as how I have a feeling he and Steiner might go over Beer Money, it's probably not in the cards.
Kevin Nash had great success in the WWE and even greater success in WCW holding major championships. Thing is he hasn't held a single strap in TNA. To me he needs this championship more than it needs him and I hope he gets it just because I don't think someone as young as AJ should have a championship made for wrestling Legends.
That is a great point for him not have held a strap since joining TNA he needs this and frankly deserves it. He has acheived so much so giving him a run with the Legends title won't hurt anyone by giving this man his due...just my opinion
Well, really the whole concept of the Legends Championship doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to begin with. Actually creating a title that really only makes sense if an older wrestler holds it just doesn't spark with me. That being the case, I agree that Styles really is out of place holding it. I'm not putting the guy down, I actually enjoy seeing him in the ring, but the guy's not a legend. Winning 3 NWA World Championships just doesn't carry the weight it did 20 years ago.

As to Nash, I'm not doubting the guy's success in the WWF and WCW. That, however, was a long time ago and the guy just can't go at a level approaching that anymore. Nash was never what I'd call agile, fast or especially graceful, but he moved like a cruiserweight 12-15 years ago when you compare it with him in the ring today. I sometimes sound kind of harsh on a lot of older wrestlers, but I think it's justified. No matter how successful Nash was in the mid to late 90s, it's very obvious that Nash is far past his prime. When it comes to the younger guys having to carry the older ones in order to have a somewhat decent match, then it's time to step aside. Being great once upon a time doesn't justify getting a title run over guys that are younger and are physically able to carry the strap at a level of competition that it deserves.

However, as I said earlier, the Legends title really only makes sense if its held by a legend. And with all the 40+ guys in TNA involved in other things, Nash does seem to be the only guy available at the moment. If the idea is to get the strap off Styles in order to move him up into the World Championship scene, then I can live with it.
You are right, a Pro Wrestling Legends Title should only be held by Pro Wrestling Legends. However, don’t you think a TNA Legends Title should only be held by TNA Legends?? In my opinion, 7 + years in a company, the current and only Grand Slam Champion of the company, and is basically holding the Red Belt much like Cena was holding the U. S. Title a few weeks before WrestleMania 21 win, I’d say A. J. Styles is already a TNA Legend.

I think TNA, now I’m not sure, but I think TNA means TNA Legend, not necessarily what I had in mind on another post, the WWE Hall Of Fame Title. In this case, it would only be Legends holding the Strap like the Senior Tour in Golf.

Another opinion I have on this is about the name. Legends Title sounds like it could be more prestigious than Intercontinental Title or United States Title. The WWE Mid – Card Titles sound like Mid – Card Titles, whereas Legends Title sounds like the Champion of the Greats. I don’t know.
When I think of a legend, I think of a guy that's been around for a long time, been involved in a lot of memorable matches, feuds and angles is well known by wrestling fans of pretty much all ages and has had a reigns with major, well known titles.

In order to really be a legend, you have to at least have the years put in. The term is casually tossed around in just about every area that it's really lost a lot of meaning. Styles has accomplished a lot in TNA but TNA hasn't established itself as what can really be called a "dominant" force in wrestling. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sayin' that to put the company down, but it's just how I see it. I just can't look at a 30 year old pro wrestler and say "he's a legend" just like I can't look at TNA and say "when I think of wrestling, I automatically think of TNA. Legendary status, real legendary status takes time.
It could be a decent match with aj styles in it could you not have it at least watchable, but i believe it wont be a clean win. Give Nash the title for abit then give it to someone who can actually wrestle like Daniels, then give aj the whc seeing as hes the best thing in TNA.
Obviously Nash should win, him being a legend and all.

I honestly think A.J. Styles is the most overrated wrestler in the business today. But he's got his chance to prove me wrong. Joe got good matches out of Nash, even though he's a broken down old man. And HBK got good matches out of Nash by bumping like a mad man. I expect something in the middle from A.J. if he's as great as everybody says he is.
Should be a good match. I hope Styles can get out of Nash as much as Joe did. I've forgotten sometimes that AJ even has the belt so Nash winning would somewhat the belt prominent and featured more often. Styles can move on to a feud with Joe and hopefully winning the belt from Angle at BFG.
To me it doesn't matter who wins. To me it's a win win situation for whoever. If AJ wins, it's good for him, if Nash wins it's good for him, and the belt will win regardless as it's being put into spotlight. I actually expect a decent match from these 2 as Styles will do the carrying.

For the Legendz title, I don't see it as a belt strictly made for Legendz. It's just a midcard title with a name "Legend" attached to it. That's like saying that when WWE created the European title that only Europeans can hold the title. Like that wouldn't make much sense. Anybody can win the belt. I think future Legends such as AJ Styles, Rhino, Samoa Joe, Daniels, Robert Roode, Sheik Abdul, and so many up & coming stars are eligible to holding that title to cement themselves before going after the world title. In addition, of course an already established star such as the likes of Nash, Steiner, Sting, and Angle are automatically fit to hold the title.
I won't be suprised if either of them wins, but I'd rather see Nash win so AJ can go for the world title and it will make the MEM look stronger with another title.

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