Victory Road: Ric Flair v. Jay Lethal:


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Grudge Match: Ric Flair v. Jay Lethal

Just announced on iMPACT!; After Ric Flair tried to attack Jay Lethal from behind, Hulk Hogan came out and made the save. Hogan then proceeded to make this match for Victory Road, putting the Future of the Business, against one of the best its ever seen.

For weeks, if not longer, Jay Lethal has been mocking and mimicking the Nature Boy. While its long since been said "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", Ric Flair is anything but flattered.

What does everyone think of this announcement and match-up? Please make sure to explain your thoughts and give reasons for who you claim should/would win. Thank you.
this match will be trash. ric is wayy too old to wrestle anymore i mean common have u seen his man titties lol. now all joking aside either ric will win due to interfierence of jay will win cause of either aj or a kaz mistake
Lethal is going to win this match. Flair has more experience than Lethal has years on Earth, but Flair has come out to pass the torch (or in Flair's case, the keys to the limo). I also have to say that during the verbal ncounter between Flair & Lethal, I was waiting for the banjos to start playing (Those who don't know what I'm talking about, that's referring to the tune Dueling Banjos, or the Saturday Night Live skit with John Belushi & Peter Boyle; Dueling Brandos).
Lethal has been receiving a huge push, so it wouldn't surprise me at all to see him come out on top here, but I have a feeling the newly formed Fourtune stable will probably play a major part in stealing a victory for Ric.

While I know Ric is well past the point of ridiculousness with regard to still being able to wrestle (well), he's still one of the best ring psychologists still breathing, and though he looks like an old leather coat in tights, it's always a treat to watch Flair be Flair. I'm actually looking forward to seeing this match, believe it or not.

Let me just add, that opening segment from iMPACT! with the Woo-off's and Flair & Lethal going back-and-forth trading classic Flair gimmicks/actions/reactions and one-liners was the funniest fucking thing I've seen on pro-wrestling programming in months. I was literally crying laughing.
I'm not gonna enjoy it. Not because of Lethal, but because of Flair. I still am salty about how Flair is still wrestling after that sendoff that the WWE had for him. Not to mention at his age, he is absolutely terrible in the ring. Lethal gets the win. I think it's pretty obvious.
Ric Flair, to me, is like Hulk Hogan to Hulkamaniacs. I enjoy every wrestling moment I get to see from him, and his age won't stop me from enjoying this match.

Jay Lethal has been in the business for who knows how long now, and he's still yet to truly find himself. He got over by being a copy of Randy Savage, and how ironic is it that he's now feuding with the Nature Boy? His copying of Flair is good, possibly not as great as Savage - but still good enough to be hilarious. That being said, I don't know if I'll enjoy this feud being a mere joke.

Flair is still wrestling because simply put, he can. People may not like it, and as mentioned above, some people are naive enough to dislike it because "he has titties". Well, so do the Knockouts but you don't see people whining over them wrestling. Bottomline is - Flair can still go - and at Victory Road, I believe he will.

Now, unfortunately this has a Jay Lethal victory written all over it. Flair is old enough, that wins and losses no longer mean a thing. He's already in the Hall of Fame. He's won more World Championships than anyone. He's likely had sex with more Women than this forum even has Women. I don't think Flair should have to "lay down" here. Lethal is being put over, as-is, without needing a clean victory. And more importantly, this whole storyline is revolving around who is the better Nature Boy..

So, short of Lethal cheating with the tights, ropes, and/or unfair advantages, there isn't a purpose for him to win.
Lethal is goin to win. It would do NOTHING for Flair.. This match Should be decent at least. Expect either Styles or Wolfe to get involded but hogan is goin to be there..
The was destined to happen at some point, which is fine I guess. Obviously this is all about continuing the Lethal push, which I'm enjoying very much. If they're even considering for a second having Flair when this match, I don't even know what to say.

I'm guessing it'll likely involve a lot of blood and/or saggy breasts. O, joy. You gotta give it to Flair though, he's still entertaining at this stage in his career with all his craziness. WOOO! This is one of the biggest periods of Lethal's career. If Flair can't make him look good, he could be in some trouble.
Lethal has been riding a big push, and he just has to beat Flair here. The Lethal/Flair feud has been very entertaining, and all of the promos and segments between these two have been great. Although, I'm not really expecting that much from this match. Flair is sure to pull out some tricks from the dirtiest player in the game handbook, and we might see him put the figure four on Lethal.

Lethal needs this win if his push is to continue. Flair really doesn't have anything to gain with a victory here, so I'm picking Lethal to win this one.
I've noticed a lot of people claiming Ric Flair has no reason to win this match. And yet Hulk Hogan had no reason to win over Shawn Michaels or Randy Orton, yet he did. Ric Flair had no reason to go on an undefeated streak leading up to Wrestlemania and his retirement match - yet he did.

So, when I see people saying Flair doesn't have any reason to go over - I say he does. For once, instead of nothing solid to grip other than "they were faces during those times in WWE".. Flair has every reason to defeat Jay Lethal, and I say that for this..

Lethal has been mimicking Flair. He's copying everything, and it wouldn't shock me to see Lethal try and win this match with a Figure Four, or some type of illegal/cheating pin to show Flair up. That being said, the sole purpose Flair is going to be looking forward to this match - is to show Lethal who the true Nature Boy really is.

Lethal might know everything he's viewed from years of tape on Flair, but when it comes down to it - Flair is still the teacher, and Lethal is the student. Flair should win, because Lethal isn't trying to be "himself" he's trying to be someone he's not.
I don't think Lethal needs to win. He probably shouldn't lose clean, but he doesn't need a clean win over Flair right now. This is actually a good feud, and it might continue after this PPV.

If TNA is planning on ending the feud after this match, then yes, I think Lethal needs to win. If TNA plans on keeping this going, Flair needs to win, via interference. At this stage in Lethal's career, he can't afford losing clean to Flair, and then having the feud be done and over with. That might kill his push.

In all honesty, I can see Flair winning this match (via interference) and then Lethal going on to feud with either AJ or Kaz, whichever one helps Flair to victory. I think that could be the end of Flair vs. Lethal, in the ring. Lethal could take a loss to Flair (not clean) if it ensures him a match, and victory, over either AJ or Kaz at the next PPV.

So far, this has been really entertaining. And that's what it's all about. Sure, Flair is probably about 10-15 years too old to be wrestling anymore, but if he can still produce an interesting/entertaining angle, what's the harm. At this point, he has already shit all over the send-off WWE gave him, so that's no longer an issue. Now, if Flair wins clean, ends the feud with Lethal then and there, and begins to wrestle every Monday and once a month on Sunday, I'll have a problem.
I enjoy listening to flair talk, seeing his face about to explode and one of his vains about to pop just out of pure madness and anger:him being a heel and cutting promos is like an orgasim for my eyes.
But him going in the ring.. I don't know..the problem is he's so old that I am afraid for his life. Young wrestlers get injured easily and unexpectedly; this happens to older wrestlers even easier..surely this is not a wise decision. Anyways, I hope this match will be meaningful and will do something for Lethal. If he loses this match and his push all of a sudden stops for no reason then wow I won't know what to say..
I dunno what Flair has to gain by winning the match here. If he does win, it derails Lethal's push and I think it's more important right now to keep him going on a roll so he doesn't lose momentum. If he must lose, then it must be in a way that doesn't make him look bad. If he loses with outside interference on Flair's behalf, then that's fine. It furthers the feud. But if Flair pins him cleanly (which I highly doubt will happen), then there's a problem. I don't think the Fourtune stable has been filled yet so I'm not sure how outside interference may work but that's the only way I see Lethal losing.

Needless to say, I feel Lethal should win. Not only will it give him instant credibility beating a 16 time world champion, it will propel him higher up the TNA rankings and hopefully put him in a future world title match. Just my two cents.
Should be fun. Lethal has been really solid throughout so far, with spot on impressions, but also being serious when needed. The match probably won't be too good, hopefully no longer than 10 minutes, if that. It could give Lethal a solid rub though and Flair can get back to the mic work, which he's still golden on 90% of the time.
I want to be excited for this because of the awesome promo work by these guys lately, but Flair is just too old. Knowing Flair though he'll somehow make it entertaining but this isn't gonna be a classic. It may get a little ugly, but knowing how Lethal is getting pushed to the moon right now, I see him taking out Flair.
The build up for this match has been excellent and I am actually looking forward to seeing this match. I know people will complain that Flair is to old to wrestle and that it will be a bad match, but I think it will be better then people expect, Im not saying it will be a great match but I think its not going to be terrible either it will be decent. For the result I think Lethal will win cleanly because their is nothing to gain for Flair to win this match

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