Urijah Faber



Urijah Faber is a mere 5 ft 6 in, weighting in at 145 pounds. The man, wrestles like a savage, a true gladiator of our time. Faber is the most well-rounded fighter that I know of, can throw extremely fast jabs, is an expert when it comes to his ground game, and can really throw a deadly elbow straight from the pits of hell itself.

Faber made his professional MMA debut as part of the Gladiator Challenge promotion on November 12, 2003, defeating Jay Valencia by guillotine choke at 1:22 in round 1. Thus starting off what has come to be a glorious career.

Thus far in Fabers career, he is 22-3. Two of his losses come from Mike Brown who seemingly has his number, and 1 comes from Tyson Griffen. During 2 of these matches, Faber showed up fighting a very weird style, that didn't really do much for him, except screw himself out of the match. During the third, I believe Faber would have won it, had he not broken both his hands early in the fight.

Urijah Fabers list of achievements, and titles held throughout his 5 year professional career include. At one point in time, Faber actually held all three titles at one time.

GC Bantamweight champion x 2
KOTC Bantamweight championship x 1
WEC Featherweight title x 1

Round 1

Ultimately Round 1 was a fairly even round between the two fighters. Urijah Faber has some very nice blows in round 1, and Mike Brown had some very nice takedowns. Due to the point system Mike Brown came off with the win in round 1 with 1-2 takedowns on Urijah Faber.

I must add, I really enjoyed the speed both fighters showed in the first round of this match. Faber hit some lightning fast jabs, and Brown really worked some magic in those takedowns, takingdown Faber, who I thought really had superior wrestling skills over Brown.

Early in the fight, Faber broke his right hand, partly sealing his fate in what would come to be the third blemish on Urijah Fabers career.

Round 2

This round deffinetly went to Faber, he completely dominated Brown neutrally. Making up for points lost during the first round, and got in a few takedowns too. Unfortanatly, Fabers fate was also sealed in this round, dislocating his left hand, causing two broken hands in one match. There wasn't much he could do about this part of the fight.

I really do respect, and honor Fabers heart shown here though, most fighters would have given up due to pain. Faber on the other hand, showed his true love for the sport, which is something you can't teach your fighter as a trainer.

Round 3

Round 3 was a really bad one from Faber fightwise. Throughout 10 minutes, he broke both of his hands, and had to come up with a stratagy on how to defeat Brown without seriously injurying himself any further. Too bad for Faber, what he did, opened him up for about 5-6 takedowns. Causing Brown to win by a decision at the end of the match.

This round is the sole reason Urijah Faber is my favorite MMA fighter. He showed guts, respect, love, heart, determination, adreniline all during this part of the fight. No matter who you are, worst fighter in the world, or best fighter in the world, you really do have to tip your hat off to the attributes shown in Faber. Hes a tough fighter, but as I said above, they really just can't teach you the love for the sport no matter how much they try.

Round 4

I didn't like the fact that Faber didn't really take advantage of his kicks that he learns in his Muay Thai classes. If you ask me this match was a stalemate, early on Faber had some nice blows, and later on Brown had some nice blows. Its really hard for me to say, as I've only just gotten into MMA, so I'm not sure who this round went to. Both fighters seemed to be resting up for round 5, and as round 5 shows, they laid it out, and gave everything they had in round 5.

Round 5

Faber landed FIFTEEN left hooks/jabs broken handed jabs. Once again folks, this shows true heart. Can you imagine the pain he must be in at this point in the fight? Honestly, this round goes to Faber, no questions about it from me. He controlled the pace, and the action during this round, Mike Brown won this round points wise, with 3 takedowns, to Fabers 2.

Faber's medical clearance will be active until December 4, 2009

Other notable matches include


While not being the greatest match from Fernandez. I enjoyed this match on the part of Faber, as it shows off his very nice striking ability. Quick, and deadly. I would not fight this man, to save my wives life. Just saying.

Urijah Faber is the best Featherweight I've ever seen. Hes well rounded in all aspects of the sport, and excells in the neutral position and wrestling parts of his matches.
Great post, Milky.

I love me some Urijah Faber, as well. He's one of the most exciting fighters in all of MMA, and one of the classiest individuals in the sport as well.

Right now though, you can't call him the best Featherweight in the World. Mike Brown holds two victories over him. And while I think Brown got lucky the second time around with Faber breaking his hand in the early rounds (I thought Faber was controlling the stand-up before that happened), it still remains that Brown's the current WEC Featherweight Champion and has defeated Urijah Faber twice. But hopefully, there's a 3rd fight sooner rather than later and Urijah can show us that he's still the best in the division.
Great post, Milky.

I love me some Urijah Faber, as well. He's one of the most exciting fighters in all of MMA, and one of the classiest individuals in the sport as well.

Right now though, you can't call him the best Featherweight in the World. Mike Brown holds two victories over him. And while I think Brown got lucky the second time around with Faber breaking his hand in the early rounds (I thought Faber was controlling the stand-up before that happened), it still remains that Brown's the current WEC Featherweight Champion and has defeated Urijah Faber twice. But hopefully, there's a 3rd fight sooner rather than later and Urijah can show us that he's still the best in the division.

Thanks, I appreciate it. :)

Meh, if you watch their first fight, Faber really had a bad fight. You could tell his mind wasn't really on the fight, and he was fighting a VERY unorthodox style, even for Urijah Faber. It was almost like he was fighting himself, and not Mike Brown.

As for the second fight Brown got lucky, it was a very close match, and Faber had a broken hand 5 out of 5 rounds, and a 2nd broke hand 4 out of 5 rounds. Yet, he still almost won the fight, by my calculations (I watched the fight last night, and am doing this off of memory) Brown had only 3 takedowns more than Faber, and it was pretty even all fight when it came to Neutral postion. But, I still felt Faber controled the speed of this match, he just had a huge gap only being able to throw elbows, turning his hip to the left like he had to, opened his right leg for a takedown each elbow he threw. Round 3 costed him the match, because he was testing how Brown could handle the elbows, mixed with very few kicks. Needless to say, Brown handled it very wel. What I'm really saying, had Faber not broken his hands, he would have won in my opinion.

Its not Faber's fault his punches are so hard his bones can't take it. He needs to drink some milk :p
I love Urijah Faber as well. He is a very very talented athlete with a lot more potential, I just hope he won't get lost in the politics of MMA and the growing power of the UFC.

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