Various articles of interest

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Got all of this from [dont quote me on that address, its on], and thought id share it with you guys.

Hardcore Holly has been sent to rehab after being caught stealing painkillers from an unamed superstars bag. It got reported to Johnny L and he packed Hardcore off to rehab. Im interested to know who Holly nicked the pills from, but it explains why he's been off tv for awhile. Im assuming his loyalty to WWE is why, for now at least, he wasnt punished more severly.

Steve Austins role is likely to be as guest ref at Cyber Sunday like lasttime, but may lead into a WM25 program with Steve wrestling. I hope thats the case i love SCSA, a much bigger star than Hogan in wrestling. Any thoughts on who Austin can feud with?

Batista, HBK and Rey were all considered before Y2J was given the WHC at Unforgiven. They made the right choice imo, best out of all four, just infront of HBK. Giving Rey the title during this program with Kane would be a dumb move.

FYI the Unforgiven mainevent was planned as being Punk v JBL v Batista v Kane, but TNA had a fatal four way at one of their ppvs, so WWE came up with the scramble.

And the main bit of news...HHH has pissed off alot of the young talent on Smackdown [MVP and Benjamin are named i believe] due to how he makes them look so bad in his promos, which is a fair point. His promos on Smackdown, especially MVP, appeared to be The Game burying the young guys.

Where do young talent on Smackdown go to get heard? The Deadman!
Apparently several superstars have gone to Taker, who has alot of pull with Vince, and vented their frustration to a symapthtic Taker. It is said that Taker views the Smackdown kids as his boys and looks out for their interests.

Backstage sources reckon this will lead to a backstage confrontation between Taker and HHH, and if that does happen id of thought changes would be made sharpish. HHH may have alot of pull, but Takers the daddy.

Its also mentioned that HHH wants payback for losing to Taker at WM 17 and is pushing to be the one who takes Takers streak at WM25. I hope that doesnt happen.

Anyway i remembered all that stuff because i wanted to see the opinions of you guys, so fire away. Like i said if you wanna check it out youselfs im pretty sure the sites, if not go to
"Its also mentioned that HHH wants payback for losing to Taker at WM 17 and is pushing to be the one who takes Takers streak at WM25."

God I hope not I love Trips but if he was the one to end Takers run we would never hear the end of it from all the HHH Haters. It has to be someone up and coming ,a new guy ,or possibly Kane if hes not thinking of retiring(Although Kane/Taker has been done to death every match I remember Taker has won so it would be great for me as a BIG Kane fan)
I agree, HHH eneding the streak wouldnt serve any purpose, he's already a [deserved] Hall of Famer, beating Taker wont do anything for his career. Speakingly biased i prefer Taker and Kane, so if anyone had to end it, id want Kane. But again It wouldnt benfit Kane that much either, i doubt he's going to be around as long as some up and comers who would benefit more.

But i dont think anybody should take his streak [yes im a Taker mark] because its been a part of WWE history for so long now, it'd be a shame for it to end. Admittedly we always know Taker will win at WM now [though when i watched Taker v Batista i thought Batista was going to win at one stage] but theres still alot of benefit for a guy to step up to the mantle even if he loses. Its not like Taker rolls over guys at mania like he did in the early days, he puts people over. Hell it did wonders for Orton.

Takers streak shouldnt be taken from anyone. Well maybe Ultimate Warrior. Id swim to the U.S. to watch that insanity.
Some more news to add!Same source as before, i just prefer this forum.

The Nasty Boys are in some capacity working with WWE again. I have no idea what role they are, and doubt either in good enough physical condition to compete but who knows. What would be good is if they are wroking with current tag teams to help them improve.

And onto Mr Cena.....

I like him. There, thats out of the way. Im 22 and have being watching since Takers SS debut. So im not a kiddie mark. Got that out of the way. Now for the story...

Apparently WWE is well aware that for all their efforts, Cena just isnt connecting with the entire WWE audience. Now obviously the young fans and chicks love him, but, and i bet this shocks some, WWE IS concerned with the whole audience. Doesnt always feel like it, but apparently they do.

They want, ambitiously, Cena to connect in the way The Rock [comeback!] and SCSA[comeback!] did, i.e. everybody was into the character. Heel turns have been thrown around, but i doubt that'll happen seeing as Cena moves the most merchandise through the main audience demographic. Id imagine.

Cant say what is going to happen with this, but when Cena comes back, we may get a slightly or majorly adjusted character. Any thoughts on how this may be done. Full on attitude is the way imo.

Also....Kevin Nash is outta contract in six weeks and has let be known he'd be up for yet another WWE stint, possibly as Diesel and going back to being HBKs bodyguard. Id probably enjoy that, as it means that Sid would then get in on the HBK v Y2J thing thats going on. But...when did Nash last wrestle without tearing something?Money money money....
1. Bob Holly with drugs. Meh. Who cares, really? I don't mind keeping him on the rosters as a tag team wrestler or a jobber, but he's not necessary. I say, don't release him yet, but don't really try pushing him either. He's good where he is. If he's trying to take drugs because he thinks it'll get him a push...ha.

2. Austin at Cyber Sunday as a ref would be zero shock to me. Any time you have him as an option for the fans to vote, its an automatic that he's got the win. I just hope he refs a good match. As far as wrestling at Mania, I hope he wrestles Kennedy and passes on the torch.

3. Thank the heavens they didn't give the title to JBL, Kane, Mysterio, or Batista. I'm so glad that Jericho won. Naturally, I'd prefer HBK, and I hope Michaels wins it from Jericho, but still, having Jericho is a major upgrade than having Punk retain or having any of the others.

4. HHH is such an asshole. I hope he gets what's coming to him from the karma police. For a guy that claims that his life is "all about the business", it sure as hell seems like he doesn't care about anything but his OWN business, not THE business. If he was truly in it for the organization, he'd put people over and he'd try to make new stars, rather than just trying to convince everyone that he's theomorphic.

5. Never really cared much for the Nasty Boys, but hey, any help in the tag team divisions is welcome, as they're beyond struggling.

6. Man, I feel bad for Cena in a way. The guy's not the most talented out there, but when he's not being pushed to the moon, I think he's entertaining enough that I'd be ok with him as champion. But the WWE really does need to think about adjusting him in some way. I think making him a tweener would help a lot. Also, they need to stop feuding him with people that the audience goes apeshit over. If you had Cena feud with Undertaker, do you really think Cena would be the one being cheered? Nope. When it was Cena vs JBL, Cena had a huge backing by the crowd. But if you feud him with Jericho and try to make it seem like Cena is pulling the Superman act again, you're just going to turn fans against him again. Now, I'd like to see a good Cena/Jericho feud, but they just need to be careful with it. WWE can't afford Cena to turn heel, since they're already dominating the rosters with heels, but they can afford to give him a bit of a tweak so he's not coming off as a douche all the time haha.

7. I'd love to see Nash return as Diesel for one last go before he retires! I really hope he does it. HBK & Nash vs Jericho & Cade.
Bob Holly and painkillers comes off weird to me. He made his name in WWE as a hardcore wrestler, and we've seen him take some brutal injuries and keep on wrestling. Maybe that injured neck and the plate in his arm are coming back to haunt him.

I'd love for Austin to be on TV in some capacity for a while. Have him screw someone in amatch at CS, have them taunt him for a while lie Orton did with Foley and then a RR confrontation, Mania match. Dunno who though.

Sounds like typical HHH. Yeah he makes the young guys look bad, but Shelton and MVP for instance don't really do anything to make themselves look better on the charisma scale do they? HHH saying 'I wanna beat Taker' sounds a lot like Bret Hart saying 'I'm not dropping the belt to Shawn'. DO AS THE BOOKER TELLS YOU DUMBASS!!!!

Nasty Boyz could do very well to help the tag division i guess, but i do mean that in a non-televised role.

As for Cena, well he had the whole audience and lost a portion of it, by not sticking with what brung him. The fans won't change their opinion unless he does.
Uhh, so the forum is a news website now? I thought WZ already had a news section...

I heard on WZRadio (or VOW, I can never remember which one) that the guy Holly stole the drugs from was none other than Mr. Kennedy. But yeah, I think his loyalty to WWE and backstage connections has kept him from receiving a far more severe punishment than certain other superstars have. But jesus after taking all of the brutal bumps and injuries and whatnot, I'm not surprised to see a guy like Bob stealing painkillers. Either way, I can't wait until/if he returns, but you know how many people agree with me there >.<
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