Val Venis Has a Bone to Pick, but Looks like a Total Ass Doing it


Unregistered User
Seriously, he couldn't just leave bad enough alone with his new video? He makes me regret ever clicking anything on the main page. When I started to watch his video, I was expecting more Jeff Hardy bashing and maybe some insight into the events that occurred at Victory Road. I was 50% right.

But it wasn't the Jeff Hardy bashing I was looking for. Sean Morley had nothing to say about Jeff allegedly showing up to the show wasted off his ass. Sean said that he didn't want to say anything about it until the rumors we confirmed... which is bullshit, everyone and their grandma knows Jeff Hardy was not in his right mind at Victory Road.

But Sean Morley needed to bash Jeff Hardy somehow... so he bashed him for no-selling Sting's Finisher. Apparently, despite how fucking screwed up the event was, he was still supposed to sell the Scorpion Death Drop.

Jesus Chris, Sean Morley must REALLY be desperate for attention, or he must REALLY hate Jeff Hardy to go bashing him for no selling Sting's finisher. In case you didn't realize, Sean, the kayfabe wall had already been plowed through by a car driven by an under the influence Jeff Hardy. From the opening bell, where Hardy spent a solid minute deciding whether or not to throw his shirt into the audience, to the finish a little over 90 seconds into the match, nobody with half a brain was looking at this event and being sucked into the world of wrestling.

It IS Jeff Hardy's fault that kayfabe was broken that night, but not because he no-sold Sting. Kayfabe was broken because Jeff Hardy showed up to the show high off his rocker, kayfabe was broken because Jeff Hardy was unable to work a proper mainevent, kayfabe was long broken by the time the match was over and Sting had retained his belt against a pathetic Jeff Hardy.

Morley also used his camera time to insult Hardy with the normal insults; insinuating Hardy doesn't know how to wrestle because he began with training on trampolines and only being entertaining because of the flippies. Everything he says reeks of jealousy. While Val Venis spent his career all over the midcard, never really drawing any sort of significant crowd, Jeff Hardy managed, despite himself, to become one of the top faces in the WWE at one time, even becoming a WWE Champion.

So give it up Morley, green is an ugly color on you, and what you have to say is no more interesting or insightful than listening to a bullfrog pontificate on why its ass hits the ground when it jumps.
He's just bitter that despite being a former WWE wrestler, he wasn't given the 'Now TNA, ex WWE' main event push.
I thought it was funny. I also think Hardy should have sold the Scorpion Death Drop, so take that for what it's worth.
I don't think it boils down to jealousy. When he's normally bashing the Hardys it's pretty damn clear that he's doing it for fun (see: his video where he ponders whether Matt will marry Wendy Whopper or Quarterpouder McDonald). This time he looked legitimately pissed off by Jeff's no selling. More on that in a moment.

Of course Val knew that Jeff was drugged out of his face. He knows better than anyone about wrestlers and drug taking. He's done both, after all. However because he's a batshit libertarian, he does also have an attitude of "if you're on drugs and aren't hurting anyone, then more power to ya" and that Jeff's innocent in that regard until he's proven guilty. Hence declining to comment on it until it's proven that he's not only unprofessional because he no sold the death drop, but also because he's the sort of dumb shit that gets too high to go out and perform safely.

However Venis is someone who takes his wrestling seriously. That was apparent even before he started bashing on the Hardys for fun. Hell read this diatribe where he talks about Wrestling and MMA from 2009. Sure, he's pissed off at what we'd consider a minor detail seeing as Hardy was clearly in no shape to be out there but that's what he's like. The shot on OMEGA was uncalled for, but also not that surprising. While the Hardys were wrestling on a trampoline, Venis was in Mexico learning the ropes in CMLL. As he sees it, while he was learning how to wrestle "properly" etc the Hardys learned to do flips (which is something 9/10 of people on here have criticised at least one high flier for before). It's an easy point to criticise, which is why he did it.

So yeah, Venis made it pretty clear that he watched the clip because the people on twitter following him asked him to (thinking he'd shit on Hardy for being a druggie like he normally does on Twitter). He did so and got pissed off at a guy showing what he saw as complete and utter disrespect to the buisness.
Gonna do this Stormtrooper style-

1. Have no inclination to hear what Val has to say. He is 3 videos away from the new Demento.

Am I the only one who laughed at Val Venis having a BONE to pick? I figured the (fake) Porn Star had a bone, but I'm surprised he's being forced to pick it (is that what they're calling it now)?

And he's right about Hardy no-selling the finisher though. Of course he no-sold it because he was high as a fucking kite at the time, and likely pissed because Bischoff came out there and told he he's losing in 10 seconds.

Gonna do this Stormtrooper style-

1. Have no inclination to hear what Val has to say. He is 3 videos away from the new Demento.


I'm surprised a spam-bot got in here for the whole 2 minutes the post was there. And I'm flattered that you would honor me by posting in a style similar to something I have done with some regularity.

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