Unscripted: High Society vs. Crimson & Molotov

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All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
Sunday, August 26th, 2007

High Society vs. Crimson & Molotov

-- The attacks have not let up since either Celeste Crimson and Aurelia Molotov arrived here in WZCW, and every week High Society members AJ and Jason Sincade have come out and done their best to discredit, demoralise and devalue what these women can do in the ring, but finally at Unscripted the female force in WZCW will get the chance to prove they belong here by facing High Society two on two in a Tag Team match. However, a vicious attack this week by AJ on Celeste means that it may be upto the freak of nature Aurelia to carry the match. Can she and her injured partner beat the efficent high-rising High Society? Find out on August 26th!

Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, August 24th 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time
(The Scene opens with Sincade and AJ sitting folding Chairs in the Backstage area. Sincade have a towel drape over his head, while AJ is lean back with his arms cross)

Sincade: What a show, What a show. *Shaking his head* in less than 24 hours who would have thought this S#!t. Ace Cannon so-called quit, Bishop? *grin a little* Bishop is a no-show, I can hear them now High Society is finish! High Society is over! So what me and AJeezy do? Ajeezy kicks that He bitch`s ass and I went out and show Mr career stopper why I am that good! We don't walk around crying like some little kids, we mourn and move on. As time move on, We will get better and trust me we will get better. So to all you so-called critics saying that High Society is done You can kiss my ass. You see we didn't let this tragedy get up down we went out a show why we are the best this business got! Now on to the Pointer Sisters....

(AJ reach out his arm and cut off Sincade he lean up and the camera zoom in slowly)

AJ: The Pointer Sisters Sincade? Please you mean the shemales that are nothing more than funny if you know what I mean and not the kind I like to see either. But we will rebuild and move on as when this group first started it was just me and you and we brought in Ace and Bishop and well looks like thet couldnt cut in High Society. Buts that ok we dont need them as we can do well on our own. Being on our own begin at Unscripted as we punish and destroy the Shemales in our little grudge match. As at Unscripted this will be the end of High Society vs the Shemales. And we will come out as victors in this match but after we punish those bitches as we will make a statement that anyone that dares to challenge High Society they will pay with pain and suffering. As no one measures up to us becuase were paid, laid, and made and basically better than you!!

(Sincade looks over at AJ and Start laughing he leans back in the chair and rubs his Forehead under the towel)

Sincade: That pretty much sums it up. At Unscripted, This Grudge match that old fart put us in with Laverne and Shirley will pretty much be a beatdown. The last time those lebos was in the rings with us they left outta there bloody and broken. You see this is not some soup opera, This is not Days of our lives or All my Freaking children. This is wrestling baby! This is what we do best.
The only thing a woman is good for in wrestling is showing T&A.
*looks over at AJ* Hey AJeezy you know the only time they cheers for Celeste is when her Boobs pops out. I hope that big russian b*tch can understand this find a better surgeon becuase I can still see something poking out. So you two Man-****s Represent all of the women in America, Hell bring there asses to the Arena with you that still doesn't mean a horse ass, because after we are finish with you two It won't be your period bleeding for 7 days

(Then Sincade take off his towel and throw it on the camera then it cuts to a commercial)
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The scene opens with AJ inside Chuck Myles office and it looks as if AJ has something to say to Chuck...

AJ: Chucky we need to talk

Chuck: Yeah, what about? Please let it not be about your tag team match this Sunday

AJ: Oh sorry to break to ya Chucky but it is about my tag team match this Sunday at Unscripted. See I'm so sick and tired of facing those two damn shemales and come hell or high water i want to be done with this shemals once and forall. I came here for championship gold and i have not gotten that all.

Chuck: Well AJ you do know you need to actually win a match to earn you way up to get a title shot.

AJ gets in the face of Chuck

AJ: Look here Chucky Miles I'm so sick of hearing how I haven't shit here in WZCW that I'm willing to make a bold statement and here it goes. If me and Sincade don't win this Sunday not only will High Society be breaking up....but my contract you can officially get rid of as if I lose one more time to those shemales especially Celeste I QUIT WCZW!!!

Chuck smiles and pulls out AJ's contact and looks it over and then looks AJ directly in the eyes

Chuck: Well AJ since you seem so confident that you little losing streak will be over then heres my added stipulation to the match. If you win we will see how a title shot goes not saying you will get one but you be in mind but here in WZCW you need wins to stay on the roster so if you lose not only does High Society get broken up but you don't quit WZCW your FIRED from WZCW

AJ: Fired you cant do that!

Chuck: Yup I can and will if you lose this sunday then well your Fired...now get the hell out of my office you loser

AJ looks pissed and wlaks out pissed at Chuck and slams his door and leaves.
(Sincade is seen in the locker room package his wrestling gear up in a suitcase. Sincade is wear a black Armani suit with a dark purple shirt. There is a knock on the door but Sincade ignored it. Then the knocks get louder Sincade walks over and swings open the door it Chuck Myles)

Sincade: What in the hell do you want? Matter of Fact why in the blue hell are you here?

Myles: I hear that you and your little crew are giving my Interviewer problem so I'm going to conduct a inter.......

(Sincade cuts Mr Myles off)

Sincade:Or your just being a nosey ass.

Myles: What I was going to say is I'm going to conduct a interview myself!

(Then Mr Myles walks past Sincade bumping him in the shoulder and walks to the bar, makes himself a drink. Sincade looks at Mr Myles with a confuse disgusted look on his face. After Mr Myles make his drink he sit down on the leather couch and crosses his leg.)

Sincade: Whatever. What in the hell do you want to know? where I shop at? What kind of car I'm driving this week? What?

Myles: I want to know about Mr Ace Cannon?

Sincade:Ace Cannon? Why does everyone want to know about Ace Cannon and how I feel listen.....*biting his lips and shaking his head* you know what I'm going to let you speak with him.

(Sincade takes out his Iphone and begin to call Ace. Ace picks up then Sincade puts him on speaker)

Ace: Hello

Sincade: Yo AC to the E, I got Mr Myles here asking question about what going on with you

Myles: Hey Ace How everything? Are you Coming Back to the WZCW?

Ace: Ace coming back to WZCW? Fat chance there Chucky. WZCW is small peanuts compared to what Ace is involved in now. So shove WZCW and your second rate talent up your ass!

Myles: How dare you talk to be like that! Mr Cripple for life I was the one that save your ass! I should of let Strife killed you. I wasn't the one that quit!

Ace: Crippled? What the hell are you talking about? Ace has been playing skip it all damn morning. As far as saving me call that stunt man and talk to him because everyone with a brain out there knows that wasn't Ace. Ace is much much more good looking. Now Ace quit becasue WZCW doesn't know its ass from its balls.. Well wait WZCW has no balls it is full of a bunch of punk ass *****es like Rios, Gus, Kenny, Titus.... Well you get the point Myles. Have fun in the unemployment line because without ACE CANNON WZCW will not last!

Myles: Was hit you in the head that hard? I was there myself when your silly ass was crying like a lil Gir........

(Then all you hear is Dial tone)

Myles: Hello...hello Ace are you there?

Sincade: He hung up Mr Myles.

Myles: I can see that. Well good riddence You damn High Society got on my nerves since day one.

Sincade: Listen here Chuck we told you from day we are here to make a statment,We are not to kiss your ass like these other wrestlers. Since day one you held us back and you are still doing it. You think putting us in a match with Xena the warrior princess and a Drag queen in bad make-up is going to stop us from being at the top? You surely mistaken.

Myles: Listen you young punk! It not me holding you back it, It`s your attitude.

Sincade:My attitude?

Myles: Yes your attitude. The reason I sign you is because you had talent in the ring, but you don't respect the business of wrestling.

Sincade:Listen here old man! I been wrestling since I can remember how ca.........

(Mr Myles cuts Sincade off.)

Myles: You see that what I'm talking about right there. I said business of wrestling. Frankly what have you done since you been here in the WZCW?

Sincade: I beaten everyone you put in front of me. You see Chuck *Sincade leans up in his chair* Since Ace Cannon so-called quit it should have been Me or AJ next in line for that title shot not Rios. So what do you do? You hold us back like you always do and but us in a match with The Golden Girls.

(Mr Myles takes a sip of his drink and lean toward Sincade)

Myles: You see that my point. You don't respect the business. You don't know what sells and don't sells. Celeste accomplish a lot here, Matter of fact you can say she accomplish more than you. The people want to see Celeste and Molotov and High Society go at it and I hope they beat a little respect in you.

Sincade: Like the way you respect Viagra? As you notice I don't give a s#!t about you or those Carpet lickers. You see what I can do you put me in a Match with the Brian Micheals Now his ass is looking for health insurance! *pointing toward the door*Now get the hell out of my Locker room!

(Chuck Myles gets up and get into Sincade Face)

Myles: I know I'm old enough to be your father. I know I havent been in a good fight in some years, But listen you young piece of S#!t. I haven't back down from a fight. So if you want some, come get some.

Sincade: Nothing would tempt me more than smacking the hell out of your old ass, But I will be damn if you sit on your ass and collect social security. So you know what *putting on his Shades*I'm going to leave before I do something I regret.

(Sincade walks out the locker room doors)

Myles: Boy I hope they kick your ass.
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