Unscripted: elegANT (c) vs. Bruce Irwin vs. Noah Ryder vs. James Howard (ELITE X)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


1) Gauntlet Match
2) Elimination Rules
3) Championship Scramble​
The most gentlemANTly competitor in WZCW captured his first championship in his career by winning the Elite X title after being knocked out of the Gold Rush tournament. He managed to get through The Beard to earn the opportunity and defeat the first-ever female Elite X champion Kagura Ohzora. However, elegANT didn't have much to celebrate as WZCW Management thought it be best for the newly-crowned champion to face off against three other opponents in a Fatal Four Way match to truly live up to the Unscripted name.

The first challenger, Bruce Irwin, earned his opportunity through winning a Triple Threat match during the Gold Rush pre-show and has kept a keen eye on the competition. Noah Ryder became the second man to qualify for a title shot by defeating three other potential contenders in a Fatal Four Way match. The third and final man James Howard failed to earn a Eurasian title opportunity to his bitter rival Chris K.O., setting Howard on a ambushing spree, destroying most of the competition who were considered for the final spot and left no choice for Management by to include him in the match.

As for the power of the people, Rebecca Serra (Ascension GM) has given the voters the chance to pick how they want the match to be contested by bringing the Championship Scramble & Gauntlet matches to the fold, alongside the 4 Way Dance Elimination rules. It's going to be a tough for the challengers but even tougher for the champ elegANT who looks to be the best Elite X champion in history.


Extended Deadline: RP's are due by Tuesday, June 23rd, at 11:59PM CST. Soft extensions only (no 24 hour extensions)
Stacey Madison stands tall in front of the WZCW backstage interview set. The red curtains lit from below as the company logo rotates on a monitor over her shoulder. Her bleach blonde hair frames a saccharine smile as she begins talking into the bulky microphone.

“My guest at this time, James Howard.” She looks to her side as her smile degrades to a smirk. “James, another week and another senseless attack on a member of this company’s roster. This time the Eternal Question took what has become a customary beating at your hands. Will you be satisfied before this company has no-one left for you to fight?”

James Howard glares blankly at Stacey. “Not at all. I’m not here to end this company. I’m not here to prove a point. I’m not here to win championships or hog the spotlight. I’m here to cause pain. Any accolades I win along the way are nothing more than empty trophies.”

Stacey rolls her tongue in her mouth, causing her cheek to bulge. “So why then have you been attacking people who you believe are being put ahead of you for title shots?”

“Because they are. Tell me, who was the first ever two time tag team champion? Who is a former Eurasian Champion? I am. Who is the number one contender for the Eurasian Championship? The man I beat to earn that title the first time around and they have the gall, the bold-faced arrogance to look me in the eye and tell me I have to prove I can beat Chris KO to become champion? When I won that championship it was a triple threat match. I came back for one more match and they paired me against the castaway and what did the man who spends three hundred days a year on the road do? He beat the guy who had six weeks to prepare. But then I returned proper, I returned proper and ring ready and I fought Chris KO at Gold Rush and I showed everyone who the better man was. Then we fought a third time and after throwing me down the stairs, he dragged his bedraggled, bearded half-corpse over me to claim a hollow victory. Then what happened? They made him the number one contender for the Eurasian Championship.”

“But if titles don’t matter then why do you care?”

James Howard sighs deeply “Because of course they matter Stacey, tell me can you name the second longest reigning mayhem champion? Can you tell name one person who was the second WZCW champion? Can you even name the other Grand Slam champions? I came back to cement my legacy, to achieve my destiny and become the greatest ever Grand Slam champion in WZCW. I want to be remembered for the destruction I wrought as I tore the roster limb from limb to become the greatest champion this company has ever seen. I want people to have such reverence for me, to hold me in such high regard that there is no-one past present or future that compares to me. The championships don’t matter to me Stacey, they matter to the fans and the fans knowing that the champion could throw their precious championship in the trash and walk away terrifies them. It scares them more than I scare the rest of the men in those dressing rooms and more than I scare every man who steps between those ropes. I’m here to cement my legacy Stacey and my legacy will be pain.”

Stacey’s brow furrows “So you want to insult the fans by disrespecting one of their championships? Is this because you’ve become the unofficial second man from Strikeforce? Do you feel you need to be a Grand Slam champion to step out of Stormrage’s shadow?”

Howard grabs the microphone from Stacey’s hand. “Let me tell you something Stacey, there is nothing that he has achieved that I didn’t achieve either with him or before him. This is nothing to do with Stormrage and everything to do with my desire to win. I’ve beaten some of the greatest competitors that have dared to step into the ring with me from Chris KO to Action Saxton to Austin Reynolds, I’ve got nothing to prove about Mikey Stormrage and if I never hear his name again it will not be a bad thing. I’m here to tell you Stacey that at Unscripted I’m going to step into the ring with elegant, nolan ryder and bruce irwin and I’m going to show you what my legacy is going to be. I’m not afraid of a man who cannot speak more than a paragraph without needing a prompt. I’m not afraid of a man who caught Matt Tastic blind and I’m not afraid of a man who looks like he just stepped off the boat. I will leave Unscripted the Elite X Champion and then I will turn my attention towards the Lethal Lottery and the Kingdom Come main event. Mark my words Stacey, by the time Kingdom Come 7 has come and gone I will be a grand slam champion.”

Howard throws the mic on the floor and walks away, leaving Stacey smirking at his confidence and arrogance.
The hand slaps down onto the mat for a third time and the bell rings. Noah Ryder leaps off his opponent and onto his feet, and celebrates like he's just won the World Series. The referee goes to raise his hand and Noah surprises him by leaping into his arms, almost knocking him down in the process. Noah apologetically balances him on his feet and lets him raise his arm in victory. Noah then climbs onto the turnbuckle and continues to celebrate, pausing momentarily when he sees Bruce Irwin standing near ringside clapping his hands. Noah doesn't quite know what to make of this, but he shouts out "Thank you" and walks to the opposite turnbuckle to continue celebrating. Backstage his friend Steven is beaming as he watches the celebration on the monitor.

Steven: He did it. He finally got to experience one.

Experience what?

Steven muttered that quietly to himself, but one man in the room did overhear him. That man was Johnny Klamor.

Umm, you know, being number one contender.

Before Klamor could ask another question, Steven excuses himself from the room and heads down the hall to meet up with Noah. Noah is backstage high fiving and shaking hands with everyone he sees there, even the wrestlers who are trying to make their way to the ring. He runs over to Steven and leaps into his arms.

Ryder: Woohoo, Steven did you see me out there. I did, I beat them. I won my first match here and now I'm getting a title match. Can you believe it?

No I can't, and compose yourself. I know you're excited about this, but try to look you've done this before and you're not some rookie.

Noah drops down off of Steven and calms himself down, although he can't stop bouncing.

I know you're right, but I can't believe this is happening so quickly. I won, I was amazing out there. Everyone was cheering, some guy even made his way to ringside to applaud me. I hope security politely escorted him back to his seat, it seems I'm making quite a few fans here already.

Indeed you are man, everyone here loves you.

Oh not everyone, I haven't even seen everyone. I still gotta introduce myself to Showtime, Callahan, Holmes, Black Dragon, Ace Stevens, Kurtesy, Titus, Runn, Masked Gentleman, The Beard, S.H.I.T.!


The wrestler, I still got some many people I need to see. I'll catch up with you later, I also want to find Chuck Myers and ask him when I'll be receiving my title match.

Before Steven can say anything else, Noah heads down the ramp and shakes hands with a camera man he's introduced himself to three times before. Steven face palms himself and shakes his head. He doesn't even realize Johnny Klamor has caught up to him.

Klamor: He is very excited for someone who's already won their second match in WZCW. I would say that he's even more excited about this one than he was about beating the world champion just a couple of weeks ago. Wouldn't you say so?

Well you know he took that crowbar to the head and that nasty fall out of the ring, he couldn't even remember the match, let alone that he won it.

I think his memory, or lack there of, has more to it than just a crowbar shot.

Steven gulps, but remains composed and silent.

I would very much like to interview him when he's available. I think there's a few questions I'd like him to answer that WZCW management may be interested in.

I.... I will let you know when he is available.

Thank you.

Glamor leaves and Steven quickly looks around the area. He spots Lean Kensworth sipping coffee by himself and heads over to him.

Leon, do you think you'd be able to interview Ryder in 15 or 20 minutes?

Kensworth: That shouldn't be a problem, but I heard Johnny really wanted to interview him.

Yea I just spoke to him, but he says he's too busy today.

Okay, then yes I can do it.

Great, so I'm going to go find Noah. He's looking for S.H.I.T., I mean he's taking a shit. I'll go see if he's done.

A puzzled Leon looks on as Steven hurries down the hall in search of Noah.


Several minutes later Leon is standing in front a WZCW backdrop. He looks around a bit and then spots Noah Ryder who shakes his hand eagerly.

Leon Kensworth, great to finally see you.

Likewise, I heard from your friend that you were having quite the, um, excursion.

No I was just trying to find Steamboat Ricky in the weight room.

Yes well, then that would be quite an excursion.

Yea, I guess the cafeteria would be a better place to look.

Are you ready to do this?

Absolutely. Go easy on me though, this is my first one.

First Fatal Four Way?

First interview.

Leon looks confused at first, and then laughs, thinking Noah is joking. Noah doesn't laugh or react in any way. Leon clears his throat and begins.

Good evening WZCW fans. Standing next to me at this time is one of WZCW's brightest and most exciting newcomers, Noah Ryder. Noah you looked strong out there tonight against three different opponents. What is it about your style that makes you such a dangerous opponent?

I don't look very strong, but when these fists start swinging, they really wear down the competition. I think, with the exception of Barbosa, I might be the most deceptively strong wrestler in WZCW.

Interesting comparison, now tell me, how important was it to get a victory here tonight and continue the hot streak that you have been on?

I don't really know how you can call it a streak, I mean it was just one match. Like, this isn't my first match ever, I've wrestled in dozens of promotions prior to competing in WZCW. I was victorious in my last match at ANT, but I don't really look at that sort of thing, I take things one match at a time. It doesn't matter who's coming in hot or who has more experience, everyone is equal and has a fighting chance to win. All that really matters is who wants it more, and I think that's what I had going for me in this match. This one especially we were all at an even level, raw rookies, young guys trying to work our way up ladder, and with the opportunity for a title match, everyone brought their A game. I proved tonight I was the better man, but that doesn't mean anything going into my next match. I have to prove myself again. The wins and loses, they mean more to the company and that's who decides who I get to face. Hopefully a few more wins like this and I'll get to face the WZCW Heavyweight Champion and really show how good I am in the ring.

Ummm, moving on. You are indeed facing the Elite-X Champion elegANT, in another Fatal Four Way match which also includes Bruce Irwin and James Howard. Your thoughts on the match?

Yea I got some thoughts, first off what the heck is up with Justin Cooper?


Well, I know he's been having a bit of an identity crisis. Just recently he was flipping pancakes, and before that he was teaming with some sort of documentary filmmaker. Now he's some sort of a high class ant called elegANT? Does that even make sense? elegANT? I just don't know what to make of him now. Most Aussies that I know are tough guys that like to drink and brawl.

You mean Bruce Irwin?

And that's the other thing Leon. Who is this Bruce Irwin? I've never heard of him before. He could be the best wrestler in Australia, but he's never wrestled here before. I don't have a whole lot of experience here myself, but I just went out and beat three other guys to earn my place in the match, I feel that he should have to do the same, he should have to earn it for what he does in WZCW. Now James Howard I can understand a little, he's a tough competitor who seems to be having a bit of a mean streak going, but he hasn't done anything to earn this match either. I don't know what happened between him and Stormrage, maybe girl problems or 99 other problems, but I thought they'd be taking on the tag team champions. I guess it really doesn't matter who's in the match or how they got in though. The only thing that matters is how I perform, how I compete. All I can do out there is try my very best and I can come out on top. You know before, everyone was raving about Triple X, how he came in red hot and won the Elite-X Title. I'm hoping after Unscripted, everyone will be saying the same thing about Noah Ryder. Thank you Leon.

Noah Ryder heads down the hall to go find Steven. Leon shakes his head as Klamor walks up behind him.

Did I just miss Noah Ryder? Damnit. I'm telling you Leon, something is not right with that kid he is messed up.

Before Leon can answer, a pair of fans dressed up as Saboteur and Action Saxton walk past them, both speaking utter nonsense to each other.

I say he's actually on par with some of the characters we've had here.


One week later Noah Ryder is walking up in his apartment, getting dressed to go compete.

Come on Steven, we got to hurry or we'll be late for my first match.

Leonard I told you, your match isn't tonight, it's tomorrow.

Oh, I don't remember you telling me that.

Well... I did, you just must've forgot somehow.

Steven didn't tell him today, but he had been telling him all week that he wasn't competing. Every off day, he'd have to tell Noah that he was competing the next day and it had started to become frustrating and tiresome. Noah senses something is wrong and goes and grabs some beers for him and his friend.

I'm sorry Steven. I know that it must be hard to put up with me, especially when I'm so close to living out my dream.

Don't sweat it Leonard, It's just been a long few months for me, years even.

I hear you, it's just, I can't believe I'm going to be getting into a WZCW ring soon. It's a dream come true.

Steven smirks and sips on his beer. He had long contemplated letting Noah know about what had been going on. Everyday he thought about telling him just once, but he didn't, not yet anyway.

How am I supposed to keep lying to you every day? Telling you that today is not the day, or that you've never competed here before?

One day before Noah Ryder faces Matt Tastic in his debut match, Noah Ryder is putting the last of his notes in his safe a locking them away for good.

I know you'll find a way. I'm sure it'll feel repetitive, but you've had to deal with the same conversations and jokes from me for years.

But what about when you win a title. How am I going to explain that to you.

Steven, when the time comes and you need to tell me, you can and you will know when. However I'm asking you not to give in on the first week or month. Let me have these moments I've been waiting all these years for. The joy on my face is going to be genuine and something I know I haven't experienced since the accident. I'm mopey. Christ I never smoked a day in my life, but know I smoke a pack a day because I wake up and learn everything I'm waking up to is gone. I don't want that anymore, and the only way I can stay away from that is to believe that every day I'm going to compete at WZCW for the first time. Steven you've done more for me than anyone has ever done, please, just lie to me and let me live my life again.

I'm just worried that about how I'll do out there. What if I won't be any good.

Steven breaks out of his train of thought and pats Noah on the shoulder.

You're going to do great kid. I know it.

Noah smiles a little. The two clink beers and jug them back.



Noah is seen head over a toilet after just ejecting the meal he had prior to arriving at the arena. A loud bang is heard at the door.

Leonard, Leonard. Are you in here?

Steven enters the bathroom and finds Noah on the floor. Noah rolls over to look at his friend.

What am I going to do Steven? I'm not ready for this. First match ever and I'm in a freaking Fatal Four Way match for the Elite-X Title. I... I don't even know who two of my opponents are. Did a plane crash and wipe out half of WZCW's roster? I'm in way over my head. I... I...

Hey, calm down man or you're probably going to yak again.

Noah nods his head and lets Steven help him to his feet.

Now look, I don't know much about these guys, but I do know about you. I know you're daring, I know you're hard working. You are pound for pound one of the toughest guys I've ever seen. And it shouldn't matter what you or any of these guys have done before. You're all equals in this match. I've heard you say that before.

I have?

That's right, you have. Every match anyone has the opportunity to be victorious, the only real deciding factor is who wants it more. You've had a fire inside you for years, this is the place you've always wanted to compete in, where you always dreamed of coming to. The company, they've obviously seen your work, they know you're capable of not only great things, they believe that you can win this match. I believe that you can too. All you have to do now is believe that you can.

Noah smiles and puts his arm around Steven.

You're right, I can do this. I'm a wrestler, I have done this before. The competition, they won't know what hit him. Tonight, Noah Ryder arrives and becomes Elite-X Champion. Can you think of a great debut?

I've only seen one better than that,

The two friends leave the bathroom and head into the blinding light of the hallway.
The scene opens inside the estate of elegANT. Normally, the entire home would be swarming with worker ants cooking, cleaning, gardening, and doing everything else needed to keep it running as a well-oiled machine. Today, however, there are none to be found. The camera heads into the kitchen and finds elegANT himself attempting to work with some vegetables on a cutting board. Just before he begins cutting them, he sees the camera and starts to address it.

Oh, hello there! Your Elite X Champion elegANT here, just working on cutting up some freshly harvested vegetables from my garden for my lunch today.

The camera pans over to show a nearby clock, which shows that is nearly 4 o’clock.

Well, yes, it is a bit later than usual for lunch. I found that gathering these crops was quite a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. I will be eating soon enough though. You see, ants, we tend to work communally. Everyone has a job and that’s how a colony gets everything accomplished. Here, I have my worker ants to function like that.

elegANT gets to chopping the veggies while he talks.

However at Unscripted, I will have to defend my title against three men and I won’t know the type of match until right before. It could be a gauntlet, where there’s only two men in the ring at a time, a scramble, which promotes absolute chaos, or an elimination, where the last man standing leaves with the Elite X Championship. At Unscripted, there is no colony to help me. There is no teamwork. One wrestler will leave with the Elite X Title and three others won’t. That makes making a salad sound a lot easier, doesn’t it?

elegANT chuckles as the scene fades to black.
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