Unscripted 2014 - Los Magnificos Dragones (c) vs. Demon Foreigners

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

The Demon Foreigners have risen to become number one contenders, but now they must face the new tag team champions, Los Magnificos Dragones! Who will stand as the tag team champions when this one is over? The WZCW Universe will choose a stipulation for this title match! Will it be a tornado tag, an elimination match, or lucha libre rules?

Deadline is Wednesday, February 19th at 11:59 PM CST.
“So answer me this Aleksandr, you wish to learn the ways of Gekitotsu! Satsujin Ken? To learn the ways of the street fighter? What makes you think this is possible for you to succeed at? What makes you think that this is truly a fighting style that can make a difference to you?

Hashikori’s gaze is intently focused upon Cuba unblinking as if searching for something in Cuba’s reaction to the questions he has posed.

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Hashikori’s stares in awe at the reply Cuba has offered, and then begins to laugh uncontrollably. Kiriyama doesn’t seem effected by Hashikori’s reaction. Cuba on the other hand seems unsure of Hashikori.

I like you Aleksandr; I will take pleasure in breaking your spirit and rebuilding you.”

Takuma Hashikori is a very literal man I take it?

I would not speak of him this way, not within earshot. He will punish you for that.

This is probably a good time to tell you that I hate snakes.

Then you are most certainly in the right place!

We open inside Sacramento Zoo’s reptile house as the Demon Foreigners, Aleksandr Cuba and Atsushi Kiriyama, make their way through. The room is dimly lit except for the bright lights that glow from the rectangle containments that house all manner of reptiles, from the Haitian Giant Galliwasp to the Blood Python.

As they pass each one Cuba peers through the glass with a look of trepidation on his face as he sees the small encasements that all manner of snakes, lizards and frogs call home. Kiriyama meanwhile, seems unfazed by their surroundings.

Aleksandr is dressed down from his usual attire, instead of his long black coat and corduroy trousers; Cuba is wearing loose black trousers and a black vest. However, his favourite red and black scarf stays wrapped around his neck. Kiriyama is attired in what appears to be his regular wrestling gear of black leather trousers and boots. The slight difference is a black t-shirt with the white imprint of a wolfs face, the design obscured barely by a red leather jacket.

They soon enter a larger, circular room whereupon in the centre stands Takuma Hashikori. Hashikori is in a black overcoat and regular suit trousers, smart black shoes and a fedora adorns his head. Lining the walls all around the room are more reptile houses, each ones bright glow glaring at the situation unfolding before them, like spectators in the Colosseum, waiting for blood to be spilled.

As Aleksandr approaches Hashikori, Kiriyama peels off from his partner and stands to the side, arms crossed. Takuma stares Aleksandr up and down sternly, assessing his new protégé once more.

How do you like the setting, Aleksandr?

Can’t say I care too much for it. Reptiles are fascinating creatures, but I don’t exactly like being in their proximity.

Yet you are constantly surrounded by them! Atsushi tells me you refer to those who oppose you as snakes and dragons, yes?

Aleksandr glares at Kiriyama for divulging information, but his Japanese partner doesn’t react.


[Interrupting]… So why would a man name his opponents after that which he fears? Do you fear your opponents?

What? No.

Then that is your first mistake, Russian. The first of many I assume. But that is why Atsushi called me here, had me travel across the world. To break you down and rebuild you like I did to him mere months ago! He must either really hate you, or really respect you to suggest you for Gekitotsu! Satsujin Ken!

Aleksandr once more looks over at his partner, and this time Kiriyama responds with a subtle nod, which is all Cuba needs to validate which of those options he believes to be true.

Right it is time to get down to business. Atsushi, I want you to blindfold Aleksandr with his scarf. We are going to make sure you cannot see what is coming towards you. From this I will…

[Interrupting]…If I may speak Hashikori.

Hashikori glares at Kiriyama completely irate that he has been disrespected by being disrupted. Atsushi holds his hands up to suggest he means no ill will. Takuma nods for him to continue.

I know your methods; I know this one all too well. Whilst effective, I cannot have Aleksandr less than 100% for Unscripted. It is our first PPV match, our first title match, and our chance to finally beat the Dragones. Do what needs to be done, but you cannot break him like you did to me our first session.

So be it. There are other less damaging methods we can try. Firstly though, I will target that mind he lauds so confidently.

As Aleksandr removes his scarf and places it on a nearby bench, Hashikori signals Kiriyama by clicking his fingers and pointing at Cuba. Atsushi abides and circles the room until he is behind Cuba and then surprises Aleksandr by knocking him down with a forearm to the back of the head.

As Cuba rises to his feet, Kiriyama grabs his arm and wrenches it behind his back. He drags Aleksandr across the room to a larger, open display, where a Ball Python sits curled up next to a small pond. Cuba seems panicked being so close to the reptile, and instinctively jerks his head back, but Atsushi pushes it onto a wooden railing that protrudes from the exhibit. Kiriyama then applies a modified standing armbar to Aleksandr.

What are you doing Atsushi? You just said…

Trust me Cuba, you would much rather have me do this than Hashikori himself!

Hashikori walks over to the display where the two stands as Aleksandr continues to struggle, becoming increasingly annoyed. Takuma runs his hand over the snakes skin, but the reptile seems unperturbed by his presence.

If there are restrictions on my methods Aleksandr, then I will mentally tear you down. Trust me, trust Atsushi. He more than anyone knows my methods are true. You have a brilliant mind, pragmatic yet theoretical. But you are too clever to be completely honest with me! However, under duress, the mind is far more open.

You son of a bitch.

I will not be spoken to like that! Aleksandr you want him to release you from this hold?

Arrgh, yes.

Then do this one thing for me. You are man with great powers of deduction, no? Then deduce yourself!

Deduce the Demon Foreigners!


I will not repeat myself!

Aleksandr continues to struggle as Kiriyama holds in the submission, but his attempts to escape are futile. Through muffled cries of anguish, and with eyes piercing through Hashikori, he complies.

We are the Demon Foreigners, Aleksandr Cuba and Atsushi Kiriyama. We were brought together through LeQuint Brown…

Hashikori scoffs at the mention of Brown.

Why did he bring you together?

…Because he saw the potential in us teaming up. He wanted us to reignite a dying tag team division. He wanted us to become the most dominant force in WZCW- to be better than Los Magnificos Dragones, better then Strikeforce, better than the Bearded Gentlemen or Holmes and Celeste.

And how have you fared in this endeavour so far?


Such an eloquent speaker has suddenly lost his tongue? Or is your pride defending your honesty?

Cuba continues to refuse to reply, and Hashikori’s face becomes dourer as the seconds tick along. In response Takuma reaches in and grabs the python from the display and holds it close to Aleksandr’s face. Cuba winces and becomes more panicked.

Why do you fear such beautiful creatures? Is it cultural? Hereditary? How can a man be so confident yet be afraid of something so small?

Stop this…

Then answer me!

What are you so afraid of? That this python will slither over you and choke you out? Do you fear Los Magnificos Dragones will do the same? That the dragons will rip your pride apart one more time?


Do you believe you have succeeded so far? Do you believe you have been good enough?



No. Ok! No. I haven’t been good enough, I have failed. I fear we will lose again, that this is our only chance to right the many wrongs so far. I fear evaporating into mediocrity…

With that response, Hashikori signals for Kiriyama to release the hold, and he does so instantly. Aleksandr falls to his knees and holds his neck, exhausted and with a look of dejection on his face. Kiriyama shakes his head, unhappy with what he’s just heard and seen.

Last week I watched two over-confident men enter that ring, and lose. LeQuint Brown believes he can just stick you two together and expect money to rain from the sky. But I have yet to witness a team, just two individuals out for themselves. Well that idea ends here. Up to now, you have failed the Demon Foreigners, Aleksandr. But so have you, Atsushi. I didn’t train you to fail.

Kiriyama responds angrily to this whilst Aleksandr continues to look down on the ground, both men’s egos wounded by Hashikori’s words. Takuma drops the snake back into its display and stands over the fallen Russian, who continues to sit on his knees.

You are a great athlete, Aleksandr. In time you will be a great fighter! But I need to see your anger come forth, I want to see the demon inside you! I want you to poison your opponents with your fangs, not just your words! You are in control of your anger, but no more! Do you hear me!

The Ball Python is a harmless snake. Its exterior may produce fear but it is no more intimidating than a kitten. Los Magnificos Dragones are no different. Their name alone has the connotation attached that they cannot be defeated, that they should be feared! But everything burns, everything dies. Snakes and dragons should not be feared by demons!

Aleksandr doesn’t respond.

Does it sting you to admit how you have failed? To hear out loud that Los Magnificos Dragones have defeated you twice?

Hashikori notices Aleksandr’s fists clench and continues to press.

You don’t deserve to be the number one contenders, and you know it. You lie to yourself; try to convince yourself that it’s because you were first in the queue. Whilst that may be true, it doesn’t mean you’re good enough.

You’ve lost to the Dragones, lost to Cerberus, and now what? What happens if you lose at the PPV? If the Dragones defeat you a third time and you’re at the back of the line? How much longer will you lock the demon you are behind this smug shell? How much longer will you embrace the fear and accept failure?

Aleksandr rises to his feet and goes nose-to-nose with Hashikori, who doesn’t even react.

Or maybe that’s just it. Perhaps LeQuint was wrong, Atsushi was wrong. You are not a demon at all, you are a fraud. A fraud who can’t even figure out El Califa Dragon!

As those words linger in the air for a few seconds, Aleksandr steps back as if he’s about to attack Hashikori. Takuma doesn’t move though and just stands defiantly. However, Aleksandr merely budges Hashikori aside and grabs the python from out the display with no hesitation. He stares down his two Japanese counterparts as he wraps the python around his neck.

The snake doesn’t seem impressed by this action and coils itself around Cuba, its head dancing around Aleksandr’s, its tongue occasionally darting out and touching Cuba’s face.

I am sick and tired of losing. Sick and tired of being disrespected. We are not an afterthought behind the Dragones, Cerberus and Young Justice. I am Aleksandr Cuba and I will not be cast aside so easily.

You want the demon? You want the man who is going to bend and break the will of El Califa Dragon and Amber Warren? You want a man with no fear? Then that’s what you’ll get.

The snake continues to constrict itself around Cuba’s neck and we can see it start to become uncomfortable for him as his breath draws heavier. But he continues on regardless.

If everybody wants to rule us out before we even step in the ring, fine. But I am going to clip the dragon’s wings and watch them plummet to the ground. Then I will gut them and take their spoils from within.

Hashikori begins to laugh uncontrollably.

Maybe there is hope for you yet, Aleksandr Cuba! We have barely begun and the demon emerges! You are a man too proud for his own good, but with training, I can channel that pride into a warrior!

Aleksandr seems in a completely different world to the one he entered when first entering the reptile house. His laissez-faire attitude has been replaced with a focus and intensity we have not yet seen.

WZCW is diseased, rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes a new era will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, we're going to make this place great again!

Aleksandr starts pacing around the room as he talks, the python still fixed and wrapped around his neck. He nods his head in agreement of his own words, riled up by the intensity of the situation.

Time and time again WZCW management have failed us, treated us with utter contempt. Is it because we are foreign? Or is it because we cannot be tamed? They think they are feeding us to the Dragones as their next meal, but they have in actuality signed their death warrant.

There is no place for Los Magnificos Dragones in the new world; they are nothing more than a relic of a failed era. They have twice stepped through the flames unscathed, but the fire rises! Can they sustain the heat a third time when they face demons that have nothing to lose and everything to gain?

Aleksandr stops and stares into one of the glass windows, the bright light basking over his face with an ethereal glow. Cuba watches as one of the snakes slithers up a branch, mesmerized by the fluidity of its movement. As the snake stops, it looks towards the glass and straight through Cuba.

We will not be defeated as easily as we were in December. I will not be the same Aleksandr Cuba that Amber Warren defeated weeks ago. Those titles they earned so fraudulently last month will slip from their grasp if they don’t respect us.

Cuba is visibly struggling for breath now and the snake wraps tighter around his neck. Aleksandr calmly removes the snake and holds it out in front of him, a devilish look in his eye. Hashikori and Kiriyama both look at each unsure what the Russian will do next.

We are coiled, one mistake and we will strike them down, choke them out…

It is now Aleksandr’s turn to laugh uncontrollably as he tosses the snake down to the ground.

...time is running out! время уходит!

The only words Cuba ever speaks in his native Russian tongue echo through the reptile house as we fade to black.
Shōwa no Hi

[Showa Day]

April 29, 2013

As the scene slowly fades in, we see a temporary tower in the design of a traditional Japanese temple. Thick guy ropes stem from each corner of the temple and to disguise them somewhat red and white lanterns hang swaying slightly at their elevated height. The flickering of flames inside the lanterns gives the night sky an elegant tranquility, the illuminated red emitting a golden-like glow, as the hustle and bustle of a festival like atmosphere is in full swing below.

The camera pans back and away from the festivities, into a dark alley where three men stand watching. They are instantly recognisable as 'The Shadow Warrior' Atsushi Kiriyama, the former leader of the Lone Wolf Club Takuma Hashikori, and Shiro Kazama. It looks as if they have forsaken the public festivities and have continued teaching Kiriyama the ways of the Lone Wolf Club. All three men are wearing white t-shirts, black sweatpants and black training shoes.

Why tonight?

Kiriyama’s tone is inquisitive but not disrespectful to his mentors.

Because it will anger Hayata, you aren't ready, but it gives us almost five months to drill you further and for these skills to become second nature.

Five months? Why so long?

Kiriyama’s inquisitive tone continues as he retorts instantly to Hashikori’s response.

It will let Hayata stew, something that he cannot control, something he will not forget and something that will remind people of Hashikori.

Kazama is slightly subdued with his response as if he is nervous, about to re-enter the pack of the Lone Wolf Club, from which he was banished mere weeks ago.

Showa No Hi has gained increased importance for the Lone Wolf Club under Hayata. The day is no longer a mere celebration of Emperor Hirohito’s birthday, it is a celebration of Hayata’s ascension to power.

There is disdain in the voice of Hashikori having been overthrown as the leader of the Lone Wolf Club by Yosuke Hayata, some seven years previously. Kazama picks up on this and continues since he has been part of the pack until recently.

This is a chance to rub the nose in the dirt of any member that may still hold allegiance Hashikori, even though seven years have passed, these people do not forgot the past.

So even if he uses violence we cannot defend ourselves…

Hashikori holds his hand up to stop Kiriyama in his tracks and allow him to know what is likely just about to happen.

Hayata is calculated, he doesn’t do anything unless he sees personal gain, the things we have in our favour are that he knows who you are, and he will see you as weak. Hold your tongue and only step forth when Kazama allows you too.

In the distance, as the sounds of a clock tolling eight bells, Hashikori and Kazama turn into the darkness of the alley. Nervously Kiriyama follows his two mentors shadows in the poor light as they turn a corner at the end of the alley.

What we see next is an opening of a yard, where a line of 15 or so figures have their backs facing Atsushi's vantage point. They have their attention placed upon a man, who is flanked by four oil drums with flames rising from them for light.

The man taking centre stage has a slender build but has good muscle tone, several scars adorn his bear torso. He has short bleach blonde hair and is obviously a naturalised Japanese national, he seems to strike fear over his followers as he begins to speak.

Today is a day of celebration for our former Emperor Hirohito, the day of Showa marks another milestone in the history of the Lone Wolf Club. This is the day that the Lone Wolf Club was brought into the twenty-first century. A day that we confined Takuma Hashikori to history, so that in his old age he could do no damage to the very institute he made so glorious. I Yoskuke Hayata banished the old man from our pack and now we have an elite group of members where the strong have survived and the weak have died in our midst.

The majority of the figures stood in front of Hayata seem to be drinking in his every word, although there are noticeably two men at the end of line that have their heads bowed and do not react to the Lone Wolf Club leaders words.

Personal gain? Elitism? This is not what the Lone Wolf Club was intended for Yosuke!

Out of the shadows steps Takuma Hashikori followed by Shiro Kazama, who blocks the path of Kiriyama so he cannot step into Hayata’s sight. The members of the Lone Wolf Club in front of Yosuke Hayata turn quickly to see who spoke the words, the majority of them looking ready to fight. The two men who had their heads bowed fall to one knee seemingly in subservience to their former leader.

Ah Hashikori after seven longs years you come back into our midst! I expected it sooner and look you brought a straggler and servant of your ways with you! A man that I left to die only a few weeks ago. Is this a challenge?

Hashikori smiles gently and steps forward a few more steps. The warriors in front of him look cautious as there former leader shows no fear walking back into the pack he used to lead.

Ah I see you have lost little confidence since you dislodged me As you rightly say, you have banished me and defeated Shiro. I do have a challenge for you though.

Hashikori motions to Kazama, who takes Kiriyama’s shoulder and brings him into the sight of Hayata. Hayata’s confidence floods into a sneering laughter at the sight of Kiriyama.

You come to into my pack and challenge me with a puroresu competitor? Fine I accept!

Hayata motions to the Lone Wolf Club to move aside, Kiriyama goes to pass Kazama but Kazama does not let him pass. Hashikori chuckles at Hayata’s response before politely replying to his former charge.

That’s excellent, we shall see you on Keirō no Hi…

Hayata stops dead in his tracks and his look of euphoria changes to that of disappointment.

That is almost five months away, now or never Hashikori!

Hashikori turns his back on Hayata and starts walking back towards the alley where Kazama and Kiriyama await.

But you’ve already accepted Yosuke…

Kazama pushes Kiriyama back into the darkness and follows The Shadow Warrior. Hashikori takes one last look back at a furious Yosuke Hayata as he himself disappears back down the alley...



… время уходит!

A stinging silence echoes following the harsh Russian words, as the scene fades in and we see Aleksandr Cuba pacing around the viewing enclosure. Cuba’s breathing is distinctly ragged as a tidal wave of emotion has spilled forth breaking his usually calm exterior. Takuma Hashikori and Atsushi Kiriyama stand in an archway with a sign over head saying “Sacramento Zoo – Reptile House”

Talk is cheap Aleksandr, what you need to realise is that these words you speak are true. Not something that can change with a click of your fingers, or a surviving a few short minutes of physical pain.

Hashikori’s words offer no warmth to Cuba who slows down to gaze Hashikori straight in the eye as if he had been awaiting words of praise. Kiriyama stands cautiously awaiting a retort from his tag team partner, directed towards his mentor.

What you fail to realise Cuba is that the test is not a black and white pass and fail. This is not a right and wrong, good or evil. This is a way of life that requires strength of body, strength of mind.

Kiriyama’s words are clear and concise each syllable he moves closer to Aleksandr until they are eye to eye, each man staring unblinkingly at the other, in an unspoken game of one-upmanship, trying not to give away any trace of weakness.

You have to make yourself surrender and embrace the weakness like a wound that will cut deep and true, that will sting and leave a scar that you will remember forever. A wound that once healed makes each sinew of your being stronger than it was before.

Cuba bows his head away from the gaze of The Shadow Warrior. Kiriyama steps away from his tag team partner and looks upon one of the close habitats, where a plaque emblazoning the name..

Jumping Pit Viper – Porthidium Nummifer.

Kiriyama becomes lost in his thoughts watching the inhabitant of the glassed encasement. The snake which Kiriyama is viewing is thickset, its triangular head seems to be sniffing out prey in the undergrowth of its home, it’s greyish brown body semi camouflaged within its surroundings.

The Jumping Pit Viper slithers predatorily towards a large rat, seemingly unaware of its impending doom. Slowly the jumping pit viper opens its mouth, fangs unfurling waiting to strike and in a wildly flailing attack, piercing the rats body before hovering the remains up.

Kiriyama moves away from viewing the snake and back towards Hashikori who himself moves towards Cuba having retrieved Cuba’s trademark scarf from a nearby bench.

Place this around your eyes. Sight is a strength that invokes ones reflexes to prevent attack. Snakes and serpents thrive upon their other senses as much as sight, you need to learn this.

Cuba follows the instruction of Hashikori and prepares to block any strikes that may be coming his way. Hashikori circles Aleksandr as if he is going to strike his new protégé, as somewhat of a surprise Hashikori stops in front of the soviet born warrior.

I stand before you Aleksandr Cuba, strike me now.

Before Cuba has to be asked twice he draws back his right arm and goes to strike Hashikori, before Cuba can cause damage to Gekitotsu! Satsujin Ken he is thrown over the shoulders of Hashikori by his right arm. Cuba crashes into the concrete floor but quickly returns to his feet circling, awaiting an attack from Hashikori.

STOP!!!! You cannot act in the way you would usually with a missing sense from your arsenal.

Cuba stops dead awaiting further instruction. Kiriyama intently watches Cuba’s reactions to the tutelage of Hashikori. Atsushi moves back towards his mentor and tag team partner and faces him dead on. Kiriyama inhales deeply before screaming at the top of his lungs.


As Kiriyama bellows the command, Cuba sweeps his leg, which Kiriyama leaps without a seconds notice. Cuba follows up going for a fist strike, but his arm is once again caught by Hashikori and he crashes back to the concrete floor. Cuba rolls off his back and springing to his feet, sends out a spinning kick. Kiriyama catches the leg of Cuba and slams him back to the concrete.

Constant movement is not the way to succeed, use your remaining senses to listen, smell, feel, taste the fear from what is about to attack you.

When violence occurs against you, it is as a result of the fear of what you can do as a fighter, a defence mechanism. Return to your feet and maximise your other senses.

Aleksandr slowly returns to his feet, but before he is at his full height he sends out another fist strike. Hashikori grabs his arm and is once again thrown over the shoulder of Hashikori slamming into the concrete for the third time. Cuba with lightning reactions rips his blindfold off, the eyes of Hashikori filled with rage. Before Cuba can return to his feet he receives a swift kick to his right knee and it is immediately followed up with a kick to the side of Aleksandr’s neck. Cuba’s gaze is frozen from the kick and he slumps forward and his face smashes into the concrete.

When he is ready to listen bring him to me. His pride is his downfall. He will learn from this he took more punishment from having all five senses intact, than trying to fight with four.

Hashikori’s voice is vitriolic with rage. He turns from Kiriyama and leaves the reptile house without a downward glance at Aleksandr. Kiriyama slumps on to a bench running his right hand through his mangled black hair…

**A few minutes later**

Cuba groans as if he is overcoming a vodka induced hangover. He rolls over on to his back and sits up. Kiriyama’s eyes are almost as vindictively malicious as his mentors actions were a short while earlier.

Your pride is your undoing, you live to understand and seek knowledge, but you cannot understand that others have knowledge that may help you.

Cuba is holding the side of his neck, his eyes still glazed as he takes a sharp intake of breath and goes to speak. But before he can utter a word in response to Kiriyama’s damning report, Atsushi cuts him off.

This is your time to listen to reason Aleksandr, see if you can deduce your mistake from your asinine actions. You talk about burning down the façade of WZCW, strip away the masks of the snakes and serpents that you fear.

Kiriyama rises to his feet and begins to circle around the drowsy Cuba who doesn’t seem to have the attention span currently to follow his tag team partner’s movement. Despite the previous malice in Kiriyama’s eyes and voice, his tone eases and becomes more impassioned.

Dragones breathe fire, there is no way to defy the machine they have built themselves into! So the way to overcome their biggest weapons is to fight fire with fire. Why do you think we are in the reptile house of Sacramento Zoo? This is a place you fear, this is a place of the nearest resemblance of Dragones.

Kiriyama kneels down by Cuba and removes a match from his inside pocket. He offfers his hand to Aleksandr and pulls him up to his feet and hands him the match. Kiriyama leads Cuba to the exit of the reptile house.

It is time to unleash the fire of The Demon Foreigners. We may be the underdogs, we maybe the weaker duo, there should be no fear when we use the strength of the Dragones against themselves. Strike the match and drop it where we stand.

Cuba strikes the red headed match against the wall of the reptile house and drops it on the floor. Immediately rivers of fire spread away from the Demon Foreigners. Kiriyama grasps Cuba by the shoulder and takes him away from the viewing area. The flames lick higher and higher. Before the ear deafening shattering of the glass that contains the snakes within their habitats.

Slowly the inhabitants of the captive wildlife areas begin to slither into the fire, lost from our eyesight and into the flames.


The scene returns with El Califa returning from his phone call, Amber quickly zipping up her bag once more to avoid Califa from seeing what's inside. Califa doesn't seem to notice however, remaining silent for a few moments as Amber looks on curiously. Finally, to break up the silence, Amber speaks.

Amber: Everything alright Califa?

Califa slowly tilts his head up as he seems to have come out of a trance, shaking his head slowly, a sorrowful sigh escaping him.

El Califa: Amber, El Califa must make a quick trip today. It's...a family thing.

Amber nods her head and finishes her drink, her eyes diverting to her bag briefly before turning back to El Califa, now curious on what the matter is.

Amber: What's going on? Is someone sick?

Califa shakes his head no and is obviously conflicted with what the matter is. Finally finding the words to say he speaks, though his voice is not the usual confident Califa, this of a broken man it seems.

El Califa: It's been five years since the accident.....

Amber: Accident? What are you talking about Califa?

Califa lifts up his left arm, showing the large scare running down from his shoulder to his arm. He traces it with his finger slowly, his arm trembling as if the horrible memory is replaying in his mind, every agonizing second.

El Califa: Five years since El Califa earned this mark of shame, to carry on for the rest of life and to remind him of his sister.

Amber: Your sister?! Califa you never told me you had a sister. What happened.

Califa shakes his head and stands up, grabbing his bag and tossing it over his shoulder.

El Califa: Amber, this is something in his past that El Califa must deal with. It is something you shouldn't concern yourself with.

A look of anger sparks on Amber's face as she stands up, slamming her palms on the table.

Amber: No, this is not how this works Califa! I just spent the last however many minutes telling you about my past and my family. And now that it's your family we're talking about you want to run away and keep it from me. No, I spilled my heart out to you, and you can do the same to me. I'm your partner and that is what partners do!

The two dragons gaze towards one another, Amber's eyes piercing right through Califa's mask, her lips pursing up as she stands her ground. Califa sighs and lowers his head, motioning to the vehicle.

El Califa: You're right Amber Warren. Come, it's an hour drive from here.

Califa reaches into his pocket and lays several large bills on the counter as he walks onto the side walk, tossing his bag into the backseat before getting in the driver seat. Amber watches him before picking up her bag and joining him in the car. They take off as the scene fades for a moment before returning to the two in the SUV, the usual loud boisterous music now silenced as Califa keeps his head forward, the silence deafening to Amber as she stares out at the Mexican countryside.

El Califa: Five years ago Amber Warren. El Califa had risen to the top of Lucha Libre. Everywhere he went the fans followed. However, he was not born in Mexico, in fact El Califa started his life in Houston. His....my father died when I was young. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and so it was left to my mother to raise young El Califa, and his sister, Shaylina.

Amber: Shaylina, that's such a beautiful name El Califa.

El Califa: She was more than just a beautiful name and a pretty smile Amber Warren. She was El Califa's biggest fan. Nuestra Madre, she did not care for El Califa's lifestyle. She believed that he would fall in with the wrong people, that El Califa would get caught up in the mafioso's that plagued Houston and Mexico. She did not trust him, nor did she want Shaylina to be around El Califa when she got older.

Amber: But...why? You've shown me nothing but being kind hearted, and full of honor. I see you as a role model for many people.

El Califa: It didn't matter what El Califa did Amber Warren. El Califa even used his personal money and the fame of Mexico to help clean up the neighborhood he grew up in, and it was still not enough for her. Still, it did not stop Shaylina from cheering for her brother whenever she could.

The tone in Califa's voice has appeared to change, that of somber and melancholy, to that of pride and happiness remembering old times. Amber smiles as she watches Califa hold his head high, though the big question must be asked.

Amber: So what happened five years ago?

Califa remains silent for a few moments, passing by numerous cars before pulling into the right lane again. Amber can hear him take a deep breath before speaking.

El Califa: Califa.....he had finally convinced his mother to let Shaylina come with him. It was a short tour throughout Mexico, right before Christmas with only four stops along the way. He had just finished up a grueling stretch of five months with only traveling time being his time away from the ring. El Califa was looking forward to coming home to Houston and his family. Shaylina met him in Mexico City, and the plan was to end here in Culiacan. The first three stops on the tour were pretty close to one another, with one final stretch drive from Durango to Culiacan. Everything went great. El Califa helped sell out every stop we made along the way. The night at Durango was especially special as Shaylina accompanied El Califa to the ring. After the show we were in the parking lot area, El Califa signed numerous autographs before finally getting in his vehicle with Shaylina. It was late, but we wanted to get back to Culiacan so we could stay in El Califa's villa, and so Shaylina could do some site seeing before we headed back to Houston. She hadn't been to Mexico, it was her first time here.

Califa clears his throat, taking a drink from his water bottle as Amber waits intently, now seated facing Califa directly.

El Califa: We loaded up on energy drinks for the trip. El Califa is not one for caffeine usually, but does use it for longer drives like that. We were talking about the matches that night, Shaylina of course over critiquing her brother's work. Soon though, Shaylina fell asleep, leaving El Califa to his thoughts and the road. The caffeine did not do anything that night Amber, and El Califa soon found himself lowering his head. He caught himself, even pulled over to the side of the road to take a break, walk outside, and smoke a cigarette, much to my sister's constant dismay. He....I felt I was good to drive again, and soon took off.

Amber: But you were overtired. You worked a match and were driving for some time. Why didn't you hire a driver El Califa, or stay the night in Durango?

Califa shakes his head as his voice gets weaker, his fingers trembling slightly on his free hand as he takes another drink of water, setting it back down slowly.

El Califa: If he could go back that night Amber Warren, we would not have been in that vehicle. I promise you this. El Califa ended up....he fell asleep at the wheel. He briefly woke up and corrected himself, now believing himself to be fine. He was not Amber, he was not. A semi was in the other lane when El Califa fell asleep again.....and this time he could not save them. I.......I swerved into the other lane and was hit by the semi. The vehicle was sent flying, broken in half.

Califa suddenly stops as he turns into a cemetary, the sun setting in the distance as Califa parks the vehicle, holding his head as he fights back tears.

El Califa: She was someone special....she was going to make a difference in this world. She was not going to be an entertainer like me. She was an outstanding student, she was going to help people Amber Warren! Her goal was to become a doctor, to treat the sick and heal the wounded. That was her goal, and because of my mistake and my foolish decision, she was stolen from this world. And it's my fault. It's my fault she's buried here in this cemetery instead of cheering her brother on as she finishes the first part of college!

Califa slumps forward, placing his head on the top of the steering wheel as he tries to keep himself together. Amber quickly leans over and hugs Califa close, whispering softly to him.

Amber: Califa.....you can't keep blaming yourself like this. It was an accident, you didn't do anything on purpose. You loved your sister as much as any brother could.

El Califa: I was the one behind the wheel that night Amber Warren. I was the one that caused the accident. It is my sole responsibility that I carry every day, knowing what I have done. My mother...she died of heartbreak. The last time I saw her was at Shaylina's funeral.....she refused to speak to me even until the day she died Amber. I alone caused all of this, it's not just Shaylina's death that hangs over like a cloud, it's my mother's as well.

Califa goes silent as he slowly sits up, trying to compose himself as Amber keeps an arm around him, concern running deeply in her eyes for her partner as Califa takes a deep breath and exhales.

El Califa: Let's go.

Califa opens the door and slowly exits the vehicle, to take same long agonizing path to his sister's grave. Amber follows him, her arms wrapped around his right arm as he carries a bouquet of flowers in his other hand. They walk past all the old headstones, Califa not bothering to look at any of them as his pace remains slow and painful. Finally past the headstones, underneath a large tree on a hill, sits one solitary reminder of his past. Making their way up the hill, Califa lowers down to one knee, placing the flowers in front of the headstone, his fingers running along the engraved markings. He places his hand on the ground, his other hand making the sign of the cross as he whispers a few prayers. Amber remains standing to the side, her hands clasped in front of her as she watches silently.

El Califa: Shaylina....I miss you every day my sister. I hope mother has forgiven me, for I cannot forgive myself. Please look down upon me in heaven, and know your brother carries pride in himself every day that his biggest fan watches him from above. May God take care of both you and mother. Shaylina, me tendrá siempre tu recuerdo grabado en mi brazo, tu amor por siempre en mi corazón, y tu sonrisa, siempre bailando en mis ojos. (Shaylina, I shall always have your memory etched in my arm, your love forever in my heart, and your smile, forever dancing in my eyes.)

Califa kisses his fingers and presses them to the ground, as Amber slowly walks over to him, wrapping her arms around his and helping him to his feet. Califa can be heard sniffling behind his mask as Amber wraps her arms around Califa's neck, holding him close as Califa removes his mask, his head to the back of the camera as he wipes away the tears from his eyes as the scene fades away.

Several moments pass before the feed returns, this time to the night sky on a plateau over Culiacan just on the outskirts of town. El Califa can be seen in a black mask, over looking his adopted home with the WZCW Tag Team Title draped over his shoulder as Amber stands behind him, her arms crossed and her belt wrapped around her waist.

El Califa: Demon Foreigners. A team we have beaten individually, as well as a unit. They have been deemed worthy by Mr. Banks to face us at Unscripted for these titles.

Amber: No one can stop us in WZCW. Not even Strikeforce, one of the greatest tag teams in WZCW history, were able to defeat us.

El Califa: We do not rest easily on these accolades. No, El Califa is sure that there is greater and bigger things ahead for Los Magnificos Dragones.

Amber: Us Dragons have taken advantage of our opportunities, can the same be said for you Demon Foreigners? We wish for a thriving division, competition to bring out the very best in us. Are you that team? Is Cerberus? Or is it perhaps Young Justice?

El Calfia: It doesn't matter to us. An opponent is an opponent, however you have brought dishonor to our ring!

Califa stands up and slides the title belt off his shoulder, holding it up as Amber does the same with hers.

Amber: But you will never bring disgrace to these belts as long as we hold them in our hands.

El Califa: In Mexico, if you want to take a luchador's mask, you must give up something in return. It is the only honorable way to fight for one's identity. Cuba! You value your culture just as Kiriyama does, yet you attempt to disgrace my own?! The Aztecs were proud warriors, wearing their war paint that made them become what they portrayed. They became the very eagles and leopards they painted upon their face and wore in their headdresses, and so too does El Califa become the terrifying dragon inside that ring when he dons this mask!

Amber: Try to take away El Califa's mask again, and I will make sure you will regret that very decision Cuba. Los Magnificos Dragones are honor bound, and they will fight whoever challenges them!

Amber suddenly walks forward, standing in front of El Califa, causing Califa to tilt his head slightly as Amber grits her teeth. She drops her gym bag down in front of her as she slings her title belt over her shoulder.

Amber: No matter what the fans choose for a stipulation, we will simply embarrass you in the ring just like the other times we've faced off. I will see to it personally that I kick both of your heads off, and run you through the cleaners on our way to victory!

El Califa looks puzzled as Amber drops her title belt to the ground, balling up her fists as her voices gets louder. Califa reaches out towards her shoulder but Amber looks back toward Califa, shaking her head. She turns back towards the camera, her eyes full of fury.

Amber: Sweet innocent Amber, that's what you believe isn't it Foreigners? That you can attack the woman of the team. Let me tell you this! My name is Amber Warren, and I will never be the one in need of protecting ever again! I am equal with El Califa, and there is not one weak link in this team. No matter what strategy you have, we will walk right through it as the dragons take flight and burn you to a crisp.

Amber kneels down to her bag, unzipping it and retrieving something. El Califa tries to see what she is doing, but she keeps it hidden in front of her, and just out of view of the camera.

Amber: Day in and day out we train. My mind is sharp, my fangs even sharper. And as they dig into your flesh and tear you apart, you will know that you have messed with the wrong Dragon. We are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, and we will show you why we are the best here! For we are Los Magnificos Dragones!

Amber lifts up her mask, and begins sliding it over her head as the clouds cover the moon, leaving the feed in complete darkness. It returns to just a shot of Amber's eyes, piercing through the faded light, the edges of the eyeholes of the mask just barely visible. her voice a serious and direct tone.

Amber: And you will feel our destructive power!

The scene cuts out.
The scene opens to Califa’s trusty black Escalade pulling up into the drive-way of El Califa’s gym. The scene is beautiful as the two dragons made their way back from straight after their huge victory on MD 100. The sun is about to set with orange and yellow hues filling the atmosphere. The cameras focus on the Escalade as the doors open and out comes Amber Warren and El Califa.

El Califa: Amber Warren is sure she didn’t want to go home first? El Califa is quite tired himself but understands your choice to come to the gym at once.

Amber: Yes, I’m sure Califa. I’ve gotta tell Nate we won. This was a huge win for us!

El Califa nods his head in agreement before instructing his driver to wait a while. The only thing he brings is a bottle of water clearly still exhausted from their work on MD 100. The two dragons enter El Califa’s gym to see a myriad of activities going on; clearly the place has been running smoothly with Nate at the helm. El Califa looks pretty impressed at what’s going on as they scan the room looking for Nate. Amber spots him right near the ring where he’s outside shouting instructions at one of the students grappling with another student.

Amber: Nate!

Nate looks up from the ring apron and spots El Califa and Amber. He gives the two students some instructions to continue and begins walking towards the two dragons. El Califa was going to meet Nate halfway but Amber holds back El Califa and gives him a signal to look down and distraught. Amber has a somber look on her face as well trying to fool her brother into thinking that they lost to Strikeforce.

Nate: Hey guys, I didn’t get to watch your match on TV. I’m sorry. It’s been so busy here at the gym that I kinda just lost track of time. I’m sure it was a hell of a match though with it being Meltdown 100 and all. But let me guess, you guys won didn’t you?

El Califa continues to stare down looking distraught. His feet seem to be painting a picture on the floor as it looks like he’s almost ashamed to look up at Nate. Meanwhile, Amber gives her brother those big, dark brown puppy eyes along with a gentle quiver on her lip.

Nate: No way. You guys lost? That can’t be true.

With a furrowed brow, Nate goes to give Amber a hug. However, she pushes him off just a little to reveal a big smile on her face. El Califa looks up and looks more joyful than he did earlier, what an acting job from both.

Amber: Well of course we won Nate!

She punches her brother on the arm for even doubting them for a second.

Nate: Owww! What was that for?

Amber: For thinking we lost dummy.

Nate: Hey, you can’t blame me. You guys put on one hell of a facade. Califa, I didn’t think you had it in you to go along with Amber’s plan like that.

Because El Califa is wearing his casual mask, you can easily see the smile on El Califa's face as he nods towards Amber. Nate goes to bring the two together embracing in a group hug. Not only that, but the three of them share fist bumps as well.

Nate: So tell me about it. You guys just beat Strikeforce, one of the best teams in WZCW history. This certainly puts you guys in line to go down as one of the greatest teams in WZCW too right?

Amber: I hope so. I’ve never worked harder in my life than in that match. I can totally see why Strikeforce was considered one of the best teams in WZCW history. To think that they weren’t on the same page for this match. Just think what they would’ve been like if they were one well oiled machine.

El Califa: El Califa sees your point Amber Warren. But just know that Los Magnificos Dragones brought their A-game at Meltdown 100 and Strikeforce was more than game to compete on the dragons level. So much so that both Howard and Stormrage forgot their rivalry for a bit and wanted to beat the tag champions. But did they? They did not.

El Califa speaks with a passion like no other. He is proud of what this team has done and everything they’ve accomplished so far.

Amber: Yeah, you’re right Califa. They could’ve easily said no to this match but with the way we were going about our business, any win over us would’ve swung the tide in either man’s favor.

Nate does nothing but listen and nod while the two dragons converse their win.

Nate: So what’s next? The next show is Unscripted isn’t it?

Amber: Yeah, heard we got the Demon Foreigners again. I’m sure they are hungry to beat us after me and Califa here beat them in singles matches.

Just then a loud rumbling sound is heard that instantly causes Amber and Nate to look at El Califa.

El Califa: Oh that was El Califa’s stomach. Sorry. Seems as though we could all get some food after the tedious journeys we’ve been on recently.

Suddenly, a loud bang is heard around the gym. All three dragons look over to the commotion to see that one of El Califa’s students dropped their dumbbell. They run over and see if everything is okay.

Student #1: El Califa, can we take a break? We’ve been at it all day.

El Califa looks over to Nate and everyone else in the gym who seem to share this sentiment. Looking almost guilty, Nate looks down thinking that he has failed watching over the gym for El Califa.

El Califa: The decision is up to you Nate.

Nate looks almost shocked that El Califa would still give him a chance even after that. He looks around to the gym full of students seeing that some are really tired.

Nate: That’s a wrap guys. If you want to stay a bit longer to work on some stuff, feel free to. If not, you’re all free to go home.

Some students groan and some exhale so loud that it can be heard all around the gym. Nate turns to El Califa and shakes his hand thanking him for this opportunity whilst going over to Amber to give her a hug congratulating her on their big win.

Nate: Well, why don’t you guys get some food? I’ll just meet you at home since it looks like some guys wanna stay back to work on some stuff. I’ll meet you both at home.

Ambers nods in agreement before she turns to her partner.

Amber: Sounds good. It’s a good thing your rumbling stomach made itself known when it did Califa. Because if not, my stomach probably would’ve growled much louder.

The two partners share a laugh before bidding farewell to Nate and the students of the gym.


The scene re-opens to Amber and El Califa inside a typical diner but this time, they order some tacos which Amber has been craving for a while. They each have four tacos on their plates along with some hot sauce on the side. El Califa is in awe because of the rate that Amber is eating her tacos. Either she really likes tacos or she’s that hungry. She downs two tacos in a span of less than five minutes but not before pouring hot sauce all over it. El Califa is barely half-way with his first one when Amber notices that El Califa is watching her eat.

Amber: What are you waiting for Califa? Dig in.

On that note, El Califa certainly does dig into the taco downing half the taco in record time it seems. El Califa had to drink some water before he could continue.

El Califa: You know, El Califa is grateful for Nate for watching over the gym while El Califa is gone.

Amber: Yeah, about that..... I wanted to thank you for that Califa. I’m not sure if you know this, but Nate was actually a wrestling champion back in high school and in college. He was quite the wrestler.

El Califa: Yeah, El Califa could’ve guessed that. The way Nate moves and the way he trains is just like any fight El Califa has encountered, very impressive indeed.

Amber: No, I mean, he was really good. I used to watch all of his matches whenever I could. He was really good. He and I used to watch wrestling all the time when we were younger which is one reason I decided to become a female professional wrestler.

El Califa: El Califa wouldn’t see Amber Warren in any other profession other than wrestling. The desire, the will to win, the passion for wrestling is all in your personality Amber Warren.

Amber: Well, it wasn’t like this at first.

Amber puts down her fourth taco as she reminisces her past. Just then, it seems as though the young dragon was put in a trance after all those memories that Amber had in her younger years.

El Califa: What do you mean?

Amber: Mmmm, you sure you want to know? It might just bore you and I don’t want that to happen.

El Califa places his hand on Amber’s shoulder for reassurance which puts a smile on Amber’s face.

Amber: Alright, here goes. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

El Califa sits back on his chair prepared to listen. Meanwhile, Amber wipes her mouth with the napkin provided at the table before taking a deep breath.

Amber: Okay, so back when we were younger, Nate had this girlfriend, Pam. She was really nice to Nate and really nice to me. She was an athlete in swimming and tennis so her and Nate got along fine with their talk of athletics.

El Califa leans forward a little letting Amber know that he is all ears as she talks.

Amber: Nate really loved her, my family really liked her, and I really liked her for Nate too. However, towards the end of their senior year, it kind of all changed. You know that I wasn’t exactly the healthiest kid right? Not only that but my asthma was so bad and it just seemed to get worse when I got older.

Amber pauses, getting a little emotional. The crack in her voice can be heard but she continues on.

Amber: The day of their senior prom, Nate was going to ask Pam to marry her.

Even through the mask, Amber can see that El Califa was shocked at this.

Amber: Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, he just got out of high school and he’s thinking of marrying her? He must be crazy. But I didn’t think that. I thought this was the perfect opportunity for him to do it. So prom night happened. Nate dressed up all fancy and took Pam to the prom, it was beautiful. We even took a picture of them and they looked so good together.

El Califa: El Califa sure does like happy endings. It sounds all fine. What’s the problem?

Amber: Wait, I’m getting to it. So that day, I decided to go to bed earlier than usual because I just got home from my friend’s birthday party. The reason I was so home early was because I got teased a lot at the party. People called me names, they called me a waste of space and I believed every word they said.

Amber licks her lips trying to hold back some tears. Again, El Califa puts his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort Amber.

El Califa: You don’t have to continue Amber Warren. El Califa does not like seeing despair in the eyes of his partner.

Amber: No, I have to tell you this. We’re partners Califa. We’re practically best friends.

El Califa slouches back on his chair to listen some more.

Amber: Towards the end of the night, both Nate and Pam were crowned prom king and queen. It might sound dumb, but it’s pretty special to people in high school to get that. Then, when they were about to get called up, that would be the perfect opportunity for Nate to propose to Pam. But it didn’t happen.

El Califa’s eyes go wide as he places his hands on the table. He takes a sip of water as if to say that this may even be too much for him to handle.

Amber: It didn’t happen because of me. That night, I was so upset over what was said over me at the party I attended that my heart started beating so fast. So fast that even my parents could calm me down. The only one who knew how to calm me down was Nate. So Nate got a text message from my mom to meet us in the hospital right when Pam was called up to be prom queen. When they called Nate up for prom king, Nate stormed out even before that to check up on me.

Amber lets out a sigh as if saying that out loud helped her get over it. She closes her eyes for a moment remembering all of this before speaking once again.

Amber: From then on, Nate worried about me a whole lot. He spent less time with Pam because he wanted to make sure I was okay. The less time he spent with Pam, the more feelings Pam lost for Nate. Before long, Pam ended it with Nate and Nate was distraught. And it was all my fault. It was all my fault Califa.

Before long, Amber buried her face in her hands weeping. El Califa stands from his chair to comfort his partner.

El Califa: Hey, it wasn’t your fault Amber. Nate chose to do the things he did. El Califa knows that if it were to happen again, Nate would’ve chosen the same thing a 100 times over. You’re not alone Amber. El Califa too had a sister and the demons and nightmares still haunt El Califa to this day.

El Califa goes in to embrace Amber which gets Amber to calm down a bit. A sensation that she never thought could happen. Usually, it’s only Nate who could calm her down but there’s just something about El Califa that calms her down and makes her look at El Califa in a different light. But right there and then, El Califa’s phone rings. He sees the caller ID.....

El Califa: Amber, El Califa has to take this.
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