UPW:MONDAY NIGHT COLLISION COURSE!!(let me know if you like it so i can add matches.

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Dark Match Winner
WELCOME TO THE FIRST SHOW OF ULTIMATE PRO WRESTLING-Monday night collison!!!We are live from the Hammerstein ballroom in NY,NY

(Pyro goes off)

Jerry Lynn:Yeah,We have a great show tonight.Im glad i left that wanna be Ecw tna crap for this.

LArry Z:ME Too.ITs much better here.We have alot of great matches Tonight:

Larry Z:Wait a minute...Do you hear that?ITs AJ STYLES!!! What is he doing here?

Jerry Lynn:I dont know but where about to find out.

(Aj styles music plays)

Aj styles:Welcome people to ULTIMATE PRO WRESTLING!!.You see ever since I left tna people were saying why AJ why..Well its simple.That crap aint cutting it for me.Ultimate pro wrestling has everything you need in a wrestling buisness.The number one thing needed is alot of wrestling and thats why im here because this is the only promotion where you can find a lot of wrestling.As you can see since this is a new promotion we have no champions.Just because we dont have champonship doesnt mean we dont have titles.Now thats why im out here.Because me and my partner want the upw tag titles.Now let me introduce to you my partner.

(Unknown music plays and smog appears on the ramp way.When the smoke clears Christopher daniels appears)

Jerry Lynn:Oh my god.Christopher Daniels is Styles partner.We saw them team up in tna but how will they team here?New moves or what.This has me at tthe edge of my seat.

Larry Z:I know wha tyour talking about.I seen alot of tag matches but non like Aj and christopher tag.There style of tag team is nice.there two high flying risk-takers if ya ask me.

Christopher Daniels:Hey Styles.You see.Im here for a good reason and so is styles.We are here for a better oppurtunity.A oppurtunity that tna can never give us.So without further a do let me announce to you the owner of the company and who will debut the upw tag team titles and our opponents for the title.....Eric Bischoff

Larry Z: OMG.The owner of the company is eric bicshoff.Someone who got fired and humiliated on WWE's raw.

Jerry Lynn:It is also someone who beat WWE 87 weeks in a row while working in WCW.This is great nice

(Eric Bischoff's music plays and he heads to the ring)

Eric:Sorry guys.I got bad news.I cant just make a match.We have 8 tag team in the back.I cant just make a tag team title match.But here is what i could do.I could make a Tag team tournament.With the tag teams i have in the back.I will call it the world to the gold tournament.As a matter of a fact im not making a UPW Wrestling Championship match until i see two wrestlers that deserve it.Well here is the first round of the tournament.It would be Aj Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. The reunited MNM!!!

(Eric Bischoff exits)

Jerry Lynn:What a great way to kick off monday night collison.

Larry Z:its a great way.Tag team action.And i like how bischoff isnt just going to make a title match or a match for any UPW wrestling title.That youneed to earn.

Jerry Lynn:Well it looks like this competition is about to kick off.

(MNMthe ring melina does a sexy split and kisses joey and nitro)

Larry Z:Lets get this thing started with these two cousins battling it out in the ring against style and daniels.Wait a minute.Both teams are in the ring.Looks like its tornado style.

1st Match:Aj styles goes on the effensive knocking joey out the ring.Christopher Daniels tosses Joey out the ring.Stlyes goes into the rope out of the and out of the ring with a cross body over the rope on joey and nitro.

Larry Z:WOW.What a great move by styles.

Jerry Lynn:Im a former wrestler and while it was a good move to do it drains alot of energy styles has to be careful.

Conuing first match:Aj styles gets up and heads into the ring.Daniels then goes into and out of the rope and out of the ring to hit back down Joey and nitro.

Larry Z:Thats why they call him the fallen angel.He could fly like an angel.

Jerry Lynn:I have to agree.This team is on focus and are locked on what they need to get done.And thats winning the match and winnning the tournament to get the tag titles.

Meanwhile in the ring:Aj styles and Christopher Daniels get ready to high fly out the ring again but togeather this time.Nitro and Joey get back to their feet and dont know where they are at.Styles and Daniels fly out the ring but this time melina warns mnm and they move out the way and the team of styles and daniels hits the canvas.

Jerry Lynn:There was no way MNM would fall for that again.

Larry Z:Yeah your right.Melina gave them the warning they spotted it and got out of there right in time.

Jerry Lynn:Thats smart thinking by mnm.The melina factor in this wrestling match would prove to be in good favor for mnm.

Back in the ring:Joey throws AJ back in the ring.Then he irish whips him into the turn buckle.Joey goes for a running clothesline into the corner but AJ runs up does a backflip kick to the head.

Larry Z:What a great Melee!

JerryLynn:Yes it was.It was planted right on him.

While in the ring:Nitro goes and attacks Aj styles.He hit a nice suplex.From behind comes Christopher Daniels and hits a back braker.He then goes for the angel wings but a kick to the face from joey stops it.Joey turns around and it looks like AJ was going to hit the cross body on Joey but Joey moves and he hits Nitro.Joey then gets the roll up.1,2....no and then Daniels brakes up the pinfall.

Larry Z:Close one right there if ya ask me.

Jerry Lynn:Well Joey Mercury had a great strategy but he forgot it was a tag team match and forgot about Christopher Daniels.

Back in the match:Daniels throw's Joey out the ring.Then he does a 450 spash on the ropes out the ring and on to Joey.

At the announce Table:Jerry Lynn:Wow amazing.Nice spalsh.That leaves Joey out the match.I mean there's no way hes getting up after that one.

In the ring:Melee by styles.Followed by the styles clash.

Jerry Lynn:STYLES CLASH.This one is over.He hit his signature.

Back in the ring:Styles goes for the cover the ref doesnt see it because he is distracted by melina.Styles goes and knocks melina off the apron.Out of nowhere Nitro gets the roll up.Daniels goes to break it up but melina holds on to his leg.1...2...4..Mnm defeats Styles and Daniels via roll up

Jerry Lynn:They just got screwed.That is not fair.Melina may be beautiful on the outside but on the inside she's nasty.

Larry Z:Are you kidding me?That was just nice strategy.

(MNM exit with a smile on their face.Aj is mad and so is Daniels.The crowd chants their name as they get up and head to the back)

Quick commercial break...

In Bischoffs Office:

Bischoff(on the phone):Yeah ok sounds great(hangs up)

(Styles and Christopher Daniels enter)

Styles:We just got screwed.You have to fix this

Daniels:You better fix it.

Eric:Listen to me.You dont talk to me like that but you know what since things are going great let me tell you this.Next week in the main event it will be Style and Daniels vs.MNM in a no disqualification match.

Styles.Sounds good to me.What about you Daniels?

Daniels:Sounds real good

Eric:Now get out of my office i got things to do.

Jerry Lynn:What a main event next week?Eh Larry Z.

Larry Z:Yes it is.And its no DQ so if Melina interferes its all legal.What has Aj and Daniels got them self into.

Jerry Lynn:While that may be true i wouldnt doubt Aj and Daniels for a secound.

Larry Z:Who's music is that?

(enter Mike ''the mizz''Mizzanian)

Mike:Hey dudes and dudetts.Im here for a very important message.HOO RA!!!!


Larry Z:Well its MIKE!!! THE MIZ!!!He used to be smackdown's host.He has signed a contract with UPW!!!!

Jerry Lynn:Thats not all he says he has an announcement.

Mike:I will be the new Announcer and host FOR UPW COLLISION CORSE!!!


Larry Z:Well we didnt have an announcer for the first match now did we.This will work out fine.

Mike:Now that thats settled.Let me announce the 2nd match.Introducing first he wieghs in about 196 pounds.THE HOMICIDAL,SUICIDAL,SABU!!!!He's from Bombbay india.

Larry Z:Wow this is sure to be interesting

Mike:And his opponent is 166 pounds and SONJAY DUTT.He is also from Bombay india.

Jerry Lynn:Expect some crazy moves from both competitiors.

Larry Z:Oh i will.Now we know alot about both these competitiors.For they were both in TNA

Jerry Lynn:Yes they were.We can expect alot from these two.

Mike:This will be singles competition.Now lets get it on.HOO RA


Match #2.Sabu goes into the rope so as Dutt.Sabu goes for drop kick and Dutt scouts it so hangs on to rope then hits drop kick.He then goes go a DDT.HE its it.Goes for the spash on the top ropes and sabu moves out the way.Sabu waits for Sonjay to get up and he does and hits drop kick.Pins 1...2... and a kick out by Sonjay.

Jerry Lynn:This is alot of action.

Larry Z:Yes it is.Its fast pace and everything.We knew and expected these things from these too.

Back to match:Sonjay gets tossed out the ring.Sabu trys to do arabian leg drop from top rope and to out the ring but misses and injures his leg.Sonjay throws Sabu into the ring.He then starts attack the leg of Sabu.

Larry Z:Nice strategy.

Back in the ring:Sonjay goes for Fingure four leg lock.He gets it locked in.It looks like Sabu is getting near rope and he does but Sonjay pulls him back.

Jerry Lynn:He's going to have to counter

Larry Z:IF he does it would put pain on Sonjay.But can he do it?

Jerry Lynn:Were about to find out...

Fans:Lets go Sabu!!!

Back in the ring:SABU COUNTERS!!!He recovers kicks sonjay in the mid-section.Couple of right by Sabu.Sabu attempts to throw him into the turnbuckle.But Sonjay reverses it.Sonjay climbs the turn buckel and delivers devestating blows to Sabu until Sabu hits the power bomb.Sabu then recovers a little and fights back with strong rights.Leg drop.Back flip slam on Sonjay.Sabu goes on top rope.He then hits frog splash.Sonjay is left knocked out.Sabu hits Arabian face buster.Cover Sonjay...1...2...3..Sabu picks up the win

Jerry Lynn:Nice match up.Fast pace.Nice moves.

Larry Z:You got to give it up for both these men.They put a lot of effort into this match.With no titles on the line.This is why UPW is a better product than any other production.

Meanwhile in the ring: Sabu leaves limping.Sonjay gets up and gets on the mic.I had that much won.ITs you dumb fans that chanted his name.

Fans:BOO!!,You suck.

Sonjay:Next week im giving out an open challenge to any superstar.And if you fans have something to say about it not only will i eliminate my opponent but i will shut each and every one of you up.You idiots kept distracting me.And next week i wont stand for it.

Fans:You suck! You suck! You suck!

Jerry Lynn:What a soar looser

Larry Z:Hey I've been wrestling many years.And the fans could get annoying.And to tell you something i think Sonjay has a point.

Jerry Lynn: He has no point.He's just a soar looser.

Larry Z:Wait a minute.Theres an interview going on in the back.Check this out.

Maria:Hi my name is maria.And I am here with Mr.Eric Bischoff.He has a big announcement.So i have to ask whats the big anouncement.

Bischoff:As you all know many announcemnets were made.Well this announcement is that the main event this week and is next will be two former champions.One is a former WWE champion.The next is Former Tna Champion.Its going to be EDGE VS.Christian CAGE!!!!!

Larry Z:Wow what a match

Jerry Lynn:Your damn skippy and its next

Larry Z:And its now

(Edge's music play and Mike Mizzanian introduces him and does the same with Christian Cage)

Larry Z:This is entertaining for multiple reasons.

Jerry Lynn:Yes there both former champions for different companies.And their brothers...

The match:Edge starts off with the upper hand.Punching cage in the mid section and right in the eye.He then throws him into turn buckle.Puts him on top of turn buckle.A suplex off the top rope.Edge throws him out the ring.(out comes lita)Edge distracts the ref while lita attacks cage on the outside.

Jerry Lynn:What the hell??

Larry Z:This is amazing.Great strategy.

Jerry Lynn:Shut up Larry.This is crap.Just crap

Larry Z:ITs not crap its strategy.

Back with the match:Edge goes on the outside and throws CC back in the ring


In the ring:Edge dominates christian cage with rights and a upgraded DDT.Goes for the pin.1....2...no he Christian gets the leg up.Edge gets fustrated.

The Fans:Edge sucks! Edge sucks!

In the ring:Edge is getting ready for the spear.He goes for the spear and misses.Christian Cage trys to get up using the ropes.He does and goes on the attack.With some some right and lefts of his own.Belly to belly suplex.Followed by DDT.Leg drop follows the DDT.He goes on top the turn buckle.He is trying to fly.Frog splash but misses!Edge recovers hits spear.1...2...3...Edge and Lita has a make out session.

Larry Z:Nice love after winning a match

Jerry Lynn:This show was good but we had two girls intefere with a match.Especially that tournament match

Larry Z:Stop complaining

Jerry Lynn:Well thats it for today.Check out Monday night Collision next week.We have another tournament match.That revenge no DQ tag match.The open challenge match by Sonjay Dutt and much more.
Spelling needs work, and if you are going to use real people, think about what they would say. Would Jerry Lynn really say "Damn skippy"? Or would Larry Z say "Nice love"? Don't get me wrong, you did all the right things with this. Great flow, nice set up to matches and you included surprises. I have an e-fed online so I know how a thing like this works. It's not easy, but I think you have what it takes to make it a good show. Nice show name too.
I'm looking forward to it. I want to see who wins between AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels and MNM in that No DQ match and I want to see who accepts Sonjay Dutts open challenge. I hope my comments didn't make you change your mind about doing this. It really is good.
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