Victory Road: AJ Styles & Kazarian v. Mystery Tag-Team

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
AJ Styles & Kazarian v. Mystery Tag-Team

Officially announced on iMPACT! tonight.

Following the double-count-out in Kaz & AJ's iMPACT! opening match, Flair frustratingly declared that he was ending the feud between the two, and that he wasn't going to let the fans tear either of them apart if they want to be apart of Fortune. As a result, he said he booked them in a tag-team match at Victory Road against a team that's yet to be named.

Your thoughts on the match? Thoughts on who the mystery team will be? Predictions for the winner/loser?
I think they will be toxic tag partners, with possibly one walking out on the other. More likely AJ so Kaz loses and looks bad for the prospect of joining Fortune. As for the mystery tag team, I'm guessing it will be a returning team that we haven't seen in a while. Not sure who it could be, maybe Triple X? Daniels and Elix? Not really sure that is a tough question. Either that or Flair will have them face two nobodies and get the win.
My guess would be Generation Me for the mystery team since it's the only team in TNA not doing something at the ppv already. As for winner/loser it could go either way to further the storyline.
How funny would it be if Benjamin and Haas joined TNA without our knowing and WGTT were the mystery team?

While that would be kind of cool, I think it's going to be Beer Money Inc. for some reason. The rumors abound that they'll be a part of Fortune, so they'd fit perfectly in this story. Or it could be the Young Bucks since they have nothing to do, but that's less likely.

WGTT would be awesome in a way though. Both men were at their best in that team.
How funny would it be if Benjamin and Haas joined TNA without our knowing and WGTT were the mystery team?

While that would be kind of cool, I think it's going to be Beer Money Inc. for some reason. The rumors abound that they'll be a part of Fortune, so they'd fit perfectly in this story. Or it could be the Young Bucks since they have nothing to do, but that's less likely.

WGTT would be awesome in a way though. Both men were at their best in that team.

It is a possibility seeing that he was released on April 22. It's have been 10 weeks, but it also a 90 day period and that is 13 weeks. Never know. I hope it will WGTT but we never know how TNA wrestling is.
How funny would it be if Benjamin and Haas joined TNA without our knowing and WGTT were the mystery team?

While that would be kind of cool, I think it's going to be Beer Money Inc. for some reason. The rumors abound that they'll be a part of Fortune, so they'd fit perfectly in this story. Or it could be the Young Bucks since they have nothing to do, but that's less likely.

WGTT would be awesome in a way though. Both men were at their best in that team.

So BMI are pulling double duty, Doc? What medical school did you go to? :lmao:

Were they not already competing at Victory Road against the Motor City Machineguns in a match to determine the TNA World Tag Team Championships, I might be inclined to agree, but seeing as they are in fact competing, I seriously doubt they double shift like that.

WGTT would be pretty fun, but I'm not entirely sure that's something TNA really needs right now. They've done a fantastic job of building their stories into very compelling structures, so to be honest I'd rather they continue that route and not go into acquiring anyone (other than for the X Division or KO Division) right now.
I think that the mystery team will mostly likely be Gen Me. I think the match could be pretty good if it is them. I can see them losing because of AJ doing something wrong and costing them the match and AJ his spot in the Fourtune faction
It can't be WGTT since Charlie Hass is signed with WFX Wrestling and Shelton is still under the no-compete clause. Its either Gen Me or A random team that came out of nowhere
Wont be WGTT.
Could be Generation Me as that would be a good work rate there but what this tag team match gets taken TO THE EXTREME
and we get some combination of Raven, Rhino or Richards
Gen Me, could just be them, or 2 random guys they put together...maybe Nash/Young(or have they dis-BANDed)??

I would love it if it was Haas/Benjamin, they truly are a great tag team...

I want to see AJ/Kaz win, I don't like seein them lose, and a loss here would harm their chances with Fortune...Also I think they will lose because they just can't get along...
Well it's been lots of talk for some time about TNA bringing in international talent to help boost the X-div and I've even heard talks of Magnus reforming a new British Invasion so I'm thinking that an entirely new different tag team will debut in TNA. It's gotta be a new debut for sure. I don't know how much of a mystery it would be if it was to turn out to be a team that is already on the active roster already
I doubt it is GenMe. Just would not make much sense. If it is not them it almost has to be someone from outside the company. I also am thinking about the international aspect. Jack Evans and somebody would be pretty interesting. Or maybe a NJPW team. EY and somebody would at least be a possibility (I know many would love it to be petey but this seems a little far fetched). I do not think it is Magnus but if it was I could see Burchill coming in to team with him.
OK, I didn't know that Benjamin's clause wasn't up yet. I thought I had read something, but I guess not. Shame, because that would have been great.

I know Beer Money Inc. would be pulling double duty if they were to be the mystery team, but it would make perfect sense within the story. On top of that, depending on when this match is on the card it can be used well. Let's say it happens before the tag title match. Bam, the Guns win the belts because Beer Money is tired from their earlier match. If it happens after that match and the Guns win, Beer Money could defeat Styles/Kaz to "prove their worth" to Flair, or if they won the belts earlier they could lose this because they're tired from the earlier match.

I don't really see it being any other team, unless TNA brings in a brand new one.
I'm not saying it is, but I am hoping that it will be Benjamin & Haas(The world's greatest tag team. I think it would be good for TNA, and add to the recently slumping tag team division. I also believe that Benjamin/Haas would have some off the hook matches with team's like Beer Money, Ink Inc., and especially the fortune group.

So does anyone else think that AJ/Kazarian apponent could be Benjamin\Haas, or is there some other tag team that could make a appearance at Victory Road?
I'm not saying it is, but I am hoping that it will be Benjamin & Haas(The world's greatest tag team. I think it would be good for TNA, and add to the recently slumping tag team division. I also believe that Benjamin/Haas would have some off the hook matches with team's like Beer Money, Ink Inc., and especially the fortune group.

So does anyone else think that AJ/Kazarian apponent could be Benjamin\Haas, or is there some other tag team that could make a appearance at Victory Road?

I think benjamins contract was about to run out because I remember that hass was released way before benjamin was, and he was telling benjamin not to re-sign with the WWE.So I think it could be them and besides it will definatly be a let down if it was gen-me,Don't get me wrong they're good but that is a let down plain and simple.
It's the Nasty Boys! Yup, Knobbs and Sags are back! It will be welcome to Nastyville for Styles and Kazarian. Jimmy Hart does a run in and Styles and Kazarian are disgraced in Ric's eyes. Neither gets into Fortune. Styles turns face and Kazarian finally fades into obscurity. That is the way I want to see it play out. I miss the Nasty Boys.
What about tomko and someone from kaz's past? Like suicide or something. Tomko and styles were tag team of the year a few years back. I haven't seen tomko in a while so he's a perfect canidate. Suicide was played by kaz so he'd work perfect. I know its unlikely but there's a chance. Haas and benjamin would be amazing. But why would flair choose them? If wgtt comes to tna they need to be faces...
What about tomko and someone from kaz's past? Like suicide or something. Tomko and styles were tag team of the year a few years back. I haven't seen tomko in a while so he's a perfect canidate. Suicide was played by kaz so he'd work perfect. I know its unlikely but there's a chance. Haas and benjamin would be amazing. But why would flair choose them? If wgtt comes to tna they need to be faces... them working with flair would mean instant heels
I think it will be Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels. I just have a hunch that at the end of the match Joe, Daniels, and Kaz are going to beat down Styles and Fortune will consist of

Beer Money
I think this is going to be the last straw for AJ. I think he'll quit on Kaz or screw him over, thus losing the match. I think Flair will officially disown him, and we'll see AJ turn face.

As for the tag team they are facing, I think it will be a new tag team or new people in TNA. I can't see it being Gen Me or someone like that, because if it was going to be a team that isn't a big name, they would have announced it on iMPACT. Because if it turned out to be Gen Me, it would be disappointing, not because they are a bad team, but because it would be an underwhelming surprise as a "Mystery tag team".
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Seeing as though the whole point of the match is to test AJ/Kaz and see if they're 'Fortune' material, i would imagine it would be someone a little more challenging than GenMe. Looking at the card and who isn't listed, i have a sneaky feeling it might be Wolfe and Joe. I think the Wolfe thing works as he is really close to Flair and he could be the model Flair is holding up to Kaz as someone to aspire to be. And Joe? Well, you need a solid heel to team with Wolfe and Joe's doing jack shit at the moment. Who else is it going to be? Eric Young?
If this was the proposed match, i could easily see AJ feed Kaz to the Wolves (or should that be Wolfe! Oh ha bloody ha) and walk out on Kaz and let him walk straight into a musclebuster for the 3 count.
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It could be the return of The Naturals, Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens, these guys are former multi-time tag champs in TNA and aren't doing shit at the moment, I could see them being brought in for a one-off match with Kaz & Styles, and if they get over (which would be a first for them) TNA sign them to a longer term deal, I highly doubt this is gonna happen, but wouldn't be shocked if it did, hell I think it'd be downright fucking hilarious if TNA gave these two another shot seeing as how these two never seemed to connect with the crowd in the Impact Zone, something that is nearly impossible
Regardless of who it is, as long as it leads to a face AJ I'll be happy. The heel AJ needs to die in a bloody murder/suicide that eliminates him forever. AJ is obviously a face, let's make that happen. I couldn't care less about Kaz. Let him keep hanging with Flair, or something.

The mystery team should probably consist of Joe and someone, given he's the best guy not already on the PPV. He could team with Wolfe or someone. That'd work. However, it makes far too much sesne. Probably will be something stupid like Nash and EY. Ugh.

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