Update - GFW Suspends Alberto el Patron Due to Airport Domestic Violence Incident

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Professional wrestler Jose Alberto Rodriguez, better known as current Global Force Wrestling Champion Alberto El Patron and formerly Alberto Del Rio in WWE, is being investigated for possible domestic violence Sunday at the Orlando International Airport. Citing witnesses who said they saw an argument he escalated, TMZ first reported the investigation today, which it then confirmed with the Orlando Police Department. When reached by Deadspin, Orlando police issued this statement:

There was an incident at Orlando International Airport at about 3 p.m. Sunday involving Jose Rodriguez. The reported incident was a domestic violence battery, and it is still under investigation. No arrests have been made as of this time, but the case remains open. That is all the information we have for release at this time.

While not named by police, Rodriguez’s fiance is Saraya-Jade Bevis, best known as Paige, a WWE-contracted wrestler. The two have been a couple since at least May 2016, when they went public with their relationship. Alberto’s then-wife, Angela Velkei, has claimed in divorce papers that she and her husband broke up two weeks later. The couple has been engaged since last fall, though Paige’s father, Roy “Ricky Knight” Bevis, has been very public about not approving of the relationship.

Paige tweeted the following after TMZ report:

@RealPaigeWWE: WE got the cops involved. I'm crying cuz I found out bad fam news & a lady tries take a pic. She gets angry throws a drink on @PrideOfMexico

Hours after its first report, TMZ posted audio it said it got from a wrestling fan who recognized the couple at the airport and recorded what happened. In the audio, a distraught Paige is repeatedly heard telling Alberto to stay away from her and “stay out of my life” while he threatens to call the police. At one point, she adds “Press charges! It gets me the fuck away from you!”



GFW did release a statement to on this earlier today:

A rep for GFW tells us, “Global Force Wrestling takes all legal situations very seriously and is looking into this matter. GFW is a privately-held company and will thoroughly investigate this incident and fully cooperate with law enforcement.”



The real kicker with this is that Patron just won both the Impact and GFW titles to unify the World Championship and just participated in effectively the next two months' worth of tapings. According to PWS, it's unclear if they'll even use the footage now. That's an insane hole that they're simply not going to be able to effectively work around. This is immeasurably worse than the last time they had a somewhat similar problem (content-wise) with the whole Hernandez can't be seen because he's under contract and didn't tell them debacle.
If this is true: Fire him. Simple as that. Fire him and never give him another job in wrestling ever again if this is the case. WWE ain't gonna want him back after everything he's said about them and i'm doubting other companies will want to associate themselves with a domestic abuser.

So yeah, if it's found that he's been abusing Paige; bury him, fire him, don't care what you do to him; make sure he never works for the company again.
If he actually assaulted her, they have no choice but to, which is a real shame given the work he's put in thus far. It really appeared like he and Impact were a match for the immediate future, but there's no excusing that behavior.

But, seriously, holy shit is that a massive hole in the storyline they're going to seriously struggle to fill.
If he actually assaulted her, they have no choice but to, which is a real shame given the work he's put in thus far. It really appeared like he and Impact were a match for the immediate future, but there's no excusing that behavior.

But, seriously, holy shit is that a massive hole in the storyline they're going to seriously struggle to fill.

I think a certain Real American could easily fill his place if they so wish...*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
If they were a live weekly-recorded program, maybe. But they've already taped well in advance, upward of two months worth of content. There's no glossing over that with ease.
Sucks. Maybe Patron was on too much Petrone and Coke and I don't mean Coca Cola. Seriously, this guy is a walking Bad News Moron who thinks he owns the world. Sure he showed up in Lucha, RoH, and now GFWhatever their name is, and yeah, it got to his head, perro. So, maybe they fill in a big hole like WWE does for the Triple H/Shawn Micheals (Benoit) match at Wrestlemanina. Okay, won't work but still, this just sucks for GFW. They need good news and news that would want to make guys leave the WWE on their own accord to want to work there. But hey, they should have known what they were getting their hands into. However, he is still innocent until proven guilty.
When I first heard the story today I thought it was just another bullshit excuse to keep their names in the papers, but apparently not.

It's still unclear what really happened as it's still being investigated, but according to the police there are witnesses to the situation and we'll find out soon enough what happened. What he doesn't have going for him is this isn't the first time he's been accused of some kind of violence towards someone else, outside of the ring. Wasn't there an incident in Europe a few months ago when he and his brother got into it. I remember vaguely about a fight and walls being covered in blood. Then we can't forget about his highly publicized slapfest of a WWE employee. There are most likely more but can't remember them.

I don't like men that hit or abuse women, nor do I like women that hit or abuse men, there is just no need for it. If a relationship has gotten to the point where violence is involved then it's time to get out. Unfortunately for this pair though, neither one of them seem to have a brain between them.

Paige lives her life on the edge, I really don't believe she is capable of making a good decision. He is just nuts and lives in the past. Always going on about how horrible the WWE is and was to him. Who cares, he isn't there anymore, turn the page (no pun intended) and get on with your life.

I hope for her sake if he did abuse her in some manner, she has the smarts to leave the guy and never look back. He needs help and to be truthful she does as well.
I read all about this today and if he genuinely did put his hands on her, then he needs to be fired no ifs, ands or buts about it. I listened to the audio and it's definitely Paige and it has me wondering if they're both in a mutually abusive sort of relationship. Then again, parts of the audio has me wondering if Del Rio could be this smothering control freak who wants Paige under his thumb 24/7.

At the same time, it's hard for me to have a lot of sympathy for GFW because Del Rio/Patron has been acting pretty damned unstable for quite some time long before he started working regularly for GFW. He goes on these drunken rants about WWE or just suddenly starts shooting on WWE for no particular reason. He'll sometimes just threaten people who work for WWE just to be doing it, he's gotten into lots of altercations involving family members or even people he works with, etc. If I'm not mistaken, I read something where he did start to shoot on WWE in the middle of something GFW were doing and they turned his music up so loud that fans couldn't hear him, yet he still kept screaming at the top of his lungs to try and be heard?

So yeah, it's a lousy break for GFW but maybe it'll teach them not to do business with and put so much focus on unstable fuck ups.


GFW did release a statement to on this earlier today:



The real kicker with this is that Patron just won both the Impact and GFW titles to unify the World Championship and just participated in effectively the next two months' worth of tapings. According to PWS, it's unclear if they'll even use the footage now. That's an insane hole that they're simply not going to be able to effectively work around. This is immeasurably worse than the last time they had a somewhat similar problem (content-wise) with the whole Hernandez can't be seen because he's under contract and didn't tell them debacle.

I don't see the problem.

I mean, I abhor domestic violence, but WWE didn't seem to have a dilemma in pushing a known wife-beater like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as their main guy, and use his image everywhere, despite allegations from Jeannie Adams, Debra and another girlfriend that he was violent towards all of them, and plead guilty to the Debra incident.

The fans didn't seem bothered by it either, given their pops when Austin gave Stacy Keibler a "Stone Cold Stunner" three weeks after he plead guilty to hitting Debra.
If this is true and knowing it comes from TMZ and i really doubt that it is, then it's a shame to see Paige defending him on this. But That something that happens way to often in are society we're the victims defend the aggressor because they still loved them and think that it's they're fault that this happen. Paige and El patron really need help in my opinion but while i don't see GFW offering El Patron's help for his behavior and i doubt they would release it over this because they need him as the face of the company, i'm sure WWE would offers some help to paige, but will she accepted it, that's another thing.

In The end, i feel sad for them that they have to go through their personal problems with Tabloid shows on their case and i hope that somehow, they will be able to work whatever they are going through out.
There a couple of new developments in this thing making the rounds today. This is from a report via wrestlinginc.com.

Before the audio came out, Paige took to Twitter and blamed the incident on a woman who threw a drink on Alberto after asking for a photo. That woman spoke with Heavy.com and called the allegation "completely false." The fan noted that Alberto "reeked" of alcohol as he chased after Paige inside the airport.
While arguing on the airport tram system, an emotional Paige reportedly screamed that Del Rio had been doing cocaine for "two days straight" and she called him abusive, according to the witness. The woman said, "They were arguing back and forth, screaming at each other."

The woman, who lives in the Tampa area, was dropping her mother-in-law off at the airport when she saw Paige outside of a restaurant close to the entrance of a terminal. Paige looked "upset" while on the phone with someone, pacing back and forth with tears in her eyes. The woman admitted to discreetly trying to take photos of Paige as she walked and talked on the phone. Paige apparently noticed her and walked back into the restaurant as one of the four people at her table walked out, presumably to check and see if she was still there. Paige suddenly came storming back out of the restaurant "crying and yelling." Alberto, who was visibly soaked in liquid, chased after her as she went to the nearby tram system.

The woman followed the argument and was one of the only people on the tram with the couple as their argument grew louder. "He was soaked and she was saying, 'You're such an abusive husband, I hate you. You've ruined my life, you've ruined my career,'" the woman said.
The couple continued their argument for a short while on the tram as Patron allegedly said, "Check her bag, she's got all the coke in it, it's all hers."
That is when the witness pulled out her phone again and tried to record the argument, which is where the TMZ audio came from.
Paige did note on Twitter that she received some bad news about the health of her uncle on Sunday. The witness believes the argument started because Alberto said something negative about the uncle. The witness said, "From what I gather, he said something like, 'I hope your f--king uncle dies tomorrow, and grabs her wrist because he was mad she was on the phone for so long. They wanted to leave, so he got mad and grabbed her wrist. She got upset and threw water on him and she ran out."
After the audio stops, the woman said she stayed along with Paige and asked if she needed any assistance. She said airport police with a K-9 then stopped Alberto because they could smell alcohol on him.

A second development, well sort of, is that Paige's brother, Zak Bevis, posted a statement on his Facebook page today stating:

"I've got too say I'm very worried about my sister. Please keep a eye on her, she had one Prick Known as brad Maddox who took advantage of an 18 year old girl. Physically and mentally abused her. And now she's with a control freak who think he's a tough guy cause he's beats my sister and has money too cover his tracks.

"I love my sister she will end up like Whitney Houston or Amy Winehouse...please share this,,I want the world to know that i care about my lil sister.....everyone keep an eye on her...you'll be angry at me but I love you, I'm writing this on behalf of all the Knights."

As to whether or not the claims of this alleged female witness are true or not, we can only guess. When it comes to her brother's comments, it's hard not to be sympathetic as many of us, I'm sure, have had someone in our lives we care about take a destructive path in life. Zak Bevis is someone who'd be in the know, so this isn't something like a friend of a friend who knows a mutual friend said this or that. It sort of treminds me of a message their mother put out a good while back; I don't remember exactly what it said, it was in response to Paige failing a WWE drug test and rather than condemning WWE, as I initially figured she would, it came across more like a plea for her daughter to get help with her "demons." I remember distinctly that she typed "demons" in the response and that's what stuck with me and had me thinking that Paige was having some sort of issue either with drugs or was in an unhealthy relationship.
I'm not sure if it is necessarily appropriate to comment on the functionality of their relationship, but I'll just say that this doesn't look very good for either of them. We've all joked about it, but something like this goes beyond all the idiocy that we thought this relationship was about. I don't necessarily feel sorry for Alberto if the domestic violence and cocaine usage is proven, but I feel sorry for them both to have to deal with this with the world watching through slimy tabloids. Then again, the airport isn't the best choice of venue to have your breakdown.

I see some people saying that Alberto will be fired. Now, I feel as if he SHOULD be fired, and if I was TNA/GFW, then I wouldn't want this to be the guy I count on to lead my company into new beginnings. BUT, look at past events that have happened involving these things. Austin did some terrible things. And he stayed number one in the company. Jeff Hardy was absolutely whacked at one point in his last TNA run and they ultimately stuck by him. Alberto may be no different, he may actually be safe. It would be morally wrong, but there you go. GFW may need him too much.

Having said that, they really didn't need hindsight to see that Alberto might have been bad news in the making. For all his talents in the ring, Alberto is also well developed in the art of drunkenness and saying stupid things about the wrong people, burning many bridges in the process. This and drug use of the worst kind is not a business man or world champion. Further, this relationship with Paige, of which we really don't know the in's and out's, has always seemed unstable and with it hasn't carried much good news anyway. Perhaps Jarrett should have been a little more wise, but I don't own a wrestling company.
My god...

Yeah, I think that just about confirms it. Del Rio's been abusing Paige. And if that's the case, then he needs to be fired. I'd go as far as to say he should be fired ASAP.

But as Perfect Max said, GFW may wind up needing him too much and he might end up staying anyway. You can never be sure with these things.
It is crazy because in my first post I made the joke about him doing too much Coke. Thing is, Del Rio Patron looks like a coke head - this is to no surprise to me that this happened or is happening. Sadly, both Paige & Del Rio are in a mess of a relationship. Both are on their way out and this sounds like a Romeo & Juliet love story with an overdosing ending.

Del Rio Patron has been looking good in GFW; he actually looks like he wants to be there minus the bashing of WWE (which makes me think he either wants in or is truly disgusted with the company). His matches have been good by man, did GFW make the mistake of making him the Unified WHC for their promotion. Now the thing is, what does GFW do in this situation? We all know TNA/iMPACT's management is terrible (see Jeff Hardy vs Sting at Victory Road), so it would not surprise me if GFW keeps Del Rio Patron around.

Again, innocent until proven otherwise but still, it seems evident that he did what he did.
I think the fact that anthem said that they will do their own investigation on the matter is making me think that they will try to cover this up as much as they possibly can. If El patron is found guilty, i wouldn't be surprise that he will probably try to pay is way out of this situation and even try to buy paige and her family into no pressing charged against him.

If it's true, i'm feel for paige's family that really can't do anything but watch this situation happens until Paige finally realise that's she being abuse by her fiance. I think that why WWE wanted to split them up last year, they kinda knew what kinda person El patron was and we're just trying to protect her from him before it was too late. Their should have been a bell ringing in paige's head when his ex wife came foward and talk about her own domestic violence problem with El patron, but i guess when your in love you don't see those things.
I don't see the problem.

I mean, I abhor domestic violence, but WWE didn't seem to have a dilemma in pushing a known wife-beater like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as their main guy, and use his image everywhere, despite allegations from Jeannie Adams, Debra and another girlfriend that he was violent towards all of them, and plead guilty to the Debra incident.

The fans didn't seem bothered by it either, given their pops when Austin gave Stacy Keibler a "Stone Cold Stunner" three weeks after he plead guilty to hitting Debra.

A. You're talking about an incident or series of incidents that occurred fifteen years ago.

B. He plead no contest, not guilty. They are not the same thing. Pleading no contest doesn't admit guilt, it simply accepts punishment.

C. TNA/GFW have already set a recent standard that I would imagine they would stand by regarding a type of zero tolerance policy on domestic abuse (that I'd imagine also extends to things like child abuse). When Bram was initially arrested after an incident with his girlfriend in which he was accused of "domestic battery by strangulation and false imprisonment", he was quickly suspended [indefinitely] by then TNA. Once the charges were dropped, he was reinstated, but they made their position quite clear.

“The charges against Thomas Latimer are serious, and he is immediately and indefinitely suspended from any future TNA-sanctioned events awaiting the outcome of the case,” said TNA Executive Vice President of Television and Talent John Gaburick.

Perhaps you might want to argue that they're under new management now, and you'd be factually correct to do so, but I'm not so sure the Anthem-Jarrett-lead GFW rendition is going to treat this with kids gloves, or any level of willful ignorance for the sake of their television product given how quickly they responded to the initial reports citing an internal investigation immediately being launched.

The only thing also worth noting here is that despite being suspended, because TNA was in the same position they are now, having already taped well in advance, they actually continued to air pre-taped matches featuring Bram during his suspension. They were also chastised for doing so, so I'm not sure what the answer is here.
Need to be careful on what is said, as there's no charges as of yet and you could be done for defamation/slander...

That being said, things do not look good and that both are publically talking about drug use is a BIG problem... Whether it's "He said/She Said" or not, when you are contracted to an organisation like GFW or WWE you don't talk about that shit in public...

It would seem to be they have the worst kind of co-dependency issues... he is perhaps controlling and needs to be seen as "Papi" while she seems to be addicted to men who treat her poorly. The last person who really had these kind of issues so publically was Amy Winehouse, and look how that ended.

Perhaps that it's so public will bring the situation to a head now. Sadly for Paige, I can see her "Future Endeavour" post on WWE.com in the next few days... but they might actually do the "decent" thing and give her the option of rehab... if she really wants to be "away" from him, that would be a good move on her part and at least show WWE she's interested in rebuilding bridges.

There's also the issues of her work visa... if she is investigated for drugs for example, that could disappear very quickly.

As for Patron, there seems to be something very wrong with this guy... he seems intent on asking people for fights and causing as much mayhem as he can... Perhap's it's a misguided version of Brian Pillman's gimmick being played to the bone... perhaps he really does have issues... but one thing is becoming increasingly obvious. However good his work has been, it means nothing if he's beating his wife... Chris did that...look how that ended up.
A. You're talking about an incident or series of incidents that occurred fifteen years ago.

B. He plead no contest, not guilty. They are not the same thing. Pleading no contest doesn't admit guilt, it simply accepts punishment.

C. TNA/GFW have already set a recent standard that I would imagine they would stand by regarding a type of zero tolerance policy on domestic abuse (that I'd imagine also extends to things like child abuse). When Bram was initially arrested after an incident with his girlfriend in which he was accused of "domestic battery by strangulation and false imprisonment", he was quickly suspended [indefinitely] by then TNA. Once the charges were dropped, he was reinstated, but they made their position quite clear.

“The charges against Thomas Latimer are serious, and he is immediately and indefinitely suspended from any future TNA-sanctioned events awaiting the outcome of the case,” said TNA Executive Vice President of Television and Talent John Gaburick.

Perhaps you might want to argue that they're under new management now, and you'd be factually correct to do so, but I'm not so sure the Anthem-Jarrett-lead GFW rendition is going to treat this with kids gloves, or any level of willful ignorance for the sake of their television product given how quickly they responded to the initial reports citing an internal investigation immediately being launched.

The only thing also worth noting here is that despite being suspended, because TNA was in the same position they are now, having already taped well in advance, they actually continued to air pre-taped matches featuring Bram during his suspension. They were also chastised for doing so, so I'm not sure what the answer is here.

A) Once a beater, always a beater. They say sorry and that they will never do it again, and then they do it again.

Austin's next girlfriend after Debra also reported him for stalking her, and physically threatening her.

But you sycophants will defend anything the man does.

B)Why would take a punishment if you are not guilty? He didn't contest the charge, so he is considered "guilty" in a court of law.

Yet it didn't hurt Austin's standing or his position in WWE. People even cheered him showing violence towards Stacy Keibler on-screen three weeks after the Debra incident.
GFW suspending el patron really means nothing since they already taped their tv for a month so el patron will still be on tv every week until the next set of tapings and by then, he probably will found a way to get off the hook again and this will be all water under the bridge and he will be reinstated without missing one episode of impact.

For the suspension to mean something they would need to take all the el patron segment out of their taping and found a keyfabe story to explain why el patron isn't on impact right now.
A) Once a beater, always a beater. They say sorry and that they will never do it again, and then they do it again.

Austin's next girlfriend after Debra also reported him for stalking her, and physically threatening her.

But you sycophants will defend anything the man does.
So Austin being a wifebeater makes it OK for someone else to be a wifebeater? How does Austin being a wifebeater make it OK for ADR to be one?

B)Why would take a punishment if you are not guilty? He didn't contest the charge, so he is considered "guilty" in a court of law.

Yet it didn't hurt Austin's standing or his position in WWE. People even cheered him showing violence towards Stacy Keibler on-screen three weeks after the Debra incident.
This one's easy. Frequently defendants enter a plea of "no contest" when the expense of a trial- both financial and in terms of celebrity- would be far more damaging than disposing of the matter quietly. You remember how the dirt sheets spent a year chronicling the Austin trial? Yeah.

No, d_henderson, beating your wife isn't OK because Stone Cold did it and some people didn't mind. And if we're going to talk in terms of your "but Stone Cold was that much of a celebrity" argument, ADR is only equal to Steve Austin if you don't count everything after he stopped getting called The Ringmaster.
So Austin being a wifebeater makes it OK for someone else to be a wifebeater? How does Austin being a wifebeater make it OK for ADR to be one?

This one's easy. Frequently defendants enter a plea of "no contest" when the expense of a trial- both financial and in terms of celebrity- would be far more damaging than disposing of the matter quietly. You remember how the dirt sheets spent a year chronicling the Austin trial? Yeah.

No, d_henderson, beating your wife isn't OK because Stone Cold did it and some people didn't mind. And if we're going to talk in terms of your "but Stone Cold was that much of a celebrity" argument, ADR is only equal to Steve Austin if you don't count everything after he stopped getting called The Ringmaster.

Whenever anything like this comes up he comes out with the Steve Austin/Debra wife beating and all. Seen it all before and will next time someone gets tainted by it.

Glad to see that GFW has taken action, although since all the shows are taped Del Rio will still be on TV unless they edit it out somehow, which I wish they would do.

By the time the next taping session roll around hopefully he'll either have smartened up or be gone from the company.
The point is that since Benoit, Domestic Battery of ANY level in wrestling is a big no-no... as big a faux-pas as a drugs test fail or breach of "business etiquette" because it immediately puts the idea that wrestlers are violent towards women back into the public consciousness... also remember that it was only a couple of weeks back that it was the 10th anniversary of that, so it's BAD timing.

Austin did it, but he did it before Benoit so to an extent, he gets that pass. Everyone since who works for either WWE or TNA has been pretty much suspended or removed from TV from it, including Hall of Famers like Nash and Lawler (although both had charges dropped and were not "in the wrong" as such) as the sheer idea is toxic to the wrestling business.

There is very much a "don't shit where you live" mentality now, especially in WWE. It's why some relationships get frowned on and others don't. Bray's recent situation is messy and a good advert for this as was Cena and Orton's divorces... If it causes bad publicity or fallout, then you've done fucked up.

The relationships that work are the quiet ones, people like Ambrose and Renee or Naomi and Uso or Carmella and Cass... They keep it as quiet as they can...if there's a problem, you don't involve the business or do it publically.

Best example was on Diva's when it was Alicia still crushing on Wade Barrett... who even knew they'd dated, much less it would be that serious that there'd be even "exaggerated" fallout months later. But they kept it quiet and it didn't hurt them.

ADR's problem now is compounded by the burned bridges with WWE, the increasingly erratic behavior HE is displaying and the age gap with Paige/her family losing patience with the relationship.

It's VERY easy for the "no smoke" argument to apply even if charges were not brought and that being enough for Paige's family to stage some kind of "intervention" on her... or even Dwayne doing so... what ADR then does could decide both their futures.

Not suggesting he'd go all Benoit... but it's clear their relationship is self/mutually destructive and how that works when they're apart is an unknown quantity. ADR had a wife etc before... what does he do if he doesn't have her or Paige? That he is constantly asking people to fight on social media etc is an indicator that left to his own devices, things could go wrong.

Like I said before, really hope this gets resolved for both of them... they both need to do some work on themselves before they look at continuing their relationship or careers. I've a feeling Paige will get that chance to rebuild... ADR may have just nuked one too many bridges.
As far as the whole Austin situation goes, I did lose a lot of respect for Austin when all this came out. From a legal perspective, even though he didn't plead guilty, it still came across that way to me. I've been a corrections officer for over 10 years now and while that doesn't automatically make me some grand expert on the legal system, I've come across more than my share of technicalities that can twist the system so much that it's sometimes hard to tell exactly what's what. Back in the early 2000s, there was no TMZ, no Facebook, no Twitter, no social media to speak of, otherwise this story would've been all over the place and WWE would've had absolutely no alternative but to do something. I'm not saying that doing nothing in the first place was the right thing to do, maybe Vince thought it wasn't the company's business at the time to get involved in such things or he just hoped that the whole thing would be hushed up as quickly as possible. It's impossible to know or tell really.

As far as the Patron/Paige situation, I agree with an earlier poster than we really don't know what all the facts are and we likely never will. If the audio didn't exist to lend some credence to the claims of the woman who claims to have witnessed and heard all this, I'd have mostly written it off as just more tabloid fodder. Before the audio came out, Paige did kind of try to diffuse the whole thing by mentioning bad news about her uncle, which was true, but she omitted all the things going on with Patron. Paige's family claims that he's been physically abusive towards her for months, with pics to prove it, so MAYBE Paige has really been controlled by him and this is an opportunity for her to get out from under his thumb.

In my opinion, and that's all it is, based on what we think we know, they need to go their separate ways. I don't know if Patron is going through a mid-life crisis or what, but Paige is still a very young woman who can salvage her career; she only turns 25 next month I believe, so I think the best thing for her to do would be to leave, stay with her family for a while, work on whatever other issues might be going on, such as drugs or booze, and try to get back on track with her career as a wrestler.

However, Paige is obviously standing by her man as she posted this just a while ago:

"I had a phone call saying my uncle is in a bad way. I'm crying outside the restaurant. I go in, Alberto is hugging me. I'm a little sensitive and we start bickering about something so small. I say I'm leaving and he says something that I won't write on here but it wasn't nice and I, even though I shouldn't have done it. I threw a drink in his face because I was so angry. Again. Shouldn't have done it. It was in front of a lot of people.
I walk out. He follows me a few seconds later and gets the cops and security and a crazy lady decides to leave whatever she's doing to follow us and invade our privacy in the completely low way. Only low life people would do.
Anyways. It was ME who was being held for battery charges because I threw a drink on him. No. He never touched me and no I never hit him with a glass 3 times like the internet in all their glory is making out. It's completely ridiculous how one story can spiral out of control. Oh and guess what internet. He smelt like beer BECAUSE I THREW A BEER ON HIM. Nothing more. Nothing less. No one got arrested. There's no mug shots. There's no charges. Nothing.
The horrible, disgusting human being of lady decided she wanted to make money out of our misfortune. I wish, WISH people would give us the privacy we deserve. I know we won't get it. But I WISH that would happen."

So yeah, it's pretty much all the internet's fault and the fault of this "crazy lady." I notice she didn't mention anything about the audio of her telling him to stay the fuck away from her and that he's ruined her career, though I guess trying to explain that away would make her come off even more ridiculous.
"Alberto didn't want me to say the full story because he didn't want people to know and I didn't want people to know that I threw a drink on him," she wrote.
But the full story is.

I had a phone call saying my uncle is in a bad way. I'm crying outside the restaurant. I go in, Alberto is hugging me. I'm a little sensitive and we start bickering about something so small. I say I'm leaving and he says something that I won't write on here but it wasn't nice and I, even though I shouldn't have done it. I threw a drink in his face because I was so angry. Again. Shouldn't have done it. It was in front of a lot of people.

I walk out. He follows me a few seconds later and gets the cops and security and a crazy lady decides to leave whatever she's doing to follow us and invade our privacy in the completely low way. Only low life people would do.

Anyways. It was ME who was being held for battery charges because I threw a drink on him. No. He never touched me and no I never hit him with a glass 3 times like the internet in all their glory is making out. It's completely ridiculous how one story can spiral out of control. Oh and guess what internet. He smelt like beer BECAUSE I THREW A BEER ON HIM. Nothing more. Nothing less. No one got arrested. There's no mug shots. There's no charges. Nothing.

The horrible, disgusting human being of lady decided she wanted to make money out of our misfortune. I wish, WISH people would give us the privacy we deserve. I know we won't get it. But I WISH that would happen."



This seems to contradict the story of the witness somewhat, but the audio is still damning.
At this point, i think both are in need of reel help because this is becoming such a toxic relationship it not even funny. Based on what has been reported as of now, i think that both are at fault here. Paige is so in love with Alberto that she will cover for him no matter what he does to her. That's a problem in itself and at when does her family come out and says something about this and actually try to help her see that this relationship is not good for her.

Last year, i wrote something about why WWE was actually meddling in they're relationship. back then, i thought they might know something about Alberto and we're trying to help her and everybody thought that they should try to break them up and why are they singling them out. Now we know why they meddle and tried to break them up, they probably had a feeling that something like this would happen and they wanted to protect her from everything that happened since she started dating alberto.

Again, i hate seeing something like this happening to somebody that use to be such a great role model for wrestling fans, now she's such a wreck it's not even funny anymore. She needs help and so does Alberto but it's seem like even if somebody tries to help them, they won't accept it.

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