Velvet Sky Is The *NEW* Knockout's Champion


Lord And Master
Staff member
After a series of shenanigans in the match, Velvet Sky was able to sneak the pin in to finally win her first TNA KNockout's Championship. After 5 years, she's finally done it. Personally, it's a cool move, but I doubt it will last. She isn't that solid in the ring as opposed to the rest of the roster. At the least, she's very over. Thoughts on the new champ?
Still out on that finish, really. It all felt a bit like a shambolic clusterfuck. A couple of nice moments, so far it's been a damn good PPV on the whole, the opener with Kendrick and Aries was nicely done, and the triple threat was surprisingly good, too.

Still, Velvet Sky makes for some nice eye-candy, and she's not horrible in the ring. The crowd like her, wherever she goes, which is a good sign.

Also, digging the bigger feel to the show that this arena brings.
Glad that Sky won the title, but I am waiting for Madison Rayne to lead the womens division again. She has the 'it' factor.
im reallly really happy for velvet shes been in that divison longer then madison,mickie and winter have and she works hard its about time she got the frickin title! when i saw that karen jarrett was the ref i thought maybe it was a way to have her screw velvet over and help madison rayne win but im glad they didnt do that hopefully velvet gets a few monthes with the title as shes very over with the crowd and i think shes a good talker on the mic i expect a fued with winter...and now that i covered enough so i dont get reported for spam...WOOOOOOOOO YEAH BITCH THATS MY GIRL VELVET SKY FINALLY THE KNOCKOUTS CHAMPION ABOUT TIME! SHE GONNA BE LETTIN THOSE PIGEONS LOOSE ALL NIGHT IN MY BED! (sorry i had to do it im like 1 of the biggest velvet sky fans and not because shes sexy thats just a major bonus hopefully i dont get reported for that comment)
So they finally gave Velvet the strap huh? I think that's a good thing for the knockout division. Other than Mickie James, Velvet has what the fans want: Looks and charisma. Her ring skills are so-so but who cares? The knockouts are hard working girls who bring a few minutes of joy to the ring each week and once in a while a great match comes out of it.
Velvet Sky is TNA's Kelly....except she can wrestle has a character past her entrance and works hard standing up. I'm a fan of Velvet Sky, she's passionate about wrestling has a ton of personality and her list of challengers is pretty endless right now all in all the Knockout Division is way better than the divas division I mean a women's match with all the women with different personas and actual build up with an actual plot in a match...who'd a thunk it LOL.
so good to see Velvet win. but how long does it last?
could Karen even strip Velvet of the title? Karen was spit in the face leading Traci to come down to ringside and make the pin to have Velvet win. Karen will be pissed. she had said to Velvet before about her winning the title, "over my dead body".
Nope, I'm not getting on a band wagon... I'm sorry but Velvet Sky is the absolute WORST Knockout on the roster. Giving the title to Rosita would've been a way better move.

I don't care if she's been there 5 years and hasn't had the title... How long you're there doesn't amount to shit if you're shit in the ring... Nor do I care if she's got big boobs, or even if she's so called "over" with the crowd. Velvet is an absolute travesty in the ring and having her as champion instead of Madison Rayne is just proof that IW has no respect for their division. I mean I've seen crappy Women as champion before, like Gail Kim, but this one really takes the cake. At least Gail's somewhat decent in the ring, but Velvet is a botch queen.

Not to mention, Madison has proven time and again that she can get in the ring with literally ANY of those Knockouts and make them look either decent or even better. Madison not winning here was a total let down and shouldn't have happened.


Now that I got that out of the way, I really hope that they don't keep the title on Velvet... she really doesn't deserve it. I mean if you're not going to put it on Madison then give to another heel KO who can work like Sarita or Angelina... hell even giving the title to ODB or Jacqueline/Miss Texas would've been a better idea. But this is just not anything worth watching...
TNA is not just a wrestling company. it's a TV show.
Velvet has everything a regular heterosexual non hard core wrestling fan wants. she is hot! that's all that matters really. she has probaly the best wrestling move in all of TNA, when she bends over the 2nd rope to get in the ring. ratings for just that should be through the roof!
as long as she has some wrestling ability those who look more for the wrestling can be at least somewhat satisfied. I mean Lacy was hot but not that good in the ring, so she had to go. but at least Velvet can be good enough in the ring.
I mean Lacy was hot but not that good in the ring, so she had to go. but at least Velvet can be good enough in the ring.

Lacey Von Erich didn't get let go by TNA, she CHOSE to walk out because she wanted to try out other promotions... Not to mention, with her only being 2 or 3 years in the business, it wasn't like she had much experience to begin with thus she has an excuse... two of them.

Velvet Sky doesn't. Even if she has only been in the business for five years, so has Kelly Kelly in WWE... and yet Kelly Kelly has managed to work her ass off to improve in the ring, on the mic, and has even gotten a character. If you haven't noticed her character, it's the same thing Trish was... a happy-go-lucky girl but when you piss her off, it's not nice.

And to your point about her "being hot"... Madison Rayne is hot, talented in the ring, and BRILLIANT on the mic... Rosita is hot, like a fire cracker... if being hot determined someone's title reigns, Rosita would be the champion by now.
your right about Lacey. I forgot about that.

I haven't watched WWE in years. only time I've seen Kelly Kelly is pictures on the internet.

I do think Madison is attractive, but I don't think she is hot like Velvet. I guess it's opinion on what you consider hot. Sarita for example, to me, not hot. but then I'm not a big fan of the way most Mexican's look.
Madison's screechy voice also just doesn't work for me. it's like nails on the chalkboard.
Ok....all I will say is that Winter and Velvet stole the show with their outfits.:D

Also, I felt Karen got in the way so much in this match it was annoying. I mean she didn't even bother to count at all in less it was a heel. I mean she could have fast counted for the heel and slow counted for the face. Not do bs like that. That is not only annoying, but wastes time for no fucking reason. Karen really got in the way in this match and ruin it.

Edit: Oh yeah...about Madison.....I will say this. Good in the ring. But has a terrible gimmick and is so damn annoying on the mic. I mean when her and Tara team up I felt Tara was the better heel. I mean I felt I could talk to shit trash and get some nasty backlash for it. but if I saw Madison I would laugh in her face and tell her to go play with her bratz and Barbie dolls.
Lacey Von Erich didn't get let go by TNA, she CHOSE to walk out because she wanted to try out other promotions... Not to mention, with her only being 2 or 3 years in the business, it wasn't like she had much experience to begin with thus she has an excuse... two of them.

Velvet Sky doesn't. Even if she has only been in the business for five years, so has Kelly Kelly in WWE... and yet Kelly Kelly has managed to work her ass off to improve in the ring, on the mic, and has even gotten a character. If you haven't noticed her character, it's the same thing Trish was... a happy-go-lucky girl but when you piss her off, it's not nice.

And to your point about her "being hot"... Madison Rayne is hot, talented in the ring, and BRILLIANT on the mic... Rosita is hot, like a fire cracker... if being hot determined someone's title reigns, Rosita would be the champion by now.

Number 3 and 4... She has her own advertising company, and a very young son (4 or 5, I think).

As far as Velvet goes, glad she finally has the belt. She's been loyal, pretty much doing everything she's been asked.

Madison, well, I wouldn't mind her so much if she just stopped screaming everything. It hurts my ears to hear it. I thought Daffney was bad at times, but not that bad.
Nope, I'm not getting on a band wagon... I'm sorry but Velvet Sky is the absolute WORST Knockout on the roster. Giving the title to Rosita would've been a way better move.

I don't care if she's been there 5 years and hasn't had the title... How long you're there doesn't amount to shit if you're shit in the ring... Nor do I care if she's got big boobs, or even if she's so called "over" with the crowd. .

"Over." You do watch Impact don't you? You do watch when they take there shows on the road? "Over." If you listen to the crowd, SHE IS OVER.

Velvet is an absolute travesty in the ring and having her as champion instead of Madison Rayne is just proof that IW has no respect for their division. I mean I've seen crappy Women as champion before, like Gail Kim, but this one really takes the cake. At least Gail's somewhat decent in the ring, but Velvet is a botch queen.

"Worst?" You have seen Kelly Kelly wrestle have you? Or Rosa Mendes.

And if you think Gail Kim is crappy in the ring, I'd like to know who you think is great? Sorry. You kinda lost all cred with me when you pulled that comment out of the back of your mind.

Not to mention, Madison has proven time and again that she can get in the ring with literally ANY of those Knockouts and make them look either decent or even better. Madison not winning here was a total let down and shouldn't have happened.

I agree Madison is great. No argument from me. But are you more pissed off Velvet won because your girl didn't win? Are you a pissed off Madison mark who would have burned down the TNA offices if anyone except Madison didn't win? If Mickie would have won would you have said. "WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY AGAIN."

Now that I got that out of the way, I really hope that they don't keep the title on Velvet... she really doesn't deserve it. I mean if you're not going to put it on Madison then give to another heel KO who can work like Sarita or Angelina... hell even giving the title to ODB or Jacqueline/Miss Texas would've been a better idea. But this is just not anything worth watching...

At the very least keep an open mind.

And for the record. Do I think Velvet is a great wrestler? No. Average wrestler? Meh. I will go with decent. But come on. If you took off the blinders you would notice that:

A] She knows how to work a crowd. For a woman who played a despised heel character to work just as well as a face. For a woman who drew heat as a Heel BP, to getting the crowd to eat out of her ass as a face, she knows how to work a crowd. Isn't that an important part of being a wrestler, working the live audience? Just like Madison knows how to work a crowd, Velvet does too.

B] She knows her character/who she is. Is that not part of being a professional televised wrestler? To play a character. To know what you can and can not do? Velvet does that. She knows most of us look at her as glorified eye candy with decent wrestling ability. So plays to that. From the entrance to her actions in the ring.

C] While not being the greatest wrestler its obvious to anyone who is watching that she has a passion for the business. That she actually cares. I mean really, not everyone is going to be [insert name of woman who you think is a great wrestler] in the ring. Not everyone has to be. If you love great female wrestling all around, tune into Shimmer or something. The KO Division isn't Shimmer. Obviously. So to expect it to be that is not sane, and I am not saying you did. And not everyone is going to be Madison Rayne in the ring either. :lmao:

D] Heels carry matches anyway. Madison, Sarita, Rosita, Winter and Angelina are still there. They can carry the match. Thats part of a heels job to control the pace of the match. Thats why Velvet works because if she was a heel champion and had to control the pace, it wouldn't look pretty. But since she is a face, she can rely on the better wrestlers to carry her way through matches. So this isn't the worst thing to ever happen to women's wrestling my friend. Take a cold shower. :)

On a side note: I did like the exchanges between Mickie and Velvet. I was a little worried in the sense that I see Mickie as a woman who doesn't carry the pace of the match well. Her move set is classic face, rally behind me as I do my moves. But they had a solid exchange the time they were going at it so a Mickie vs Vel match is something I am more comfortable in seeing.
Simple fact of the matter is, TNA doesn't care any more about their Knockouts division than WWE does about their Divas division. The days of the Knockouts division having any legitimacy whatsoever are dead and have been for some time now. Velvet Sky's lack of in ring ability and her suspect mic skills are irrelevant. She's tremendous eye candy, gets as good a crowd reaction as any other female in the company for this reason alone, and this alone is reason enough to put the strap around her. They can parade her out into the ring in her skimpy outfits, with her entertaining ring entrance, and that is all that matters in women's professional wrestling today. That may be unfortunate, that may really upset those of you who like women's wrestling, but that's the reality of today's product and in my opinion, if you don't agree with this, you must not have been watching either the divas or the knockouts over the last two years or so. It's all about the eye candy, nothing more, nothing less, and Velvet will hold the title until the next pretty face comes along to take it from her in an equally trite and meaningless match.
It's all about the eye candy, nothing more, nothing less, and Velvet will hold the title until the next pretty face comes along to take it from her in an equally trite and meaningless match.

So was it all about eye candy when Mickie James had her programs with Madison Rayne and Winter/Angelina? Was it all about eye candy when Madison Rayne had the longest KO Title reign of any Knockout. And was it all about eye candy when Tara/Brooke Testmacher were feuding with Sarita/Rosita. Or when ODB and Jackie Moore were running around acting like total bad asses?

Sometimes I wonder if I am watching a different show then everyone else, or do people see what they want to see or so locked into their views they have no shade of objectivity.
I am very happy about this victory. This feeling I have is the equivalent to how I would have felt if Stacy Keibler won the WWE Women’s Championship during her in-ring career. I’m planning on buying the DVD just for this match. Wait, does TNA even have Blu-Ray?? Ever since she stepped in front of National Television…okay this is going to get weird. I’m happy and that’s that. I hope she holds on to the Knockouts Title at least until Bound For Glory VIII HAHA!!
I'm happy for Velvet. She finally got her first title run. I'm looking forward to it because this is something new and there are plenty of potential feuds for her to do. There are better girls on the roster such as Madison or Mickie, but Velvet deserves this run. She earned it. I'd say have her work first with someone like Angelina since they have a lot of history. Madison and Mickie would also be good title matches. I don't think the title run will last long, the question is who will be the one to end it?
Her title win was so lackluster.Mickie dominated the match, Rayne got in there barely tending to Karen.Winter looked lost and she was the champion.I hope she never holds the gold till she learns she needs to do more in the Ring in TNA to stay there.Velvet will keep the title for a couple of months maybe setting up Rayne to get it back with the help of Karen.Later Mickie wins it back, and maybe Tara and Brooke will get in their heads in there.
I'm with KJ on this one. Vel-vel is over and pulls in big-time ratings for the company, so I can understand why they'd give her the title for the first time, but this will undoubtedly be a short-lived run as she's just not good enough a worker to sustain any kind of long-term baby face story line. For that you need better work rate which means you need Mickie James or potentially Tara.

I'm not upset Sky won. I'm glad, actually, but I wouldn't be shocked to see her lose it in the next few weeks.
I'm with the majority that the title run won't last too long. There's the strong possibility that it leads back to Madison winning it again in the near future. But hopefully Velvet can hold onto the belt for at least a month when the next PPV hits. Still I say congrats to Velvet for getting the first and hopefully not last title push. Perhaps maybe she can go a train harder with Team 3D to tighten up her mat skills.
I was Very Happy that Velvet Sky won her first Knockout title last night she has been with TNA for a long time has worked hard and last night all her work payed off and I was happy for her.Velevt is probably the Most Over Kmockout on the roster and think she can have decent title reign I look foreward to seeing Velvet as champ over the next couple of months.
"Over." You do watch Impact don't you? You do watch when they take there shows on the road? "Over." If you listen to the crowd, SHE IS OVER.

She isn't over, that stupid entrance of hers is over...

"Worst?" You have seen Kelly Kelly wrestle have you? Or Rosa Mendes.

Indeed I have, but in case you haven't noticed, Kelly Kelly has had one of the most exciting programs on Raw in recent months and she's proven time and again that she's way better than given credit for. She's not great, but she's light years ahead of Velvet Sky.

And if you think Gail Kim is crappy in the ring, I'd like to know who you think is great? Sorry. You kinda lost all cred with me when you pulled that comment out of the back of your mind.

Jazz, Molly Holly, Victoria/Tara, Lita, Jacqueline/Miss Texas, Melina (in-ring), and Trish were great... Gail Kim is no where near their level and for people to kiss her ass and call her great is a slap in the face to those I've mentioned. She's good, not great. Her time in WWE proved that... twice.

I agree Madison is great. No argument from me. But are you more pissed off Velvet won because your girl didn't win? Are you a pissed off Madison mark who would have burned down the TNA offices if anyone except Madison didn't win? If Mickie would have won would you have said. "WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY AGAIN."

In high school, literature teaches you how to do reading comprehension... maybe you should go take that course because I've said before that if they're not going to put in on Madison then they should give it to a knockout who can wrestle way better than Velvet. Giving it to Mickie would've been a better idea. She may not be my favorite female wrestler, but Mickie can wrestle with just about anyone and make them better. Or hell, give the title to someone like Sarita or bring back Alyssa Flash... There are countless of other Knockouts besides Madison that I would've been fine seeing the title go to... but Velvet is the only one that I say doesn't deserve it.

At the very least keep an open mind.

For TNA I will... for your reading and comprehension skills, probably not.

And for the record. Do I think Velvet is a great wrestler? No. Average wrestler? Meh. I will go with decent. But come on. If you took off the blinders you would notice that:

A] She knows how to work a crowd. For a woman who played a despised heel character to work just as well as a face. For a woman who drew heat as a Heel BP, to getting the crowd to eat out of her ass as a face, she knows how to work a crowd. Isn't that an important part of being a wrestler, working the live audience? Just like Madison knows how to work a crowd, Velvet does too.

Velvet Sky didn't draw heat for BP... both Angelina and Madison were the cause of that. Velvet is without a doubt one of the worst at working a crowd.

B] She knows her character/who she is. Is that not part of being a professional televised wrestler? To play a character. To know what you can and can not do? Velvet does that. She knows most of us look at her as glorified eye candy with decent wrestling ability. So plays to that. From the entrance to her actions in the ring.

Decent is giving her WAY too much credit.

C] While not being the greatest wrestler its obvious to anyone who is watching that she has a passion for the business. That she actually cares. I mean really, not everyone is going to be [insert name of woman who you think is a great wrestler] in the ring. Not everyone has to be. If you love great female wrestling all around, tune into Shimmer or something. The KO Division isn't Shimmer. Obviously. So to expect it to be that is not sane, and I am not saying you did. And not everyone is going to be Madison Rayne in the ring either. :lmao:

Maybe not, but given the list of their former champions, they could've fooled me considering a majority of them are from Shimmer or WWE. Are all KO's as great in the ring as Madison? No, but giving the title for Velvet just because she's hot is a stupid reason. Ms. Tessmacher is hot... but I still wouldn't want her as the KO champion either... although at least she's trying to further her in-ring ability.

D] Heels carry matches anyway. Madison, Sarita, Rosita, Winter and Angelina are still there. They can carry the match. Thats part of a heels job to control the pace of the match. Thats why Velvet works because if she was a heel champion and had to control the pace, it wouldn't look pretty. But since she is a face, she can rely on the better wrestlers to carry her way through matches. So this isn't the worst thing to ever happen to women's wrestling my friend. Take a cold shower. :)

False, Mickie carried Winter twice in two high stakes Women's title matches... And why would you want to put the hassle of having someone job out to a sucky champion to a person who could work circles around said champion? That would be like if WWE put the IC title on Ezekiel Jackson and expected Undertaker to carry him through a match.

On a side note: I did like the exchanges between Mickie and Velvet. I was a little worried in the sense that I see Mickie as a woman who doesn't carry the pace of the match well. Her move set is classic face, rally behind me as I do my moves. But they had a solid exchange the time they were going at it so a Mickie vs Vel match is something I am more comfortable in seeing.

I would be fine with that too, as long as Velvet doesn't retain the title.

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