Unforgiven: WWE Championship Scramble Match

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I'd like thank everybody in the WWE Championship thread for releasing spoilers to all of the people that didn't want to read them. Why somebody can't simply make a thread like this I don't know. Having World Heavyweight Title in a thread title isn't a spoiler, but talking about a Smackdown Scramble match is. So well done to all of you.

Keep all Smackdown main event discussion in here.

Yes Brian Kendrick is in the match, no he won't win. If that is all you have to say they please don't bother posting.
I was okay with the championship scramble for the WHC, but I think it is stupid to have a championship scramble for the WWE title. We have 10 wrestlers booked for 2 matches, which depending on how long the scramble for the WWE title it, will last 40 minutes. What are they going to do for the rest of the PPV as there is around 2 hours left to fill
THis is kinda dumb because in all probability Triple H will walk out a 20 time world champion or some kind of shit like that. With that said i think it would be sweet to see MVP or Shelton Benjamin would win the title it would be better with Mr. Kennedy but im fine with the current line up. on a side note i think it would be Hilarious if Brian Kendrick won the title
I love this idea. for a few reasons to be exact. There is alot of young talent in this match, and i think its gonna be awesome to watch. To be honest i'm getting this pay per view just to see hardy, kendrick, mvp, and shelton in a main event. I'm marking out hardcore for this one.

second reason is that, like stated above, there's ten people in these two matches, which means we might get to see some good midcard bouts, and maybe, just maybe, an even bourne PPV sighting.

But to the match itself.

No Chance----As much as i love the guys you have to automatically count out kendrick and shelton IMO. Neither are really ready to carry the world title at all. They are going to make this match very entertaining to say the least, and i think kendick will probably score a pinfall somewhere here. Shelton on the other hand i'm not to sure.

You have to think that hhh will retain here, but this might be when they decide to put the title on Hardy. He could score the fall on someone else and it wouldn't make HHH look bad for losing it. Mvp is a shot in the dark here. I just dont know if he is really ready yet either. But he is definitely more deserving of the title than kendrick or shelton to say the least.

So i'm going to go out on a limb and say that Hardy actually wins this match, and carries the title until maybe rumble, or survivor series until he drops it back to either HHH or a returning Edge.

So chances of winning goes as follows in my book.
1. hardy
2. hhh
3. mvp.
4/5. shelton/kendrick.
These matches are a bit TNA. But because it's new I'll certainly be intrested in seeing them. The problem I have with TNA matches like this is that they have the same wrestlers that they always have involved in them, and it takes Tenay about 10 minutes (during the PPV) to explain the rules. WWE have already done that, a WHOLE MONTH before the matches happen.

From the sounds of the spoilers it looks like the smackdown one will be more intresting than the Raw one. Hate to say it but Hardy probably deserved to have a title run earlier this year, MVP is almost ready, and for the fun of it Kendrick should get a go. Intresting match. But I'm guessing it's just number bumping for HHH.
Jake the title reigns and changes don't count as official reigns until the end of the match. The person that has the title at the end of the match will be the only one recognized as a title holder. So Triple H can win the belt 15 times in this match, but he would still only be a 12 time champion regardless of the outcome of the match.

I see this as a damn good thing. Check out this Smackdown match (which I didn't want to check it out, but since a large number of *******s decided to ruin it for everyone...). 4 guys that have never touched the gold. There is going to be plenty of opportunities for Dusty booking in this match.

The thought of Hardy, MVP, or Benjamin in this match is amazing in itself. I can see the story playing out, these guys are going to win a pinfall, and be a temporary champion, but ultimately lose out to Triple H in the end. However,t he story will paly out about being able to touch the gold, if only for a second, and I think the fallout of both of these matches is going to play heavily into Wrestlemania this year.

Brian Fucking Kendrick, amazing that he is in this match, simply incredible. Talk about pushing a guy to the moon. Whoever would have thought, going into 2008, the Brian Kendrick would be involved in a WWE title match on pay per view within 10 months. Please, someone say that this is a bad idea.
I'm currently optimistic. But I'll have to wait and see. Can you honestly imagine Triple H putting over Kendrick because he sees potential in him? I'm very cynical so I see it more of being a way for HH to look like he's putting over new talent, without having to actually do it.

But the match is something to look forward to. It's more intresting than the Raw version. The Raw one to me feels like it's just a waste of 6 months worth of main events, all into one. The Smackdown one looks like it's making some potential main events for the next 6 months.
exactly. Where most people see Triple H walking out with the title no problem, and honestly, with those 4 guys in the match, there is no way that Triple H is not leaving champion, the Raw match is much more open, with much more star power.

Hell Triple H is the odds on favorite to win his match, and Punk is probably the one that people think will win the least. I see this as a safe way to get the title off of Punk without him losing (but as I said in the other thread, the WWE could go Kurt Angle Armageddon 2000 on us, and swerve the hell out of everyone). I think it's great to get al of these guys some sort of exposure to that title, when in reality, they never would have gotten it outside of this match. Chances are Jeff Hardy wins a pinfall, and Triple H will win with no time left to take the title back. I think that is going to set up Mania 25, because it's looking an awful lot like Hardy vs. Triple H.
So, I see now why the other match is only 20 minutes. Before that thread turned into the SD scramble match I had no idea there was one. (I hate people). 2 at 20 minutes works, as I don't think fans would want 60-80 minutes of this. But they will be good. 40 minutes for the both will work, with this being the first time they're done. Depending on the reaction these get there'll be more, maybe longer I'm not sure.

I think a few feuds will be made for this match. Triple H won't lose, I don't think anyone expects him to. But it will change hands during the match. Triple H will probably feud with whoever he last got it off. Then a feud between 2 others will work out. I'm thinking MVP and Benjamin feud. Only problem is that leaves Hardy with Triple H. Again.
So let me get this straight. The rules says that two men will start off and a new person will enter every 5 minutes. Does this mean that the match is actually 35 minutes long. Or will it still end at 20 minutes meaning that the last man in will have 5 minutes in the match. As much talent as Smackdown has they could have kept Kendrick out of the main event you would think, but hey thats just me. Could this be where Hardy finally gets the strap?
I'm guessing taht two guys start, obviously. At the five minute mark, number 3 comes in, 10 minutes comes #4, and 15 minutes comes number 5. Chances are the champs are going to come in at number 5 and have to really scramble to get their titles back. Or the heavy hitters, like a Kane or MVP will come in fresh and they'll play that angle. It's kind of odd that they are doing it like that, but I'm still interested, however TNAish its starting to get. So in reality the title can change multiple times before the champion even gets in the ring.
So the match is 20 mins long that it. I think it seems short. I would like it better if the time started after all 5 guys were in the ring. What are they going to fill the rest of the Pay Per View with. I mean right here you have maybe 50 minutes full and you have 2 hours left. 10 guys in two matches. Where is the Undertaker? Is Edge going to come back and they are going to continue that. I know we see Michaels-Y2J and a ECW title match, but even with a Taker match that is only 5. Will the tag team titles finally be on PPV. Could we see Rhodes and Dibiase vs. Cryme Tyme. I think so after what happened Monday and then Womens titles I guess they could fill out the PPV.
Well you gotta think, sure on paper it's only 40 minutes dedicated to the two title matches. Fair enough. However, you're also forgetting probably 20 minutes before each match including ring entrances and promos before it even starts, so in these two matches, you are roughly going to see 80 minutes, or an hour and 20 minutes gone right there. A Jericho HBk match can take up a half an hour plus, so pretty much in 3 matches, you might have near two hours of show.

Usually in big gimmick match, multiple contender title matches, the WWE goes with a light card,a nd spends moret ime on each match, instead of making 8 matches. I wouldn't be surprised to only see 6 matches at this point.

And As Far As Triple H Winning The Title, Don't Type Like This Because It's Annoying.

Triple H is going to win, because the WWE is beginning to lay the foundation of WM 25, usually the WWE likes to lock into a champion at this point and have him keep the title, that way the champ looks nice and strong going into the pay per view, and harder to beat. It gets more people excited to think that a title change that hasn't happened in a while is going to happen. That's why I feel Batista is taking the title at Unforgiven or Cyber Sunday, it won't be too much longer before Punk drops.

Out of the four contenders in the match, not a one of them is WM Main Event worthy as champion. Jeff Hardy, if he is continued to be pushed right, would be a good fit, but only as a contender chasing the champion. That's why Triple H wins this match
I'm not sure i like the idea of the new guy coming in every 5 minutes. I think i'd prefer it if all 5 were in at once, but then i guess that means we'll only get a 5 minute clusterfuck instead of 20 each time. I'm guessing that the title will change in the Raw scramble but not the Smackdown one. Personally, i'd love to see Kendrick or MVP win the match because every person's jaw around the globe would drop at once, but it'll most likely be HHH and if not Hardy, and even then there's a stupidly slim chance of that being the outcome.
This will be the better of the two imo because you have a slightly wider variety of talent. In this match you have 2 high flyers, 2 technical guys and then HHH the ring general. In the Raw match you have 4 powerhouse brawlers and Punk (yawn). Much like SD's EC match had 4 powerhouse brawlers and 2 technical guys, Raw had 2 veterans, Jericho the showman, Hardy the highflyer, and 2 brawlers, and Raw's match was better because of the variety imo. That's what Smackdown have achieved this time around.

As for the rest of the card, i can see a Kofi/Santino IC match, maybe a triple threat if they throw D'lo in the mix, a Priceless/CT tag title match, maybe Hawkins and Ryder will defend there belts, Hardy v Henry again and Taker vs someone, who knows who but i doubt it'll be Edge again.
The idea of the wrestlers coming down every 5 minutes is interesting, we'll see ow it plays out. Atleast we know that the Champion will be the first one in the match, making them work to keep their belts.

I definitely see Triple H winning and seting up a new feud with someone from the match, most likely Hardy. It's gonna be a good match, I think, and with all of those different styles, we could see some great spots. I'm excited for both RAW and SD!'s Scramble.
I really like this match. Atleast alot better than the raw scramble! just like others have said, there is alot of different styles in this match. You have Hardy who is getting better and better everyday and my pick to win if trips dosent, then you have shelton who may not work the hardest but his athleticism should make up for that, you have MVP who has good mic skills to build this match plus great wrestling abilitys, you have triple H who i may not like but he does draw good energy from the crowd, then you have kendrick...i believe he won over the big show because he is more exciting to watch!

IMO im gonna say triple h walks away with the title because he will not want to lose it to any of the other guys. but if for some reason he does not retain im saying hardy wins because he is ready for a ME push . I can see this starting an MVP, shelton fued and the match should put kendrick over!

i just hope WWE dosent pull some stupid shit and put the title on shelton or kendrick cause neither are ready
Uncle Shocky Now that you mention it that way I guess that the PPV could easily be filled up because the two title matches will take up at least one hour and then HBK and Y2J, then I'm sure your gonna have a tag title match after Raw Monday. So I guess WWE wont have a problem filling out the PPV and it is possible this could be better than Summerslam
Here is my likelyhood on each scramble of a certain wrestler walking out champion.


CM Punk- 35%

John Cena-25%





Triple H-75%

Jeff Hardy-15%


The Brian Kendrick-2%

Shelton Benjamin-1%

Raw thoughts: CM Punk will retain here because they wanna build him up a little bit more so he comes out of this whole thing looking like a credible champion. They wanna be able to use CM Punk in the future because he's straightedge and parents like him. Plus he makes older fans happy because he's a fresh alternative to John Cena. So I expect Punk to retain and go onto No Mercy in a showdown with ...Chris Jericho?? maybe a returning Edge?? Or the last man Punk pins in the scramble to get the pin at Unforgiven.

Smackdown thoughts: Triple H will retain because I believe they're building towards a Triple H vs Jeff Hardy match at Wrestlemania 25. Jeff has a vague chance of winning but I think Triple H will retain here so he can be champion going into Wrestlemania. The question is are we gonna have an MVP/Shelton feud and if so who is gonna turn face? I'm pushing for a tag team of the two but I know it won't happen.
. As much talent as Smackdown has they could have kept Kendrick out of the main event you would think, but hey thats just me.

You do realize that Kendrick is one of those "talent" that smackdown has. This guy has crazy charisma, great in-ring skills, and can talk, only thing holding him back is his size.

Anyways, this match alone is worth paying 40 bucks for the PPV. WWE is finally letting so new fresh blood get a shot. I agree with most that HHH will most likely retain but this match hopefully will give the other 4 a little push to the top. I can see maybe HHH & Hardy having each others back, protecting each other until the end where maybe Hardy has the title, and than trips pins him thus setting up a fued. Anyways like I said this match just seems like a breath of fesh air(except HHH) and it should be pretty exciting.
I like this idea of the scrambles but there are a few issues. I think they should be set at 30 min instead of 20 min. Another issue is time. These two matches will take an hour so what im thinking is a undertaker match of some sort whether its with la familia or edge. Another will be HBK vs Y2J. Then probably a world tag match with cryme tyme and rhodes and dibiase. That still leaves quite a bit of time left to fill in with most likely what will be a ecw match which usually suck.
You do realize that Kendrick is one of those "talent" that smackdown has. This guy has crazy charisma, great in-ring skills, and can talk, only thing holding him back is his size.

Anyways, this match alone is worth paying 40 bucks for the PPV. WWE is finally letting so new fresh blood get a shot. I agree with most that HHH will most likely retain but this match hopefully will give the other 4 a little push to the top. I can see maybe HHH & Hardy having each others back, protecting each other until the end where maybe Hardy has the title, and than trips pins him thus setting up a fued. Anyways like I said this match just seems like a breath of fesh air(except HHH) and it should be pretty exciting.

I realize that Kendrick is a "talent" but he is not worth the main event yet. I mean who has he beaten on Smackdown since coming to Smackdown. I realize he has charisma and is good on the MIC. I just think he should not be in the Main Event Yet. My opinion.
Im not sure if anyone has seen The Brian Kendrick gimmick on smackdown, but its def one of the most exciting things happening on Smackdown right now, as for the match itself, i cannot see Kendrick even gettin a Pinfall or Submission in the match, but him just being in the match could shoot his star power up so much, which is good, because SD needs some fresh heels

There is only two people that i can see walking out of here with the belt, Triple H would be the obvious choice, and Jeff Hardy the second, now im really thinkin they want to swerve us here, and put the belt onto Hardy, which would be refreshing, becuz to me, Triple H as face, is stale, stale stale stale, i hated the Summerslam match, now Jeff Hardy isnt my favorite either, but he is def some1 who i could see carry the WWE Championship right now

as for MVP and Shelton Benjamin, i dont think either of them will win it, but i would like to see MVP step up big time in the main event role soon, maybe not against a Hardy, but a HHH or Undertaker, he is def ready for that
I realize that Kendrick is a "talent" but he is not worth the main event yet. I mean who has he beaten on Smackdown since coming to Smackdown. I realize he has charisma and is good on the MIC. I just think he should not be in the Main Event Yet. My opinion.

Amen I don't understand why everyone is so high on Spanky he's boring to me he just doesn't entertain me. He isn't ready for this by any means and he isn't even ready for the US title. This is where the cruiserweight title would have came in handy if hornswoggle wouldn't have bastardized it.
I'm thinking Jeff Hardy wins the SD scramble. As has been said, this is a way for Triple H to put him over without technically losing.

I know I'm looking way far ahead here, but what if Hardy keeps the strap up through WM25 and then Matt Hardy wins the Rumble. He has his choice of which world title to go after and decides to take on his brother. Just a thought.

As far as the Raw scramble is concerned. If they don't give it to Kane, his new angle will end up being a complete waste. As champion he can feud with Batista and Mysterio for months.
I'm really surprised that Kendrick and Benjamin were placed in there instead of Big Show or the Undertaker, especially how Big Show and Undertaker aren't going to have anything to do (unless they feud with each other).

Hopefully, what doesn't happen is that HHH just plows through these people and never lets any of them pin him. I'd hate to see them place Hardy, MVP, Benjamin, and Kendrick in there just so HHH can whoop them all and look like he can take 5 upcoming stars at once.

But, in reality, I feel that's going to happen. I think HHH is going to bury Kendrick or Benjamin in the first minute or so flat when they enter. Also, if it doesn't just turn into "HHH pins every one of them easily and stands tall, making them all look like complete garbage", then I think what will happen is that Hardy will have a pinfall that will last till nearly the end of the match, and then at the last second, HHH will pin someone and retain. This way, the fans get excited that Hardy has a good shot at winning, but then no, HHH pedigrees him and "proves to everyone backstage that he's better than them".

What I hope for: Hardy taking the title.
What I think will happen: HHH buries some people and retains.

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