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Up and Coming Retirements


The Cerebral Assassin
There are speculations that it could be JBL in the near future. I actually find it unusual that the last WWE superstar to retire was... Flair, almost a year ago now. Seems like another retirement might be coming up soon. So, do you think JBL will be the next WWE wrestler to retire, or do you see someone else retiring before he does? There are plenty of WWE superstars that are 40+ (Batista, HBK, 'Taker, to name a few) and even more that are rapidly approaching their 40's (HHH, Edge, Big Show, to name a few), so I can see quite a few retirements coming up. The question is, who do you think will be the next WWE wrestler to retire from the ring?
God I hope its JBL. Lol.

Tommy Dreamer could very well be the next one, since he's working a retirement storyline right now. A lot of people (myself included) are expecting him to win the title at Extreme Rules since his pseudo-retirement date is the day before that ppv happens, but you never know, he might actually just retire. Or, he might win it and still retire. Possibility, seeing as how he doesn't have a whole lot of steam to capitalize on when it comes to his career.
I think taker would at 20 mania wins and hbk in about 1 or 2 years and i heard about batista retiring at wm 26 but i am not sure
dreamer will i think....but never know....and besides how old was flair when he retired in his 60's or so late 50's.....so i mean i think guys like HHH and Undertaker Maybe Batista could go till 45 to 50 years old? They are in really great shape.
You know this one is tough, but I think JBL will be the next one, his back is in pretty bad shape, but I would still love to see him have a baby face run as the next true american.
Have Kozloff win the belt and JBL do his turn as the True American Hero!!
I have a lot of respect for JBL, he has always had the potential to be one of the best in history but his body just cant handle the constant wear and tear the ring puts you thru.
Wrestler's don't retire usually, so it will be interesting. Ric Flair almost retired, but will be back soon enough again, and again. JBL was retired, came back again. Hogan is the same. The only wrestler That really has retired in the past 10 years of any name value is probably Bret Hart, but that was due to injury. The Rock may be retired, but who knows, he could still come back.

Wrestlers get released, or retire and no one cares. There was a string of these wrestlers, such as Ron Simmons who was released, and is pretty much retired now. I think Shannon Moore retired recently, but no one really cared.

Almost retirements will be had by Tommy Dreamer soon, JBL soon, Undertaker in a couple years, Shawn Michaels soon, Kane soon, and a few others. Really, there are not many old wrestlers left in the business, so those are the big names off the top of my head.
Wrestler's don't retire usually, so it will be interesting. Ric Flair almost retired, but will be back soon enough again, and again. JBL was retired, came back again. Hogan is the same. The only wrestler That really has retired in the past 10 years of any name value is probably Bret Hart, but that was due to injury. The Rock may be retired, but who knows, he could still come back.

Wrestlers get released, or retire and no one cares. There was a string of these wrestlers, such as Ron Simmons who was released, and is pretty much retired now. I think Shannon Moore retired recently, but no one really cared.

Almost retirements will be had by Tommy Dreamer soon, JBL soon, Undertaker in a couple years, Shawn Michaels soon, Kane soon, and a few others. Really, there are not many old wrestlers left in the business, so those are the big names off the top of my head.

The Rock isn't coming back (in a wrestling role anyway), but JBL's back is in pain, I hear it may even neeed surgery and he has been telling close friends that maybe as soon as may or June, but most likely after the summer he will hang up the boots for good.
i think it will be kane. i read in an interview that he was getting to the point where retiring wouldnt be that bad of an idea. he's getting up there in age and right now his character is getting real stale. he also doesnt move around the ring as well as he used to, had a lot of nagging injuries too.
dreamer will i think....but never know....and besides how old was flair when he retired in his 60's or so late 50's.....so i mean i think guys like HHH and Undertaker Maybe Batista could go till 45 to 50 years old? They are in really great shape.

batista might have a great muscular body, but he's suffered a lot of really big injuries. having the body doesnt mean much when it doesnt do the things you need it to do. i see him retiring in the next 2 years or so.
Well when you do tons of Steriods - your body LOOKS great but that's about all.

If Khali retires - will anyone care? For all we know he has - he doesn't do a whole lot anymore, besides he has been wrestling for just a couple years.

Batista is a joke. He will be known as just another Ultimate Warrior - has some great years, but was a stiff and hated to put people over. No one will miss him.

Undertaker - God I hope he doesn't ever retire. Just like SCSA - I wish he would never leave. He is the eptitome of wrestling, but I see him done here soon. I would love to see him go 20 - 0 but I really don't see that happening. As much as I think he deserves to keep that undefeated streak at WM, I think he'll end up putting some rising star over in the coming years - possibly Ted, and retiring. Undertake has made it a career of putting people over, I see it ending no differently.

JBL - he is probably done. I like the whole idea with the True American skit - that would be great. But He is probably the next one out which I doubt anyone will be surprised.

HHH - I wish he would retire. I'm tired of him.

Edge - has awhile before he is going anywhere. He is too big - and he has many more titles to win I'm sure.

HBK will get another title run - I would think and then drop it and walk away.

Thats my thoughts.
JBL will retire at WM25, and his history making performance will be him being the only person in history to retire from WWE as a champion (excluding Trish because the womens title doesn't matter)..... although I have been wrong before
From what we've read in the highly credible Wrestlezone news section it seems that it would be JBL, and I hope he does.

I don't think HBK or the Undertaker will every truly retire. HBK will certainly stay in the business behind scenes and I could see him wrestle every now and then. Same thing with Taker, he's got a great character that could still work with very minimal wrestling.

I could see Khali retiring due to injury. Same thing with Rey, he's injured more than Candice Michelle (no, I'm not counting divas retiring) but I think he enjoys his paycheck. I think Batista also likes his paycheck and will wrestle as long as he can be a main guy.

Kane doesn't have all that much left to do and I don't really care for his work but he could still serve a purpose putting guys over. It's up to him at this point.

Finlays time is coming and so is Dreamers. We've heard about Dreamer retiring before. I also bet Mark Henry retires once his current contract runs out.

I'm also going to go out on a limb here and wouldn't be surprised if Jericho "retires" after his current contract as well. He doesn't need to wrestle and has plenty of other things going on.

Candidates for retirement:
Tommy Dreamer
Rey Mysterio
well victoria retired not too long ago, so she was actually the last wrestler to retire.. if your counting divas too.

i can see JBL or kane going next though. I'd love to see kane with a decent title run, but his character is too weak to even come close to what he was.

so live the days..
Talking about who should retire...one thing that comes to mind is Finlay. He is a great wrestler no mind, but may I remind you he is one of the oldest, if not the oldest active WWE superstar, that is a good thought but, he is also one of the WWE superstars that is in the best shape of his life. Yes JBL does seem like a likely person to retire, and if he does i would think it would be shortly after wrestlemania. Then there is Undertaker and Shawn Micheals. I think that Undertaker gets his 20 wins then loses in a retirement match. Then i dont see Micheals that long in the WWE....
Big Shows 45 Or Something.

The Big Show is actually 37. So he has some time left yet I would say. I think JBL will be next to go. Also people like Mark Henry and the Great Khali etc. HBK and 'Taker will prob stay around only in a more limited capacity and working lesser schedules until they finally stop.
It'll be either JBL or Batista.

Batista will come back from injury and will retire within 12 months after he realises they'll never give him the title again. He'll get shitty and retire as soon as he isnt in the title picture, too many injuries to just mid card especially with his arrogance.

JBL, everyone's said it. Back injuries and i wouldnt be surprised if he retires at WM25.
when will jim duggan retire?? hes about 97 years old! hes rarely on tv and his spot should really b for a younger guy thats recently recieved his all the best in future endevours like elijah burke. he should just b a road agent or in a mental home.
Well this is a pretty tough qustion. The wrestlers i can think of that come to mind are The Undertaker,Kane,Mark Henrey,Shawn micheals,William Regal ( i no he is not a main eventer} and maybe meysterio depends how he is if he stay clean from injurie. But the wrestlers i mention have been in the wwe for more then 10 year and they seem more likely to be leaveing or retireing from wrestling in the next 3 years or so.
It's different to hear all of this retirement talk. HBK, Undertaker, Batista, HHH are getting up there and one wonders if they will return shortly or hold passed their prime. I am not really a fan of either 4 of them and if I had to choose one Id say HBK because he doesn't hog the spotlight anymore like the other 3 do when they get involved. It feels like HBK has lost a step which is good because well... he has, hes in his 40's. The other 3 seem to be "unstoppable" which isn't of great interest to me.

Is there any other superstars besides these 4 that should be retiring soon and who do you think will take their spot and step up?
You know HHH will be hanging in there well past his prime, he is the Hogan of this wrestling generation.

I'd probably say that Tommy Dreamer would hang up the boots first. He just seems like the type of dude that knows when to fold em, so to speak. Granted, he would stay in some kind of on-air capacity, but he doesn't seem the type to just keep going. If old ECW was around that would be a different story all together.

Right now, there are so many guys who can take the spot. People would say Orton but he is a fuckin bore to me. I'd go with CM Punk and even though Jericho is in his 30's I really still think he has a lot of fuel in the tank.
next to step down Big show is getting old as well as Kane and Rey has lost a step to. there are plenty to fill all these roles and the top 4 mentioned. Y2J has a lot left as well as Edge and Christan and the Hardys. new to step up are Morrison, Bourne, MVP, Umaga and many others
Even though Shawn Michaels has lost a step, he's still quicker and better than basically everyone in the company. He also still gives it 100%. HHH has indeed lost a step, Batista never had a step, and Undertaker is Undertaker. I really don't think HBK will call it quits cus hes taking a lot of time off now to recover and work out. Jim Ross said those were all rumors as well. HBK said on a radio interview that he was just gonna really cut work down after WM26. He's only in his early 40's. HHH is only 4 years younger so he's not far behind. I hope Batista goes just because he's not exciting as a worker.

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