Vickie's Stable

Pink Wolf

Dark Match Jobber
I didn't understand Swagger joining Vicky and Dolph for Dolph's match against Ryder. I thought they hated each other. But when Swagger helped Dolph retain the title, I thought they would make a great tag team.

During the tag match, as Mason Ryan came out, the thought of Vicky having her own stable came to mind. A stable of talent that Vicky manages. It actually sounds pretty cool.

What do you guys think?
1. Would a stable for Vicky work out?
2. Who would you include in Vicky's Stable?

You obviously dont watch Raw to often since Vickie has been talking about her stable for a few weeks so this is nothing new, she has been trying to get a stable for a while with Swagger and Dolph! So pay attention and get your facts before you post...

Now after that it is a good thread to start a conversation on this...

Yes a stable for Vickie would be great! She has so much heat that who ever is with her will get heat and who ever is against her will get a lot of cheers! SO it is a great idea and should be done.

I would include someone like Skip Sheffield! I mean Mason would of been awesome but i guess he is out. So i pick Skip! It would be a great way for him to come onto the scene again with a big impact!
Vickie's bound to get a stable; Dolph was a great start and Swagger's a good addition. Before he was fired, I thought having Vickie as manager could have helped Chris Masters a lot. Mason Ryan could use a mouthpiece; but they ruined that option tonight (which I don't understand, esp considering the fact we haven't seen Ryan on RAW for quite some time. Why turn HIM face?). And although both guys are faces right now, I think Alex Riley and/or Zach Ryder would be hilarious with Vickie. I also think the two of them would make a good tag team (even without Vickie; hell, they could have those two feud with Ziggler & Swagger and one could eventually turn on the other). David Otunga could slip in there, but I like what they started to do tonite (esp if it means he won't be wrestling for a while; that guy blows HARD). Tyson Kidd could use the heat Vickie gets for her guys a lot (plus, since they're pushing Cra v. Cara, put Bryan in there with Kidd).
1) I think thats what theyre slowly building here. She's very over as a heel and that should be utilized to get some younger guys involved in the show.

2) I wasnt expecting Mason Ryan to come out for her team. I was thinking Drew MacIntyre wouldve come out, as he has had nothing going on lately and could greatly benefit from the Vickie heel heat rub.

I hope they keep the stable small, comprising of no more than four guys. Two of them can work in the tag title picture while the other two can work with the mid card singles belts on both Raw and Smackdown.
I'm thinking the stable is going to consist of Christian (Leader/Maineventer), Cody Rhodes (Mid Carder), Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger (Tag Team) with Vickie as the Manager and David Otunga as "Legal Help/Muscle". Then what I see happening is a survivor series match with Team Vickie (Christian, Rhodes, Ziggler, Swagger, Otunga) vs Team Teddy Long (Sheamus, Dibiase, Kofi, Bourne, Ryder). Reason behind this is because I think Triple H will be busy with another team (Team HHH being HHH, Cena, Rock, Punk, Orton vs Team Vince being Nash, Miz, Truth, Del Rio, Mark Henry)
What I see happening is a bunch of rebels led by vicky (as we saw with rhodes, otunga, swagger, christian and ziggler) VS The Corporation. Ala wwf with vince led corporation vs the likes of dx, stone cold, and mick foley. Although the Positions would be switched. With the rebels heels and the corporation faces. With the big blow out with a match at survivor series. I dont think a stable with so many decent faces lasting long but I dont think thats the plan either. Do I want to see it? Right now, yeah, its interesting. But We all know that if the wwe drops the ball it can get old quick. Dont know if that answers your questions, but thats my two cents. Cheers
Christian, Otunga, McEntyre, Tyler Reks, and of course Ziggler and Swagger for Vickie's stable... Drew and Reks could do well with the push.

I fully expect The Undertaker to bring about some sort of major stable when he returns, based on Legends... A stable with him and Michelle McCool... and some other former champions like maybe Jericho/Big Show/Foley/Kane/Rock/etc? Very feasible... and potentially amazing as a story arc...

Other stables? Team HHH, and Team Ace, and Future Endeavors...
i can see vickies stable being dolph ziggler,jack swagger,christian,cody rhodes,david otunga,drew mcintyre,the miz and r-truth

You want an 8 person stable? Why!?

The Vickie, Dolph, Swagger triangle is doing fine as a story at the moment and adding 6 more people would be silly while they build Dolph and Swagger. No need to over-complicate something that's working fine.
They should definitly continue with the Vickie stable idea. Like previous posters have said she draws major heat. I like what they are doing with Dolph and Swagger by having them as reluctant allies. When Vickie brought out Mason Ryan I was pumped thought he would be perfect enforcer for the group but that didn't happen. They should only add 1 or 2 guys. If just 1 I think Brodus Clay would make a good Enforcer/muscle. If they add 2 then it should be a tag team perhaps Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks.
I think her Stable is a great way for others not often seen on TV to stand out.
I thought Mason Ryan was a perfect fit as the muscle much like Batista was for Evolution. As for who else should join I'd say.
Skip Shefield - I think he joining Vickie would be good as the muscle. He's very talented in my opinion and this is a great way for him to evolve.
Tyler Reks - Big dude with talent and this is a way for him to stand out
Curt Hawkins - Smaller guy but very talented and since they've been talking about Reks/Hawkins together this could be the tag-team for Vickie.

Don't want to over talent the stable but I'm sure other's like Tyson Kidd, Darren Young, Michael McGillicutty, and Husky Harris could do something with her.
Yeah i think wwe should give vicky a decent sized stable and i dont think they messed up with mason ryan he would b better working as a face on his own plus i think they will let cena keep the title at hiac and then to give ryan a push have him in a rivalrey with CM Punk ? MAYBE

As far as vickys stable goes we know she has Dolph Ziggler,Jack Swagger then she can add Drew McCintrye,Jindar Mahul,Brodus Clay and Christian

Then you would have Christian going after the world/wwe title
Ziggler in the u.s title picture
Mahul for the i.c title picture
Drew&Swagger after the tag titles
then Brodus as the bodyguard who just backs them all up

Let me know what you all think?
What Vickie has going right now really strikes me as a "throwback" to how wrestling stables used to be: A manager with multiple wrestlers at their disposal (kind of like the Heenan Family). While she may only have two guys right now, that's all Vickie really needs. She's good with garnering heat and two younger guys like Swagger and Ziggler need all the help they can get with being established, especially since their getting closer and closer to being main event level talent.

This stable actually works very well as a two man stable for two reasons:

1. It allows Ziggler and Swagger to be used as a tag team; adding a solid team into the weak division.

2. It builds some kind of a relationship between Ziggler and Swagger, which can eventually be turned into a feud (like they were pushing a few weeks ago).

I think it works well, as I really didn't like throwing Mason Ryan into the mix anyway. To me it just seemed like he wasn't on their level. I could see a guy like Drew McIntyre or maybe even Michael McGillicutty being thrown into the mix, but I'd rather see them build Ziggler and Swagger.
so let me try this again and this time ill break it down on who i think should be in vickies stable and the roles they would play.

dolph ziggler....the leader of the group
jack swagger....hes kinda like the muscle of the group so there isnt no need for mason ryan or skip sheffield.
david otunga and michael mcgillicutty....the tag team of the group
drew mcintyre....i only put him with the stable because having vickie in his corner will make him relevant again

now i know i had also included cody rhodes,christian,the miz and r-truth in the stable as well but after thinking about it i think all these guys are better off on their own and really dont need the assocation with vickie to get over because they are all already over enough
First of all her name is spelled Vickie, and secondly she already has a stable. They referred to it as such before Swagger joined. That being said, yes I think it would be a good idea to have Vickie managing more guys in her stable. She gets instant heel heat for opening her mouth. The guys she manages will get heel heat for associating with her. There's no one specific other than Ziggler and Swagger that I would put into her stable right now, but anyone who is struggling in their current roles or angles could give it a try. If they are faces, this will turn them heel. If they are a heel who is struggling, this will revive their heat. It's a cool throwback to how managers or stables used to be in the WWE and it would help people get over in the process. There really is nothing to lose by going this route.
1. Would a stable for Vicky work out?
Vicki is over more than almost any other heel on the roster. She gets instant heat with the phrase "excuse me" the sight of her makes people boo, so as for getting heat, and having a stable Vicki is perfect for the job

2. Who would you include in Vicky's Stable?
Her stable will consist of all blondes. Swaggers a blonde, Zigglers a blonde, and whoever she picks up next will also be a blonde. If its a Diva, maybe a returning Maryse. They interviewed her recently and she said Tyler Reks wouldn't fit because the hair. So look for someone with blonde hair in killer shape to join her soon.
Ever since Jack Swagger made the proposal to Vickie Guerrero about the possibility of her managing more than one superstar, I immediately began making comparisons to managers such as Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and the Heenan Family stable. If there is anyone on the WWE roster that is capable of managing a stable full of Superstars its Vickie.

The amount of heel that she generates by herself is easily greater than anyone else on the current roster. Her managing stars such as Edge and Dolph Ziggler has helped them tremendously in their careers, managing them both to multiple championships. Vickie being in the corner of additional wrestlers like Jack Swagger, can only be beneficial to everyone involved.

I'm hoping that Vickie would manage stars who have potential to accomplish more than they already have in the ring, but have a difficulty with developing their character. A heel John Morrison, would be an excellent addition to Vickie's stable, as would someone like Brodus Clay.
1. Would a stable for Vicky work out?
Of course it would she's so freaking over as a manager and.. There I say it.. Has surpassed Sensational Sherri. She can take a few young guys in her stable apparently called the "Vickie Guerrero Camp". The name reminds me of "Camp Cornette".

2. Who would you include in Vicky's Stable?
Ziggler as the leader and upped-midcard who's slowly getting into the main event scene and feuding with top dogs. Swagger can be the "All American American United States Champion". I would like to see Drew McIntyre in it too. Sucks how he's getting seriously de-pushed just when I start to like him. Vickie would do wonders for him. Now as for a tag team they can turn the Usos back heel and get them into the Vickie Guerrero Camp I think that would work out. As for a Diva I think either a heel Kaitlyn or a heel Kelly Kelly would fit. The Divas of destruction are stale already to be honest. I would like to see Kaitlyn turn heel and join the group most. She can go to Vickie apologize and I wouldn't mind her being given a chance.
1. Would a stable for Vicky work out?
Of course it would she's so freaking over as a manager and.. There I say it.. Has surpassed Sensational Sherri. She can take a few young guys in her stable apparently called the "Vickie Guerrero Camp". The name reminds me of "Camp Cornette".[/quote[

I don't know about surpassing, but I would definitely say that Vickie is certainly a great competitor for that spot. One thing is for sure, she's one of the best female managers ever as she's not just eye candy like Trish, Lita, Sable, and Jacqueline once were but she's very in control of her character and knows what she's doing.

2. Who would you include in Vicky's Stable?
Ziggler as the leader and upped-midcard who's slowly getting into the main event scene and feuding with top dogs. Swagger can be the "All American American United States Champion". I would like to see Drew McIntyre in it too. Sucks how he's getting seriously de-pushed just when I start to like him. Vickie would do wonders for him. Now as for a tag team they can turn the Usos back heel and get them into the Vickie Guerrero Camp I think that would work out. As for a Diva I think either a heel Kaitlyn or a heel Kelly Kelly would fit. The Divas of destruction are stale already to be honest. I would like to see Kaitlyn turn heel and join the group most. She can go to Vickie apologize and I wouldn't mind her being given a chance.

Minus the Morrison and Usos, I would have to agree. I'd say that her best bet in building a team would be getting Tyson Kidd and maybe Curt Hawkins. I know that Rekks and Hawkins are on NXT doing their thing, but I really think Hawkins and Kidd would work better. This way the two of them can be re-creditable as tag team competitors, especially with both of them being former successful tag team champions.

I would also say that in replace of Morrison, them putting Skip Sheffield into the group could help as well. Sheffield's a powerful guy and has a clothesline that looks nasty. His stance and his in ring look just go hand and hand with his monster gimmick. If anything, they can have him as the body guard or the muscle of the group. Sort of like his participation in Nexus before he was injured.

The only problem that I have with them building a Vickie stable, though, is the fact that WWE's recent success in stables hasn't quite panned out. So far, the only ones to benefit from Nexus and Corre are Otunga, Barrett, and Gabriel... I don't count "My main man D. Bryan of my fave 5" because he wasn't really around when they announced their team name, so he's more of the Rick Rude in DX to me.
yes it has the potential to work out, and work out really good. she is of the type that can go really evil-ish at times, from distacting the ref to low blows.
for her stable, apart from swagger, ziggler and ryan, i suggest otunga and all the people against hhh's administration at the moment, can also add jim ross for an extra twist.
I hope this is an idea that they will keep beyond Survivor Series and that they are not doing it for the sake of having a Survivor Series match. I think theres more to it than Vickie just having a stable per se. Its the fact that managers are missing from the biz as a whole. We need to not only see stables but managers. If we go back in time to Jimmy Hart, Mr. Fuji, and Bobby Heenan, their guys didnt always tag up, in fact most of the time they didnt. While they had tag teams; they managed multiple tag teams at a time. Id like to see a stable having all the belts, ala The Hart Foundation, but id also like to see Vickie manage different guys that don't necessarily have to like each other. She could manage Dolph and Swagger individually and they dont have to cross paths. Bring in someone else to be a manager, or bring back someone that can fill that roll. You have enough wrestlers to do this. You can help the real talented guys who need to work on their charisma by making them successful with a manager in their corner. Stables like NOD, DX, HF, NWO, and the 4H were fun in their time because they were done right, but they can be overdone like the DOA or Los Boriquas. The point is that which stable idea are they going with? Are they going with the NOD, and 4 Horsemen idea where they always tagged up or like Jimmy H, Mr. Fuji and Bobby H. where they had a "stable" that had wrestlers that were independent from eachother. I think Vickie or someone else could manage different guys without needing to tag them up because the Tag Division is a piece of crap. We had Evolution and other stables that didnt last long like NXT, or The Core so that idea has been done recently but it hasn"t worked long term because for one Vince hates tag teams and because someone in creative doesnt know how to push groups or tag teams successfully. You dont need to join them, and they dont have to walk out to the ring together all the time. Infact Swagger and Ziggler could lose tonight and they can continue to "hate" eachother yet Vickie could still manage both of them and others. Bringing managers to the table is the perfect way to rebuild a sorry, sad, and, combusted tag division dying for some hope and attention.

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