Unforgiven mistakes and stuff

Latino Heat

Dark Match Winner
Overall a top notch PPV better than expected...

I noticed a few mistakes especailly in the first match between Jeff Hardy and Jonny Nitro, Nitro tried to do a move from the turnbuckle but it didnt pay off..

I noticed a few mistakes in the edge and Cena match, Edge tried to do a powerbomb off the turnbuckle but failed, good commentry from the King good coverup.

Did anybody think the IIC match was ended abit promptly with a boot to the head, i mean you could it someone as hard as you want and you wouldnt know then out...

One thing that did suprise is how the Kane and Umaga match ended, i thought WWE made a stupid decision on cutting to Vince and Shane without even ending the match with a least a deadly move near the set, Ross and King seemed to avoid commenting on the end of the match and continued to talk about ACC arena.

Could anyone explain to me why WWE decided to make the HIAC even bigger, for what purpose?i meant they would of paid XPAC to return instead of increasing the height of the cell, pointless really, as there is no gain. I thought it was good how WWE increased to base of the cell so that the cameras could manouver inside, giving us a better view. Seemed to me that the wrestlers had a lack on space outside the ring, they where stepping over one another...

Looks like Orton will have to have a number of stiches to this mouth.

Did anybody see the woman who shouted abuse ar cena outside the ring, i heard Fucking anyway, the outside ref has to have a word with her. Othe subject of cena haters someone threw water over him as he left with the belt, if you looked has he turn for one last look at the arena he is drentched with water. Quite sad that fans go to conciderable lengths to make a mockery of wrestlers...

I think cena should of gone to SD! to boost the ratings, shame he didnt....

I thought the main event was a prefect and well playe out match, very well balanced and performed, well done to edge and cena

i good PPV overall, well done WWE

Good night
they fucked up when they let cena get the belt back stupid ass douche bags i'm turning the channel when ever that fucker is on untill he loses the belt or is feuding with HHH who should be holding the belt atleast he can wrestle
despite the few botched spots, I thought Unforgiven was an excellent PPV. Definitely the best since Wrestlemania
The first couple of matches were the only black spot in the event.

The HITC match was slow to start, but once in flow the mix of humour like everytime Big Show looks like he's getting into the match he takes a low blow, the high spots such as Shane's coast to coast and Michaels neck breaker elbow drop and the plain blood and gore made it fantastic up to date wrestling greateness

The woman's match was a fantastic emotional ride, right up to the sharpshooter. And so nice to see someone get a nice send off - rather than the usual burial of reputation.

I think the Ortan - Carlito fued has been played out as well as the performers could manage. How about pitting them both up againt suitable 'dance partners' next time though? Yeah? I mean, when the hell is Ortan putting out HBK and starting a programe with HHH to take us into the new year?!

The TLC match was ok. A little lumpy if you asked me. Upon just finishing watching it a second time it seemed like the match relied too much on the high spots. It was almost like they would complete a spot and set up for the next one, while throwing in the occassional offensive move for SOME kind of flow. An obvious example was Cena re-setting up the table when it was knocked over, although when he realised how obvious it looked I thought the "do I hurt Edge or get the belt" moment was well played and saved it a little.

I can't help that I have a sour taste in my mouth now, as I genuinly feel the wrong man won.

I'm not saying this just as some would say cos I'm a "Cena hater". Quite the reverse infact, I have grown to have a fair bit of respect for the guy. He's only doing what he's told to do at the end of the day.

While watching the event my mate and I were going over options that could pan out during the match, one that sprung to mind... Teddy Long becomes involved, costs Cena the match, so he has Cena on SD! This wouldn't take any heat away from Cena and would give SD! a simple storyline to run for a couple of months to get them through the fall.

By having the event end the way it did I really can't see any future or any reason why they thought this was good.

Twice now you have had Edge on the loosing end of the big match scenario. Both times Edge won the belt was by the use of brains over brawn, by having him loose at the Rumble and last night is as good as saying "when it comes to it, Edge isn't tough, and needs to scam to get ahead". I can't see where they can take this trully tallented performer after this. I thought this would have given Edge a good, strong conclusion to the storyline.

Also, if Teddy would have cost Cena the match it could have been a start to a more aggressive side to the Cena character, it would have given SD! a higher profile and I genuinly don't think it would have affected Cena's merchandise sales.

But, who are we to dream?
Anyone notice the crap camera angle when HHH did a knee drop on Vince? Cleary missed his head by miles, but JR and King was going on about dropping the knee on the chairman.

Made me laught that.

M13 i saw that too, that was one very stupid mistake by the producers, you coulde deffinatly see daylight between vinces head and HH knee, vince will be pissed off when he see that...
I heard the Cena hater say 'Fucking' It is disrespectfull, rude and disgusting saying that to John Cena. He puts his ass on the line every match and people chuck water over him and f and blinde at him.
nitro fucked up like 5 times cus he sucks so bad it looked like hardy was getting agravated i woulda bin pist cus nitro couldnt keep up with hardy at all he was too slow
Its more like 'Stuff' than a mistake, but when they showed the animation of the spinning belt, the 'R' looked like a swastika.
luther hull are you serious? he tries harder than most wrestlers. thats how he got to main event status so quickly, isnt it?
I noticed the blooper with the camera angle when HHH Knee dropped Vinne Mac lol you could see all the way to brighton in that gap of light lol.

I wonder also although not a blooper does anyone think the way Nitro beat Jeff was stupid? I mean hitting someone with a boot would NOT knock anyone out lol.
Nitro / Jeff ending was BAD! - I enjoyed the match - a bit slow but at least they were TRYING ACTUAL WRESTLING MOVES!!! Unlike the horror of Kane / Umaga (the biggest **** up of the night!) Cena / Edge had NO flow whatsoever - just occassional big moves and spots (and setting up for spots - nb, NO BIG spots were not taken by Cena) re Cena - I like his attitude but his wretling ability / Character and workrate are all poor - he is a mid-carder at best....
The only thing i wanna know is why the tag titles were kept on the Shit Squad.

There is no point at all in having them hold the titles! The Highlanders should have been given the titles BUT as long as they get the titles in the very near future ill be happy.
i think its because the spirit squad were on a loosig streak previously on raw. and hwat usually person the people that tend to loose on shows usually win at the ppv for example spirit squad and dx
Saw all of them:) the women sounded like they were cheated by the securtity and did anyone see the error with the Umaga kick?
cena matches usually suck but this time it didnt mainly because The Rated R Superstar was in there
Did anyone notice the mistake when big show frog splashed vince, he didn't even land on him?!?!?!
Yeah there was quite a few. Like when Triple H went for the knee drop on Vinne Mac he landed right beside him and then looked around to see if anyone noticed. After that he did it again. Also Edge trying to powerbomb Cena through the table was funny.
madcap said:
despite the few botched spots, I thought Unforgiven was an excellent PPV. Definitely the best since Wrestlemania

i agree 100%

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