UWC - Uprising Wrestling Community


Staff member
Name of Book This: Uprising Wrestling Community (UWC)

Roster in full:

Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Randy Orton
Chris Jericho
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
Big Show
Bubba-Rey Dudley
D-Von Dudley
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Mick Foley
Eddie Guerrero

John Cena
Evan Bourne
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Hulk Hogan
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Bobby Lashley
The Rock
Rob Van Dam

Trish Stratus
Stacy Keibler
Torrie Wilson
Beth Pheonix


UWC Championship: Vacant
UWC Television Championship: Vacant
UWC Tag Championships: Vacant
UWC Women’s Championship: Vacant

TV and PPV Schedule:

One TV show per week which airs on Mondays on Spike in the USA, It is live and unrated. It airs at 9PM and runs for two hours. A recording of the event is shown on Sky Sports in the United Kingdom on a Friday night at 10PM.

One PPV per 4 weeks. The first one will be written and shown after the fourth week of uN-TaM3d and shall continue in the same cycle for the foreseeable future. On the Weeks that there is a PPV, there will be no uN-TaM3d until the following week. For example:

Monday 1-5-2009 - uN-TaM3d
Monday 8-5-2009 - uN-TaM3d
Monday 15-5-2009 - uN-TaM3d
Monday 22-5-2209 - uN-TaM3d
Sunday 31-5-2009 - PPV

Monday 5-6-2009 - uN-TaM3d
And so on.

The PPV names are:

“UWC Brutal Beginnings”
“UWC Undeclared”
“UWC Mercy”
“UWC Cage Rage”
“UWC Underground”
“UWC Silent Prayers”
“UWC Rest In Pieces”
“UWC Breakeven”
“UWC Addiction”
“UWC Tenacity”
“UWC Bedlam”

And The showpiece event of the calendar year is called:

“UWC Vertigo”

There is a few stipulations for some of the events. “UWC Cage Rage” will be contested entirely inside a steel cage. Similarly, “UWC Breakeven” will be an interactive PPV and will have hardcore stipulations in all of the matches. The fans will vote for who they want to have in the matches and each match will have a pre-determined stipulation. “UWC Vertigo”, the showpiece event will have all championships up for grabs and will be contested in a ladder match only event.

Backstage and Support Staff:

Figurehead: Vince McMahon and Ric Flair
Commentators: Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and Jim ‘J.R.’ Ross
Back-Stage Interviewers: Michael Cole, Todd Grisham and Maria Kanellis.
Referees: Earl Hebner, Mike Chioda, Nick Patrick, Charles Robinson.

I should have the first card up tonight at some point. Just to clarify also. I made it modern wrestlers mainly because I know more about modern wrestling and I feel I can give a better show when I know more about what I am talking about.
As the title credits end, the camera begins to spin and pan across the crowd, they are rabid. They are clearly excited and going wild with cheers. Spotlights are shooting across the screen and we are welcomed by JR as fireworks and pyro go off on the main stage.

JR: Hello Wrestling fans and welcome to a new era of Wrestling. We are Uprising Wrestling Community and we are here in Madison Square Garden tonight for the debut of the flagship show from UCW. I’m here with Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and we , along with 18.000 of the most excited wrestling fans, welcome you to the first ever UWC uN-TaM3d.

The camera stops spinning and we see Vince McMahon and Ric Flair standing inside the ring. They have huge smile upon their faces.

JR: We hand you over now, to the two men who put this business together from the ground up. Our bosses and joint owners of UWC, the ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair and Vince McMahon.

Ric: Wooooooo!

Vince: Yes indeed Ric. Hello and welcome to UWC. My business partner and I came up with the idea for this business 3 years ago and back then it seemed like a pipedream. Since then, with mine and Ric’s experience, we have put the wheels into action and tried our best to create a wrestling promotion that we could all be proud of. After 3 years of worries and hard work, we stand before you, ready to give you the best wrestling action that can be seen on any promotion in the world.

Ric: So on that note, we’re just gonna get right into the business end of things. As a wrestling promotion, we have to reward people with gold and here at UWC, we have 4, that’s right, 4 championships. Bring them out.

Music begins to play as 5 security guards make their way to the ring, each of them are clutching a different championship belt. The name plates on each are empty. As the men enter the ring, the music stops and Vince begins to speak once more.

Vince: The bad news is folks; we have 4 title championships and no champions. Obviously we are gonna have to remedy that situation and we are gonna do just that. Starting tonight we are gonna find our first champions. Each week at uN-TaM3d we are going to crown a new champion. So for the next four weeks we are going to crown a new champion. This will culminate at UWC Brutal Beginnings in 4 weeks time. Where all of the champions will put the titles that they have earned on the line.

Ric: So which title is it tonight folks? Will we have new Women’s Champion tonight? Or will we have a new TV Champion? How about new tag team champs? No, I know what you all want to see tonight. Here at UWC, we aim to give the fans what they want. So tonight, at the very first uN-TaM3d, it will be a fatal 4 way match to decide the inaugural UWC Heavyweight Champion.

Vince: That’s right people. Here, tonight, it will be a fatal 4 way to decide who the new UWC Champion. Those men will be: The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Hulk Hogan.

JR: You heard it here first folks, at the very first uN-TaM3d, we will have a new Heavyweight Champ. What a match and what a partnership we have to look forward to.

Music begins to play as both men exit the ring and walk up the ramp towards the titantron. Ric is further up the ramp than Vince and out of nowhere Vince runs up the ramp and attacks Ric from behind.

King: What the Hell is this? This is a damn shame.

JR: Where did this come from? Vince McMahon has double-crossed Ric Flair, his business partner at the first ever show of their joint venture.

The pounding continues as fans boo and shout abuse at Vince. Music begins to play as The Rock runs out to the aide of Ric Flair. Vince sees him coming and runs to the ring. As The Rock attends to Ric on the ramp, Vince grabs a mike and begins to speak.

Vince: I control this business Ric, not you God damn it. You think I like having to share things. No way, not a McMahon. I thought you would have seen this coming. You’re even more stupid than I thought. You deserved everything you got. As for you, Rock. I don’t like when people interrupt the work that I do. Ric learned this the hard way and so will you. So, tonight, here in the Garden, it will be The Rock versus The Texas Rattle Snake: Stone Cold Steve Austin. The fans go wild at the announcement as The Rock helps Ric through the curtain at the top of the stage.

JR: I just cannot believe what I just saw King. Can you believe that?
King: No I can’t JR; Ric should have seen it coming. McMahon’s don’t do sharing well
JR: Nevertheless, here’s what we have in store for you tonight

Match 1- The Hardy Boys with Lita vs. Edge and Christian
Match 2- Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena
Match 3- Eddie Guerrero with Chyna vs. Sting
Match 4- Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley
Match 5- Stone Cold vs. the Rock
Main Event for the UWC Heavyweight Championship- Triple H vs. the Undertaker vs. Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels

JR: So let’s get underway with the first ever match to come from UWC.

The Hardy Boys music hits and both men come out at the same time accompanied by Lita. The fans are going wild for them and their high energy entrance is infectious. People are cheering and chanting for them. Both men reach the ring and wait for their opponents. The Hardy Boys music stops and Edge and Christian’s music hits. Both men enter and receive a distinctly average reception from the crowd. They too are highly energetic and run to the ring; they do not even acknowledge the crowd.

The match gets underway with Matt Hardy and Edge in the ring. After tying up Edge gets the better of Matt and backs him into the corner. Edge gives him a few chops to the chest and is then reversed. Matt gives Edge a few chops in return. After it, Edge falls to the mat clutching his chest in pain. Matt tags in Jeff. As Jeff is building momentum, Edge reverses an Irish whip. As Jeff hits the ropes, Christian grabs his hair and pulls him to the ground. Edge tags in Christian and Christian begins to work on Jeff.

It remains in Christian’s control for the next few minutes. Edge is tagged in and is doing a good job of cutting Jeff off from Matt. Jeff struggles a couple of times to make the tag but is stopped on both occasions. Edge is in control until he tries to whip Jeff into the turnbuckle. Jeff rapidly climbs it and hits the whisper in the wind. Both men are down and it is a race to get to their respective tag team partners. Edge reaches Christian first and tags him in. Jeff, with no time left to spare, tags in Matt and Matt clears house.

After repeatedly clotheslining Christian, Edge runs from nowhere at Matt attempting a spear. Matt moves at the last moment and Edge’s shoulder hits the turnbuckle, Matt tosses Christian out of the ring and turns to Edge. Matt grabs Edge and gives him the Twist of Fate. Jeff has climbed the turnbuckle and hits Edge with the Swanton Bomb, this allows Matt to get the pin-fall and pick up the win for his team

Winners: The Hardy Boys

JR: What a match that was folks and a sign of what is to come from this Community.
King: If that’s anything to go by, JR, then I’ll definitely be sticking around.
JR: And so should the fans because this next match is gonna be a slobberknocker to say the least.

I walk alone by Saliva hits and Batista comes out to a rousing ovation from the UWC fans. He looks physically intense and pumped up. As he makes his way down the ramp, he slaps the hands of the fans until he gets to the ring. The arena goes dark for a moment. Randy Orton’s music hits and the crowd begin to boo. Orton comes out to a flurry of boo’s but looks indifferent to the hostility of the crowd. Looking focused and determined, Orton heads to the ring. Upon reaching the ring, Orton does not enter it, he goes round the apron and stands at the commentator’s desk. Batista and Orton’s eyes lock and John Cena’s music hits. The crowd go absolutely wild upon hearing it and John Cena comes out to a rapturous applause. Cena salutes the fans in typical fashion and sprints down to the ring. Randy Orton joins the other two men inside the ring and the match gets ready to begin. Nick Patrick signals for the bell and the match commences.

As the match begins, Cena and Batista corner Orton, looking scared Orton drops to the mat and slithers out of the ring. Batista sees this and immediately turns on Cena. Cena is taking a pounding from Batista as Randy Orton stalks the outside of the ring, waiting for his moment to strike. Batista catches Cena in a bear-hug as Cena attempts to reverse his predicament with a double axe handle from the top rope.

Orton sees this as his opportunity and comes into the ring. Batista immediately releases Cena and rushes for Orton, Orton sees him coming and catches him with a flash RKO. Quickly, Orton covers Batista: 1... 2... Cena lunges and breaks up the count. Orton caught the worst of it and is stunned a little. Cena attempts an Attitude Adjustment but Orton wriggles down from Cena’s shoulders and attempts another RKO. Cena manages to push Orton away and Orton meets a recuperated Batista who hits him with a forceful clothesline. Cena lifts Batista onto his shoulders and hits an Attitude Adjustment on top of Orton. Cena quickly covers Batista and picks up the win.

Winner: John Cena

King: Wow, What an amazing match and I’m sure that we are gonna see more from those 3 guys.
JR: Oh, I have no doubt about that King. All 3 men have undoubted quality and I look forward to seeing more of them. I think we are now going backstage because Todd Grisham has managed to track down The Rock.

Todd: Rock, I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on Vi...
The Rock raises his hand and smells the air.
Rock: Finally! The Rock has come back to New York.
The crowd go mad at the mention of their state.
Rock: I know what you are gonna ask Grisham. You’re gonna ask about how the Rock feels about the beating that Vince handed to Ric’s candy ass and then ask about the one that Stone Cold is gonna get handed to him. Well don’t bother. All you need to know is that the most electrifying man in sports entertainment is gonna go down to that ring and hand an ass-whooping to Stone Cold. The Rock goes out there to help a defenceless man and get’s to beat up the Rattle Snake as punishment. That’s fine with the Rock.

As we return, Eddie Guerrero is already inside the ring and is accompanied by Chyna. Both are talking strategy and whispering in each other’s ear. The lights go down and Sting’s music hits. Eddie and Chyna immediately take notice as Sting comes out to a decidedly mixed reaction from the fans. Sting makes his way to the ring and does not look too worried about the competition. As he enters the ring, Eddie rolls out. Chyna, however, does not and stares Sting in the eye.

Sting takes off his coat and as he hands it to the member of staff who is collecting it from the outside, Chyna attacks him. Eddie smells blood and immediately enters the ring. Both do a number on Sting who is backed into the corner on the ground. Eddie continues to stomp a mudhole on Sting as he instructs Chyna to go and collect something. Chyna rushes out of the ring and collects a chair from ringside and returns to help Eddie. Sting is incapacitated and Eddie begins to beat his back and head with the chair. After a few strikes Eddie instructs the referee to begin the match.

The referee has no choice and begins the match. Eddie immediately climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and hits Sting with a Frog Splash, allowing him to pick up the victory.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero with Chyna

JR: What a travesty! Sting was screwed out of a perfectly good match before it had even begun
King: Yeah and what’s worse, it was by a woman, ha!
JR: She’s kick your ass King and mine and half of the male roster. Be that as it may, we have another great match to look forward to.

Brock Lesnar’s music hits and the next big thing steps out to boo’s from the UWC fans. He looks pumped up and physically imposing. His face looks determined and his eyes are fixed as he makes his way to the ring. Once inside the ring, Lesnar waits for his first opponent. The lights go down as Kurt Angle’s music hits. The fans are rhythmically chanting ‘You Suck’ to the beat of the music. Angle looks intense as he looks at the man in front of him in the ring. Angle raises his arms and pyro shoots out from the stage behind him. Angle begins his descent down the ramp and is mouthing abuse to some of the fans who continue to chant. Once angle reaches the ring, he steps right in front of Brock Lesnar, the size difference is noticeable. As the two men stare each other down, Lashley’s music hits to An audible cheer from the fans. Lashley looks happy and is smiling towards the fans. He reaches the ring and the match is ready to begin.

Charles Robinson signals for the bell and we are underway. Lashley and Angle quickly realise that they will have to take out Lesnar first and as such begin to run at him in turn only to be swatted away by Lesnar. Both men run at him at the same time and manage to get him to the ground. Angle and Lashley are managing to work cohesively as a team. As Lesnar is on the ground, Angle manages to get him onto his stomach and tries to put in an ankle lock. Lesnar is too powerful however and powers out with a kick to angle causing Angle to tumble out of the ring and land on his head.

Lesnar regains his footing and gets to a vertical base. Lashley and Lesnar square off trade punches before Lesnar gets the better of Lashley and begins to pound him with fist after fist. Lashley attempts to reverse an Irish whip but Lesnar is wise to it and pulls Lashley towards him and hits him with a clothesline. Lashley is out cold in the middle of the ring and Lesnar smells blood. Lesnar moves towards the turnbuckle and it looks as though he is going to try and perform a shooting star press. Angle has recovered however and as Lesnar gets to the top of the turnbuckle, Angle runs at him and performs a belly to belly suplex from the top.

Angle is now in control and pulls the straps from his shoulders down. The fans are going wild and pumped up. Angle grabs Lesnar’s ankle and locks in the ankle lock, Lashley has recovered however and pull Angle to his feet. Lashley goes for a punch but Angle ducks it and manages to hit the Angle Slam, Lesnar has now recovered but this does not slow Angle down. Angle stalks him from behind as Lesnar gets back to his feet and hits Lesnar with the Angle slam. Angle then goes back to Lashley and applies the Ankle lock. Lashley has nowhere to go and taps out giving Angle the win.

Winner: Kurt Angle

JR: I think you’ll agree with me when I say that we’ve had an absolutely astounding first night on the air.
King: And the best thing is JR, we’re not even done yet.
JR: That’s right King. Up next we have a very personal matchup between two of the biggest personalities in UWC, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.
King: This is gonna be great

The Rock music hits with “If ya smell...what The Rock... is cooking”. The fans are going wild as The Rock enters the stage. He looks focused and intent. The Rock slaps some hands on the way down to the ring and eventually climbs the steps into the ring. Once inside, The Rock mounts the turnbuckle and raises one arm aloft into the air in typical fashion. The music stops and he waits for his opponent. However, it is not Stone Cold who appears after him. Vince McMahon’s music hits the co-owner appears.

Vince: I told you were gonna pay for this rock and that’s what’s gonna happen. You think you can interrupt what I’m doing to look like a hero to all these people. This whole thing is bigger than you Rock and you’re about to find out what happens when you cross the boss. So I’m gonna make some changes to this match. Firstly, this is not a normal match; it’s a no DQ match. Secondly, it’s gonna be a handicap match and thirdly, your other opponent will be this man.

The Big Show’s music hits and Rock looks astounded as the Big Show comes out and makes his way to the ring. Big Show is grinning widely and looking forward to the beating that he is going to dish out. As the Big Show reaches the apron his music stops and the glass smashes. Stone Cold appears to rapturous cheers and applause. Austin glares at Vince as he passes him on the stage. Vince swallows hard and disappears from the stage rapidly through the curtain. Austin walks to the ring with purpose and enters the ring. He mounts the turnbuckle and raises both arms into the air at the crowd, the crowd reciprocate.

The referee signals for the bell and the match begins. The Rock is quickly cornered and the Big Show moves in for the attack. Rock ducks under the arms of the bigger man and backs him into the corner with a flurry of chops to the chest. Just as the Rock is beginning to control the Big Show, Stone Cold from behind and hits The Rock with a strike to the back of the head. Austin and Big Show start to work on the Rock and hurt him. The Big Show lifts the Rock above his own head and drops him. The Rock is in a lot of pain as Austin stomps a mudhole into him. After a few minutes of The Rock being dominated by the pair, Ric Flair’s music hits and Flair comes to the stage.

Ric: You know fellas, I have as much control as Vince in this how and I have a lot of pull backstage.

Both Austin and Big Show look at Rick with a look of bewilderment on their faces.

Ric: Come on guys, help me!

Ric signals to the back and Rob van Dam and MVP come out immediately. Ric, Rob and MVP run to the ring and begin an assault on the Big Show and Austin. The Rock begins to recover and huts Austin with a rock bottom after stalking him from behind. Rob Van Dam hits Austin with a 5 star frog splash and MVP hits Big Show with a big boot to the head as Ric backs him into the corner with devastating chops to the chest. The Big Show falls out of the ring onto the floor below. Ric locks in the figure four leg lock and Austin is tapping. This does not end the match however and The Rock sees his opportunity. With Austin locked into the figure four, the Rock hits the people’s elbow and pins Austin for the win. All four men celebrate in the ring

Winner: The Rock.

JR: What am match that was but I can tell you right now that Vince is not going to be happy about this. Not one bit.
King: Let’s just put it this way, I’m glad it’s not me who’s on Vince’s bad side at the moment
Vince: You can say that again. Well nonetheless folks, our next match is gonna be a great match. 4 men, each contesting a match to become the first ever champion in UWC.

Triple H’s music hits and the room darkens as Motorhead blaze through “The Game”. Triple H comes through the curtain to a very mixed reaction. At the top of the ramp, Triple H pours the water onto his head and makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the apron he takes one more drink and throws the bottle away. Standing on the edge of the apron, he throws his arms back and spits the water in the air. He enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

The room goes dark and only a solitary bell can be heard from time to time. The Undertaker’s music hits and he enters the arena. Moving down the ramp slowly as he is backed with chorus of cheers. As he enters the ring, He takes his coat off and then his hat to reveal his eyes have rolled back in his head.

Shawn Michaels music hits and he comes out to an applause from the fans. In typical fashion, he poses on the ramp as pyro goes off behind him. He marches down to the ring with a smile on his face and enters the ring.

The room darkens once more and from nowhere the guitar music of The Immortal Hulk Hogan hits. The crowd go absolutely nuts at the mere sound of it. After a few moments, Hogan comes through the curtain to a huge ovation from the crowd. As he makes his way down to the ring, the 3 men inside have started attack each other with Triple H and Michaels using a tentative alliance in order to take down the bigger man, The Undertaker. Hogan notices this and runs to the ring, taking off his attire in the process.

When he reaches the ring, he sets about Triple H and Michaels giving them each a big boot, The Undertaker recovers as Hogan deals with Triple H and begins to work on Michaels. After a slugging contest which the Undertaker wins, Michaels is taken into the corner and the Undertaker goes for Old School. However, Michaels has scouted it well and manages to perform a low blow out of sight from the referee.

Triple H has now gotten the better of Hogan whips him into the ropes and performs a facebuster to him on his way back. With both Hogan and the Undertaker on the mat, Michaels and the game set about each other, trading shots. Triple H gets the better of the exchange and begins to work on Michaels in the corner, hitting him with punch after punch. The Undertaker sits up and stands up soon after. However, this action is met with a big boot from the Immortal one. Undertaker goes back to the mat but sits up once more. Hogan is shocked and goes for a punch as Taker gets to his feet once more. Taker ducks it however and hits Hogan with a chokeslam.

Triple H is still beating on Shawn and Taker attacks Triple H from behind. After getting the better of him, Taker drags Triple H into the corner. He mounts the turnbuckle and performs Old School. However, Michaels is now up and as Taker lands, HBK hits him with a Sweet Chin Music. Hogan is attempting to get to his feet and Michaels notices it. He tunes up the band and hits Hogan with a Sweet Chin Music that causes Hogan to tumble over the top rope. Michaels quickly covers The Undertaker but Triple H breaks the count. Bothe men get to their feet as the Undertaker recovers in the corner. Michaels attempts another Sweet Chin Music on Triple H. Triple H ducks it and hits Michaels with the Pedigree. The Undertaker recovers and hits The Game with a chokeslam. He covers Michaels and picks up the win.

Winner, and new UWC Heavyweight Champion: The Undertaker.
I have a few announcements regarding the future presentation of UWC.

The first thing is: uN-TaM3d will now be noted as Un-Tamed because I couldn't be bothered turning caps on and off so often and this is just easier.

The seocnd thing is: There will be another show added weekly, it will be known as UWC Burning Bright. It will air on Mondays on Spike TV. So, Un-Tamed will air on Mondays and BB will air on the following monday. There will be one show per week with shows alternating until the PPV.

I have also created some logos with my limited photoshop abilities:





As the tile credits end we are taken to a promo of what happened on last week’s edition of UWC Un-Tamed. It begins with the announcement of the formation of UWC with Vince McMahon and Ric Flair inside the ring. Next, the promo shows us the attack by Vince McMahon on an unsuspecting Ric Flair followed by the interference of The Rock. Next it shows us the match that was the result of this interference, Stone Cold vs. The Rock. It shows us Ric using his power backstage to get RVD and MVP to come out to assist the Rock and shows us the beating that was given out by The Rick, Ric, MVP and Rob Van Dam. The promo ends with the picture of all men standing in the ring with their arms raised high.
As the promo ends, JR welcomes us to another edition of UWC Un-Tamed:

JR: Hello and welcome to only the second edition of UWC Un-Tamed. We are here in Raleigh, North Carolina and what a show we have for you tonight. Just like last week, we are going to start with one of our bosses in the ring.

The camera cuts to a pan shot of the Ring to reveal Ric Flair in the middle of the ring with a large 2 large pedestals on either side of him. He is smiling widely and is surrounded by cheers from the fans.

Ric: Wooo! It’s good to be home. Let’s get down to business right away. I have a few announcements that will shape UWC for a long time to come. After last week’s display, it is painfully obvious to some that Vince and I cannot work together in bliss and something needed to be done. So during this past week Vince and I sat down with all the members of the board and we tried to come up with the best possible remedy for our situation. Unfortunately, we could not come up with a way to share the show... So we’re gonna have another one. That’s right; tonight Ric Flair announces another weekly show from UWC. Vince will take control of Un-Tamed and I will take control of our brand new show. That show will be called ‘Burning Bright’ and will premiere this coming Friday.

The crowd go wild at the statement and are cheering loudly

Ric: Now, with the announcement that there is gonna be another weekly show there is obviously huge ramifications regarding many things. First up: rosters. Now at UWC we have a varied and extensive roster for one show. Now we have two shows however, we are gonna have to find a way of splitting the roster. So tonight, right here in North Carolina we are gonna have our first ever UWC draft. So, at this time, I would like to welcome my business partner: Vince McMahon.

Vince’s music hits and he makes his way down the ramp with his typical swagger. Everyone is booing him as he reaches the ring but he does not care and keeps the same grin on his face as he enters the ring.

Vince: That’s right people, no longer will I have to deal with this idiot and his ridiculous plans for this business. You see when we set up this business I had a plan for where I wanted go with it. Now that this idiot can take his bunch of idiots off of my show I can finally accomplish that plan. So let’s get on with it shall we? The rules for this are simple; we will begin with 3 draft picks each. The first man that is chosen by me and Ric will compete in a match that is for the Undertaker’s contract for their brand and as such will these men will compete to see which brand the UWC Championship will be on. The other 2 picks will compete in a match to find out who gets the first picks for the rest of the night. The woman’s competition remains non-exclusive to any brand and at this time they are exempt from the draft. I’ll start.

Vince comes away from his podium and moves towards the bag that is perched in the middle of the ring, he plunges his hand into bag of balls and after picking three, walks back to his podium. A smile appears across his face as he reads the name of the first superstar to be drafted to Un-Tamed

Vince: Stone Cold Steve Austin, you are now part of Un-Tamed. Rey Mysterio you are now a part of the most dominant brand in the UWC. And for my last pick at this juncture will be... John Cena

Ric’s expression of happiness fades at the mention of the three men that have just been drafted to his opposition. Not to be outdone though, Ric puts his hand into the sack and pulls out three balls of his own. He walks back to his podium and opens the first

Ric: Well Vince, you may have gotten a big pick but I have gotten a bigger one, a much bigger one. Brock Lesnar, you are the new star of UWC Burning Bright. My next pick will be... The most electrifying superstar in sports entertainment today: The Rock. Rock, you are now part of UWC Burning Bright. The last pick for Burning Bright is... Batista.

Vince’s facial expression drops too after hearing Ric’s picks. He realises he looks vulnerable though and remedies his facial expression. Both men look happy with their picks and exit the ring together and exit.

King: Wow JR! Did you hear those picks?
JR: I did King and I’ve gotta say that it is definitely gonna be an interesting night to say the least.
King: Yeah, and what about us? Where do we go?
JR: I think there are more important things going on at this point in time King. Nevertheless ladies and gentlemen, we have no idea what’s in store for you tonight but there will be 4 matches that have been announced already and those matches will be honoured. Here’s what we have got tonight:

Match 1- The Rock and Batista vs. Rey Mysterio and John Cena (For first picks for the night)
Followed by 2 pick
Match 2- Eddie Guerrero vs. Sting (Chyna is excluded from ringside)
Followed by 1 pick
Match 3- ??? vs. ??? (For the UWC Television Championship)
Followed by 1 pick
Match 4- Brock Lesnar vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (For the Undertaker’s contract for their brand)

JR: I think you will agree with me when I say that we have another top quality show for you tonight.
King: Of course JR, we give the fans what they want to see.
JR: Well let’s get on with the show.

“I walk alone” by Saliva hits as Burning Bright’s newest superstar Batista makes his way to the ring. Batista looks intense and pumped up in typical fashion. As he gets to the ramp his pyro goes off to the excitement of the fans. Batista walks down the ramp and slaps some of the fans hands. As he reaches the ring, Batista stops and points towards the stage. “If ya smell...” hits and the fans go wild for The Rock. The Rock enters the arena wearing the Red of Burning Bright. The Rock looks happy too and somewhat taken aback by the cheers that he is receiving. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp he meets Batista and both men enter the ring together.

John Cena’s music hits and both he and Rey Mysterio enter to a flurry of cheers. Both men look excited and ready to go. After some interaction with each other and the fans both men sprint down the ramp and slide under the bottom rope and into the ring. Charles Robinson signals for the bell as John Cena and Batista get ready to start things off.

Cena and Batista tie up with Batista getting the better of Cena with his power. Batista throws Cena into the turnbuckle and begins to work on him with a flurry of blows to the chest. Cena is finding it hard to cope with the strength of Batista and the pace of the match after a great match last week. The Rock and Batista are working cohesively as a team and are tagging regularly. Cena is taking a beating and Mysterio has to enter the ring illegally to make sure that Cena does not tap out to a sharpshooter that is applied by The Rock. After another tag Batista attempts an Irish whip but Cena manages t pull off a big shoulder block and then another. Mysterio is pumped up on the apron and wants the tag. Cena ignores him however and is beginning to build momentum. Mysterio is bursting for the tag but Cena seems disinterested in Rey’s pleas. Cena attempts “You can’t see me” but Batista has it well scouted and gets up to hit Cena with a big clothesline and falls to the mat. It is a struggle for both men to get to their corners and the race is on. Batista tags in Rock and as Cena attempts to tag in Mysterio, Mysterio backs away. He then drops off of the apron and walks up the ramp away from the match. The Rock sees his opportunity and pounces, nailing Cena with a “Rock Bottom” and gets the pin.

Winners: Batista and The Rock. Meaning that Burning Bright has first pick in all draft picks.

JR: John Cena got what he deserved in my opinion King
King: Mysterio screwed him JR, they would have won that match had he not left.
JR: How can you say that King? Cena wouldn’t tag him in when he was winning, he got what he deserved. Nonetheless ladies and gentlemen we have the small matter of 2 superstars fates to decide momentarily.

The titantron lights up the faces of all the superstars who have not been drafted appear on it. After skipping through all of the faces the faces of Chris Jericho and Randy Orton flash up on the screen.

JR: There you have it folks. Burning Bright has drafted 2 of the biggest superstars in UWC. Let’s see how Un-Tamed do.

The titantron lights up once more and again the faces are being skipped through until the faces of The Big Show and Hulk Hogan are visible and static on the screen.

King: Wow! How can you get any bigger than what Burning Bright drafted, just draft The Big Show and the Immortal Hulk Hogan to Un-Tamed. Wow!
JR: What a night both brands are having King and it’s about to get better. The next match is between two men that have not been drafted yet and gives both men a chance to showcase their talents to their prospective new bosses. This all started last week, when Sting was brutally beaten by Eddie Guerrero and Chyna before losing the match. Tonight, Chyna is banned from ringside and we’re gonna find out who the better man is.

Eddie Guerrero’s music hits and he enters the arena in his trademark style. He is being booed although he seems uninterested in what the fans think. He is half way down the ramp when from nowhere Sting rages down the ramp after him. Eddie does not see him until it is too late and is defenceless. Sting is bandaged around the waist and looks to be suffering the effects of last week’s beating. He throws Eddie off of the barriers and is pummelling him with punch after punch. Moving down the ramp, Sting uses the ring steps to inflict more damage to his opponent by Irish whipping him into them. Eddie is beat and is thrown into the ring. Sting collects a chair from outside the ring and makes his way back into the ring. As Chyna is banned from ringside, Sting begins to attack Eddie with the chair, landing shot after shot. Sting throws the chair out of the ring and instructs the referee to begin the match. The referee has no choice and does so. Sting immediately covers Eddie and picks up the win.

Winner: Sting

King: Oh come on! We just got screwed out of a good match their JR. Sting should be ashamed of himself after that display of cowardice.
JR: You wanna talk about cowardice King? How about Sting getting screwed out of a match last week King? What about that?
King: That was different. Sting was in the ring at least.
JR: Are you kidding me!? Anyway, we have another round of draft picks coming up ladies and gentlemen. This is a special one however as the two men who are picked will compete in a match to decide who will become the first ever UWC Television Champion.

The titantron lights up again and begins to flick through the names and pictures of the superstars who have yet to be drafted to a show. It stops and the picture of Edge is visible

Edge’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Standing on the ramp, Edge throws his arms into the air and the pyro shoots into the air behind him. He makes his way down to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd and as he enters the ring he waits to see who his opponent will be. The titantron comes on again and once more begins to flick through the names of superstars. It stops to reveal that Kurt Angle has been drafted to Burning Bright and will Face Edge to decide who will be champion. Edge looks shocked but up to the challenge.

Kurt makes his way to the ring and looks unaffected by the “You Suck” chants that are reverberating around the arena. He enters the ring and the match is signalled to start. Kurt and Edge tie up and immediately Kurt takes Edge to the ground and uses his superior mat wrestling skills to his advantage and dominates Edge. Edge is trying to mount some offence but Kurt is equal to his attacks and hits Edge with a huge German suplex. Edge tries to squirm out of the ring and is looks shocked at being dominated so easily. Standing on the apron, Edge manages to pull Angles throat onto the bottom rope as Angle makes an attempt to attack Edge. Edge is beating on Angle as he attempts to recuperate from his earlier winding.

Edge continues to mount offence to the neck and throat using the ropes to his advantage. The referee attempts to break the hold but is knocked out when Edge is catapulted into him after a reversal from Kurt. Angle removes the straps from his shoulders and looks eager to put Edge away. As Angle attempts an ankle lock Brock Lesnar appears and hits Angle with a monstrous F-5. Edge covers Angle as the referee begins to recuperate. He counts, 1...2...3. Edge picks up the win.

Winner and new UWC TV Champion: Edge

JR: Well there you have it folks, like him or hate him, Brock Lesnar just cost Kurt Angle the UWC TV Championship and basically handed it to Edge. We’re onto our last round of draft picks tonight ladies and gents. Let’s see who it is.

The titantron flicks on and again goes though the names of those still to be drafted. It stops and reveals that Burning Bright has drafted The Game: Triple H. It begins again and reveals that Un-Tamed has drafted Shawn Michaels.

JR: Well there we have it folks. That concludes the draft for now. We will have a supplemental draft soon to decide the futures of the other superstars on the roster. Right now though, we have the future of one more superstar to decide. The Undertaker, last week won the first ever UWC Championship match that crowned him UWC Champion and put him in the record books. This next match decides his place of residence and also that of the UWC Championship.

The glass smashes and Stone Cold Steve Austin appears to a mixed reaction of the crowd. Austin looks intense and ready to go. He marches intently down to the ring and once there, he raises both arms in the air as he mounts the turnbuckle. Brock Lesnar’s music hits and a flurry of boo’s encompasses the arena. Brock looks focused and determined as he makes his way to the ring. He does not bother about the fans and merely marches to the ring. Earl Hebner signals for the bell and the match begins.

As the match begins Brock begins to dominate Austin with his power hitting some huge strikes and a huge suplex. Brock looks nonchalant and bemused as he picks Austin apart systematically. As Austin gets to his feet Brock attempts a huge clothesline, however, Austin manages to duck it and pounces on him with a Lou Thesz press and begins to hammer Brock with punch after punch. Austin is beginning to mount some reasonable offence as Brock defends himself. Austin ducks a punch from Brock and attempts a stunner. Brock has it well scouted though and manages to push Austin away and off the ropes. As Austin rebounds off the ropes, Brock catches him and attempts an F-5. However, at that moment Kurt Angle appears and is running down the ramp. Brock drops Austin as Kurt stalks the outside of the ring and signals for Angle to come in. Austin gets to his feet as Brock turns back around to face him. From nowhere, Austin hits a flash stunner and picks up the win. Kurt looks very pleased with himself as he exits up the ramp.

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

JR: Well there we have it folks, The Undertaker will be part of Un-Tamed but this only creates more questions. Make sure to join us next week on the inaugural episode of Burning Bright to see what answers we get.

I have finished off the rosters. I think I added 1 superstar to the roster and put more superstars into both brands so without further ado. Here is the updated rosters for both brands.


BB Heels

Randy Orton
Chris Jericho
Eddie Guerrero
Triple H
Brock Lesnar

BB Faces
The Rock
Rob Van Dam
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Bobby Lashley
Chris Benoit
Primo Colon
Carlito Colon


Un-Tamed Heels
Shawn Michaels
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Mick Foley
Big Show
Bubba-Rey Dudley
D-Von Dudley
Kurt Angle
Ted DiBiase
Cody Rhodes

Un-Tamed Faces
John Cena
Rey Mysterio
Hulk Hogan
Bobby Lashley
Evan Bourne
Kofi Kingston

As mentioned previously, the women's competition is non exclusive and will be covered on both brands.
Looking the goods, very enjoyable read.

One hting I would say though is perhaps alittle work on the presentation wouldnt be a bad idea. Like Bolded titles when matches begin, makes it easier to read imo. But good job.

“Burning Bright” by Shinedown hits as the title sequences run through. Afterwards we open to a scene of fans going wild as the inaugural edition of Burning Bright gets underway, accompanied by fireworks, pyro and the voice of J.R. welcoming us to the show.

JR: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome the first ever episode of UWC Burning Bright. I’m Jim Ross and I’m here with Jerry the King Lawler as we get ready to start another chapter in the story of Uprising Championship Wrestling.
King: This is gonna be great JR. Who knows what’s going to happen here tonight?
JR: Well let’s get underway and try and start off strong, we have the TV Champion in the ring and he looks like he has something to say.

The camera switches to a pan shot of the ring, Edge is occupying it and has a mike in his hand.

Edge: You know I think it’s just that in a new age of wrestling with UWC, on a brand new show, a new start for many, that your first ever TV champion should be the one who starts it off. You know what they say don’t you? Start as you mean to go on. Burning Bright has started with the best and that’s exactly what I am, the best. Not only am I the only champion here on Burning Bright, I am the first person to ever grace this ring. You could say that I am the most important man on this show...

At that moment, Ric Flair’s music hits as “The Nature Boy” enters the arena to a flurry of cheers from the fans. Ric is smiling widely and makes his way to the ring.

JR: There he is folks, the owner of UWC Burning Bright and the legitimate most important man in the show.

Ric enters the ring and grabs a mike as he begins to address Edge.

Ric: You know Champ; since Vince and I started this venture we knew that you would be a royal pain in the ass. You have easily been the luckiest superstar in UWC to this moment.

Edge looks dismayed and quite upset at the claims.

Ric: Last week for example on Un-Tamed. You were the name that I picked out from a bowl of many. It could have been anyone but no, it was you. This meant that through no competition, you managed to get a shot at the UWC Television Championship.
Edge: I earned that shot Ric!
Ric: How did you earn it Edge? By losing to Jeff and Matt Hardy on the first Un-Tamed? Is that how you earned it? It doesn’t matter anyway because you were in that match and I could live with that. After all, you are part of the Burning Bright family now so I was cheering for you. I wanted you to bring that title home.
Edge: Which I did.
Ric: Right, what YOU did indeed.
Edge: What do you mean?
Ric: Oh please come on Edge. You know just as well as I do that you would never have won that match if it had not been for Brock Lesnar interfering in your match.

Edge looks angry and shocked.

Ric: And as for being the most important man on the show, I got news for you brother, Ric is always the man. Wooo!

Ric lowers his mike and turns to exit the ring. Edge looks furious and attacks Ric from behind. He looks intense and is physically beating up Ric Flair. With Flair down, Edge sets himself for a spear by crouching in the opposite corner of the ring. At that moment, The Rock’s music hits and the most electrifying superstar in sports entertainment makes his way to the ring at a furious pace. Edge notices his advances though and manages to get out of the ring as The Rock enters. The Rock’s and Edge’s eyes meet as Edge smiles and looks pleased with his work. The Rock checks on Ric and helps him to his feet. With his mike still in his hand, Ric begins to speak through groans and grimaces.

Ric: Edge, you seem to be ready for a fight so tonight, we’re gonna test that motivation. I’m putting you in a match with your opponent at Brutal Beginnings. That’s not all though. It’s not gonna be a single match, it’s gonna be a tag-team match. So tonight, it will be Edge and Kane taking on The Rock and MVP.

Edge looks worried as the Rock begins to smile. Edge exits the arena through the curtain as The Rock helps Ric out of the ring.

JR: Well there you have it folks, we have our main event of the evening. Now let me tell you about something special that we have for you tonight folks.
King: As well as that main event JR?
JR: Certainly King. Tonight, we are going to have an 8 man tournament to decide who will be competing for the newly established UWC Heavyweight Championship at Brutal Beginnings. Firstly, we will have two fatal-4-way matches. It will be elimination style and the two men who are left after two are eliminated will progress to the next round. Then it will be two singles matches to decide who will have the opportunity to compete at Brutal Beginnings in a fortnights time to crown the first Heavyweight champion. So here’s what he have for you tonight:

Match 1 – (Heavyweight Championship Tourney Round 1) Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy
Match 2 – (Heavyweight Championship Tourney Round 1) Chris Jericho vs.
Rob Van Dam vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton

Match 3 – Edge and Kane vs. The Rock and MVP
Match 4 - (Heavyweight Championship Tourney Round 2) ??? vs. ???
Match 5 - (Heavyweight Championship Tourney Round 2) ??? vs. ???

JR: What a card we have tonight I’m sure you’ll agree King.
King: Of course JR. UWC does it again.
JR: Well let’s get started.

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Matt Hardy vs. Chris Benoit

Motorhead hit the sound system as Triple H comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Triple H comes out in typical fashion as he spits the water into the air as he stands on the ramp. Making his way down the ramp, Triple H looks intense and undaunted at the task in front of him. Standing on the side of the apron, he once again spits his water into the air and waits in the ring for his opponents. Chris Benoit is out next and as his music hits, he enters to a chorus of boos. He swiftly makes his way down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Matt Hardy is next and as his music hits he emerges to a flurry of cheers from the crowd. Hardy looks anxious but intent all the same. Matt is eyeing up his competition as they stare back. Hardy tries his best to slap some hands on his way to the ring but his mind is elsewhere. As he enters the ring, Matt looks physically uncomfortable and even more so when Brock Lesnar’s music hits. Lesnar emerges to a mixed reaction from the crowd as he makes his way down to the ring. He enters and the referee signal for the bell.

Matt tries to take the bull by the horns and immediately rushes at Chris Benoit. He hits punch after punch as Benoit tries to cover himself up. Triple H and Brock Lesnar meanwhile have begun to attack each other. Brock manages to get Triple H into the corner and hits him with right after left. Triple H manages to reverse it and retaliates furiously with some punches of his own. Benoit has now taken control of Matt Hardy and is chopping his chest furiously and manages to hit a German suplex. Matt recovers and bumps into Triple H who immediately hits him with a pedigree. Brock picks him up and hits him with an F-5. Benoit takes his opportunity and puts in a Crippler Cross-Face. Matt has no option and taps out immediately.

The three men stand in opposing corners and face each other. Benoit and Triple H realise that they are giving a lot away physically to Brock and both attack him, forcing him into the corner. After a beating from both men Brock manages to hit a clothesline on Benoit. Triple H is on top of it though and attempts to hit a pedigree. Brock, however, is too big and manages to flip Triple H over his shoulders. Benoit recovers and rushes Brock. Brock however notices him and lifts him aloft onto his shoulders. Triple H gets to his feet. Brock spins round and Benoit’s legs hit Triple H which causes him to tumble out of the ring. Lesnar repositions himself and hits an almighty F-5. He covers Benoit and picks up the win.

Winners: Triple H and Brock Lesnar (Both progress to the next round)

JR: Well there you have it, Triple H and Brock Lesnar move onto the next round.
King: Triple H didn’t even pin anyone and he’s through, explain that logic to me JR.
JR: It doesn’t matter how you get there King. He’s through and that’s all that matters. Well folks we’ll be back after commercials to see who will be joining them there.

Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Batista

As we return from the commercial break, all the competitors have already entered the ring as the referee signals for the bell to start the match. Chris Jericho starts out string as he manages to get the better of Batista. Jericho has the animal on the mat and has a rear choke locked on and is choking the air out of Batista. After a few minutes the crowd begin to cheer loudly as Batista gets to his feet and lands a few elbow shots to the gut of Jericho in order to break the hold. Randy Orton meanwhile has Rob Van Dam outside the ring and is punishing him, using the environment to his advantage. The referee is on top of it though and is counting. Randy repeatedly thrusts Rob’s head into the commentary table and as he Irish whip’s Van Dam into the stairs that surround the ring, Van Dam manages to perform a wonderful moonsault backwards onto Orton. Van Dam collects himself and makes it into the ring. Randy struggles for a while but eventually makes it into the ring at a count if 9.

Batista is in control of Jericho and hits him with a huge power-slam. Jericho writhes in pain on the mat as Batista gets pumped up. Thumbs up, thumbs down. As Batista turns to Jericho once more, Randy Orton hits him with a flash RKO. Rob Van Dam has also made it to his feet and also to the top turnbuckle. He hits Batista with a 5-star-frog-splash and picks up the pinfall.

Orton wastes no time in attacking Jericho and manages to get a 2 count with a quick pin. Randy continues to kick Jericho as he lies on the floor. As Randy attempts another kick, Jericho catches his foot and quickly rolls through to lock in the walls of Jericho. Van Dam sees his opportunity and performs a rolling thunder to the exposed back of Orton. Jericho releases his manoeuvre and signals for another 5-star-frog-splash. Jericho and Van Dam seem to be working in cohesion as Van Dam makes it to the top rope. As he launches himself forward, Jericho gets in the way and performs a flash codebreaker in mid-air to Van Dam. Allowing him ti pick up the win.

Winners: Chris Jericho and Randy Orton (Both progress to the next round)

JR: We now have our semi-finalists folks. Randy Orton will take on Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar will take on Triple H later tonight to find out who will be contesting the main event at Brutal Beginnings for the Heavyweight Championship.
King: These guys are gonna know that they were here tonight.
JR: You got that right King, to wrestle one match is bad enough but wrestling two in the same night is extraordinary. Well, ladies and gentlemen. Next up is a highly personal match. Edge earlier attacked Ric Flair and ultimately earned himself a match with the Rock.


The Rock and MVP vs. Kane and Edge

Edge makes his way out first to a chorus of boos from the fans. He does not let it bother him though and continues down the ramp with the UWC Television Championship around his waist. He throws his arms up into the air and pyro shoot out the stage from behind him. Edge continues on and eventually makes it to the ring. Kane appears as the arena turns red. Flames shoot out from the stage as Kane appears to a flurry of boos. Kan continues walking and does not break stride on his way to the ring. He fixes this elbow pad as he nears the ring and quickly goes over the top rope and into the ring. The crowd go wild as The Rock and MVP appear together as The Rock’s music hits the sound system. Both men look comfortable with the partnership but also look focused on the test that is to follow. As both men make their way to the ring, they slap some hands and eventually make it to the ring. MVP slides under the bottom rope as The Rock mounts the stairs and goes in through the second rope. Nick Patrick signals for the bell and we are underway.

The Rock and Kane start things out with Kane physically dominating The Rock. Kane shows his ring presence by repeatedly throwing the Rock half way across the ring. Kane however is slow and The Rock manages to get the better of him with some quick offence. Backing Kane into the corner, Rock hits him with a few punches, spits on his hand and hits him with another. Kane is staggered and tries to make his way to the corner for the tag. Rock however is stalking him, looking for the Rock-Bottom. Rock turns Kane around and attempts it, however, Kane elbows him to the head and with Rock disorientated Kane makes the tag.

Edge comes in hot and hits The Rock with a spear. Covering him quickly, Edge picks up a 2 count before The Rock powers out. Edge tries the cover again but The Rock kicks out at 1. MVP is struggling for a tag but the Rock cannot make it to him. Edge continues his assault and hits The Rock with everything he has. Edge and Kane are managing to work cohesively for the time being and are tagging in frequently, doing a good job of cutting off the other side of the ring. Kane hits The Rock with a huge side-walk slam and The Rock seems beaten. Picking the Rock up to his feet, Kane Irish whips him into the ropes. Rock sees his opportunity however and after ducking another big boot, Rock leaps at Kane and lands a big chop-block, knocking the big man down. Rock staggers over and makes the tag. MVP enters and looks good. Hitting Kane with punch after punch and even hitting the intruding Edge with a few clotheslines. The Rock gets to his feet as MVP tags him in and goes to the outside to deal with Edge who has slithered out of the ring. The Rock stalks Kane and hits him with a Rick-Bottom and then a people’s elbow allowing him to pick up the win.

Winners: The Rock and MVP

JR: What a match folks but I will suggest that we have not seen the last of Edge.
King: What a match it is gonna be when these two meet in two weeks time.
JR: That’s right King because at Brutal Beginnings it will be Edge vs. The Rock for the UWC Television Championship. Now though, we have to see who will be contesting the heavyweight title.

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

Motorhead hit the sound system as Triple H comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Triple H comes out in typical fashion as he spits the water into the air as he stands on the ramp. Making his way down the ramp, Triple H looks intense and undaunted at the task in front of him. Standing on the side of the apron, he once again spits his water into the air and waits in the ring for his opponent. Brock Lesnar’s music hits. Lesnar emerges to a mixed reaction from the crowd as he makes his way down to the ring. However, at that moment, Kurt Angle appears the fan area and attack Brock from behind. Triple H remains in the ring and is smiling noticeably. Kurt continues his attack and is using the guard rails to pound Lesnar’s head against. With Lesnar on the floor, Angle locks in an Ankle lock and furiously twists the ankle of Lesnar. Lesnar is tapping ferociously on the ground but it does no good. Angle gets him to his feet and throws him into the ring at ripple H’s feet. Triple H implores the referee to start the match and with some hesitation, he does so.

Triple H immediately tries for the pedigree and with Brock in a tired state, manages to lock it in. He hits the pedigree and picks up the win.

Winner: Triple H (Who advances to the title match at Brutal Beginnings)

JR: This is a damn shame. Brock Lesnar just got screwed out of a title shot at Brutal Beginnings.
King: He got what he deserved JR, he interfered in Angle’s match on Un-Tamed and that was a title match.
JR: I guess that’s true King. I’m just disappointed, we could have had a great match there.
King: It’s time to find out who will join them.

Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho

“I hear voices” hits as Randy Orton appears to a chorus of boo from the crowd. Orton looks uninterested though and poses on the stage for all to see him. After it Randy makes his way down to the ring. He is limping however after being in the walls of Jericho earlier on in the night. Every now and then he is clutching his leg and slapping it in an attempt to get the blood flowing into it again. He reaches the ring and slides in through the bottom rope. Jericho appears shortly after and is also greeted by a flurry of boos. Jericho is smiling however and knows that Randy Orton is hurting. After letting him out of the walls of Jericho earlier on, Jericho knows that his opponent is hurting and that it will be an easier match for him. Jericho makes it to the ring and goes in through the middle rope. The referee signals for the bell and the match begins.

Randy Orton starts out strong in an effort to get the match over quickly so as to avoid further damage to his leg. Orton uses his quickness to get around and manages to hit Jericho with a neck-breaker, leaving him lying flat on the mat. Orton rolls Jericho outside and punishes him more using the environment. After ramming his head onto the metal pole that supports the ring, Orton begins to clear thatched e commentators table. The referee’s count has reached 8 however and Orton rolls into the ring and then back out to break the count. Jericho has recovered slightly though and hits Orton with a hard kick to the leg. Orton tries to escape by getting into the ring but Jericho pursues him. Once inside, Jericho begins to punish Orton’s leg with a low chop-block. Jericho drags Orton to the corner of the ring, he goes outside and rams Orton’s leg into the pole. Jericho gets inside the ring and applies a leg lock to Orton. Orton is struggling to make it out and begins to drag himself towards the ropes. As he gets nearer, Jericho realises how close he is and pulls him quickly back to the middle of the ring. Orton sees an opportunity and takes it. He pulls Jericho’s head towards him and begins to land punches to the head. Orton makes his way to a vertical base and tries to muster an offence by punching Jericho repeatedly. Jericho attempts another kick to the knee but Orton realises it and moves out of the way. Jericho turns quickly and gets hit with an RKO. Orton is a little away from Jericho and is trying to drag himself to Jericho. He manages it and covers Jericho. The referee begins to count. 1...2... kick out. Jericho manages to kick out and Orton seems dismayed and shocked. Orton gets to his feet and then falls to the floor once more, stalking Jericho in viper-like fashion. Jericho begins to stir as Orton stalks him further. As Jericho gets to his feet, he turns around. Randy attempts the RKO but Jericho pushes him away. Orton bounces off of the rope and turns back to Jericho. Jericho takes his opportunity and hits Orton with a code-breaker. Quickly, Jericho gets Orton in the Walls of Jericho. Orton is a lot of pain and is trying to make his way to the ropes. He is just about there but Jericho pulls him into the middle of the ring once more. Randy Orton has nowhere to go and taps out.

Winner: Chris Jericho (Who advances to the title match at Brutal Beginnings)


JR: Well there we have it folks. Chris Jericho will meet Triple H at brutal beginnings.
King: What a match JR.
JR: It was a great match king and I think we have a lot to look forward to at Brutal Beginnings in a fortnight’s time. Well, that’s all we have time for tonight ladies and gentlemen. Join us in a week’s time at the final Un-Tamed before Brutal Beginnings. Thanks for joining us tonight and we’ll see you next week.

***Excuse my very bad paint skills and I am soryy that it was up a day late. I have had a very busy weekend and this was the best I could do. I hope you enjoy it and I will see you all next week.***

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