Utah: Proof that the BCS Doesn't Work?

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Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
Before the SEC Championship, everyone was ready to crown Alabama as national champs...but then they lost to Florida. So, they earn the squash matchup against the annual non-BCS conference undefeated of choice, Utah, simply to appease the whiners that mid-majors deserve a chance to be legitimate contenders.

Then Utah freaking totally outplays Alabama. Not like Utah's previous BCS win...when they owned the crap out of Pitt, whom they were intended to destroy.

So, does this totally obliterate the legitimacy of the BCS?

To me, this totally takes the current system and gives it a big kick in the nuts. How can a system that has won 8 straight bowl games be excluded from playing for the national championship simply because of the conference in which they play? The WAC and MWC are certainly becoming very legitimate conferences, and dare I say, may just be more legitimate than the Big 10 and/or the ACC.

This to me is just further need for a playoff. At the end of the season there's going to be one undefeated college football team, and that's Utah. How many first place votes will they be getting? One if they're lucky, two if God is a Utes fan. At the end of the day, the criticism will be "they couldn't beat Florida or Oklahoma". Really now? The only thing that I have to say to people like that is prove it. No one thought they had a chance against Bama and look what happened. They didn't win on a miracle like Boise St. did against OU a few years ago. They flat out beat Alabama, on all fronts. To those of you that want to say the O-lineman was the only reason, that may be true, but it means nothing. Utah won, plain and simple. No one can prove the result would be any different if he had played, and no one can prove that OU or UF would beat Utah either. This is why there's going to be a dispute. What about USC? Shouldn't they be considered? There simply isn't going to be a clean cut champion this year, but the BCS will try as hard as they can to spin it that way. Terrible system.
Not only did Utah finish undefeated, they went down to SEC Country, played the SEC West champion, and up until one game ago, the number one team in the country for 5 weeks or so, and stomped the shit out of them.

Does Utah destroy the legitimacy of the BCS, in my opinion, yes, in most opinions, probably not. The big thing is going to be, what does the AP do? The AP is going to be the big organization out there that has the potential of causing controversy. The AP though has a lot of choices to make, and the problem will be this. What if Texas goes out and destroys Ohio State tonight, and Oklahoma beats Florida? Will the AP go ahead and vote Texas in as their champion. Or say Texas loses, but the Florida Oklahoma game goes to multiple over times, and the AP decides to give the title to USC?

There is a big problem right now. The winner of the Oklahoma/Florida game has a major claim still, Texas still has a major claim, and USC has a major claim. I'm not sure taht Utah could beat a Florida, Texas or USC myself, that's just my opinion. If i'm apart of the AP, I still am not sure if I vote for Utah ahead of a Texas or USC. If the AP could organize enough votes to do it, and stick it to the BCS, then I think you'll see the Utah win as a huge victory for playoff supporters.
Proof that the BCS doesn't work? Do we actually need that anymore? Hasn't it long been established that the BCS is terrible and doesn't work?

But yes, I guess if we needed more proof, a team that goes undefeated that doesn't have a chance to play for a national title is ridiculous. Of course, all the naysayers will say "But they didn't play in a Power Conference". But, that's stupid. Because, as I've pointed out before, the Mountain West Conference has completely outplayed the Pac 10 of the last two or three years. And they've been far more respectable against power conference teams than the Big East has.

At this point, there should be ZERO reason for a team from the MWC to not get a chance at the title, if they are undefeated. Hell, they just beat a former #1 team in the nation.
Utah is the best proof than the BCS system is worthless...How can you tell that university and their football players that you beat everybody on your schedule and not get a chance to play for the national championship. They beat BYU, TCU, Oregon State, and dominated Alabama. They won seven games on the road and most BCS teams only play like 4 or 5 road games. I hate it when some say they should join the Pac-10. The Mountain West this season was better than the PAC-10, Big 10, ACC, and the Big East. The big schools don't want to put Utah on their schedule and instead put cupcakes on there. They don't realize that it would benefit them to play Utah and vice versa as it would give them more quality wins if they are ever in the discussion for a national championship. Unless there's a playoff, you won't see any non-BCS teams win the championship and that's a shame.
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