Unscripted: Mohammad Hasheem Open Challenge

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
Sunday, August 26th, 2007

Mohammad Hasheem Open Challenge Match

--Mohammad Hasheem made an impact this past Meltdown, by taking out Arch Angel, a man he twice backed out of teaming up with. Hasheem made sure that Angel wouldn't be one to answer the challenge, by putting him on the shelf after a devastating attack.

In his time in WZCW, Hasheem has been known to get on the bad side of a lot of people, namely one Chuck Myles. This can't hold well with Hasheem, as Myles is one to pay people back, and could have a few people ready for this challenge Hasheem has made. Who will answer to the call? Find out, when WZCW brings you their very first PPV, Unscripted!

Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, August 24th 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time

Note: Anyone contracted to WZCW may RP for this match. The first person to do so, will accept the challenge. And no one with a match at Unscripted already, may RP for the match. If two people RP at a very close time, something may be worked out to sort it.
*backstage in the locker room we see Titus reading a letter *

Dear Titus I'm your biggest fan *a big smile from Titus * I've watched all your films, and was so glad to see you pick a victory at the weekend. But there's one thing I want to know...why haven't you got your own back on Haseem?

Yours Billy Aged 6

*Titus writes a reply*

Well Billy it's great that you're my biggest fan, I will send you a signed Titus poster to you, I'm sure that will be worth a huge amount in years to come. Although I am a bit concerned about the fact that you've seen all my films, some of those shouldn't be watched by 6 year olds.

*Titus laughs to himself mumbling Twatman*

Now to answer your question, the reason why I haven't got my own back on Haseem is simply that he doesn't show up. We go to wrestle him, and twice he's not shown. So when have I had my opportunity? Hopefully this will come in due course...

*The locker door opens and it's EVEREST*

Titus; Hey man...good display last night!

Everest; A good team effort, you all set for Unscripted?

Titus; But I don't have a match. I'm currently writing a letter to my biggest fan Billy here.

Everest; I've got a match, I'm in a street fight with downward spiral. Why don't you take Haseems challenge?

Titus; Say again

Everest; Haseem made an Open Challenge match. Anyone contracted to WZCW is able to face him, as he makes his debut match!

Titus; Really, that's interesting, I was clearly too interested in celebrating! I was just saying to my biggest fan Billy in this letter here that I haven't had the opportunity to repay back Haseem for screwing me over in our triple threat match. yeah he hates the USA, so he'll probably want a match with an American, not if I have my way...he'll face the might of Great Britain! Cheers Everest I'm off to see Chuck!

*Titus rushes out of the locker room leaving his letter and a bemused Everest who rips up the letter*

Everest; As though his biggest fan is someone called Billy aged 6!
We see a picture of the Afghani flag, the Afghani national anthem playing in the background, the camera then zooms out to a man wearing a ski mask

Hello I welcome you to my show, my show here on WZCW, my show which tell you about Amrican scum and why I no like their way of life. In Amrica and in west they have things that we don't like in East. First they give women rights, what are rights and why women have them? In Afghanistan women all left handed, no rights for women, just lefts, they should be making food, babies not in schools. Savages.

Crowd boos

In Amrica they have a place called BurgerDonalds, or McKing or something like that...In that place you order burger and get it in a minute, usually served by teenager. That's not good, burger takes longer you get cow kill it mince its meat and then you get wife to cook it for you then you have lovely burger, the Afghani way, not like Amrican savages.

Crowd boos

In Amrica they have bread, bread already sliced, already sliced! What happened to wife cutting bread for you? I don't think this slice bread will take off, it's insane it's savage! It is for this reason we bring death on Amrica, we bring destruction. At Unscripted I make challenge and my challenge has been accepted and I am very scared, why you ask?

He rips off his ski mask to reveal all along it was Titus to huge cheers of the crowd

He's scared for this reason, he's fighting me, Titus. Why have I taken the challenge? Is it because he screwed me out of the triple threat match? That does come into play but it digs deeper than that. 10 days time at Unscripted you will feel the might of Titus like no one has ever seen, am not doing this because you beat me down after a triple threat match, I'm doing it for the 2,974 people who died on September 11th 2001 in New York, for the 191 who died on 11th March 2004 in Madrid, and for the 52 that died on the 7th July 2005 in London. This is more than a personal grudge match, this is a war on terror. I will be going out fighting for my country the United Kingdom and for the United States of America

Big cheers of USA USA

and every free country in the Western world. Haseem you want to hope you do what you've done your past two debuts and not show up, because I wouldn't want to mess with me.

Camera cuts

NB Amrica spelling is for pronunciation purposes, that's how my Afghani friends pronounce America.
Leon is waiting outside for someone to show up. After a few minutes Leon turned around and was about to leave when a car honked and then we see a limo pull up. A nice long black limo pulls up. Then a 2nd limo pulls up, this time a white one. Finally, a 3rd limo pulls up with half of it white and the other half of it is black. The door to the black limo opens and Rajeem comes out of the limo smiling. Then the door to the white limo opens and Rajeem helps Rasheeka out of the limo. After 30 seconds Rajeem and Rasheeka looks at each other and they both nod to one another. Rajeem then opens the door to the white and black limo and out comes Mohammad Hasheem with smiles! He is wearing a black shirt with a red tie. Over it he is wearing a nice and fancy gray suit jacket and gray pants. Mohammad Hasheem looks to his left and then to his right. He then inhales a deep breath by through his nose. He then exhales.

Hasheem: Filthy American air!

Rajeem: Mhhm, very good sir!

Hasheem: Thank you, baboo. Anyways, as you know I haven’t told you and Rasheeka why I have demanded to arrive here. As you know, I - -

He spots Leon.

Hasheem: Well, well, well. Look who is here. Lenore!

Leon: Excuse me sir…it is Leon!

Hasheem: Yea, yea whatever. What do you want?

Leon: Well, Mr. Myles has asked me to meet you here so I can tell you all about your Open Challenge.

Hasheem: Tell me no more, how many people signed the sign up sheet? 15…20…what? Tell me already!

Leon is about to try to break the news to Mohammad Hasheem that only one person accepted the challenge.

Leon: Well only 1 person has accepted your challenge.

Hasheem: What?!? What?!? What?!?!? How the hell could this be?

Leon: Unfortunately yes, only 1 person has accepted your challenge.

Hasheem: Oh yeah? Who?

Leon: The man who you attacked 2 weeks ago with a chair during your triple threat match. And the man who you were supposed to face last week in that tag team match, Titus!!

Hasheem: Ti-ti-ti-Tius? Wha-Wha-wha…HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Titus? Oh My God!!! Titus? Titus!! Hahaha, oh man! This is gonna be great! This is gonna be sweet! Haha!! Oh that’s priceless! Oh…He starts chuckling Haha look at this Rajeem, I’m crying out of laughter! This will be my debut match and I have the most easiest challenge in the world! You know what…if he wants a piece of me…then he’s got it! And this time I will definitely be appearing at this match!

Leon: Well it doesn’t matter what you are gonna do because you have to participate in this match!

Hasheem: Excuse me?

Rajeem: Oh no he didn’t!

Hasheem: Excuse me? I have to participate in this match? Ha, don’t you learn you fool, I don’t do what other people tell me to do!

Leon: But…

With finding out he has to participate in this match…Hasheem is so furious that he interrupts Leon!

Hasheem: But Nothing!! That’s it…I am out of here!! Thanks to you…I will NOT be participating in this freaking match!! And if anyone has a problem with that they can take it up with you!! Bye!

Leon: But –


Hasheem then stared down Leon to see if he had anything to say but Leon nodded no. Then Hasheem nodded yes, as if he was saying “I thought so.” He then started smiling, and then winked at Leon…and Rasheeka and Rajeem and Hasheem went back to their personal limo and they all drove off. We then see Leon still holding the mic looking frightened.

Leon: But Mr. Myles said that if you don’t show up at the event…then you will be fired!!!
We see Titus sitting in an LA park, it's a rather sunny day, and Titus is just chilling. His phone rings

Hello? Oh hey Paul, you're where? Yeah I'm there now, why don't you pop over, yeah I thought you'd want a chat...you always do.

Titus shakes his head side to side like a kid who knows he's going to get told off for something even though he is 100% in the right. He stands up and waves.

Hey Titus.

Hey Paul...what's this about?

You know full well what this about, we just gonna sit here?

...Well yeah

But you're a four time Oscar winner, you'll get mobbed

Yes and this is LA! There's Oscar winners everywhere. Any ways cut to the chase.

You need to quit this wrestling malarkey, you're going to get seriously hurt, maybe even dead. And now I see you've taken a challenge with Haseem, the guy's insane don't you realise he will destroy you?

Thanks for the vote of confidence Paul!

Hey it's true, you've managed one victory out of four, that's pretty bad!

We know the score I was screwed over 3 times and the fourth we won fair and square, so I took his challenge one as payback and two to prove myself.

But Titus you're not up to scratch!

Paul, pull it together, I've been wrestling since I was a kid I know how to wrestle, I know how to defeat this terrorist.


I'm off to see an old acting friend of mine, he's got experience against terrorists in his roles and knows LA pretty well, he's a brilliant fighter so I'm off for some advice, a learning curve is what I'm on and I'm going to prove myself to you, to America and more importantly to Haseem. Now excuse me I have an appointment

Who is it?

Just wait and see!

...to be continued!
We see Rasheeka walking around alone backstage. She is holding a big brown bag. She looks frighten. All of a sudden she stops by Titus’s locker room door. She steps into the room with the bag. Titus is obviously not there because he is talking to all of "his fans," which were hired by Mohammad Hasheem to keep him busy for a while. About 2 minutes later she steps out of the room, this time without the bag. She starts to smile. She walks to the parking lot and she finds Mohammad Hasheem and Rajeem.

Hasheem: Did you do your mission?

Rasheeka plainly nods a yes because women in Afganistan do not have the right to talk.

Hasheem: Good to hear! Now I won’t be the only one that will NOT be showing up to this event! Hahaha!

Both Rajeem and Rasheeka laugh nervously and Rajeem says haha!

Hasheem: صباح الخير أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون لحظة من فضلك هل تتكلم صباح الخير أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون لحظة من فضلك هل تتكلم صباح الخير أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون لحظة من فضلك هل تتكلم

Rajeem: صباح الخير أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير صبا يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون لحظة من فضلك هل تتكلم!

Hasheem: Haha!!

Rajeem: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!
We see Titus sitting in the back of his limo, it pulls up to a security gate which opens, it's a long driveway that pulls up to a a huge house. Titus steps out of his limo and has a look around just waiting for someone to come. Then appears a young woman dressed all official holding a clipboard.

Titus; I'm here to see

Woman cuts him off; Well there's only one person you could possibly be seeing here, he's expecting you, I'll show you the way.

Titus; Thanks, I haven't seen him in a few years although we do keep in regular contact

Woman; How do you know each other anyway?

Titus; We acted together in a few films, he trained me up in certain styles of acting, the guy's a true action hero...

Woman; Some would say the last

*Titus laughs*

Titus; he seems to be making a name for himself even more now.

Woman; Yeah well the job does bring a high profile. We're here...

woman knocks on the door

Voice; Come in...

Titus enters the room

Voice; Ah Titus my old friend

Titus; Governor Schwarzenegger

Arnie; Please call me Arnie, we are old friends I would not want to have formalities! So why is it you've come to see me?

Titus; I need some fighting help

Arnie; Ah you are back to wrestling now, I saw you get your ass kicked laughs but I will see how I can help!

Titus; Well I'm wrestling Muhammed Haseem, he's a bit of a crazy guy

Arnie; Ah the crazy terrorist

Titus; Well you could say that. I need some help on how to beat him.

Arnie; Well I have experience in defeating terrorists, it is easy. You need to get raw and powerful and just have guts about you

Titus; Is that it?

Arnie; Yes that is it! To win a fight you need the strength of Conan, the wisdom of Ben Richards, the courage of John Matrix

Titus; Anything else?

Arnie; Yes you need to have fun...like me and Danny Devito in Twins, relax and enjoy yourself. Now you leave and practice, it's mind and brute strength. I have important Governing stuff to do because I am the governator!

Titus; Thanks bro, I'll see you whenever I see you next.

Arnie; Yes please be back! And destroy Haseem!

Titus leaves laughing at his old friend.
We see Rajeem pacing backstage! Looking nervous!

Rajeem: Oh god, where is he?

Rajeem is looking at his watch when a limo pulls up.

Rajeem: Finally!!

The limo door opens and we see a very familiar face come out. It is Governor Schwarzenegger and he is smiling. Both Rajeem and Arnold are smiling and they both shake hands and hug!

Rajeem: Finally, what took you so long?

Arnold: I apologize. Stupid Titus held me up!

Rajeem: Haha, so I am guessing the plan went accordingly!!

Arnold: You bet your sweet ass it did! In fact, I didn’t even know that I could have acted so well.

Rajeem: Haha. Me neither, I mean did you see Termi –

Arnold gets closer to Rajeem like to scare him.

Rajeem: Nator?

Arnold gets even closer.

Arnold: What about the Terminator?

He laughs nervously

Rajeem: Umm, never mind, hee-hee. Here come this way, He will see you know.

Arnold: Ya, I thought so!

Rajeem takes Arnold to a dark alley. Arnold is turning all the way around…in like a 360 angle. We can hardly see Arnold and Rajeem seems to be gone. Arnold seems to be pissed off and he is yelling and screaming!


Suddenly a weird, deep, mans voice is heard.

Man’s Voice: What? You thought we were serious?

Arnold: WHO IS THAT?

Man’s Voice: Terrorist? Did I hear you correctly? You told Titus that I was a terrorist? I don’t like being called a terrorist!


Man’s Voice: You are just like the rest of them! Well I got news for you!


Man’s Voice: Oh don’t worry, you will soon enough! Enough of this! NOW!!! DO IT NOW DAMN IT!!!!!!!

All of a sudden, 3 men wearing black pants with black socks and black shoes and black shirts and a black ski mask on their faces attack Arnold. Then 2 of the 3 go and stomp on him. They start punching him and grabbing his head and bashing it against the concrete floor. One of the guys has 2 steel chairs He puts one steel chair underneath the head of Arnold and then he slams the other chair on Arnolds head! He delivers the con-chair-toh! He does it again a few more times!! Then one of the guys picks Arnold up and gives Arnold to another man and then the guy delivers the Toss Breaker!! Arnold is out! The man then removes his ski mask and it turns out to be Mohammad Hasheem!! Hasheem then picks Arnold up and delivers the Diamond Cutter!!!! Arnold is on his back and his face is completely bloody! Hasheem bends down to Arnold’s face.

Hasheem: I don’t know if you can hear me Mr. Terminator, but I don’t like it when people call me or my people terrorists! And buddy, and just like you, at Unscripted, Titus will be TERMINATED!!

Rajeem and Rasheeka take off their masks and all 3 laugh together in a very evil way!!
It's night time, the sun's just setting, we see a pan of Los Angeles, and we see the Hollywood sign. The camera then shows TITUS and EVEREST overlooking the city.

Everest; I thought I'd find you here

Titus; You know me to well, it's amazing just how much this city has given to me, I starred in many films from this city, won four Oscars, it fills me with sheer nostalgia.

Everest; Ah but Titus you're about to do something bigger, the greatest thing you've ever done!”

Titus; What's that? Get my ass kicked on Sunday night?

Everest; No, kick Haseem's ass on Sunday night! You've got it in you man, you're a heck of a fighter, you even got your mate Arnie to help you out.

Titus; And where did that leave him?! He got attacked by Haseem, it's a good job he's a big guy or else it would have been a heck of a lot worse, it just fills me with dread.

Everest; Shut up man! You know how to fight, a sneak attack from Haseem on the Governator wont make YOU back down will it?

Titus; Well..erm...

Everest; Shut up man, you dedicated this match as a war on terrorism

Titus; yeah I guess so

Everest; Good, now pull it together and sort it out. I'm going to leave you to it, I've got to prepare for my match, and good luck man

Titus; Cheers...you too

Everest leaves with Titus still overlooking the city

Titus to himself; Yeah he's right I do have a lot to fight for in this match, all the innocents killed in this war, the attack on Arnie, and what a perfect location to prove myself to Paul that I am a good fighter than right here in the city that made me, LA. Yeah Haseem is going to regret this, he's going to pay for everything he's done. For each of those people, for Everest, for my family, for me and of course for my number one fan Billy. Haseem's going down to a British actor called TITUS!
Rajeem and Rasheeka are shown in their locker room sitting down on chairs and talking.

Rajeem: You know, even though we are just a few days away from Unscripted people are still saying that Titus is going to beat Mohammad!! But what people don’t understand is that Mohammad will NOT be participating in this match! He has been telling everyone that he refuses to participate in this match!! I just don’t understand this American disrespect!! It’s ridiculous, ludicrous, and preposterous!!! And another thing…

Before Rajeem can finish his sentence, Mohammad Hasheem walks in looking pleased with himself. He is holding a duffle bag with him!

Hasheem: Alright, are we all set?

Rajeem: Yes, master!

Hasheem: Excellent, I have finished packing, and I see both you and Rasheeka have finished packing! Come, let’s…

Just as Hasheem is about to finish his sentence, we see Rajeem making hand signals to shh and to stop!!

Hasheem: Come, let’s go. Let’s go to the airport, I haven’t seen my people and family in a while! Ramalla, here I…

Rajeem is still making hand signals to stop and then points behind Hasheem and Hasheem looks upset.

Hasheem: What? What the hell are you...

Rajeem interrupts Hasheem and he whispers to him.

Rajeem: Sir, sincere apologies, but turn around!

Hasheem turns around, and he gasps in shock to find the owner of WZCW, Chuck Myles!!

Chuck: Well well well! Look who is here! Just the man I was looking for!

Hasheem: What in the hell do you think you are doing here, you disgusting American!

Chuck: Well seeing that I am your boss, I do not like your tone!! So lose it! Anyways, there is a reason that I am here! I have heard that you are not going to be participating in your match at Unscripted! Well you know what? You are going to be participating in the match! I have had enough of this shit!! I will not stand for it anymore!! This is a pay-per-view damn it!! Not just another episode of Meltdown! And I will not stand for this anymore!

Hasheem: Oh really? What are you gonna do about it? Huh?

Chuck: In my office right now I have your contract on my table!! On the top it says re-new and on the bottom it says release. I swear I will freaken sign the release form! Don’t test me! So the rest is up to you! Fight and keep your job, or run scared and get fired! Because once you get fired, you’re not coming back!! This is once in a lifetime opportunity! Got it? Good!

Chuck Myles then exits the room.

Rajeem: That slimy piece of American crap! Mohammad, what are you gonna do?

Hasheem: The only thing that anyone would do! I have told everyone that no one and I mean no one will pressure me to do anything!! He is making me fight in this match and I won’t! I’m leaving! I am going to the airport to fly to Ramalla, I can’t do this anymore! I need a vacation!! Are you coming or not?

Rajeem: Yes, let’s go!

All 3 of them exit and they go out to the parking lot and drive to the airport…but their troubles are definitely not over! Stay tuned and see what happens to them at the airport!

To be Continued!
We see a dark black screen. Suddenly the black evaporates so John F. Kennedy’s airport. 1 limo pulls up and the driver gets out of the vehicle and opens the door and out comes Rasheeka, Rajeem, and Hasheem!

Hasheem: Well, would you look at these disgusting city streets? Simply repulsive!!

Rajeem: I agree!!

Rasheeka: صديقتي

Hasheem: Shut up, woman!! You are not allowed to talk you stupid cheap hussy!! Rajeem, take care of her!!

Suddenly, Rajeem takes Rasheeka’s arm and drags her back to the limo! The limo starts shaking, up and down and up and down and up and down! Then the limo drives away!

Hasheem: Well it seems that I am on my own!

Hasheem sighs

Hasheem: Here goes nothing. So long Titus, so long Chuck Myles, so long WZCW!!

He enters into the building and then all of a sudden sirens go off!!! 20 minutes later 10 cops with guns come into the building!!

But here is what happened inside the building to trigger this!!

Mohammad Hasheem enters the building. He goes up to the receptionist desk and waits on line! He waits for 3 minutes, but it seems for hours! He yells!!

Hasheem: For the love of Allah, what the fuck is taking so long???

Everyone turned their attention to him! They all gasp! Suddenly 2officers approach Hasheem and ask him to calm down and follow him!! Hasheem says no and pushes everyone in front of him and talks to the lady at the desk!

Hasheem: Look lady, I don’t know what kind of sick world this is, which allows women to work for strangers and not to be enslaved at home to serve for their husbands, yes I said husbands, but I am sick of waiting!

Woman: Now calm down, sir.

Hasheem: No I will not calm down! I am sick of this! Here!!

Hasheem takes his backpack from his back and opens it and puts his hand in it to take out his boarding ticket! But the lady thinks otherwise!!


Hasheem: No, shut your face!! I don’t have a bomb I just have my ticket!!

The woman then slaps her hand on her desk and then sirens go off!! Red and Blue go off everywhere and then 4 cops approach Hasheem and they tackle him down!! They all yell for back up!!

After 20 minutes 20 more cops approach Hasheem and they all pick him up and 3 have guns pointed to them and they throw him into a huge police truck with 2 big doors that open in the back! They throw him in with cuffs and shackles!!

And they drive away!!

If you want to find out where they took him and what happens then stick around!!
We see the police truck pull up at the Maximum Security Prison!! Hasheem gets out with a towel over his head with a bunch of people yelling at him!!

Crowd: Terrorist!! Just go home!! Go bomb your country!!

The officers push Hasheem into the prison…after all the paperwork and all that shit they put him in his own prison facility!

2 hours later, an officer comes into the picture!!

Officer: Listen dirt bag, you have a visitor!

Hasheem: Finally, Rajeem has come to set me free!

But it wasn’t Rajeem, it was the owner of WZCW, Chuck Myles!!

Hasheem: What the hell are you doing here? Don’t you have a stupid show to manage?

Chuck: If I were you I would calm down! You need me!

Hasheem: Calm down? Do you realize what just happened??? I was attacked by prejudice!!

Chuck: No you weren’t!!

Hasheem: Yes I was! You saw what happened!!

Chuck: Yes, I saw and I managed it!

Hasheem: WHAT?!?!

Chuck: That’s right!! You heard me!! I planned this whole little scheme to prove to you that I am an intelligent man! And I get things in a sick and twisted manner!!

Hasheem: You sick son of a bitch!!

Chuck: I wouldn’t be so sure to judge!! Now you have 2 options! Stay here and get the death sentence or come back to WZCW and wrestle Titus this Monday!!

Hasheem: And how the hell am I supposed to wrestle when I am locked up??

Chuck: Well outside in my limo, I have 2 briefcases filled with cash! I am willing to bail you out!! If you want to be bailed out then you to sign a contract stating that you will never miss a match again! That you will never no-show!! That you will listen to my authorities no matter how cruel they might me!! And if you should break this contract you will be put back into prison for pulling this stint!

Hasheem: If you bail me out then how could I be put in prison?

Chuck: Well because you will be my responsibility! And I have the right to release you from my care…and you will continue to serve your sentence! Now I am doing to ask you this once and one time only! Do we have an understanding?? Yes or no…I want a straight up answer right now, or else I am going to leave you here!

Hasheem: Before I answer your question, why are you here? Why do you care so much, to go through all this trouble, just for me?

Chuck: Because you are an incredible athlete! It doesn’t matter if I like you or if I hate you!! I have seen all your wrestling events, and I saw what you are capable from! Look I ain’t asking you to change, but I was you to have a better attitude, with me!! Now, you wanna come with me or stay in here!

Hasheem: He sighs Fine, I’ll come with you!

Hasheem puts his hand out through the cage and both Hasheem and Myles shake hands!!

Chuck: Guards!!!

3 guards come running up!!

Chuck: You can release him now! The plan has worked!!

Both Hasheem and Myles leave the building together! We see Hasheem’s limo pull up and Rajeem gets out and we see his shirt is inside out and Rasheeka’s make up is all fucked up! Hasheem then pushes Chuck Myles on the floor and jumps into the limo and they drive off!!

Chuck: Haha, that Hasheem!! I hope he gets his ass kicked from Titus!!

Mohammad Hasheem did not want to talk to anyone at all about what happened and he is hoping to forget about this whole thing, since it was staged by Chuck Myles, meaning it never really happened! He is going to show his frustrations out on Titus, at Unscripted!!!
Backstage we see a clip of Leon holding his mic

Leon; Well guys we're here backstage with four time Oscar winner Titus!

Camera pans to show Titus with his black and red Titus T-shirt on, with sunglasses on his head. The crowd cheer

Titus; hey Leon how's it going?

Leon; Great Titus, I just wanted to catch your thoughts going into Sunday's match

Titus; I'm ready, if that's what you're asking. Really ready, I didn't even know about the challenge until Everest mentioned it, I was too busy celebrating our win!

Leon; Yeah I heard! So why did you decide to take up the challenge?

Titus; Well Leon, I must admit I was a bit upset at not having a match at Unscripted, I've proven myself here in WZCW, at my return Sex and Violence beat me down and I had my chance against them, but Joe T walked out on me. He was fired so I couldn't pay him back, which was a big shame. I then was put in a match against Everest and Arch Angel after practically begging Chuck for the match, I was all set for the win and who should turn up but Haseem and his cronies, leading to another beat down and my third match in a row where I'd been screwed. I was quite upset at this, fortunately I got a chance for pay back as me and Everest teamed up against Haseem and Arch Angel, but of course Haseem didn't show up so Joseph Rios was put in, it was a good win for me and Everest, the kid's a good fighter. So that led me to think how can I payback Haseem? I just thought hey I'd let him go he's bound to run into some trouble sooner or later, and then I read a letter. Now reading letters is something I do every day I'm a four time Oscar winner, and a star here at WZCW, so I get my fair share of fan mail.

Leon [laughing]; I'm sure you do.

Titus; Seriously though, I got this letter, it was hand written in blue crayon and it was from my biggest fan Billy ages six, and he asked why I hadn't paid back Haseem. I begin writing the reply because basically I didn't really have the chance and who should pop in and tell me that he made an open challenge but Everest, I decided I needed to do this so I go and tell Chuck and Chuck gives me a resounding yes straight away.

Leon; But weren't you the only guy who applied?

Titus; Ha Ha, apparently so, I must be the only person brave enough to take him on!

Leon; What if he doesn't turn up? He has a tendency for that.

Titus; Oh from what I hear from Chuck, he's going to show up and worst of all he's going to get his ass kicked on Sunday night, I'll be in that ring supporting two of the greatest countries of all time...The United Kingdom...and the USA

Crowd chants USA USA USA

Titus; So we'll see come Sunday just what this former actor can do, thanks for the interview Leon, see you Sunday.
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