UWA; The Ultimate Wrestling Alliance

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Occasional Pre-Show


Chairman: RP Taylor

Rob Van Dam
Chris Jericho
Brian Danielson
John Cena
Shelton Benjamin
CM Punk
Paul Burchill
Doug Williams
AJ Styles
Super Crazy
Elijah Burke
Rey Mysterio
Johnny Jeter
Mr Aguila
Jody Fleish
Jamie Noble
Alex Shelly
Mickie James

(i will re-post the debut show tomorrow, then the 2nd week will be up in a few days!! Any reviews and comments will be returned!)

Homicide vs Rey Mysterio

London and Kendrick vs Jeter and Styles

Fatal Four Way: Super Crazy vs Jody Fleisch vs Jamie Noble vs Alex Shelley

No DQ Match: Doug Williams vs Paul Burchill

SHelton Benjamin vs CM Punk

Triple Threat: Rob Van Dam vs Brian Danielson vs Chris Jericho

an announcement from RP Taylor,
and so much more....
The Cameras pan across the AEG Arena as “Fate in Motion” by Soilwork hits…

Styles: “welcome Ladies and gentlemen to the debut of the Ultimate Wrestling Alliance live from AEG arena, Huntington Beach…Im Joey Styles, here with my broadcast partner Konnan..”

Konnan: “this is it, the debut of the hottest newest face of professional wrestling…”

“Bad to the Bone” hits…

Styles: “and here is the owner of the UWA… RP Taylor”
Konnan: “it’s a huge night for this man joey…”
Styles: “and for all of us, but we’ve been promised a blockbuster announcement from the owner tonight…”

RP Taylor saunters down to the ring, and takes a mic…

Taylor: “welcome everybody to the debut of the UWA….Damn it feels good to be here!! But down to business…I have two huge announcements for tonight…first I am peased to announce that in four weeks time the Ultimate wrestling alliance will host its first ppv ‘Oblivion’ at which we will crown our first Ulitmate World Champion, but before that, we will crown our very first Total Wrestling Champion, here on UWA Revolution next week, at the same time as I announce the new UWA commisioner!!”

Styles: “wow… a commissioner… I wonder who it will be?!”
Konnan: “I might apply for that job…”

Taylor: “But that is next week, for now… Lets get this show on the road!!”

Styles: “well two big announcements, and promises from our owner… I cant wait to see those two unfold… but for now…”

“Notorious 187” hits…

Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and gentlmen, it is time for the opening contest… making his way to the ring, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 220 lbs… Homicide!”

“Booyaka 619’2 hits…

Garcia: “and his opponent… from San Diego, California, weighing in at 165 lbs… Rey Mysterio!!”


Match: Homicide and Mysterio come together quickly. Homicide reaches out for a grapple, but Rey ducks underneath, and hits a quick low kick to Homicide’s leg. Another kick then Rey comes off the ropes, and Homicide turns round into a flying forearm! Rey stomps Homicide, then hits a standing Shooting Star Press for the cover; 1…2…Kick out!! Homicide starts to get up but Rey hits him with a running shining wizard. Rey picks Homicide up, hits a swinging neckbreaker, and covers; 1…2..Kick out!! Rey applies a side headlock, but Homcide fights out and throws Rey to the ropes. Rey bounces off the middle rope and hits a flying clothesline! As Homicide starts to get up, Rey comes off the ropes again, but runs into a vicious kick from Homicide.
Homicide shakes his head to clear it, then stomps Rey, and hits right to the head. Rey fights back to his feet, but Homicide ducks a right, and hits a back suplex to a pin; 1…Kick out!! Both men get to their feet, Homicide ducks Rey’s right, Rey ducks Homicide’s kick, Rey goes for a hip toss, Homicide jumps out, Homcide goes for the hip toss, Rey jumps out. Both men face each other to catch their breath!! Homicide nails a cheap shot, then hits more right’s to Rey’s head. Homicide picks Rey up, but Rey hits a shot to the gut. Homicide throws Rey to the ropes, then goes for a clothesline, Rey pulls the rope down, and Homidie falls to the outside!! Rey comes of the ropes and hits a springboard plancha on top o Homicide on the outside!

Konnan: Whoa…I can barely keep track of this!

Joey: Hell Yeah!! And remember folks, there are no ring-out counts in UWA!!

Rey starts to lift Homicide, but Homicide with a thumb to the eye! Homicide whips Rey into the barricade, then picks him up and goes for a suplex, Rey blocks it and goes for a neckbreaker, Homicide reverses that. Homicide whips Rey to the steps, but Rey reverses it and throws Homicide over the steps!! Rey runs and launches himself off the steps, but Homicide catches him and launches him into the crowd!!! Homicide drags Rey back over the barricade and hits a HUGE clothesline on Rey, then throws him back into the ring. Homicide picks Rey up, and hits a suplex, covers 1…2..Kick out!! Homicide shouts at the ref, then whips Rey to the corner. Homicide hits a flurry of kicks and punches in the corner, then a running knee on Rey! Homicide measures Rey, and goes for a running shoulder, Rey moves and Homicide crashes into the ring post!! Rey hits a reverse neck-breaker then a leg drop, Rey covers 1..2…Kick out!! Rey comes off the ropes, into a spinebuster from Homicide!! Both men climb to their feet, Homicide off the ropes, Rey hits a drop-toe-hold, Homicide is hung out on the second rope, Rey off the ropes, 619…Homicide moves, falling away from the ropes, and clattering the referee!! As Rey lands back in the ring a hooded man comes from the crowd, and smashes Rey in the head with a steel chain!! Rey staggers back into Homicide, Homicide hits the Cop Killa…Homicide covers 1…2…3!!

Your Winner, by Pinfall, Homicide!!

Styles: What the hell was that?? Homicide took out the ref, and…

Konnan: Hey Styles, Homicide won that fair and square…

Styles: Fair and square my ass…!

In the ring the hooded man joins Homicide. Homicide and the hooded man start beating down Rey Mysterio, then throw him out of the ring. The two men climb the turnbuckles, and the hooded man takes his hood down…

Styles: Oh My God!! It John Cena!! What the hell is going on??

Konnan: Well it looks like Homicide found himself some back up here tonight!!

Styles: No kidding!! Tonights been crazy, and we’ve barely started!!

Styles: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, to the debut of the UWA! Already tonight we have seen John Cena join forces with Homicide, and beat down Rey Mysterio… but now Layla is joined in the back by Rob Van Dam…

Layla: Yes Joey I am here with the Whole Dam…

RVD: Whoa whoa whoa… Layla, I am Rob Van Dam…The whole F*ckin Show… this is not sports entertainments RVD, this is Mr PPV, and I am here to take UWA to extremes, that wrestling has never seen… RVD has landed, and I am here to prove that Rob Van Dam is the man, and…

AJ Styles appears on the screen…

AJ: Rob? Extremes? Thrills? [laughs] don’t worry man… we’ll show you thrills…

Layla: We??

Johnny Jeter appears on the screen…

Jeter: Yeah! WE! Johnny Jeter…

AJ: AJ Styles…the most exciting,

Jeter: electirifying…

AJ: Thrilling tag team in wrestling today…!

Jeter: Don’t believe us? Watch…!

“Firestarter” by Prodigy hits…

Garcia: “Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 426 lbs, the team of AJ Styles and Johnny Jeter…

…And their opponents, at a combined weight of 380 lbs Paul London, and Brian Kendrick!”


Match: Styles and Kendrick face off in the ring, AJ goes for the grapple, but Kendrick ducks under, and hits a dropkick to the back, Kendrick off the ropes, forearm to AJ. Kendrick hits a knee drop, AJ fights back to his feet, whips Kendrick to the ropes, and scores with a dropkick! AJ applies a headlock to Kendrick, who fights to his feet, until AJ throws him to the mat and tags in Jeter. Jeter with boots to Kendrick, followed by a suplex, and a cover 1…Kick out!! Jeter tags AJ, then holds Kendrick for AJ to hits a flying dropkick on! AJ covers, 1…2..London breaks it up!! Jeter tackles London out of the ring, as AJ scores a kick to the head on Kendrick!! AJ hits a running elbow drop, goes for a second, but Kendrick roles out of the way, Jeter comes in and blindsides Kendrick, and he and AJ hit a double suplex on Kendrick!! AJ whips Kendrick to the ropes, Kendrick ducks the clothesline, and hits a spinning heel kick!! Both Kendrick and AJ crawl to their corners, AJ tags Jeter…and Kendrick tags London!! London with a clothesline on Jeter, and one on AJ, London hits a dropkick on Jeter, ducks a clothesline from AJ and hits a neckbreaker!! London picks up Jeter and hits a DDT, AJ tries to clothesline London, but London ducks, and Kendrick pulls down the ropes, sending AJ to the outside!!

Joey Styles: Whoa what a pace these two teams are setting!!

Konnan: Yep… and great team work from the new team…Jeter and Styles; they look hot!!

London scores an armdrag on Jeter, hits a flying elbow drop, and covers 1…2…kick out!! Jeter fights up, and kicks London to the ropes, Jeter goes for the clothesline, but London hits a high backbody drop, throwing Jeter out of the Ring!! Jeter and AJ regroup on the outside, until Kendrick hits a flying crossbody onto the two of them, and throws Jeter back in the ring!! London hits a reverse DDT, Jeter fights up, ducks a clothesline from London, who comes off the other ropes, into a Johnny-go-round (like AJ’s Pele kick) from Jeter!! Jeter whips London to the corner, and this a clothesline knocking London down! Jeter climbs the adjacent turnbuckle… and hits a coast to coast on London!! Jeter tags AJ who covers 1…2…Kendrick breaks it up!! AJ argues with the ref, and walks into a dropkick from London! London tags Kendrick, who hits a springboard elbow on AJ for the cover 1…2…kick out!! Kendrick whips AJ into the corner, and climbs the turnbuckle and hits rights to the head, until Jeter breaks it up!! Kendrick tags in London, who hits a spike DDT on AJ, Jeter runs in, but London ducks the clothesline, and hits a dropkick on Jeter! London climbs the turnbuckle and signals for the 450 splash, but AJ Knocks him down!! Jeter superkicks Kendrick off the apron, then vaults over the ropes onto him!! AJ climbs the turnbuckle, and hits the super Styles Clash!! AJ covers 1…2…3!!!

Here are your winners AJ Styles and Johnny Jeter!!!

Styles: well a great tag match there… and the new team looking good…

Konnan: Oh yeah Styles… its all about team work and getting it done, and they proved they’ve got both!!

Cut to the back to find Layla with Mr Aguila..

Layla: I’m here with Mr Aguila… one of the greatest risk takers in our business and now a UWA superstar…

Aguila: Yes Layla, Im here to prove that I am both the greatest risk taker, and the greatest light heavyweight wrestler in the business today!!

Layla: Next week we will see your UWA debut, but will you be watching this four way dance tonight..

Aguila: oh yes… [stares at the camera] ill be watching very closely!!!

“Im Super…I’m Crazy” Hits..

Garcia: “Ladies and Gantlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a four way dance… making his way to the ring, from Tualacingo, Mexico, weighing in at 195 lbs Super Crazy!!”

“The Phoenix” hits…

“…and the opponent, from London, England, weighing 154 lbs The Phoenix, Jody Fleish!!”

“Troublemaker” hits…

“and from Orlando, Florida, weighing in at 170 lbs, Jamie Noble…”

“Paparazzi” hits…

“and from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 199 lbs Alex Shelley!!”

Styles: well we are all set for our light…

“Lucha Loco” hits… and Mr Aguila makes his way down to ringside…

Styles: and it appears we are going to be joined by Mr Aguila here at ringside for this bout..!

Konnan: Hey why not… it’s a free country!!


Match: All four men look at each other, then Crazy and Shelley start exchanging rights, as do Fleish and Noble! Noble whips Fleish to the ropes, goes for a shoulder charge, but Fleish steps out of the way, and Noble dives through the ropes, Fleish hits a vaulting body press onto Noble on the outside!! In the ring Crazy ducks a right from Shelley and hits kick to the gut, followed by a hurricanrana… leaving Shelley draped over the second rope! Crazy climbs the turnbuckle and hits a flying guillotine leg drop on Shelleys head, catapulting them both out of the ring!! On the other side Noble whips Fleish over the steps, then picks him up and drives his head into the step four times, before the ref pulls him off, Fleish hits an elbow to the gut, but Noble nails a knee to the face, then whips Fleish over the announcers table…

Konnan: Whoa…incoming!!

Noble kicks Fleish in the head, then gets in Mr Aguila’s face, screaming at him! Aguila slaps Noble, and the ref pulls them apart!

Konnan: Noble’s on fire tonight Joey!

Styles: Yeah… in every sense!!

Noble drags Fleish back towards the ring, and whips him into the ringpost! Suddenly Crazy leaps off the barricade, hitting a leg lariat on Noble!! Crazy screams to the fans, then throws Fleish back in the ring! Crazy turns round into a running knee from Shelley, who then throws Crazy into the ring, and rolls in after him! Shelley covers 1…2…kick out!! Shelley, and Super Crazy exchange blows, Shelley ducks a right from Crazy and locks in an armbar, Crazy flips out and hits a dropkick to Shelley’s face!! Crazy climbs the turnbuckle, but Shelley follows him up, setting up for a Superplex! Suddenly Fleish hits a dropkick on Shelley, knocking Shelley into the ring, and Crazy off the turnbuckle to the floor!! Fleish climbs the turnbuckle, but Noble leaps up on the apron, and grabs Fleish’s leg, Fleish shakes him off, the hits a leaping 720 DDT on Noble off the apron to the floor!! Fleish whips Noble towards the steps, but Noble reverses it, whipping Fleish into the barricade, then clotheslining him over it!! AS Fleish and Noble fight Crazy launches himself off the turnbuckle, over the barricade, and onto the two of them!! In the ring Shelley just leans on the ring ropes and looks at the carnage!! The ref goes out to get them out of the crowd, as Crazy whips Fleish back over the barrier to ringside! AS the ref checks Fleish, Noble swings a chair at Crazy, Crazy ducks, and kicks the chair into Noble’s face!! Crazy climbs over the barricade, and heads to the ring, but Shelley hits a baseball slide, sending Crazy crashing to the floor!! Shelley climbs out and throws Fleish back into the ring! In the ring Shelley hits a knee drop to Fleish,whips him to the ropes and scores with a spinebuster!! Shelley waits for Fleish to get up, and nails the Shellshock!!! Shelley smiles at the fans and taps his head!! AS he does so Crazy comes off the ropes with a springboard neckbreaker on Shelley, Crazy covers 1…2…3!!!!

Here is your winner, by pinfall, Super Crazy!!

Styles: Whoa, what a match…

Konnan: wait… did he… im still catching up here!!

Styles: well what matters is that Super Cra… hay where’s Mr Aguila going??

As Super Crazy celebrates in the ring Mr Aguila climbs in behind him! Crazy turns to face him and they stare each other down!! Then Mr Aguila grins, nods his head, and leaves the ring!

Styles: We are back live here, at the debut of UWA, and still recovering from the insane match we just saw… but apparently we have a disturbance backstage… I…

Cut to parking lot, where Cena and Homicide are getting into a car… a technician appears..

Techie: Hey, that’s not your car… its…

Homicide and Cena get in his face…

Homicide: its what homie? Huh? I cant hear you?

Techie: its…

Cena: Its ours NOW bitch…

Cena punches the guy in the head, and he and Homicide start stomping on him!! Cena picks the guy up and throws him into the windshield of another car!!

RP Taylor: Hey…HEY! What the hell do you two think you are doing? This isn’t some gangland brawl!! If you two think your wrestling next week, your as stupid as you look!!

Cena: [stepping up] Is there a problem… do you have a fu…

Homicide: it aint worth it man… leave it, we’ll be back next week, lets see him stop us!!

Homicide and Cena drive away! WE see a grim smile on the face of RP Taylor!

Styles: What the hell was that?

Konnan: Taking the initiative Styles…it’s a way of life!

Styles: Well that way of life got those two thugs banned from competition next week! But for the moment we more matches here and now!!

“Anarchy in the UK” hits…

Garcia: “the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a no DQ match, introducing first, from Reading, England weighing in at 235 lbs, ‘The Anarchist’ Doug Williams…”

“The Ripper” hits…

“…and his opponent, from Guilford, England, ‘The’ Paul Burchill…”(original WWE gimmick)


Match: Burchill and Williams lock up in the middle of the ring, Burchill forces Williams to the corner, and drives the knee into him! The ref tries to make them break but Burchill shoves him away and hits another knee before driving the shoulder into Williams, then choking him with his foot!! Burchill picks Williams up, but Williams hits shots to the body, followed by a European uppercut, then follows up with a clothesline knocking Burchill down! Williams applies a headlock on the ground, Burchill fights to his feet, shoves Williams to the ropes, Williams ducks the boot, comes off the other ropes, and gets hit with a spinebuster!! Burchill covers 1…2..kick out!! Burchill stands up and glares at the ref, the kicks Williams in the head, Burchill picks Williams up and applies a side headlock, Williams manages to drive Burchill to the ropes, then hits a low shot to Burchill’s gut! Williams hits a right to the head, comes off the opposite ropes, but Burchill catches him, and hits a Belly to Belly throwing Williams over the ropes and out of the ring!! Burchill follows Williams out, and whips him into the barrier! Burchill the grabs the ring bell, and smashes Williams over the head with it!!

Styles: Paul Burchill looking so dominant here…

Konnan: Uh-huh… I don’t think theres any way to stop this man…

Burchill drags Williams towards the ring, starts to pick him up, and Williams hits him with a low blow!!

Styles: Well that will stop any man!!

Williams staggers to his feet, and drives Burchill’s head into the ringpost, then rolls him into the ring. Williams grabs a chair from the crowd, and climbs into the ring! Burchill tries to get up, but Williams brings the chair down on his back, Williams goes to hits Burchill again ,but Burchill kicks the chair into Williams’ face!! Burchill explodes upwards and drives Williams into the ring ropes, where Williams gets caught up!! Burchill smiles at his opponent begins punching Williams repeatedly in the head!! The ref tries to break it but Burchill shoves him away, and begins kicking Williams in the gut! The ref grabs Burchill again, but Burchill throws him off, and kicks Williams again in the head! William collapses out of the ropes, and onto the mat! Burchill hits a stalling suplex on Williams, then whips him into the ropes, Williams comes off and nails a running boot from nowhere, knocking both men down!! Williams crawls over, and covers 1..2.Kick out!! Williams staggers to his feet, dragging Burchill up, Williams goes for a suplex, Burchill blocks and hits a kick to the gut, followed by a right to the head, Williams dodges an uppercut, bounces off the ropes, but Burchill catches him and hits the C4!!! Burchill stands over Williams, then applies a rear naked choke! Williams Taps Out!!

Here is you winner, by submission, ‘The’ Paul Burchill!

Burchill leans on the ring ropes and laughs, before exiting the ring!

Stlyes: Paul Burchill was absolutely merciless here tonight… ive not seen brutality like that in a long time!

Konnan: This isn’t kindergarden Stlyes… we don’t do mercy here!!

Styles: you’re not kidding, I think Burchill destroyed Doug Williams here tonight!

Cut to the Locker Room, we see Shelton Benjamin taping his wrists… Elijah Burke enters…

Shelton: [starting up] what do you want?

Burke: Hey hey cool it man, [smiles] I just wanted to talk to you…

Shelton: So… what do you want?

Burke: You see man I’ve been watching you for a while, and you’ve never really hit your full potential, you’ve lacked a certain something! Now me, ive not always got the opportunities I deserve either!! But together man.. we could be great!

Shelton: Hang on, hold up… I didn’t achieve my potential because I was held back… now im in a place where I don’t need twenty minute monologues, or backstage politics to get to the top, and im not restrained as to what I can do in the ring! You want to see potential… ill show you realised potential tonight when I face CM Punk, and I don’t need your help to get to the top!

Burke: Hey man… whatever you say! But just think about it, and remember [grins] Ill be watching you!!

Benjamin watched Burke leave, and starts his stretches…

Styles: Well I wonder what that was all about…

Konnan: Well it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out… Elijah Burke was offering to help Shelton…

Styles: Well we’ll see how much help Shelton needs against CM Punk, next!!

“Aint no stopping me” hits…

Garcia: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Orangeburg, South Carolina, weighing 245 lbs…”

“Fire still burns” hits…

“….and his opponent , from Chicago Illinois, weighing 220 lbs CM Punk!!”

Shelton Benjamin vs CM Punk

Match: Punk and Benjamin meet in the middle of the ring, Benjamin slaps Punk, Punk slaps Benjamin! They lock up, Benjamin switched behind, goes for a back suplex, Punk blocks it and switches behind, Benjmin hits an arm drag on Punk, who rolls through, and hits and arm drag on Benjamin, and the two stare down!! They lock up, and Benjamin scores a kick to the midsection, followed by an arm drag into an armbar!! Punk fights to his feet, but Benjamin hits a forearm to the head, and applies an abdominal stretch! Punk fights the move, and punches his way out, Punk hits a running knee on Benjamin, then come off the ropes, straight into a belly to belly! Benjamin covers 1…Kick out!! Benjamin applies a standing side headlock, whips Punk to the ropes, and scores a big dropkick!! Punk fights to his feet, and hits a roundhouse kick to the head!! Punk covers 1..Kick out!! Punk runs to the ropes and comes off with a flying crossbody, straight into a kick from Benjamin, Benjamin hits a knee drop then goes for a springboard splash, but Punk moves!! Punk applies a headlock to Benjamin, then whips him to the ropes, and scores with a jumping calf kick! Punk hits a suplex, Benjamin jumps up, and gets hits with an arm drag, followed by a dropkick to the face! Punk whips Benjamin to the turnbuckle, hits a running shoulder, followed by a turnbuckle dropkick!! Benjamin staggers out, into an enziguri from Punk! Punk covers 1…2…kick out!! Punk picks Benjamin up, throws a right, but Benjamin ducks, Benjamin comes off the ropes, into a high back body drop!! Punk lifts Benjamin, but Benjamin switched behind and hits a big German Suplex!!

Styles: Both men are down in the ring!! Where do they…

Konnan: Hey look who it is!!

Elijah Burke appears at the entrance, smiling and applauding!

In the ring both men get to their feet by a 5 count… Benjamin ducks a right from Punk, Punk ducks a left from Benjamin, but gets hits by a super kick! Benjamin covers 1…2..Kick out!! Benjamin glares at the ref and covers again 1…2.Kick out!! Benjamin goes for a running knee, but Punk counters with a drop-toe-hold! Punk applies a rear chinlock to Benjamin who grabs the ropes! Both men get to their feet but Benjamin rakes the eyes and goes for a clothesline, Punk reverses into an armdrag, and locks in the Anaconda Vice!! Benjamin fights…fights…and manages to get his feet to the ropes!! Punk breaks the hold, hits a backbreaker on Benjamin, Punk covers 1…2..Kick out! Punk locks up with Benjamin, and drives him to the corner, the ref tries to make them break, but Benjamin scores a thumb to the eye, followed by a headbut, and a spinning wheel kick!! Benjamin hits a springboard elbow, and measures Punk! Punk gets to his feet and Benjamin hits a shot to the gut, and goes for the T-Bone Suplex! Punk Elbows his way out, trips Benjamin, and locks in the Anaconda Vice!! Benjamin fights..and Taps Out!!

Here is your winner, by submission CM Punk!!

As Punk celebrates in the ring Elijah Burke smiles, shakes his head, and leaves ringside!!

Styles: A great win for Punk, but I wonder what Elijah Burke was doing out here?

Konnan: A little bit of scouting Stlyes… and he looked like he liked what he saw!!

Cut to the Locker Room, and we find Layla with Chris Jericho…

Layla: Well Chris Jericho, we are moments away from your UWA debut, in tonight’s main event… what are your thoughts on your opponents in this triple thr…

Jericho: Whoa there… opponents?! No no, Layla, that implies a challenge… a pot head, and a wannabe are no challenge to Y2J!! Im going in there tonight, Ill slap the taste out of their mouths, and be one step closer to the Ultimate World Title!! UWA is looking at the future of the busin…

Brian Danielson appears on the screen…

Danielson: If you think you’re just going to waltz past the American Dragon… you’ve got another think com…

Jericho: [getting in his face] Im sorry who are you? Are you one of the staff here? [looks him up and down] don’t waste my time junior, you’re not important enough to remember, and after tonight all these fans will forget you too!

Jericho slaps Danielson and leaves, Danielson stares after him!!

Styles: We are back live, at the AEG Arena, and its been a hell of a night here…

Konnan: Yes it has, but I think the best may have been saved for last!

Styles: You might be right, here it is folks, the Main Event!!

“One of a Kind” hits…

Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is you Main Event, a triple threat match, scheduled for one fall!! Making his way to the ring, from Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing 237 lbs Rob Van Dam!!”

“American Dragon” hits…

“…and his opponent, from Aberdeen, Washington, weighing in at 190 lbs ‘The American Dragon’ Brian Danielson…”

“Break the Walls Down” hits…

“and the opponent, from Manhattan, New York, weighing 231 lbs ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho!!”


Match: Danielson and Jericho lock up, and Danielson drives Jericho to the corner, and drives some elbows into him. Jericho pushes Danielson off, and gets hit by a flying crossbody from RVD!! Danielson hits a dragon suplex on RVD, and throws him out of the ring! Danielson nails a clothesline on Jericho, and applies a rear chinlock!! Jericho elbows his way out, Danielson goes to the ropes, but Jericho grabs his head, throwing him to the mat! Jericho stamps on Danielson, picks him up, and clothelines him down! Jericho hits rights to Danielson’s head and stands up, to be hit with a dropkick by RVD, who whips Jericho to the corner, and hits his running shoulder!! RVD scores a jumping DDT, and the rolling thunder, then covers 1…Danielson breaks it up!! Danielson and RVD trade rights, RVD ducks and scores a spinning kick to the face! Suddenly Jericho rolls up RVD 1…2…Kick out!! Jericho stomps RVD, then Danielson hits a neckbreaker on Jericho! Danielson covers 1…2..Kick out!! Danielson covers RVD 1…Kick out!! As Jericho gets up Danielson whips RVD to the ropes, RVD comes off and hits a double clothesline, knocking both Danielson and Jericho down!! Danielson and Jericho both go for a clothesline on RVD, who moves and they take out each other!! RVD hits a springboard moonsault on Jericho, and covers 1…2…Kick out!! Danielson grabs RVD and applies an armbar, Jericho breaks it with a dropkick, and scores a DDT on Danielson! Jericho ducks a kick from RVD, and hits a swinging neckbreaker!! Jericho goes for the lionsault but RVD rolls out of the way, Jericho lands on his feet, and is hit with a reverse DDT by Danielson! Danielson charges RVD, but RVD monkey flips him over the rope and out of the ring!! RVD and Jericho lock up, Jericho scores an armdrag, and legdrop, RVD kicks him off, and hits a leg lariat, RVD covers 1..Kick out!! RVD whips Jericho, but Jericho reverses, whipping RVD to the turnbuckle, Jericho goes for the shoulder charge, but RVD leaps up and over, into a sunset flip pin 1..2…Kick out!! Jericho blocks a kick from RVD and scores a clothesline! Jericho goes for the lionsault, but RVD reverses it into a backbreaker! RVD jumps onto the turnbuckle, and hits the 5-Star Frog Splash!! RVD covers 1…2…Danielson dives in to break it up!! RVD hits a spinning heel kick on Danielson, followed by the rolling thunder! RVD covers 1…2…Jericho breaks it up!! Jericho scores a huge short arm clothesline on RVD, Danielson hits a forearm to the back on Jericho, but Jericho whips him to the turnbuckle! Jericho hits a running shoulder charge!! But then falls back and rolls out of the ring…. And looks hurt!!

Styles: What a pace…but it looks like Chris Jericho hurt himself with that last move!

Konnan: I think he might have separated his shoulder with that last move!

As Jericho lies outside the ring medics come down to tend to him

In the ring Danielson ducks an RVD kick, and applies a sleeper hold! RVD fights, but he’s fading!! The ref lifts RVD’s hand, and it drops, but RVD breaks the hold with a kick to the head!! Followed by a spinning leg drop!! RVD lifts Danielson, but Danielson reverses into a small package!! 1…2..Kick out!! RVD scores with a suplex, then whips Danielson to the ropes and hits a dropkick to the face!! RVD goes to the turnbuckle and hits the superstar press! But Danielson gets his knees up!! Danielson hits a german suplex, then climbs the turnbuckle! Suddenly RVD races up the turnbuckle and hits a super hurricanrana!! RVD climbs the turnbuckle…and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash!! Suddenly Jericho grabs RVD’s ankle, drags him out of the ring, and smashes RVD into the barricade!! Jericho climbs in the ring, hits a lionsault, and covers 1…2…3!!!

Here is your winner, by pinfall, Chris Jericho!!

Styles: I don’t believe it, Jericho did it, he was never injured!! RVD had this match won!!

Konnan: ‘Had it won’ but didn’t win it Styles!! Almost, don’t cut it!!

Styles: Well that’s it… thank you for joining us here at the debut of UWA, we’ll se you next week!!

As Van Dam glares up at the from the floor, Jericho celebrates in the ring! As Revolution goes off the air!!


Please let me know what you think, any reviews will be returned!
Hey,man,I like it.It is a good roster,the matches were pretty good,and there was some interesting promos.I like the announce team.I hope everybody checks out the new promotion i've started,EAW,Extremely Attitude Wrestling.Check it out,review it,and Switchback,i'm looking forward to more UWA.

Here is the card for UWA week 2:

Elijah Burke vs Jody Fleish

Mr Aguila vs Brian Kendrick w/ Paul London

Johnny Jeter & AJ Atyles vs The Mexicools

CM Punk vs Brian Danielson vs Paul Burchill

plus the revelation of the new Commisioner, and RVD had promised to address Chris Jericho, and the Ultimate WOrld title situation!!

Tune in to Revolution week 2 coming soon...

Chairman RP Taylor has announced that the main event this week will be for the Total Wrestling Title, and will be a triple threat between CM Punk, Paul Burchill and Brian Danielson!!

Furthermore, RVD has stated that he will be in the ring at the opening of the show to address Chris Jericho, and the Ultimate World Title situation!!

Card for Revolution Week 2:

Elijah Burke vs Jody Fleish

Mr Aguila vs Brian Kendrick w/ Paul London

Johnny Jeter & AJ Atyles vs The Mexicools

CM Punk vs Brian Danielson vs Paul Burchill - Triple Threat for the UWA Total Wrestling Title

Plus a statement from RVD, a new commisioner, and more...
Cool 1st show. You definately have an interesting roster but I think you may need to add about 5/6 extra wrestlers as your roster is a little bit small. One thing you need to change though is the repetitive format you have going on = interview, match, interview, match. You need to put something different in place to help it flow more. Anywho, continue with your show and I'll review it (aslong as you review my show, that is, lol.)
Hey bro, was gone for a while and noticed that you reviewed my show. So I will return the favor.

Your first show was very solid, you set the tone well for future shows. I am interested to see where you head with the World title scene as I like all the wrestlers you have in it.

I also like the pairing of AJ Styles and Johnny Jeter. Unique team, but I think they will for sure work well as a unit.

The triple threat for the Total Wrestling Title looks to be peaking my interest.

Also, my favorite match on the first show was the main event, good action, good story, good finish.

Overall 8.5/10 for that show.
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