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Unscripted - Big Dave vs. Titus - EurAsian Championship vs. Career (Extreme Rules)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

After losing the World Heavyweight Championship last month and being screwed out of a chance to qualify for the Hell in a Cell, Titus feels that he has been letting the fans down and needs to prove a point to them, so he's putting his career on the line in an attempt to prize the EurAsian Championship from the dominant Big Dave. Dave has been focusing his attacks on the former World Champion to prove a point that he's ready to make his own claim at the top prize in WZCW. Under Extreme Rules, will Titus succeed where others have not and defeat his determined adversary to become the EurAsian Champion or will Dave make Unscripted the final resting place for Titus?

Deadline is Tuesday 24th August 23:59 EST
We see a classroom full of children all looking really excited. Their teacher is stood at the front.

Teacher: Now Children you all expected a very special guest today. Well you have one, please give a huge clap for WZCW's Becky Serra.

The children clap really loudly.

Becky: Hey kids, how are you today?

The children all shout some more.

Becky: Now I have an even bigger suprise for you, you thought I was going to read you a story? Well that won't happen.

The children begin to boo.

Becky: Hey don't worry...Titus will read you a story!

The children shout in delight as Titus walks out holding a book.

Becky: Cheers Titus, don't forget that interview.


He turns and faces the children and sits down.

Titus: Now kids...who wants to hear a story? A story I call...Dave.

Once upon a time there was a man called Dave, and he had a friend. His friend was also called Dave. They were best friends forever, one had the nickname of Ace and the other, the person our story is about was called Big Dave.

Child Can we see the picture please Mr Titus?

Titus Oh sorry, sure.


Titus The two Daves liked to call themselves the Full house Daves. Although one was born in Great Britain and the other in Australia they decided they would move to the USA and become wrestlers. Life was so good for the Full House Daves they even became tag team champions


They had their life ahead of them until one day a naughty pirate came.

Child Boo to Ricky!

Titus Boo to Ricky indeed.


They joined forces to destroy Titus. They called it the rickyWorldorder.


They tried and tred and tried, but they couldn't do it. They even had to bring another Dave in. Sadly at that time Ace hurt his neck, Big Dave was sad but he had his new Dave, a Dave we shall call Karnage.


Everyone was confused, Ricky was upset and began to boss Big Dave and Karnage about. Neither men were happy about this and they asked Ricky to leave. It went from a Ricky World Order to a DisOrder.

With nothing left to stop them, Karnage became Elite X champion and Big Dave won the EurAsian belt.


But all good things come to an end. Karnage left, some say he became a politician, but that's just a rumour. Needless to say it left Big Dave all alone.


This caused Big Dave to get very very angry, and he stopped Titus from going to get a chance to win back his belt.

Titus vowed to settle this once and for all in the ring, if he lost he would have to leave, but if Dave lost Dave would lose his precious belt.

Child So what happens at the end Mr Titus?

Titus What do you want to happen?

Child I want you to win!

Titus Then win I shall.

Teacher: Lets thank Titus for his wonderful reading.

The children clap really loud as Titus turns to look at Becky and mouths "are you ready now?" as we fade to black
We're sat in a rather swanky looking lounge, Becky is on a chair, whilst Titus is sat on a couch. Behind them you can see a glass case, in the case is a WZCW WHC belt, and Elite X belt and four Oscars.

Becky: Always a privelege to come to casa del Titus

Titus: The honour is mine Becky. Before we start would you like a drink?

Becky: No thanks, I'll just get started if you may.

Titus: Sure thing, fire.

Becky: I thought as it's a special occasion, we'll do things a little differently.

Titus: How exciting!

Becky: We have decided to get a few questions from fans when they were coming out of the arena after Ascension.

Titus: Ahh great stuff, I always like what they have to say.

Becky: This question is from Matthew Docerson aged 18 ¾. Matthew says “Hey Titus, which character in the ring do you prefer to be, and ultimately why?”

Titus: Well I only really ever played three characters. One was Tommy Gunn, which was quite funny to play, see. The other was when I was a US hero teaming up with USA, and the other was the time I was a rocker teaming up with Bratchny and Trevor Steel. Of those three it was Tommy Gunn as he was just quite a fella.

Becky: I think he means out of Red Mask and Titus.

Titus: Well neither were characters both were where I was at at the time so for me to pick would be hard. I'll say Titus at the moment as that's who's sat down right now.

Becky: Fair enough, the next question comes from a Dave McCouchlover aged 23. “Dear Titus, the EurAsian championship is very easily in your grasp. After that do you have plans to go for tag team glory and the Mayhem belt to complete the clean sweep?”

Titus: Wow that thought hadn't even crossed my mind. It's one of those situations where I don't think you can say right I'm going to go for that belt. The chances are thrown at you and you have to take them.

Becky: Thanks. TitusGurl of WZCW forums asked the following question “Who do you want to win the WZCW heavyweight championship?”

Titus: A match where I'd usually say me, but I'm not in it would then be followed by me saying Everest. He's not in it! What's going on in life? In all seriousness though it's a hard one, I would love to see the underdog in Kurtesy win it, imagine the shock in WZCW, I don't want Ty to win, Showtime I praised last week, you know how highly I think of him. Then there's Vengeance, I don't want him to have to end his career.

Becky: Speaking of career ending matches.

Titus looks visibly upset.

Titus: Please don't ask me about this.

Becky: I'm going to have to.

Titus: Please.

Titus looks more upset.

Becky: If you lose against Big Dave it's over, what are your thoughts on that.

Titus stands up and unclips his microphone.

Titus: I need to go, I need to see someone.

Titus walks out the room as Becky and the crew look rather confused.

Becky: But this is his house!

The screen goes to black.
The screen is black, all you can hear are the sounds of a crowd cheering and booing until the chant of “TOON TOON BLACK AND WHITE ARMY!” echos in the background, we’re listening to a radio broadcast of a football match as the referee blows his whistle

Commentator: And it’s half time at St. James’ as Newcastle United lead Aston Villa by an astonishing three goals to nil, they’ve certainly made a point after the loss to Manchester United the other day. We’re now going to let the players have a 15 minutes break with their managers, perhaps Villa can turn this one around.

I see that the Newcastle Mascot, Monty the Magpie, is out there throwing some team shirts to the fans, all been supplied by the Help the Heroes cause for those bravely fighting on the front lines.

A stir gets the attention of the crowd.

There seems to be a fan who’s jumped the railing and running over to Monty, trying his hope to get a t-shirt, so security seem to be more loose on this one.

A sudden bashing noise is heard which draws the crowd to boo heavily

OH MY GOD, he appears to have rugby tackled Monty! He’s dragged him up and placed him in a fireman’s carry, security refuse to come near. OH MY….he just dropped Monty on his head, would someone please get rid of this intruder? I mean the fact a Villa fan feels it’s right to do that!

He’s taken his baseball cap off and the crowd is still booing him…is that a microphone?

The blurring noises of the microphone being out of tune can be heard as can heavy breathing.

So…this is St. James’ Park? The home of the League “Champions”? But that’s the thing, you’re the champions of lesser teams, people who aren’t worthwhile, strangely I see a connection there, not just with myself, being a champion of lesser people. However, I am destined for better things while you will just live in the moment you had and achieve nothing more. That is the true connection you have with Titus, your hometown hero! It’s funny how he came into my city and left as THE champion, but once the hype died down, he proved just how much of a lesser person he was, much like your team. You faced a team that is what is the representation of a champion and you failed, sure, you’re having this lead now but what has that got to prove? You’re facing a team lesser than you!

Now much like your bout with Manchester United, it was seen as a prophecy to what is going to happen to Titus, you face a champion and you will lose. And the connection you have there is that reality will take its toll and your dreams will be exposed as the nightmare, proving your value to be nothing, the effort was a lost cause, you should have walked away, make yourselves feel ready but you chose to feel that hype as your sign of readiness, and lightning is going to strike twice on the heroes of the Geordies’. You see, I can come out here and prove myself each and every week, whether it’s in this stadium or any arena with a twenty foot square ring, and this is going to be the last time you will have the chance to see the false praises of Titus before you get to see him sitting in the cheap box rooms, hiding under his hat and sunglasses, ashamed that he wasn’t good enough and this will remind you of how your fact will be sealed at the end of the League Season, I’m seeing it now, you may win this fluke of a battle this evening but thirty six games later and you will be remembering back to this date and going “Dave was right, again!”

Now my connection stands with the Red and White of North London, for too long we’ve been held back, for too long we’ve been undermined by critics, fans and pundits and what purpose does it mean? That our ascension will be the evermore sweet, that you will see the change coming and the moment of clarity come to notion, and all it takes is for the referee to confirm it whether it be the blowing of a whistle to slamming his hand down for the final three. We’ll play the game under our rules with pride and have no limitations to what skill that are admired by our peers and fans alike, leaving a trail of broken souls and melancholy thoughts, knowing you couldn’t match us. Where they say the game is Unscripted, we make it into our own through effort, strength and skill to prove that anything that is unpredictable is turned into success!

Next Sunday, while you may not all care, will be the last resting place of your hero, Titus, former World Champion…former WZCW employee, much like your promotion this year, it will all be set to memory, like a distant dream and fade out into nothingness. Close your eyes, count to three, and you can see his end from his perspective and know that in the end, much like all of you, he shouldn’t have challenged a much greater opponent and put the stakes so high…

The crowd boos heavily with random shows of “You suck!”

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, I do not know what to make of this, but if you’re from Newcastle and a fan of wrestling, the message has been sent by this challenger, the hometown hero Titus faces his greatest challenge. Will he succeed? I don’t know, but for now let’s catch up with the latest news before the second half commences…

We're in New York City as an airplane arrives at the airport, where Jonny Klamor stands waiting for a passenger. Out of the plane emerges a suited Big Dave who's on his mobile phone, he heads across towards the waiting Klamor as he finishes his call and hangs up the phone.

Dave: Jonny.

Klamor: I saw the news about your appearance in Newcastle, I was curious about the motivation for it.

Dave: To be honest Jonny, everyone only cares about taking Titus to Keystone City, the one place he defended for a number of years as Red Mask. Yet when his biggest moment at Kingdom Come was due, he came back to his actual hometown because it showed what it meant to him. I felt it was needed to take the situation to his hometown to make him realise that I don't fear him or the background he has. He could be a sixteen time World Champion and I still wouldn't fear him.

They head over to a limo that's sitting in waiting at the carpark, the driver places Dave's suitcase into the boot as Dave and Jonny get into the limo, which sets off shortly after the driver gets back in the front. Inside the scenes of New York move by.

Speaking of my opponent, any word while I was back in the UK?

Klamor: He's been doing a few appearances around the places, going to schools, meets and greets. He seemed fine and confident, but...

Dave: But what?

Klamor: He had an interview with Becky and he seem to have some sort of breakdown when being asked about the possibility of losing, the pressure of the situation might be getting to him.

Dave: What do you want me to say Jonny? Titus called me and put his career on the line to face me for the belt. I never forced him to do anything, he made the call, I accepted, if he's having second thoughts, it's too late now, the contract's been signed and forfeiting would be an automatic loss for him and also a let down that I couldn't be abled to finish the job myself.

Klamor: Dave, while I have no doubt about your abilities, don't you have second thoughts about this? What about losing the belt? The fact you could rid the company of one of its most popular superstars ever?

Dave: Canis canum edit...it's a dog eat dog world out there and survival is key when it comes to working for this company. I didn't get to where I am by second guessing or having doubts, I did it because I stayed focused. Regarding the EurAsian Championship, if I lose it, it means that Myles and Bateman don't have any excuse not to let me challenge for the World Title, but how much would my reputation get as the man who put Titus away for good? The fact that Titus' standoff against the rWo was never finished and he was a fool to think that. Simply put, I need to do this...I have to do this, this is a victory not only for me, but for those who tried and failed, Ricky and Ace amongst them. I will be going out there knowing that by completing this task, our job will be done and they can relax with ease, knowing that their efforts were not in vain.

The limo stops outside a hospital, the same one Blade recently visited to see Ace David, Dave looks on at it with a stray thought before he turns back to Jonny.

Titus' time is up and my time to ascend has come Jonny, and there will be two things that he will learn after I earn my victory against him. Firstly, don't raise the stakes when you can't handle them, and two, he who laughs last...

Dave opens the door, gets out of the limo and leans in

...laughs the loudest.

He shuts the door and heads into the hospital as the limo drives off.
NB This is the final part of my three RP series however I didn't receive permission from the person in the RP as they haven't read my PM yet. Needless to say I felt like I should post it here for your reading pleasure.

We see Titus stood atop the rock that overlooks Keystone city, the rock he has stood on many a time look over the place that he vowed to defend.

Off screen we hear a very familiar voice.

Voice: Is this what it's come down to? The great Titus, winner of four Oscars, former Elite X champion, Lethal Lottery winner and the former World Heavyweight Champion is being forced to quit.

Titus: I'd hardly say it's being forced now is it?

Come off it, I know you better than anyone, you would never offer retirement for the sake of it, this has been forced on you.

No comment on that.

Didn't think I'd get a comment. It's funny that our time seems to be winding down, I'm stubborn though, I refuse to quit. We've been through a lot together you know.

Yeah that much I do know.

Since the start.

The camera pans round to reveal the owner of the voice.

I'm surprised you came actually.

When your old friend and then rival is having an emotional crisis and then asks you to come, there's a level of respect that any decent human being would have.

Two surprises at once, wow.

Or maybe it's just to gloat at your suffering.

It's likely that second one Everest.

We could have been big you know, me and you. We had a great alliance going on, we would have ruled the roost here in WZCW. We'd still be top dogs.

Yeah well I mucked that one up didn't I?

Yeah you did.

Though we had our second chance.

People change Titus, by then it became about me, and rightly so. You, you have something that makes most people envious, you put others first. That's why it would never have worked, you're in this for others, I'm in it for the fame. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Yes really, could you imagine me and you best friends forever? Please?

That is true, it means I would never have kicked your ass, twice!

Oh please.

I'm joking, sheesh. You reckon I have a chance?

Titus, Red Mask, Tommy Gunn whatever the hell you want to call yourself. You have beaten the best person to have ever stepped foot in a WZCW ring in me. Of course you can beat Big Dave, though if you want to have any long term success you need a change.

I do?

You need to start putting yourself number one, you need to fight for you, you need to take matters into your own hands, you need to be darker.

Like an evil super genius, living in a volcano with a cat?

Not like that at all, just, yeah just think about what I said.

Good luck my old friend.

Everest offers his hand for a hand shake as Titus accepts.

They break the hand shake as Everest begins to walk away, he stops and turns around.

Though don't think this is me letting you off, I'll see you in the ring again, that's a guarantee.

Everest walks off as Titus sits down on the rock looking out to Keystone, he pulls out of his pocket his Red Mask and looks almost close to tears as the scene fades to black.
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