V.2? Matt's future.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Remember when Matt Hardy came out with V.1? People asked what exactly V.2 would be, Matt said "You wouldn't even imagine." At the time it was a push-off answer meant to go nowhere. Well I think now we have our answer! They should play that up!

Also, if Matt is truly over as a heel where do you seem him doing? Cause if thats the case I see him getting an upset victory over Jeff at WM25 (similar to Owen over Bret at WM10). That'll keep Matt going, and Jeff has nothing to lose from that loss. He'll still be at the top w/ his tremendous popularity regardless. I also see him (Matt) getting probably a couple title shots with one of them as near as Backlash. I don't seem him winning it, still would be interesting though.
I see Matt version 2.0 going straight to midcard, which is where he is anyway. Face it, he's going to do nothing but drag down Jeff. His last match on SD proves it, he had a great feud with MVP, and then, just when they supposedly are building him up for a feud against Jeff, he lost the MITB qualification match clean to MVP. way to go, Matt. I'm sure that if they do the feud, they will put Matt over on Jeff, yet keep him down anyway, because if they didn't move him up during his feud with Edge, they will NEVER more him up period.
He lost to MVP in a qualifying match for a match that he should not be in because we all know that there is going to be a Hardy Vs. Hardy match at Mania most likely opening it. I wonder what he is going to do with it because he fluffed his first chance with that Hardy-Edge storyline from a few years ago. And Matt Hardy isn't doing version 1.0 gimmick anymore it is something to do with a black cloud or something.
He lost to MVP in a qualifying match for a match that he should not be in because we all know that there is going to be a Hardy Vs. Hardy match at Mania most likely opening it.

The term for the opening match on an event is "curtain jerker" which is not a step up from midcard, it's actually a step down. You might say it's "Wrestlemania" but it's well known that "curtain jerkers" aren't looked at as main players, this part of the show is usually when the live audience is still coming in and settling down, buying popcorn and such. I certainly hope that if they decide to go ahead with a Hardy match, which BTW, I would skip buying WM 25 for because I do not want to see it, they will put it up in the card and not as an opener, the opener should be MITB, which this year seems to have the potential to stink up the place to high heaven, a suitable start to set up what this Wrestlemania is shaping up to be.
The WWE hasn't really had any curtain jerkers as opening matches for Mania in the past few years, even going so far as to have Rey Vs. Eddie opening 21 after Eddie retained at 20. Kane and Big Show vs. Carlito and Chris Masters I can see the claim being made except that both Carlito and Chris Masters were relatively important guys on RAW at that time. 23 was kicked off by the Money in the Bank match, 24 was kicked off with The Belfast Brawl between JBL and Finlay, as much as people would like for it to not be true, JBL is a main eventer and Finlay is an upper mid carder. Hardy vs. Hardy going first would set up for what is looking like a good Mania card. But this is off topic to the original post.

So Matt Hardy being in the opening match at Mania with his brother would be fine, Version 2.0 will not be realized because noone other than the internet fans really remember things like that being said. I can pretty much say that even Matt Hardy won't remember saying that.
If Matt does good during this feud he'll probably get a big heel push. I've said for a long time that Matt needs to change his style and start using a submission move. That would make him different from his brother and he really needs that. I think with the right push Matt could one day hold the World title for a short period of time. But that push would have to be perfectly executed and Matt would have to play a perfect heel.
matt v.2 would suck just as bad bad as the v.1. but matt hardy just sucks period. he will never be as fun to watch as his brother and if he ever became champion i would never watch another wwe program. to me, he isn't worthy of any title except the cruiserweight title which no longer exists. he has rode his brothers popularity from day one and now, when jeff is about to reach the top, he's trying to bring him down with his boing style of wrestling.

Matt Hardy V 2.0 is not going to happen just because V.1 failed, why rehash and old gimmick, that i personally enjoyed, just didnt get that over with most of the fans.
Matt will do something like his indy Gimmick to do with his Scar (After he was fired by the WWE) it gives him a new finisher and a new look.
Matt Hardy has a bright future ahead of him. He is really making it big as a heel, I mean did you see his face at Wrestlemania after he beat his brother? He looked like he was about to kill somebody. And his new look, the jacket and tights, is a sign of a push. Changing your image is a major sign of a push in the WWE.
I see Matt version 2.0 going straight to midcard, which is where he is anyway. Face it, he's going to do nothing but drag down Jeff. His last match on SD proves it, he had a great feud with MVP, and then, just when they supposedly are building him up for a feud against Jeff, he lost the MITB qualification match clean to MVP. way to go, Matt. I'm sure that if they do the feud, they will put Matt over on Jeff, yet keep him down anyway, because if they didn't move him up during his feud with Edge, they will NEVER more him up period.

I disagree, when the Hardy's debuted, I thought he wouldn't become a main-eventer, I was sure Jeff was the breakout star. But, after Matt came back and had that big feud with Edge and Lita, I was convinced that he was a main-eventer. And that feud he is having with Jeff right now proves that WWE is also convinced of his abilities.
Right now, I don't think it's looking good for Matt Hardy. Last night during the draft, he was trying to mock the superstars, like John Cena and CM Punk, but it doesn't seem like he can pull it off. It's like he's missing that thing he needs to be a heel. Also, he can cut a good promo with Jeff, but as stated on WZ, Matt says too many good things about his brother on his myspace, which ruins it for the fans. And, i'm wondering if he can have the same success being a heel with other talent besides his brother...
Matt Hardy V.2

The only thing V.2 has different from V.1... about 30 more lbs. and far less agility. Matt looked awful in his match on Raw. Matt Hardy hasn't looked good since the time his half real feud with Edge was over. He's got nothing left in the tank other than to fade into low midcard hell. He won't even be in upper midcard hell. You're gonna see Matt Hardy feud with Kofi Kingston... over nothing and Kofi will go over on him. Somebody said Matt Hardy will fill JBL's void? Yes he will... he will fill his spot on the roster as an overpaid jobber and probably JBL's wrestling tights because Matty is gettin fatty. I respect their efforts to try to push Matt as a good midcard heel... but on Raw... I see it going to the Miz. And I will bet the farm on that. Miz is underratetd and disrespected by so many people and I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. Hell I'd rather watch Dolph Ziggler than Matt Hardy. Matt is on a fast fast decline and unless he really drops about 15-20 lbs or has some miraculous amazing memorable feud with someone on Raw, I give Matt 2 years left in the business because he just doesn't have it anymore.

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