Vickie Guerrero: Manager or GM

Whaddaya Wanna Do With Vickie?

  • Raw GM

  • Manager

  • Not Sure

  • Future Endeavored

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This past Friday on SD!, Vickie Guerrero was named GM of SmackDown! after being "fired" from her position as whatever the frig the term was that they used for her instead of GM following a "job performance evaluation". Prior to that, it LOOKED as though that there MIGHT be something in which WWE was going to bring Vickie in as Ryback's manager. Now, at least, that's how it looked to a number of us among the IWC, though I have to say that I haven't read anything on any wrestling site indicating that it was ever a potential plan. Also, there are some that I'm sure would want to see Vickie just gone from WWE as they're just tired of her. I'm personally not and I get a kick out of her.

We've seen Vickie in both spots on several occasions. She's been GM, assistant GM and whatever else she can be on both Raw & SD! and she's been known for managing Edge, La Familia, Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler to, overall, pretty strong success.

However, even though I've yet to read anything anywhere concerning a potential Vickie/Ryback alliance, I do think that there's still a possibility of that happening. When Vickie was "fired" as Raw GM, Ryback is the only one who showed her compassion by both hugging her and telling her that she deserved better. Since Ryback seems to have nothing to do at this point in time, I'm wondering if WWE has an idea floating about in which Vickie uses her new position to elevate Ryback because of the slight, though meaningful, display of devotion & compassion he showed her while everyone else was merrily wishing her goodbye. She might not be Ryback's "manager" exactly, but she can use her "authority" to put Ryback in the World Heavyweight Championship scene on SmackDown!. After all, I just don't see Ryback in the WWE Championship picture anytime soon, he's not going to be part of a tag team, I don't see him having a heel vs. heel feud over either of the mid-card titles and I don't see WWE turning him face. So unless WWE intends to just let Ryback wander aimlessly around limbo for a while before doing something with him, or outright releasing him, I think this could be the only potential way to go.

At any rate, which role would you prefer to see Vickie in?

Do you want her to stay as an on air heel authority figure or would you like to see her get back into the role of manager, no matter if it's Ryback or anyone else on the roster?
I like Vickie and she does her job as a heel/tweener GM quite well, and she also does her job as a heel manager quite well too. She's no Heenan or Fuji but she still gets a pretty good reaction. So she shouldn't be future endeavoured, that's for sure.

As for GM or Manager, I think she could do a bit of both, similarly to the La Familia stable where she managed both Smackdown and Edge, but instead of Edge, it would be Ryback. She could change stipulations to give Ryback the advantage, reverse decisions, give him title shots etc etc. Originally, I was sceptical of Ryback being managed by Vickie because at the time, Ryback was still a monster heel, but now, he's more suited. Vickie can help draw heat to him, while Ryback can still use the mic since he's certainly improved on it.

Ultimately, I'll pick Manager because that's the role I generally prefer her as. Maybe it would have been better if she was Assistant GM so she could still help Ryback win, but she doesn't have to get involved with other storylines either. Don't know what they're going to do with Teddy and Booker T, but it would be interesting to see Booker as the GM instead, as he is suited for a role like that. Vickie as GM still works out OK I guess though, it's just unoriginal.
I think hugging Vickie might've been to give Ryback a little more heat.

He was also Cryback at that point, so maybe they're going to make him into a lover outside of the ring, a fighter inside, something stupid along those lines. Anybody who shows compassion for Vickie will garner some heat anyway.
my main problem with vickie is, that during her raw gm time, she basically had a babyface character.
still she was a heel, because she is vickie guerrero. this is just confusing the audience, and making vince look ridiculous because his characters are basically bullying a defenseless woman.
also being freaking annoying and causing me to change the channel doesnt equal being a good heel.
Id rather see her as manager she could help some heels get major heat and she shouldnt be GM i wouldve prefered booker or teddy although i can do without tag team matches playa!
Vickie should be a manager to assist with heels struggling to get heel heat. She is good at getting the fans to hate her, but I am SO tired of her as GM. It's been done. She started her GM run in what, 2007? Seriously, Booker should have remained in power. Vickie as GM offers nothing new. I would rather Booker remained GM with Vickie only being a heel manager. They don't have to completely future endeavor her, but for goodness sakes why would you put her in the GM position again? It's getting old. I have reached the point where I would rather see literally ANYBODY else in the role, even Michael Cole or Hornswoggle.

There are plenty of heels on the roster who would benefit from having her manage them. They would go from fans not caring about them all that much to instantly hating them through having to endure EXCUSE ME promos about how great Vickie thinks they are. Other than Long there is not a single choice for GM that I could possibly be more tired of than Vickie. It has been done and they need to move on. Make her a manager only, WWE. Have her in the role she is most gifted in. That way heels who need assistance in getting heel heat will receive the help they need, and someone else will get a chance at the GM role. The authority figure should be somebody NOT named Teddy Long, Vickie Guerrero, or Vince McMahon.
My preference is truthfully I prefer when she's both. Heel Vickie is probably the greatest reaction getter in the entire WWE and whilst her being a manager has helped people get heat the truth is it never gave really anyone sustainable heat after they left her cause most of time when somebody ditches Vickie they turn face making the process absolute.

On the flip side the negative towards having Vickie as a GM is that it's been done all before however she always gets a reaction, always is interesting and generally is entertaining to watch. Plus to add on to this you can definitely see in this particular incarnation of her GM role that its simply being used as a backdrop to the Vince vs Triple H storyline.

Now I find Vickie is at her best when she's aligned with a superstar whilst being the GM books them so they get favorable outcomes ala Edge, Big Show, Ziggler and then eventually loses her bias whilst them remain heel. So indirectly she's a "manager" because she aids their career whilst still being a GM and still allowing them sustainable heat. So my answer to the question is simply I like it when's she is both at the same time.
The time as Vickie GM is over. She has become boring and predictable. A GM's role is wasted on her. Also, if Raw as the heel manager in Maddox they should balance it with a face GM with Booker T (or anyone else suitable).

I am really not looking forward to months of Vickie bitching about the fans and sucking up to Vince McMahon. Her "evaluation" segment was awful and she has become more irritating than actually skilled. Yes, she gets heat but she does that by saying one word. We don't need a ten minute segment of her mundane crap just to fill time or announce a match.

However, if she was utilized as a manager rather than a GM it would be far more effective. Here, she would be garnering heat for another superstar rather than just for herself. For example, Drew McIntyre or Ryback could use a manager. Vickie would help ensure they are over as heels AND limit the amount of time they are doing speaking. Plus, there is variety in her promos rather than coming out and announcing a few matches.
Ryback with Vickie as his manager would of been perfect. She has been in the GM role far too long, even though she plays it good on tv, and gets all the heat needed, I would of rather seen someone new as GM, like on Raw.
I wish she would go on long-term hiatus. Her shtick has gotten repetitive and boring. No doubt she draws heat like no other.
I've always felt that Vickie is much more suitable as manager than as a GM. It limits her appearance on show, and while she can draw tons of heat, that heat is of no use in GM role. She can be an annoyance at times. As a manager, she can elevate that next heel who needs that heat to work with. That's where I think Vickie's alliance with Ryback could've worked. They might still form an alliance, but as a manager, I feel she's just that much more effective. A whole show with her could be a little too much.

As far as future endeavoring her, no. Why? She's pretty good with what's given to her, except never turn her face (she doesn't have that look).
I just have a hunch but i feel like someone hi up in wwe feels like they owe vicky a job. she is the only over weght women in wwe and has been around much longer than most non superstars has lasted. idk if it was Eddies death or what but i cant c y she was even hired. that being said she has come a long way droped a ton of weight and is even entertaning now. i think she is fine as smackdown gm ive seen a lot worse on both showes.
I have really gotten sick of Vickie. If she was made a manager for a superstar then it would probably be a little better, however, as it stands now she is just boring and annoying. She has been GM off and on, she has been fired multiple times. They need to give her something better to do other than building up all kinds of heat just to be ultimately fired from whatever position she holds.
I just have a hunch but i feel like someone hi up in wwe feels like they owe vicky a job.

With no actual evidence to support it, I had the feeling she might have gone to Vince McMahon after Eddie's death and demanded he come across with some major bucks to ease her way, using the theory that it was Eddie's existence in WWE that caused his self-destructive lifestyle. While McMahon knew she didn't have a legal leg to stand on, he might have gotten the idea of providing a way she could earn the money, rather than taking it as a donation. Perhaps he even told her that if the on-air role worked out, it would provide her with more money than she ever would have made if she took a lump sum......and that's how it's worked out, hasn't it?

Personally, I could care less if she sticks around or not. What many folks on this forum see as Vickie generating "major heat".... I see it as nothing more than the live crowd piling it on someone who's known as an object of derision. I doubt they have anything against her; they just like booing at the appointed time. Bully for Vickie; a lot of veteran performers can't get a peep out of the audience.

Early in Vickie's tenure, she "quit" WWE, remember? As far as I was concerned, it was just a tactic she used to spend the Summer with her daughters, who were out of school. At the time, I figured she was finished with the company, yet she returned in the Fall. I still can't explain what the inner workings might have been.

Today, she has a couple of bit parts in the proceedings. Her "firing" on Raw might have been the last significant segment she gets. As GM of Smackdown, she'll just hand down some quick pronouncements and get out of the way...... which sounds fine to me.....especially the "getting out of the way" part.
I wouldn't have minded seeing Vickie with Ryback, however awkward the pairing may have been.
Also, there are some that I'm sure would want to see Vickie just gone from WWE as they're just tired of her. I'm personally not and I get a kick out of her.
I agree, and how often does WWE find performers who are actually as comfortable in their role as Vickie Guerrero is? Be it as a heel manager, a biased GM, or even one who plays fair, Vickie's ability to work a crowd, at times, has made her the top heel in all of WWE. It's a dangerous thing, for sure, but there have been times where Vickie has been able to generate more heat for herself then any other wrestler on the roster, Paul Heyman aside.

At times, Vickie can tend to be a distraction with her antics, but for the most part, she's an entertaining character who doesn't seem to mind slipping in and out of any role given to her. Manager, GM, Managing Supervisor, whatever. She does an admirable job of being both ruthless and willing to embarrass herself for the company as needed.

I like the move of making her the permanent GM of Smackdown. There are certain people who fit certain places, and just like Edge and Undertaker were Smackdown guys, Vickie seems a much better fit for Smackdown then she ever did for Raw. I like the work she's done thus-far, including allowing Del Rio to pick his own opponent, then going back on it when he made the typical heelish decision. It shows that she can be impartial with no apparent alterior motive as well.

I like Vickie as part of the show, that's for sure. As long as she doesn't become a focal point of the show, as she has in the past, I'm all in favor of keeping her around for as long as she wants a job.
I for one, hope Vickie never goes away. Whatever role she's in, Vickie is able to constantly draw noticeable and strong reactions from the crowds. Laughs, heckling, boos, it doesn't matter. Crowds are always interested in what Vickie Guerrero is doing, and that's not something every wrestler on the WWE roster can say.

With that said, I'd rather see Vickie in a manager role, because she's an instant heat magnet, who could surely help any young heel trying to rise through the ranks. And while I still enjoy Vickie in whatever role she's playing, there's no more ground left for her to cover in the GM roles. As a manager, she hasn't reached her peak just yet, and someone is always in need of help in the world of pro wrestling.

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