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Unexplainable Phenomenon

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Unexplainable Phenomenon

So there are some things that I find happen but cannot be explained. A common example is the theory of ghosts and the supernatural, or where do those socks go when you put them in the laundry? There are countless random events that occur that some people cannot explain. So I create a thread asking anyone and everyone if you have experienced these types of phenomenon before. This thread can be used to discuss anything that you have done that either you simply never understand that has happened or things that happened that may or may not be real.

One event that I have gone through is the act of thinking I have seen a ghost. It was a wintery morning and I was simply doing homework when I swear I see a white, clear figure appear on the other side of the room. I had known I was the only one that was inside the house and I wondered what it was so I threw my pencil at it and it went straight through. I attempted to tell my parents about this occurrence however they have always said I was seeing things.

What are your stories?
One night in college, some friends and I were playing cards at one of my buddie's parent's house. As the game broke up and the night got late, we began cleaning up.

It was a spring night and it got pretty chilly, so I went aroung the living room and shut the windows. We finished up and sat down to watch some TV when we heard a creaking. It was clearly coming form one of the old wood framed windows. We all stared at the window, and to our shock, the damn thing slowly began to open. It got about halfway up, and then slammed up fully. I was scared shitless, as was another friend.

My friend that lived there wasn't that impressed and said that strange shit happeded all of the time. He went on to tell us that in the 1940's, 1/2 of the house burned down, when the former owner fell asleep in bed w/a cigarrette burning, and that the owner was burned to death.

This event really made me a believer.
I've got one. It's nothing huge, but a story with unanswered questions. So my wife and I were staying at my parents' guesthouse one evening. We were by ourselves. She decided to take a nap in one of the bedrooms while I watched an episode of South Park. There was a book we were reading that she was going to finish later, so I went to go put it by the bed she was sleeping on. The door was locked though so I couldn't get in. I slid the book under the door for her.

A few hours later, I heard her screaming in her sleep, I ran over ready to break down the door, but ended up not needing to because the door was now unlocked. The book had also been pushed back out from under the door. I woke her up to make sure she was ok. She had been having nightmares and had no memory of unlocking the door or pushing the book back out from under the door. She never knew the book was ever in there and thought I had broken down the door to get in, due to having locked it when she wanted privacy during the nap. We never did figure out what happened, but think it was some type of unnatural or perhaps spiritual thing that pushed the book back out and unlocked the door. The fact that she had a horrible nightmare when this was going on is another hint that something peculiar was going on.
Interesting thread here Macios. I have a pretty decent story for this thread. I was about 11 years old at the time. I had a dream that almost came true...well more of a nightmare that almost came true. There was a dark van stalled on a side street in my neighborhood. A hefty out of shape man with a gun walked up on my dad who was in the back yard working in his garden or something. Shot my dad point blank. I ran for my life. When I woke up in the pool of sweat, I realized it was just a dream. I got up and went to get my bike from the porch and began riding down my driveway. I looked over and who woulda thunk it, the same dark gray van was parked in the exact same spot it was placed in my dream. I ran home and I look in the back yard, my dad was working in his garden. But there was no man. It still creeps me out to this day when I think about it.
Man, I have many unexplainable Phenomenons happen to me. Many aren’t fresh in my mind though. The big one is when I was younger and I believe I saw a ghost in my room. I had awoke, and this well defined figure was floating towards my bed. It wasn't a white thing or anything, it was very visible, still hazy, but I had just awoke. I let out a scream, and put the covers over my head. I looked out after like a minute and all was clear. Since I was young, I went and told my parents, so I slept in their bed. No one believes me, though my sister did say that when she used to have the room I was in before moving to England, she often felt scared and could here scratching on the door and window.

Another big one was when I was on a cliff, and we were looking down at the sea, which was a good 100m down, I noticed something strange. On this large rock, which looked around 10 meters in diameter, they was something black walking on it. Now the sea was crazy rough, and there was no way to get to the roc without a boat, but there were no boats in sight. My mother said it probably was a bird, but the fact you could see the blob from such a distance, it couldn't have been. We had binoculars and I looked at the figure threw them. It looked like a black hooded cloak, just walking around. We were freaked, and even more freaked when we remembered they was ruins of a monastery right behind us. A monastery is a place where Monks lives. Many Monks wore black hooded cloaks.

I have a lot of dream ones, like feeling sick in a dream and then waking up to get sick, but I say there's a logical explanation behind that. Other Phenomenon are objects falling on shelf’s and stuff when they clearly shouldn't fall.

Freaky stories there everyone!
Nothing big buh years ago i was in the kitchen alone and suddenly the tap turned on fully by it self. I looked at the sink and thought "WTF!". I turned the tap off and ran to the living room, told my mum and brother what happened buh they didnt belive me and said "oh that usually happenes", when it really doesnt. Like i said nuthin major buh was strange, shit me up tho...
Ok I have another story to share. It was oh maybe 2 years ago at the most. I was playing Call of Duty in my basement and I had my headset on cause I was talking to my cousin in the same game but over the internet, when I clearly said out loud Are you in there? This was in refernece to my cousin entering a building. Now call it coincidence however from the room adjacent to where I was playing Duty I heard a knocking on the door. Strange thing that may just be something random however I can't explain it.
Me and my wife (at that time) were sleeping and I woke up in the middle of the night because the tv was still on, so the room was still pretty lit up. I rolled over to grab the remote on the nightstand and noticed a waist high dark shadow in the corner by the door, I stopped in mid movement cause it startled the shit out of me. I laid there and stared at it until my eyes were totally focused and I knew I wasn't just seeing shit, then it started coming towards the corner of our bed, when it got there I sat straight up and it just dissapeared. I laid there the rest of the night and did not sleep. After that over the time we lived in that house I notice more and more black figures, some small and some tall, but always out the corner of my eyes.

I had told my wife about what had happend that night and she is I guess what you call a sensitive to that sort of stuff, and she said that they were her family members that had past away and were just visiting. She never said anything about it because she didn't want to freak me out.

We are no longer together( not because of that) and I no longer live in that house and dont have anymore experiences like that.

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