Undertaker or Sting

Undertaker or Sting

  • Undertaker

  • Sting

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Elegantly Wasted Superstar
With speculation rife that the Icon, Sting, could be joining WWE, I think this is the most appropriate place for this thread. Mods, feel free to move it if you don't agree.

Simple question: If you had to pick one: Undertaker or Sting, who would it be?

Think in terms of wrestling ability, gimmick, promo's, storylines, achievements, overall contribution to the business and choose whatever other parameters you like.

A brief run down of some of the highlights of both:

* Unquestionably, the greatest wrestler in WCW history
* The greatest wrestler to never have worked in WWE, some say the fact that he didn't enhanced his greatness.
* Engaged in WCW's and arguably pro wrestling, greatest ever fued with Hogan and NWO in 97/98.
* 13 time world champ
* Former PWI wrestler of the year


* 18 and 0 at Wrestlemania
* Longest running, arguably most successful wrestling gimmick of all time
* Retired Shawn Michaels
* Bought 'Hell in a Cell' to prominence
* 8 time world champion.

The choice is yours....
Hm, tough call for me, I really like both guys a lot and would count both to my personal favorites.

All in all, I think I'd have to give the nod to the Deadman though. His gimmick, no matter how ridiculous it seemed from the start, really stood the test of time for some reason, and evolved into one of the most beloved gimmicks of all time. He has had memorable feuds with basically everyone who mattered ever since the wrestling business got really big in the 80ies, from Hogan (whom he beat in his rookie year if I'm not mistaken?), over Warrior, Shawn Michaels to Bret Hart, to the Attitude era, where he arguably mattered most in the overall WWE storyline picture with his dark "Ministry"-angles, all the way to recent memory with tremendous feuds and matches with Batista, Edge and of course the legendary two WM matches with HBK, two of the absolutely greatest matches ever. Add to that the fact that he actually is a "giant" type of guy, who really wouldn't need to do that much in the ring, but he still puts on really great matches and does things that really no other man his size can do (i.e. Ropewalk or of course the legendary top rope suicide dive)... and of course all the way down to the look and perfect theme, everything works for the Deadman.

Sting has some great achievements going for him; he managed to achieve a level of superstardom that I think no other wrestler who never worked for WWE achieved (at least in the US/outside of Japan), and that speaks volumes. The "Crow" gimmick back with the NWO angle was absolutely awesome of course, but it still contrasted very much with his earlier persona with the "surfer dude" look. He still made both gimmicks work pretty well, but I don't think they quite mixed that well as Undertaker's "Deadman" gimmick did with the "American Bad Ass", although arguably NOTHING could supposedly work with the "Deadman" gimmick... but for some reason it did, even if a lot of guys didn't like Taker in that role... but I never felt it was completely and utterly out of place with him, despite the fact that by all means it should have felt that way.

My problem with Sting is that in recent years, he just didn't quite manage to stay as relevant and important as Taker did. Of course Sting is a bit older than Taker, and Taker always had the grand stage of WWE for him... but WWE managed to make Taker bigger with every year despite his career slowly coming towards an end and his active in-ring time being REALLY limited already, whereas Sting, even though employed prominently in TNA, never was courted to be "the man" again as much as he was back in WCW. Maybe it's easier with Taker's character to make him matter almost as much as any title even if there is none involved, but it could also be argued that that is just another testament to the greatness of The Undertaker. Also, while Taker always sort of remained "the man" no matter in what era or with what gimmick, to me, Sting got a little watered down towards the end of WCW already, when he joined the Wolfpack and was made into "one among many" instead of being portrayed like "THE ONE GUY" who could possibly save WCW from the NWO that he was at the beginning of his feud with Hogan in that angle.

So for me, also being a huge Taker mark, the nod has to go to the Deadman. But that doesn't take anything away from the Stinger; he definitely also ranks up there with the select few of my "all-time favorites", simply because as Crow-Sing, he was just badass, heh.
It's pretty obvious that taker is going to retire undefeated at wrestlemania. However long the streak goes on for it will never be ended. The big issue for me is whether sting will sign for the wwe just to lose to taker.
Gotta go with sting. I love taker, but sting was the heart of wcw. and having never worked for the wwe, when he entered tna it was big news. sure he didnt do much for their ratings, but neither did hogan, bischoff, hardys, rvd, angle, etc. sting is great in any fued. the only thing that made me almost give it to taker is sting has never played a heel. the closest he got was this past year, and even then he was really a face the whole time. taker plays a great face and heel, sting seems limited by being a face, but he is top 5 face of all time in my opinion.
Guys, I don't think the poster was asking who would win in a WM match. He's just asking who would you pick.

Honestly, I'd love to pick both, as both are "can't miss superstars". But I have to pick Sting on this one. He's been a draw and put on great matches ANYWHERE he's gone. Taker has done the same thing, albeit only for the WWE. So we can't say for sure what happens if he wrestles outside the WWE in a different gimmick or setting. Just my two cents though.
I at first thought Jericho with the whole code thing again in reference to the 2 -21- 11 but perhaps it's Sting. Either way its a great move by WWE in making everyone start talking about Wrestlemania already. Sting Undertaker would be the very best match we can expect to see the Undertaker involved in at Wrestlemania, but I can't see, nor would I want to, Sting standing tall above the deadman when the show closes.
No way is this going to be Sting v Taker... I think if Sting is coming in, it might be more because Taker isn't going to be ready to go in time for the original idea of Barrett v Taker.

I could see Sting v Barrett as a major Mania match... Barrett wouldn't lose out by losing to Sting (assuming he goes into the HOF the night before) and could easily come out of it ready for the title.
Ok, I'm going to assume the OP means at WrestleMania?

I don't care who you are, or how big you are or were somewhere else, does anybody truely believe for two fucking seconds that ANYONE can just debut in the company and beat the Undertaker and take his streak at WrestleMania? Come on guys, seriously, I know there are many a Sting fanboy here, but Sting would lose at WrestleMania. No way he wins. There's no way Vince lets Sting in a month and a bit before WrestleMania to take the streak lol
Sting is my favorite wrestler of all time, I guess you could say my childhood hero. Him coming to WWE would be a dream come true for me.

However, everyone is pretty confident that Undertakers streak will never end. I agree with that, but Sting vs Undertaker is the ultimate dream match and has been since he started the crow gimmick. It is the ulitimate draw for WWE. I feel that if there is anyone in the world Undertaker would loose to at Wrestlemania it would be Sting. I still feel it's a long shot that Sting would win though.

He jumped to everyones mind during those 2 promos last night and hopefully it is the Stinger but at the same time I hope he gets the respect he deserves in the WWE.
I think this is a great move by WWE to tease 2-21-11. IF it is Sting....the only potential matchup that makes sense is one with the Undertaker, however....Would WWE really want Sting to lose his first and maybe only match in the WWE, Taker certainly would not let his streak go down to a guy who was the Figure head of WCW. As much as I would love to see taker and sting. I want to see Sting win at WM. SOOO Glad I already have my WM tix and my Tix to H.O.F.
I've always been a sting fan but with how hes said in the past that hed never go to wwe i was not thinking of him when i saw the promo last night i figure its the undertaker returning probably during a match with the corre or wade barret though i did find it odd how they showed the promo twice in one night thats not something they usually do.
Now with that said i would absolutely love sting to come to WWE an if he does i would pick him over taker anyday of the week.
yeah I was a lil confused as too are we being asked WHO would win or just who do we like better...I think the latter but I def have to go with taker...

I have respect for sting and I fools with sting and do be honest the numbers or accomplishments speak for themselves but I have to choose taker the fact that his “gimmick” has stood the test of time and NO one has any idea why he gets props in my book and like sumone else said he could go out and just be tall and that would get him thru but he gives max effort…
Stings had three big rivalries, flair, hogan, and angle. Undertaker has fueded with everyone who's mattered since 1990. Hogan, flair, warrior, hart, michaels, triple h, lesnar, Booker t, big show, cena, rock, and angle. The list goes on and on. Undertakers been the longest tenured wrestler in one company for two decades. Taker was forced to evolve his style and gimmick and has done so masterfully. He's carried a lot of ppl Tht couldn't carry a match ex: cena, Batista, and big show, and hogan. He's meshed well with everyone and has put over countless stars, some Tht lasted and some Tht failed. The most magical part about takers gimmick is no matter how unbelievable his gimmick was he always made his opponent or rival a believable threat or wrestler Tht could end taker. Plus hes 18-0 at the biggest ppv ever created.

Sting is great. Undoubtedly the greatest wcw wrestler of all time but taker has done it with the best ever and outlast em all.
Undertaker wrestled in WCW many moons ago as Mean Mark Callous. Never amounted to much until he showed up in WWF/E. Sting was "THE MAN" in WCW just like Undertaker has been "THE MAN" in WWE. It will be interesting to see how Sting is perceived by the fans at the WWE shows. For us diehard wrestling fans, we'll love Sting being in WWE, but for the casual fans that didn't know WCW or TNA ever existed, how will they treat Sting?

Anyhow my vote is for STING!
As much as I love The Undertaker, I have to go with Sting. I have been a long time fan of Sting's since I was five when I first started watching WCW back in 1997. He is very accomplished in his own right as much as Taker is. Id love for these two to be in a match at WM. Im 48-51%ish with it being Sting (51%) & Undertaker (48%) just cuz of the promo itself. This would blow anything else out of the water.
If Sting has just a year long contract, I would hope that he would have it extended at some point. I don't see Sting simply being fed to the Undertaker. Not at this point Sting would come in babyface. And Undertaker is also babyface at the moment, especially in the way he was taken out by Kane and Nexus/Corre. Undertaker's first focus would be to deal with kane and deal with barrett. Sting Could do the Crow Sting Mindgames or go after someone directly.

as far as who I favor... I Favor the Undertaker. very few gimmicks have such staying power, and ability to morph while keeping its intregrity intact than his... He has cemented his role as lockerroom leader, as the Boss, that people defer too.
I love both, but Sting was either my first or second favorite wrestler of all time until WcW closed, so I choose him.

Whoever said Sting has had 3 big rivalries, and on top of that included a TNA rivalry as one of the 3 is crazy. Sting feuded with everyone in WcW it was just a long time ago.

Also, these two should not be having a match, atleast at WM, I wouldn't agree to lose to The Undertaker in my first match myself if I was Sting, and if I was UT I'd want my first WM loss to be to an up and comer.

I think the ideal candidate would have been HBK, cause he could've lost than gotten a couple back and maybe even won the feud. Now I don't really know, there really aren't any uninvolved top heels. Edge might be good, and Kane would actually make good sense if they came up with a good angle.

He could beat down on whoever is going to induct Sting(if it is him). Maybe he wouldn't need to have a match at WM, maybe they could have him as a ringside guest and then let someone attack him and start a feud there.

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