Undertaker's last match

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
Well I was thinking since there has been talk about the undertaker going to hang up the boots with in the year or so , lets talk about how his last match would be?

No doubt it would be some crazy shit , thats for sure. But I think his last match is going to be at wrestlemania and he is going to lose.WHAT. Yes , thats what i said. I think he is going to lose his last match and at wrestlemania. Im not saying that its going to be this year but next year maybe?

This is person is going to be someone that he respects the hell out of on a personal level and thinks he should pass the torch to. Because lets face it guys. I win over the undertaker at wrestlemania is almost bigger then being world champ.

From a character stand point..wrestlemania is his life force that keeps him going and as long as he keeps winning that match , he will not die.

Taker could lose this match and he could finally rest in peace and the exit for this guy would be bigger then flairs i think.

What do you guys think?
In a perfect world, I'd give that feat to CM Punk, Chris Jericho, or Randy Orton. If you want to push a star for the rest of his career with ONE single match... you give a heel a victory over Taker @ Wrestlemania. That is enough of a resume to be a star for the rest of their career. They would draw heat every where they went. If Punk is the future great star of the WWE, then he would be my odds on favorite for the ultimate push.

Now I don't think the WWE will go that way so some other send-'em-home style matches would be Shawn/Taker II, Batista-Taker rematch from their great show down a few years ago, Jericho-Taker, or even Kane-Taker because how much it meant when they were against one another in the late 90s early 2ks.

As for the match itself: It would have to be a casket match. That was his go-to match and he deserves to go out that way.
Randy Orton is already well over.. he doesn't really need to end his streak. Jericho is in the same level and getting there in age.

Punk would absolutely benefit from it.. winning the rumble next year would solidify his spot in the main event picture and beating Taker at WM would cement that. However the rumors of Taker not being too fond of Punk and his "appearance" make this even less likely then it seems anyway.
I really don't think they are going to make him drop his Wrestlemania streak, ever. It is this guys legacy, and I think it would be a terrible idea for him to lose it. It is something he has all to himself. Everything else he has done, has been done by someone else. Plus, I don't think it is a great way to put someone over. Seeing this will be the Undertakers greatest accomplishment, would the majority of fans except someone beating him at Mania? This guy has put over as many guys as anyone in the history of pro wrestling, so acting like he owes this to someone is not right. This is special when remembering the Undertaker. If they did end the streak, I would be really upset.

But, if he WANTED to drop a Mania match to a specific guy for the sole reason of helping someone he really likes get over, I have no problem with that. I think it HAS to be his choice though, if he is going to drop a Mania match at all.

I see your point. For the Undertaker to leave, it has to be where he loses. But it should not be at WM, simply because it would ruin an accomplishment he had. Now granted, that may be the best stage for him to bow out on, but why not another PPV? Or, to really throw things up, why not an episode of SD!?

If someone is gonna retire him, I would like it to be a great superstar, preferably heel like cole924 said. Punk, Jericho, Heel Kane or someone unsuspecting like The Miz or Sheamus?

Anyway, I hope that Taker is still going to go on for another year or two. When he bows out, he will do it in style, that is all I know.
I personally wouldn't be surprised if it was Randy Orton because when they faced at WM, I heard that the Undertaker was willing to take the loss, but Orton wouldn't allow it, so maybe this time around both parties could agree to the loss. Other than Orton, the only 2 I would see him losing to is HHH or HBK, people he has a history with already
I do not think the streak is ever going to end. When Taker retires, there is always the possibility of him coming back after a couple of years for "one more match". We've seen countless wrestlers return for a match or two. The Rock is talking about it right now. If Taker was to come back for a special event, it would obviously be at Wrestlemania, and if the streak is still intact then it would be even more special and would give a huge boost to the event. Once the streak is over, it's just another Undertaker match with no special buzz around it...where do you go after the streak is dead? The streak draws more than just a regular match, or even a title match because it's a one-off, no one else has it or anything close to it, and I don't believe that it will end.

I also don't buy into this passing the torch crap either. If anyone ends the streak it will not help their career...this isn't the 80's or 90's. We all know how the biz works now and how the booking is laid out. The fans would shit all over it if someone like the Miz or Kofi ended the streak.The backlash would do more harm to the person than good. People would talk about it for a week or so and then they'd resent the person who ended the streak. HBK is probably the only one that could get away with it because he is so over with every demographic of fan and he is deemed an icon already. Even if Cena ended it the fans would crap all over it.

Like the sign at WM 23 said: If Batista wins, we riot!

People want to see Taker win and that is what sends most fans home happy.
I think its almost a guarentee that Taker will lose his final match at WrestleMania because he is an old-school guy. Tradition says workers do the honors when leaving. Obviously this practice has evolved from leaving a territory into it's modern-day equivalent... retirement. Foley did the honors. Austin did the honors. Flair did the honors. Undertaker will do the honors.

If we look at the past, we can see who was put over. HHH, The Rock, HBK. So we can reasonably argue that the E perfers established stars to be the beneficiaries. So if Taker does retire in the next 2 or 3 years, the man who retires him is probably in the company now.

5 Names come to mind

Orton- It's too bad WWE shotgunned a WM match with the taker already

Jericho- I love Jericho and would love to see it happen, but i dont think Taker and Vince would let it happen. Jericho not being home-grown, already having left the company once, and a few bad marks against him with the alleged assault a year ago, and the current arrest.

Punk- I think he 3 years from being established, and i have no-doubt he will be. So he is the underdog.

Cena- We can all pray to the wrestling gods this doesn't happen. But it makes the most sense. And you know Vince will do everything he can to make it happen.

But the man who should retire the Undertaker at WrestleMania.... Edge. Edge is an established star who at this point really doesnt have a definitive. He has been the oportunist (which i love) but he needs a clean and decisive win. He is young enough to benefit from this prestigious gift, cause he isnt going anywhere from the next 10 years. He already has history with the taker starting with the Ministry/Brood, to their fueds. The only mark against him, like Orton, is he already had a match with Taker at WM.
I dont want to see Undertaker EVER lose at Mania. He should retire 20-0.

Also...who knows...When is taker suppose to retire? By the time Taker is ready for his final match there could be some new young talent who has "it". Talent that needs one big win and they put him over Taker. I dont think he should lose his last match at Mania. hes never losing at MANIA
I don't think Undertaker should ever lose at WM, that is what he is going to be remembered by! It is the biggest thing he has going for him! I have a better idea, he can win this WM, against whoever he is up against, then stay until his favorite ppv Survivor Series, then take part in a retirement 5 on 5 elimination tag match, in which he loses, then retires for good! He came to the wwe at Survivor Series, why not go out at Survivor Series? It is the best thing for him to do! The WM streak must remain intact though...
I personally wouldn't like the streak to end, they could just make an angle where he says hes retiring from wrestling and then CM Punk comes and asks him for one more match, that could turn Punk face and solidify him as main eventer because right now he is not, Chris Jericho is only over in Canada and on the IWC but most people don't like him my hole family sees him as a joke and everyone i know that watches wrestling thinks hes boring, I'm not saying he is but technically to the general public he is, he should go out wining at mania and shake Punk's hand at the end, just my dream situation.
He came to the wwe at Survivor Series, why not go out at Survivor Series?

i agree with that statement completely undertaker should keep his mania streak intact because as alot of people have said thats something hes accomplished. for example HBK is the first grand slam champion, Y2J is the first undisputed champion.

so i believe taker should face someone at survivor series in a casket or buried alive match and lose the match then retire and if he wants he can appear at mania every now and then for special matches
If somebody will retire The Undertaker, I've just two names in my mind. The first one is Randy Orton, and I put my money on him because he's "The Legend Killer" and he had his opportunity at Wrestlemania 21. Taker offered to lose but Orton refused showing his respect for The Deadman. Anyways, Orton could be the carrer destroyer of The Undertaker, because he know how to deal with legends, if you know what I'm sayin'.
The second one is obvious, "The Million Dollar Son" Ted DiBiase. In one or two years I see him into a storyline between him and The Underataker. I heard rumors that WWE sees great potential in DiBiase to end Taker's streak. I don't know if he or anybody else will beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania, but Ted could be a very good potential carrer ender.
Its funny I used to think the streak should end and then I saw the undertaker in person and it completely changed my mind. hes so larger then life its incredible. In my opinion a legend like taker should decide if the streak dies or where he will retire and how. If he does lose his final match I wouldnt want it to be at wrestlemania but if the streak is going to end then Id want that to be his final because I think part of the allure and mystique of the undertaker would die with the streak and I wouldnt want that. If the streak did end there are a few guys I think would be worthy of ending the streak.

Cena- you guys may not like him I dont either but theres no denying his popularity and how much hes given for this company and how much he will do in the future. The fact of the matter is cena is the face of this company and he is incredibly deserving of the honor.

Orton- he turned down the opportunity once already so I doubt he would be willing to do it this time arund but orton is an incredible wrestler and hes goin to be one of the top guys in this business for a long time.

The rock- honestly why not? He was such a big part of this compnay during the attitude era he was and still is incredibly popular and I doubt many people would complain about the rock ending the streak.

Stone cold- I doubt he would come back but nobody can argue that stone cold isnt deserving of ending the streak

And finally this just kinda came to me but why not

Bret hart- hes a legend whose more then deserving of the honor plus it would be the ultimate thank you/im sorry moment from vince to give him that opportunity
I believe Undertakers last match should be at WM 27 against his brother Kane in an Infernal Casket match where you set your opponent on fire and put 'em in a casket. The match would last almost 30 mins and in the end The Undertaker would lose and that can push Kane to bigger and better things
Undertaker needs to face someone with a huge history against himself. He does not need a match against someone to put them over. Ric Flair got to go against Shawn Michaels in his last amtch, and I would argue that Undertaker has a lot more history in the WWE than Flair does. If Michaels retires first, than I haven't much of a clue to see who he would face. Kane comes to mind at Wrestlemania down the line, but KAne would definitly put Undertaker over, so that wouldn't be an issue. A 20-0 mark with the retirement of Undertaker would be fantastic.

That is to say if Undertaker ever does retire. I am not not sure he will ever have a last match, until he dies. Same as Flair, although I do believe Undertaker has been better with his money than Flair, but who knows.
This is a very good question and there have been a lot of good points. Obviously most people would not like Undertaker to ever lose at Wrestlemania. But as a previous poster said Undertaker is an old school wrestler and if you look at the history of any final matches the old school wrestler has dont the job. AKA (flair to both Sting at the final WCW, and to Shawn Michaels.) Foley, Austin and even the Rock did the job. So did Tommy Dreamer(I actually know Justin Credible, and he said that Tommy actually hand picked that assclown to beat him.)
The point is if he is going to go out he is going to lose.

And chances are it will be at one of 2 pay per views. Wrestlemania or Survivor Series. As far as how I do really like the Casket Match. The only thing if they ever did that, there is NO COMING BACK. If they ever wanted to do a one time comeback, then it would have to be at the SS.

If you were going to do it at Wrestlemania, you can do it many ways.

If the opponent was Shawn Michaels, i like the idea (now hear me out before you all go nuts) Have Shawn win this year, and then do a rubber match next year where Michaels basically says that he will put his career on the line. Undertaker agrees and he puts his career on the line but in Hell in the Cell. (this only works if Michaels isnt going to retire)

I know most of the Internet would freak out if it is Cena, but he is the hardest worker in the WWE and that comes right out of Undertakers mouth.

Orton could be another candidate for obvious reasons.
Someone mentioned Dibiase which could be interesting since Ted Dibiase did bring him in the the WWE.(If they were to ever do this angle it would have to end at SS)

As far as other people, Edge, CM Punk, The miz. That would all depend on the Undertaker. (I do agree with other people on it has to be his choice.)

I say screw what the IWC thinks. Cause to be honest no matter who it is or how it is or where it is most people are going to bitch about it just to bitch about it. But it is going to happen and sometime before next year SS.
(I just dont hope they ever have an on air tribute like they did for Flair.) That would be just horrible.
Taker's retirement is a serious challenge for WWE Creative team.His gimmick doesn't allow a routine goodbye match.He can't just lose,then have his music played ,kiss fans goodbye and leave arena in tears.

This actually doesn't work for him.The other problem is that when he kisses WWE goodbye,he can't return anytime WWE wants,unlike Flair or Austin or even Rock.When he says goodbye,It's once and for all.So it has to be BIG,as big as a Wrestlemania showdown.

He have to lose,I'm not sure.He has a different character as i said above.I think he should win it.But his retiring match shouldn't be a normal one.

Tombstone and 1..2..3.It's the thing we see each year.so it's not suitable for the last match.

The best choice might be the type of match that some posters said,a casket match.

But who he should defeat.Again not sure about that.It 's better not be an active superstar.For example Cena or Orton.It should be someone like Vinnie Mac.a little unrealistic but damn sure it will be nice.

This deadman gimmick makes things more difficult to guess.Imagine the day he will be inducted into HOF.How will he be?Wearing formal suits?!so WWE has to have some unique ideas for Taker's final chapter because it's a kind of challenge they have never faced before.
What would be fun to see would be that in 2011 Punk wins the rumble and Taker defends vs Edge, and Punk goes vs Taker at WM27 in a casket match. HBK wins the MITB. Taker wins and HBK comes and challenges Taker to an Iron Man retirement match for the WHC, and HBK wins clean
Its unbelievable that people do not want the Undertaker to lose. It's pretty selfish too. Any wrestler with respect for the business would rather cut their arm off, than not put someone over on their way out. It's a source of pride to do it the right way. It also gives a wrestler closure on his career.

Taker losing also gives the fans the opportunity to celebrate a phenominal career. And it allows Mark Calaway (much dispute on the spelling of his last name) to be honored with this celebration.

I highly doubt the Taker will want to be like Hogan and not put anyone over (dismissing his Warrior job, because Hogan had zero intention of leaving for good) To this day Hogan still languishes in active/retirement and not got the send off he may have deserved.

If you are a fan of The Undertaker you should be rooting for him to lose at WrestleMania and then rejoice in reverence.
If and when Undertaker's time comes, his last match should be against someone who he has history with. In my opinion the man to face/retire Undertaker, should be Kane. His kayfabe brother and him have been through a lot over the years. They have feuded numerous times, and have also worked together numerous times. In my opinion Kane is the only man for the job, no one else seems more deserving of it then him.
I could go on for days about this, but honestly I really do think it comes down to these guys.

Shawn Michaels
Triple H
Randy Orton

and honestly I even think Taker would give up his streak at WM for those three guys. Orton is going to be around for a very long time so to have Taker face Orton at WM with Orton winning...I know the fans would probably riot but think of what it would do for Orton. He would be the face of the WWE for years
I don't think The Undertaker should lose on his way out. It would be far more impressive for him to go out at WrestleMania on top having reached 20-0. His final match should be against Michaels, if they don't do it this year, or Kane. The problem is that the character is a tough one to retire. He's essentially immortal, so there is no reason why he would retire. As a result, the only thing I can really see happening with him is that he leaves saying he has completed everything in this world or something equally cheesy, and then he leaves. The whole point of the character is that he thrives on revenge. If someone beat him at Mania, he'd have to come and beat them later, which would be incongruous, I'm afraid.

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