Undertaker Streak Victims That Did Not Happen But Should Have Happened

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Well in terms of streak victims that Undertaker should have at least faced in his career but never did, well the top 10 victims that Undertaker should have at least faced at WrestleManias who would have been better opponents for him rather than the ones he actually did face in real life at WrestleManias are:

1- Hulk Hogan (replacing Jake the Snake Roberts) (WrestleMania 8)
2- Umaga (replacing Batista) (WrestleMania 23)
3- The Rock (replacing Big Show & A-Train) (WrestleMania 19)
4- Stone Cold Steve Austin (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 17)
5- Bret "The Hitman" Hart (replacing Diesel) (WrestleMania 12)
6- Chris Jericho (replacing Shawn Michaels) (WrestleMania 26)
7- Mankind (replacing Big Boss Man) (WrestleMania 15)
8- Goldberg (replacing Kane) (WrestleMania 20)
9- John Cena (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 27)
10- Kurt Angle (replacing Mark Henry) (WrestleMania 22)
I don't quite agree with this. Hulk Hogan dropping to Taker 5 years after Hogan's defining moment. Batista v Taker was good for both of them, helped make Batista more legitimate and gave Taker another title win. Another monster wouldn't have helped in my opinion. Diesel was a good opponent, he had come off of a year long title reign to lose to Taker, good for him. Goldberg, the storyline worked better for Kane plus we got a Goldber/Lesnar match.

The rest I agree with especially the Rock, Stone Cold, Mankind and Angle.

I'd also have liked to see a Taker/Benoit match :p
No way hogan at 8. Undertaker was still too new making his way up the ranks.

Remember this was Hogan's farewell/retirement match. Who recalls tha awesome usa network special with hogan/vince?

Most of your other picks line up decently. If warrior would have been signed back earlier he would have been the.perfect match. But I don't think we have a streak in that case. Worst case for warrior he wins by dq. Guess you could still go with an unpinned streak
I would not want to change any past challengers to the streak, because most of them seemed perfect for the time, and even if they were not perfect, some of the opponents you suggested also had important and memorable matches (like Stone Cold vs The Rock in WM X-seven and XIX) which they wouldn't have had, had they faced Undertaker instead. Also, you suggested The Undertaker vs Umaga at Wm 23, but The Undertaker was the Royal Rumble winner and had to challenge a world champion- something Umaga wasn't...

Anyway, if the streak was still active, and (more importantly) if Undertaker could still go for a few more years, the two superstars whom I'd love to see him face are John Cena and Sting. In John Cena vs The Undertaker, fans would be left wondering till the end of the match as to who will emerge victorious. While a portion of the demographic would watch it as "the biggest superstar today vs the greatest superstar of all time", another portion would be wondering if Cena would lay down for Taker at the grandest stage, or whether he'd snatch yet another torch. In Sting vs Undertaker, Sting would be seen as a legendary wrestler that has come to the WWE with the sole intention of taking The Undertaker down. Sting would have the whole mystique surrounding him; Taker's scare tactics and mind games wouldn't work against him, and he'd have a bag of tricks of his own. Both are dream matches. The storytelling and lead-up to the PPV in both cases would be outstanding. Alas, they will most likely remain only dreams.
Some of these aren't bad, most of them aren't very well thought out.

1- Hulk Hogan (replacing Jake the Snake Roberts) (WrestleMania 8)

Works for me. The angle between Sid and Hogan sucked anyway, put Taker in there and... well it would only be marginally better but it would be better nonetheless. However, I don't think Taker would have won if they booked this match so it's probably a good thing they didn't.

2- Umaga (replacing Batista) (WrestleMania 23)

Batista was the World Champion and was just starting to slip behind Cena in popularity. The match with Taker closed that gap for a while. Plus, it was a great match.

3- The Rock (replacing Big Show & A-Train) (WrestleMania 19)

Rock wrestled Austin's retirement match at 19. No.

4- Stone Cold Steve Austin (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 17)

And cancel out the classic Austin Rock match? No way. Besides, that was also a great match.

5- Bret "The Hitman" Hart (replacing Diesel) (WrestleMania 12)

Nope. Hart/Michaels needed to happen.

6- Chris Jericho (replacing Shawn Michaels) (Wrestlemania 26)


7- Mankind (replacing Big Boss Man) (WrestleMania 15)

In theory it works but Mick and Taker had already had so many matches by that time, what the hell were they going to do to make this one memorable?

8- Goldberg (replacing Kane) (WrestleMania 20)

... Why? Kane was the one that took Taker out of action. Of course he goes after him.

9- John Cena (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 27)

Eh. That match wasn't up to par but it was necessary for the next year's match to matter.

10- Kurt Angle (replacing Mark Henry) (WrestleMania 22)

Absolutely. Their match at No Way Out was awesome, they should have had a rematch at Mania with Taker getting the title.
Well in terms of streak victims that Undertaker should have at least faced in his career but never did, well the top 10 victims that Undertaker should have at least faced at WrestleManias who would have been better opponents for him rather than the ones he actually did face in real life at WrestleManias are:

1- Hulk Hogan (replacing Jake the Snake Roberts) (WrestleMania 8)
2- Umaga (replacing Batista) (WrestleMania 23)
3- The Rock (replacing Big Show & A-Train) (WrestleMania 19)
4- Stone Cold Steve Austin (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 17)
5- Bret "The Hitman" Hart (replacing Diesel) (WrestleMania 12)
6- Chris Jericho (replacing Shawn Michaels) (WrestleMania 26)
7- Mankind (replacing Big Boss Man) (WrestleMania 15)
8- Goldberg (replacing Kane) (WrestleMania 20)
9- John Cena (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 27)
10- Kurt Angle (replacing Mark Henry) (WrestleMania 22)

Gotta hit the WMs one by one;

Wrestlemania 7: against Jimmy Snuka
-It's a squash against someone putting him over for his first WM appearance. You could put anyone here, but this was the day of filler matches and nobody big was getting put here.

Wrestlemania 8: against Jake Roberts
-The match was notable for two reasons; one, it was a genuine storyline Taker was involved with, and two, it was part of his first Face Turn. You could maybe get the first part with Hulk, but not the second. A third reason for not going with Hogan? The streak dies at one, no questions asked.

Wrestlemania 9: against Giant Gonzalez
-Surely an awful match, but again, who do you find as a replacement? Yokozuna was a year away and already going for the Belt here, and Taker is still face. What Heel would go after Taker in THIS age without being a giant?

Wrestlemania 11: against King Kong Bundy
-Okay, this is where I CAN list somebody. Yokozuna ought to have continued the storyline from the year prior and Taker should've sought his revenge. Even if it had to be a squash match to preserve the fat guy. But mainly, it's a push between him and Bundy in the ring- the match would've blown anyway. But Yoko had more of a story to it.

Wrestlemania 12: against Diesel
-You mentioned Bret Hart, but you can't just discount the Iron Man match- WWE staked a LOT on that match for this event. Even if you hate HBKs freaking guts that was the best moneymaking matchup on the card by far. And like it or not Diesel was about as high profile an opponent as you could pair up with Taker. And again, who was there? Was Mankind even a factor yet? Maybe that guy, given the early storylines between the two of them.

Wrestlemania 13: against Psycho Sid
-Bret Hart only makes sense if Bret has the WWF belt. And even then, you're giving up the submission match with Stone Cold, the match that really helped MAKE him into a Superstar. As for the rest, HBK walked out like a bitch(and would've been in Stone Cold's place had he not), Mankind AND Vader were going after the Tag Team belts, both The Rock(really Rocky Maiva) and HHH were getting elevated, and really, this was a rare time when Taker was getting a title shot.

Wrestlemania 14: against Kane
-Yeah, nothing's topping this match. It's a major payoff with the best freaking storyline Taker ever had to date AND it gave Glenn Jacobs a hell of a push as a monster with some real meat in his character. If you even THINK something could be better than this, just fuck you. Fuck you with fire. Fuck you with HELLFIRE.

Wrestlemania 15: against Big Boss Man
-...y'know, there IS an alternative that's viable. I just don't think it's Mankind, who was Face AND fighting against the Corporation like how Taker and his Ministry were doing at this point. Paul Wight(Big Show) might have been much more appealing an opponent because he was still very brand new and could use a rep boost after being mishandled with Stone Cold. So you can swap Paul Wight with Big Boss Man and not have anything negative... well, depending on whether or not you liked the lynching part.

Wrestlemania 17: against HHH
-HHH was the 3rd biggest name behind the Rock or Stone Cold, and those two were locked in place at the top of the card, no question. This is one of the real 'Don't FUCK with this card' setups.

Wrestlemania 18: against Ric Flair
-Supposedly Taker requested this. I'm not fucking with THAT.

Wrestlemania 19: against Big Show and A-Train
-This was supposed to be a Tag Team, with newcomer Nathan Jones as Taker's partner. They were building Nathan up at the time but he turned to shit immediately. Granted, this was crap, but this was also when Taker was at his worst and just about everyone else was money in their other matchups. Who wasn't going to Mark out for Brock Lesnar, or Rock-Austin III? Maybe a rematch with Triple H, if you wanna keep Booker T down, or a singles match with Big Show but I swear they were pushing A-Train as well.

Wrestlemania 20: against Kane
-The story makes this. Kane betrays his brother and kills BikerTaker, bringing back the Dead Man to extract vengeance. The match might be a dud and having him side against Goldberg to avoid the SOLD OUT shit from the fans might be appealing, but you can't really wring a good storyline out of the match.

Wrestlemania 21: against Randy Orton
-Can't dispute this one. The proper elevation of a Young Buck and potential future of the WWE- Taker was even rumored to have offered the streak outright to Orton, only for Orton to defer.

Wrestlemania 22: against Mark Henry
-Something happened. It really looked like it would be Kurt Angle. It really should have been Kurt Angle. So what happened? Seems like they pushed Rey Mysterio to the moon after Eddie Guerrero died, and as long as Kurt Angle was champion he was going to be the patsy to fall to the feel-good story(they were NOT touching John Cena).

Wrestlemania 23: against Batista.
-Again, an elevation of a 'Young' hot Superstar. And given that Taker won the Royal Rumble, it was either him or John Cena. While I THINK Cena would be more appealing of a matchup, something teased at several times but never came to fruition, the reception would've been brutal. Either Taker takes the WWE title from him- knocking Cena down was UNTHINKABLE around this time- or Cena takes the streak, and the SHITSTORM would have never stopped. I can see why they went with Batista. As for Umaga, he was being fed to Vince McMahon and 'Dark Chocolate Cena'(Bobby Lashley).

Wrestlemania 24: against Edge
-Much like Randy Orton and Batista, this is an elevation of a Younger Star, even in defeat. Nobody's disputing this one.

Wrestlemania 25: against Shawn Michaels
-Nobody disputes this match. The shitbird that does this is just Trollbaiting and he deserves to be smote back to Reddit.

Wrestlemania 26: against Shawn Michaels
-Why Jericho? Just, why? I get that he's someone Taker never faced in Wrestlemania, but the timing makes no sense. The storyline is too freaking good to discard.

Wrestlemania 27: against Triple H
-You don't want Taker against John Cena, just for the Rock to shit on it as a prelude to Rock-Cena. This is kind of cheating, but I want Sting for this one- supposedly this was in the works until Sting backed out. Sting's the only option. (there was supposedly someone else, but I forgot who)

Wrestlemania 28: against Triple H
-No dispute on this one. Not even someone like CM Punk makes more sense.

Wrestlemania 29: against CM Punk
-Not really any choice. Rock-Cena put a stranglehold on the booking and Punk is the biggest name possible... and really, who is he elevating if not Punk?

Wrestlemania 30: against Brock Lesnar
-Whelp. It is what it is. Nobody else matters.

So... there's one Definite change and a handful of 'maybes'. Can't make a top ten list out of that.
If he had wrestled at Wrestlemania 10 and 16, I imagine he would have faced Yokozuna / X Pac respectively based on what was going down at the time.
Bret Hart at WrestleMania 11. He worked an awful match with Backlund, while Undertaker had a stinker against King Kong Bundy. Then again, it's extremely unlikely that Bret would have put 'Taker over.
Well in terms of streak victims that Undertaker should have at least faced in his career but never did, well the top 10 victims that Undertaker should have at least faced at WrestleManias who would have been better opponents for him rather than the ones he actually did face in real life at WrestleManias are:

1- Hulk Hogan (replacing Jake the Snake Roberts) (WrestleMania 8)
2- Umaga (replacing Batista) (WrestleMania 23)
3- The Rock (replacing Big Show & A-Train) (WrestleMania 19)
4- Stone Cold Steve Austin (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 17)
5- Bret "The Hitman" Hart (replacing Diesel) (WrestleMania 12)
6- Chris Jericho (replacing Shawn Michaels) (WrestleMania 26)
7- Mankind (replacing Big Boss Man) (WrestleMania 15)
8- Goldberg (replacing Kane) (WrestleMania 20)
9- John Cena (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 27)
10- Kurt Angle (replacing Mark Henry) (WrestleMania 22)

This was an Isenberg list the other day. The obvious answer is Kurt Angle. 2006 Angle was wasted in a triple threat to benefit Eddie Guerreros memory by putting Mysterio over. Undertaker had a nothing match with Mark Henry. Instead of this match happening the previous month at No Way Out, this could have been a sensational Wrestlemania 22 match up.
Also I like the Goldberg Wrestlemania 20 idea, if WWE had more notice Goldberg was not renewing his contract, feeding him to Taker woul;d have been awesonme. A second match with Kane was rubbish, Undertaker vs Goldberg would have been money. Taker would have won and both guys raise each others hands at the end would have been a good Mania moment,.
1- Hulk Hogan (replacing Jake the Snake Roberts) (WrestleMania 8)

Be glad this didn't happen. Taker wouldn't have had a streak to defend, no way is Hulk losing to The Deadman in this one.

2- Umaga (replacing Batista) (WrestleMania 23)

Why exactly? Batista was a far better opponent for Undertaker, and it gave 'Taker another title run. Plus, this was a fantastic match, definitely one of Batista's best.

3- The Rock (replacing Big Show & A-Train) (WrestleMania 19)

No, Rock v Austin at WM19 was Stone Cold's final match, ending the trilogy of Rock/Stone Cold matches at WM. While 'Taker v Rocky would have been good, no way should it have replaced the main event we DID have.

4- Stone Cold Steve Austin (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 17)

Wouldn't have worked. Austin needed to win his WM17 match to turn heel and side with Vince. Battering the number 1 face in The Rock with a chair worked brilliantly. Plus, I loved the Undertaker v HHH match at WM17.

5- Bret "The Hitman" Hart (replacing Diesel) (WrestleMania 12)

This would have been a great match. I'd be all for making this change, it's a shame Hart never got a shot at the streak at a WM.

6- Chris Jericho (replacing Shawn Michaels) (WrestleMania 26)

Again, a change I'd be fine with. Undertaker had already had a classic with HBK the year before, and Jericho would have provided another, plus would have been a different opponent.

7- Mankind (replacing Big Boss Man) (WrestleMania 15)

With all the history Mankind and Undertaker had by this point, a final deciding chapter would have been great to see. Maybe an inferno match, or a new kind of gruesome gimmick match?

8- Goldberg (replacing Kane) (WrestleMania 20)

While I would have loved to have seen 'Taker and Goldberg lock up at least once, the storyline of Undertaker being buried alive and then returning in his old "Deadman" gimmick would only have worked with Kane, so this wouldn't have worked. I definitely think Goldberg v Undertaker should have headlined at least one PPV in the 12 months 'Bergy was with the WWE though.

9- John Cena (replacing Triple H) (WrestleMania 27)

I'd agree with this. It's a shame we haven't had Cena challenge the streak. I understand that WWE didn't want their top star to lose at WM, but being pinned at Wrestlemania by Undertaker wouldn't have harmed Cena's status at at all.

10- Kurt Angle (replacing Mark Henry) (WrestleMania 22)

We had the great main event with 'Taker and Angle at No Way Out 06, but the 2 of them locking up again at Mania would have been a guaranteed classic and ANYTHING would have been better than Mark Henry, who was a total waste of oxygen at this point in time.

There are some very interesting picks in that list, alot I do not agree with but some that definitely would have made for fantastic matches. I'd have liked to have seen Undertaker take down Hogan at a Wrestlemania- maybe 19, and I'd definitely have paid money to watch a 'Taker v Jericho classic.
The only ones I would definitely change are 13, 15, 19 and 22. Every other Streak opponent was fine and made sense storywise.

Kurt Angle at 22 is obvious, so there are no explanations needed there.

Wrestlemania 13 - Bret Hart

I'm not saying we do away with the Submission Match, I'm suggesting Bret come into Mania as champion (retaining against Sid on Raw), pull a "Wrestlemania 10" and defend the WWF Title twice in one night, first against Austin in the Submission Match and later in the main event against Taker. Sid vs. Taker was an abomination, and with the build up they did for Mania 13, they could've pulled it off and it would've fit it in with the storyline of Bret complaining about the WWF screwing him over, by making him defend the belt two times at Wrestlemania. Bret would retain against Austin, but lose it to Taker in the last match. Bret would win it back from Taker at Summerslam. I've seen someone mention Taker vs. Bret for Wrestlemania 11 and that sounds great, but Taker was still only facing giants at that point. And at 12, it would've taken away the Ironman Match.

Vader is another choice to go up against Taker. Vader and Taker had a feud going on at the beginning of 1997, and the WWF could've used Vader as a transitional champion by giving him the WWF Title at In Your House: Final Four but having him lose it to Taker the next month at Mania.

Wrestlemania 15 - Ken Shamrock

There's 4 choices here - Kane, Mankind, Paul Wight or Ken Shamrock. Kane and Mankind are good choices but it's been already said, Kane and Mankind had faced Taker a million times by this point. That leaves Wight or Shamrock, but my personal preference is Shamrock. Taker and Shamrock had a good match with each other the following month at Backlash, so I would've moved their feud down a month for Wrestlemania. In the feud between Bossman and Taker, you didn't know who to root for, as both men were heels. I think Bossman was meant to be the babyface and Taker was the heel, but I couldn't buy into Bossman as a babyface. With Shamrock I could, even though he was still with The Corporation. Undertaker was stalking and terrorizing Shamrock's sister, which brought him sympathy, and he was slowly starting to turn babyface and drift away from The Corporation. He was more of a threat to Taker than Bossman was, and if WWE had still decided to book Hell in a Cell for Taker vs. Shamrock, they could've used Shamrock's experience inside cages from competing in the UFC, to make him look even more threatening to Taker in the match.

Wrestlemania 19 - Chris Benoit

Benoit was just used as a filler opponent in the WWE Tag Team Title match, it could've easily been Los Guerreros vs. Team Angle alone. A match with Taker would've been meaningful and iconic. It could've started after No Way Out by pairing the two in a couple of tag team matches against A-Train and Big Show on Smackdown. During the tag matches, the two could have miscommunications with each other, which lead to them snapping and getting into brawls, throwing out their matches. Steph could confront the both of them and decide that if they can't get along then they can get it on at Wrestlemania. After Taker defeats Benoit, the two could shake hands in appeciation and with more respect gained for each other.

If they had decided to save Undertaker and Big Show's one-on-one match from No Way Out for Wrestlemania instead, that would've been a fine choice too.

Maybe 26 could have been changed to Chris Jericho or Sheamus, and HBK could've taken on Triple H instead in the Retirement Match. Shawn going out to his best friend, would also have been a fitting end to his career. The following year, they could still book Triple H vs. Taker, with Triple H vowing to do what Shawn couldn't, end the streak and The Undertaker's career too.
WrestleMania 30- Lesnar
WrestleMania 29- Punk
WrestleMania 28- Triple H (End of an Era) (Hell in a Cell)
WrestleMania 27- Triple H
WrestleMania 26- Sheamus
WrestleMania 25- Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania 24- Edge
WrestleMania 23- Batista
WrestleMania 22- Kurt Angle
WrestleMania 21- Randy Orton
WrestleMania 20- Brock Lesnar
WrestleMania 19- Chris Benoit
WrestleMania 18- Ric Flair
WrestleMania 17- Triple H
WrestleMania 15- Vince McMahon (Hell in a Cell)
WrestleMania 14- Kane
WrestleMania 13- Bret "The Hitman" Hart
WrestleMania 12- Diesel
WrestleMania 11- Bam Bam Bigelow (with Lawrence Taylor as Special Guest Referee)
WrestleMania 9- Macho Man Randy Savage
WrestleMania 8- Jake the Snake Roberts
WrestleMania 7- Jimmy Superfly Snuka
If you put Cena in vs Taker at WM 27 then you don't have a match for the The Rock - The whole appeal of Rock's return was it was the last plausible "Legends" match left with Austin & Hart retired due to injury and Flair & Hogan done in by their age. WM 27 was a weak card to begin with and taking Rock out would have hurt it very bad. Taker-HHH was a great match anyway, they never had a bad bout and it was the perfect back up match promotion wise to give the card a boast promotional wise alongside Cena-Rock (nothing else on this show was driving a big buyrate).

The whole A-Train & Nathan Jones thing was a disappointment but the idea was to elevate both men, it was a good idea on paper but it failed. Shelton Benjamin got wins over HHH & Ric Flair and a high profile feud with RVD and he still bombed out and was a dud, sometimes you pick a winner and sometimes you don't.

Diesel aka Kevin Nash was a huge star, plus he had a dominant year long run as World Champ and was one of the few opponents Taker could face that would be BIGGER than him physically. Hart-HBK had been building for years and deserved the W-Mania spotlight, Nash was an excellent choice. It would have been nice to see Hart at some point but the timing wasn't right at this event.

Hogan at W-Mainia 8 ??? The whole reason Hogan wasn't wrestling Flair was because they were phasing him out due to the Feds Steroid Investigation and they couldn't A) Book him to win the title and then disappear right away B) wouldn't ask him to lose to his biggest rival in national recognition at Mania - No way they ask him to lose to Taker, not even two years on the scene, at the time trying to establish himself as a legit star despite a horribly cheezy gimmick. If this match happened at this time Taker gets squashed and there is no Streak.

Sid Justice, like it or not, was a big name in 90s wrestling, he had main evented in both WWE & WCW most of the decade, at the time he may have been the biggest name Taker faced up to that point (between Sid & Nash). The fact Sid was World Champ and Taker won the title makes this one even harder to get rid off.

Goldberg-Lesnar on paper was a great bad A$# vs bad A$# match, I can see why it was booked, especially with both leaving, WWE wanting to make some $$$ off of them before they were gone. Either one of them would likely have had a better match vs Taker than they did with each other but I can see why WWE wanted to capitalize on GB-Lesnar.

The timing of the match and what was happening on the roster has a lot to do with how the matches played out, there are maybe two or three instances where I can see maybe subbing someone else but for the most part given where Taker's character was in the show and who some of the other stars were facing in a given year, I think WWE got it right.
The only ones I would definitely change are 13, 15, 19 and 22. Every other Streak opponent was fine and made sense storywise.

Kurt Angle at 22 is obvious, so there are no explanations needed there.

Wrestlemania 13 - Bret Hart

I'm not saying we do away with the Submission Match, I'm suggesting Bret come into Mania as champion (retaining against Sid on Raw), pull a "Wrestlemania 10" and defend the WWF Title twice in one night, first against Austin in the Submission Match and later in the main event against Taker. Sid vs. Taker was an abomination, and with the build up they did for Mania 13, they could've pulled it off and it would've fit it in with the storyline of Bret complaining about the WWF screwing him over, by making him defend the belt two times at Wrestlemania. Bret would retain against Austin, but lose it to Taker in the last match. Bret would win it back from Taker at Summerslam. I've seen someone mention Taker vs. Bret for Wrestlemania 11 and that sounds great, but Taker was still only facing giants at that point. And at 12, it would've taken away the Ironman Match.

Vader is another choice to go up against Taker. Vader and Taker had a feud going on at the beginning of 1997, and the WWF could've used Vader as a transitional champion by giving him the WWF Title at In Your House: Final Four but having him lose it to Taker the next month at Mania.

Wrestlemania 15 - Ken Shamrock

There's 4 choices here - Kane, Mankind, Paul Wight or Ken Shamrock. Kane and Mankind are good choices but it's been already said, Kane and Mankind had faced Taker a million times by this point. That leaves Wight or Shamrock, but my personal preference is Shamrock. Taker and Shamrock had a good match with each other the following month at Backlash, so I would've moved their feud down a month for Wrestlemania. In the feud between Bossman and Taker, you didn't know who to root for, as both men were heels. I think Bossman was meant to be the babyface and Taker was the heel, but I couldn't buy into Bossman as a babyface. With Shamrock I could, even though he was still with The Corporation. Undertaker was stalking and terrorizing Shamrock's sister, which brought him sympathy, and he was slowly starting to turn babyface and drift away from The Corporation. He was more of a threat to Taker than Bossman was, and if WWE had still decided to book Hell in a Cell for Taker vs. Shamrock, they could've used Shamrock's experience inside cages from competing in the UFC, to make him look even more threatening to Taker in the match.

Wrestlemania 19 - Chris Benoit

Benoit was just used as a filler opponent in the WWE Tag Team Title match, it could've easily been Los Guerreros vs. Team Angle alone. A match with Taker would've been meaningful and iconic. It could've started after No Way Out by pairing the two in a couple of tag team matches against A-Train and Big Show on Smackdown. During the tag matches, the two could have miscommunications with each other, which lead to them snapping and getting into brawls, throwing out their matches. Steph could confront the both of them and decide that if they can't get along then they can get it on at Wrestlemania. After Taker defeats Benoit, the two could shake hands in appeciation and with more respect gained for each other.

If they had decided to save Undertaker and Big Show's one-on-one match from No Way Out for Wrestlemania instead, that would've been a fine choice too.

Maybe 26 could have been changed to Chris Jericho or Sheamus, and HBK could've taken on Triple H instead in the Retirement Match. Shawn going out to his best friend, would also have been a fitting end to his career. The following year, they could still book Triple H vs. Taker, with Triple H vowing to do what Shawn couldn't, end the streak and The Undertaker's career too.

I like your suggestions.

I really like your idea of Bret Hart vs Undertaker for WrestleMania 13. I do think WrestleMania 11 would have worked as well, but you're right, 'Taker was really only wrestling the "monsters" at this point in time. Also, if Bret Hart and Undertaker happened at WrestleMania 11, there's a good chance the streak never even happens. With hindsight booking though, I would have had Bret carry the title for a full year and making the match vs 'Taker a title match. Diesel/Michaels would happen without the strap. That said, I really like your 'Mania 13 proposal especially considering how weak and thin the card was.

I also like the idea of Ken Shamrock at 'Mania 15. It would essentially still be the same match but with Shamrock subbing in for Bossman, and likely putting on a much better match, though still getting brutalized in the end.

As for WrestleMania 19, I think this would have been the perfect opportunity to have Undertaker vs The Rock. I know a lot of people wanted to see The Rock get a win over Austin, and it being Austin's last match and everything... but at this point I was over watching Rock/Austin. It's a shame Undertaker vs The Rock never happened at 'Mania and to me this would have been the perfect time to do it. Would have been a huge draw on an already stacked card. Probably could have even main evented.
The only one that I feel strongly about was Triple H's third go-round with Undertaker at WrestleMania 28. IMO, that should've been Cena's turn. When we were looking at the WrestleMania's and what should've been done differently, I felt WrestleMania 27 was a waste of a main event and an appearance by Rock. Instead of the year long build between WM27 and 28 for the match between Rock and Cena, WM27 would've been where they fought, leaving Cena and Taker both open for the 20 and 0 match at WM28.
Out of all the possible alternative matches mentioned for 'Taker at WrestleMania; the only one that I completely agree with is WrestleMania 22. He should've faced Angle at 'Mania 22.

They had a damn classic match at No Way Out 06 and then at the end of the match, 'Taker picks Angle up and corners him in the ring corner to hand him the title belt and tell him that he wasn't finished with Angle yet. So they already had the perfect set up as far as storyline went for this match to happen. No doubt they would've built up a great story in the weeks prior to 'Mania and at 'Mania, they would've no doubt delivered the match of the night and another classic. I understand that Eddie had passed and that they were trying to honor his memory, but pushing Rey to do so is something that I have never and will never agree with. That's a topic for another thread, however.

'Taker vs Angle at WM 22 should have happened. It made perfect sense, however, it didn't happen. We could spend a lifetime wondering why certain matches in WWE never happened that were set up perfectly and should have, by all rights, happened. I guess you can add this match to the list of matches like Flair vs Hogan at WM 8. It should have happened.

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