Velvet Sky: Does She Have a Chance?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As you know Velvet Sky and Sarita have been feuding since late October 2010 and Velvet has yet to get a victory over Sarita. They even had a strap match a week after Sarita violently attacked Velvet in her dressing room. You would think Velvet would get her revenge here since its the kind of match that should end a feud but she didn't.

On Impact last night in a tag match Sarita once again pins Velvet. Giving Sarita 6 wins over Velvet now. After the match Sarita tells Velvet if she wants another match she has to put her career on the line which Velvet agrees to do.

So here is the question does Velvet have a chance in defeating Sarita or will her career end?

I ask because TNA really gone out of of their way to make Velvet look like she can't win a match. Established that she can't seem to do anything on her own without Angelina, never portrayed her as a threat and I can't even remember the last time she has won a match. I really don't get TNA's logic on making a performer look this weak as a character and in the ring because imo it does not help Velvet at all.

What are your thoughts?
i really hope TNA doesnt get rid of Velvet Sky even with a storyline if TNA is smart she will win the match against Sarita then maybe have her as part of the storyline with Angelina Love & Winter.....tht storyline does kinda give Velvet a chance but at the same time i have a feeling Sarita will win and Velvet will "retire" i think it would b a storyline firing leading to Velvet coming back to screw Sarita over during a title match maybe
This could be a huge part of TNA's plan. The fan invests so much into thinking Velvet Sky, a huge fan favorite (and major hottie!!) is leaving because she has never beaten Sarita. Or, Winter sees her chance to finally get rid of Velvet and have Angelina all to herself. There could be plenty of theories. But we all know how "Loser Leaves ..." matches work out, very rarely do they actually result in a wrestler never returning to said promotion.

That being said, losing Velvet Sky would be a huge loss to TNA. She might not be the best in the ring, but she just oozes sex appeal and is definitely something that causes any male older than 10 to stare at their TV when Taz yells "LET THE PIGEONS LOOSE!!".
Well, this will either be the Mickie James heel turn for Winter, or it will be Velvet getting his Dreamer win over Sarita. If we were dealing with a company with competent booking, I would say that this is where Velvet pulls out the win that turns her fortunes around, and begins her ascent to title contention. But, this is TNA, and Vince Russo has about as much wrestling sense as one of Michael Vick's dogs. So, I do expect Sarita to win, with outside interference. And, as such, will begin the third Russo booked "retirement" angle in TNA since last May. Wait a tick.... Angle put his boots in the ring after losing to Jarrett. FOURTH retirement angle. (Leaving one's boots on the mat is an announcment of retirement in amateur wrestling.)

That said, I take you back to ECW, wih Mikey Whipwreck. Originally, his character was based upon the fact that he just got murdered every time he went to the ring. This helped get him over, since he wasable to portray himself as a guy following a dream, who was taking a pounding. He garnered sympathy, and the fans genuinely wanted to see him win. This was based on the fact that Mikey could sell like a champ. Velvet can't sell. It looks comical, and that makes it near impossible to care.

Right now, she has a grand total of one thing going for her in wrestling: her looks. But, let's be honest. Rosita, Mickie James, Daffney, Miss Tessmacher, and Winter are all (in my not even approaching humble opinion) more attractive than Velvet. They are also all better in the ring than Velvet. If I'm booking the show, she's gone, because she brings nothin to the table.

Edit: And, yes, I am perfectly aware that just said that Miss Tesmacher is better in the ring than Velvet Sky. Velvet sucks that badly.
Velvet is all looks no talent guys, all she brings to the table is that ring entrance. After she bend over and points at her booty which is one of the best in the business it doesn't matter if she wins or lose cause she is only there to strike a pose for us.
It would be a big swerve if Velvet wins...Russo LOVES win-or-fired matches, I can't remember anyone who put their career on the line actually winning one. Every time someone's contract is up, they have a career on the line match and lose...maybe this is the one time they don't. Roxxi and UV 2.0 will be watching with interest.
Vince Russo has about as much wrestling sense as one of Michael Vick's dogs.

This is an obvious lie. To my knowledge, none of these dogs ever booked a multimillion dollar company into oblivion. Apologize to all dead dogs, everywhere, immediately.
Velvet is a miserable wrestler, but obviously, she's ridiculously sexy. If I had been in charge of TNA when she was hired, I would have paired her with someone as a valet. She's very defensive about her in-ring skills (remember when she slapped a radio host?), which boggles my mind. Does she actually think that she deserves to be in the same division as Tara and Mickie James? As for her feud with Sarita, I expect it to end with a deafening thud. I can't believe how much screen time she gets in comparison to Daffney. Daffney is one of the most over talents on the TNA roster, and I can't even remember the last meaningful match that she was a part of.
Velvet is far from a great wrestler but she isn't as bad as she is portrayed. Check out some of her indie stuff and you will see she has a bit of skill. Not much skill but more then TNA lets her show. She is eye candy and won't ever be much more but it would be nice to see her get a win from time to time.
The reason she is there is to put people over. Everyone loves her or loves to hate her. For those that love her seeing her loose automatically makes them hate the person who beat her. One the flip side those that hate her fall in love with whoever beats her. Simple wrestling logic.
I recall a report not too long ago saying she signed a long term contract. I don't really call that a spoiler, but you know. Something to keep in mind. Her feud with Sarita reminds me somewhat of the one Tommy Dreamer had years ago with Raven in ECW. No matter what, Dreamer couldn't win. Until the very end. Maybe that will be the case for Velvet. If anything, it's made us become somewhat invested in her character for more than just her assets. It's a good thing too. Reeling from the real fact that Velvet isn't all that good in the ring. It's helped her establish her character more and helped cover up the fact that she's not good in the ring.
what was the point of having this go on this long? at first I thought it could be good. Sarita could get a few wins and then Velvet could get the last win, but how many times has Sarita got the win now, like 6 or 7? at this point even if/when Velvet gets the next win, is it really that big of a deal when Sarita has won the last numerous times?
I think it has been a mistake to have it go on this far, and personally think it would be terrible to have Velvet lose. not just because it's her career which really doesn't mean much anymore, but if Velvet does lose AGAIN and this is supposed to be the final time they face off, then you will have completely crushed Velvet.
there's no way in hell TNA should have Velvet lose and not be seen on TV. she might not be the best wrestler in the ring, but she is one of if not thee hottest! I would also say she's one of the most popular as well because of that. if you took a poll as to who you would rather see out of TNA between Velvet and Sarita, I bet it would be a huge lopsided win in favour of Velvet.

at this point because it has gone on for so long, it's a lose lose for Velvet. if she loses the match, it's her career. (whatever, BS).. but if Velvet wins she loses as well because it will be 1 win with so many losses that the win won't really matter.
I don't like the win-or-quit stip since that is where it looked like madison/Micjie wwere headed.
Velvet is also involved in the Angelina/Winter story and is needed there so I doubt she would be 'fired'. However, it was talked about on this board that maybe she would join IMMORTAL. say velvet loses but Bischoff rehires her if she joins IMMORTAL. Just a thought
I sincerely doubt that Velvet Sky is going anywhere. She's a big reason why I still even bother to watch TNA. It might just be to look at her while hoping and dreaming that she'd be the mother of my children someday, but I'm still watching just the same.

The Beautiful People, either seperately or as a whole, have been two long proven ratings draws for TNA iMPACT!. Often times, the Knockouts are the most watched segments of TNA and TBP have been the overall biggest stars in the Knockout Division since it was first started. They might do something to take her off television for a few months or something before coming back to feud with Winter, because we all know that a TBP break up is looming with Winter in the picture.
what was the point of having this go on this long? at first I thought it could be good. Sarita could get a few wins and then Velvet could get the last win, but how many times has Sarita got the win now, like 6 or 7? at this point even if/when Velvet gets the next win, is it really that big of a deal when Sarita has won the last numerous times?
I think it has been a mistake to have it go on this far, and personally think it would be terrible to have Velvet lose. not just because it's her career which really doesn't mean much anymore, but if Velvet does lose AGAIN and this is supposed to be the final time they face off, then you will have completely crushed Velvet.
there's no way in hell TNA should have Velvet lose and not be seen on TV. she might not be the best wrestler in the ring, but she is one of if not thee hottest! I would also say she's one of the most popular as well because of that. if you took a poll as to who you would rather see out of TNA between Velvet and Sarita, I bet it would be a huge lopsided win in favour of Velvet.

at this point because it has gone on for so long, it's a lose lose for Velvet. if she loses the match, it's her career. (whatever, BS).. but if Velvet wins she loses as well because it will be 1 win with so many losses that the win won't really matter.

I agree. They have really done Velvet no favors with this "feud". It has been very one sided. As you said she's put into a lose / lose situation if she loses her cred if any she has left is done but if she wins it won't mean much because of all the loses she's taken from Sarita already. I understand that Velvet may not the greatest wrestler but to completely bury her like this is just dumb imo.

I don't believe Velvet is going anywhere either since she did sign a new deal with TNA last year (unless things have changed between then and now). I would like to see her win but I have a feeling TNA will have Velvet's in ring career end for the shock value to advance this Winter / BP storyline.
What i see happening here, is either Winter will cost her the match and looses to have Angelina Love all to herself. Or its going to be like in the Rocky movies and Velvet Sky will overcome the odds and finally beat Sarita ( that final match should have happened at against all odds):rolleyes: .
I think Velvet will lose the match. It took me a while to figure out why or maybe more accurately what happens after that. I thought TNA might have been out of "retirement" return options that were not repeating. Then I saw the Madison open challenge segment and it started to make sense. This angle is about building up Velvet as a major babyface. My guess is that the payoff is Velvet Sky winning her first KO title by defeating Madison in a challenge that just so happens to seem to be for people not on the roster. Another possibility could include Tara becoming involved seeing as how she can sympathize with losing her job in a match recently.
Well Velvet did it she won. I'm glad she won but as I said in the Impact review thread what was the point of her putting her career on the line if they were going to make the match that short and unimportant.

They should have just held off on the match until Victory Road imo and gave it a few more weeks of build up. That way the match would have had more time. After all that build up the match really should have been longer and made to feel more important since Velvet was putting her career on the line.
Well Velvet did it she won. I'm glad she won but as I said in the Impact review thread what was the point of her putting her career on the line if they were going to make the match that short and unimportant.

They should have just held off on the match until Victory Road imo and gave it a few more weeks of build up. That way the match would have had more time. After all that build up the match really should have been longer and made to feel more important since Velvet was putting her career on the line.

Well frankly the Knockouts haven't been featured all too much lately. As you saw, Madison and Mickie weren't even on last nights show. But I like how they had her win cleanly. Now she doesn't look so terrible. And while I know her wrestling isn't very good, I don't think it's as bad as people on here make it out to be. At the very least, she's good at getting beat up most of the match. And as easy as that sounds, selling is very important and is often done poorly by others.

But I don't know how anyone could actually think she'd lose this match. If she had any decent wrestling ability she'd be up on top of the division most of the time. She's not bad on the mic. And well, her entrance alone is something people like to see every week.

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