Undertaker, HBK, and Batista need to retire

golden miz

Before you all start chewing me out I got logical reason for this. Right now WWE is being held back from some great tallent but problem is they are well past their prime. Most matches from these guys seems forced and are kind of sad. Sure these guys can put on some clasic matches still but mostly these 3 are sticking up themain event with a boring, stale, and out of place gimic. If these guys retire wwe will be forced to face realities and push up the young faces (mvp and morison) before its too late and they lost out on them. All three of these guys are just burnt out and its obvious that their main event slot can be used by a younger and healthier person so we have more variety in he main event scene insted of HBK and Batista being out of the picture and having only 1 viable face in the main event with younger people in their slot the main event will be in nice change. How many of you feel that this will be a good thing if they all retire, honestly I will have a party the day I offically hear that any one of these three retire.:flipa::worship:
Did u actually see wrestlemania hbk v undertaker?? Tell me 2 younger guys in wwe that could put on a match like that? Whilst I agree that they need 2 push their younger guys now while they r in fact young, I disagree that hbk and taker r taking up the young guys spots, they hav a part time schedule and hbk hasn't main evented a ppv in god knows how long, taker still has it and his experience on smackdown can only be a good thing for all those young guys over there. Batista on the other hand, well, he is boring, old or young. I quite like hhh so this aint a bash but if he went part time like hbk and was below the main event and not always in title picture then would prob be more helpful. Ppl forget that in wrestling terms, orton, cena, edge are all still young too.
First off, Batista shouldn't be referred to in the same breath as The Undertaker and HBK when it comes to the quality of their matches. From this point on I will pretend as if Batista was never mentioned. These "old guys" you are referring to just put on one of the all time great matches at Wrestlemania. Undertaker has acually gotten better with age. Given a decent opponent he can put on a decent match and is stilll extremely over with the fans. Now on to HBK, where do I start? He is everything he says he is, he is Mr. Wrestlemania, the guy is probably the best big match wrestler of all time. The bigger the stage, the better he performs. The number of great matches he has had since his return are too many to name. He could carry anything that can remotely move to a decent match. How many people can do this? Keep in mind that we are talking about a guy with a shot back who was told never to wrestle again, isn't the same guy he once was due to this and being born again, yet he can still do this. If these young guys want to be like The Undertaker and HBK, then show it in the ring, instead of putting on shit matches like the Money in the Bank at WM 25. It tells you something when a couple of old guys can outperform the "future stars".
First off, Batista shouldn't be referred to in the same breath as The Undertaker and HBK when it comes to the quality of their matches. From this point on I will pretend as if Batista was never mentioned. These "old guys" you are referring to just put on one of the all time great matches at Wrestlemania. Undertaker has acually gotten better with age. Given a decent opponent he can put on a decent match and is stilll extremely over with the fans. Now on to HBK, where do I start? He is everything he says he is, he is Mr. Wrestlemania, the guy is probably the best big match wrestler of all time. The bigger the stage, the better he performs. The number of great matches he has had since his return are too many to name. He could carry anything that can remotely move to a decent match. How many people can do this? Keep in mind that we are talking about a guy with a shot back who was told never to wrestle again, isn't the same guy he once was due to this and being born again, yet he can still do this. If these young guys want to be like The Undertaker and HBK, then show it in the ring, instead of putting on shit matches like the Money in the Bank at WM 25. It tells you something when a couple of old guys can outperform the "future stars".

sounds great but let me remind you both of these guys had to take off for really long after this match. If they retired two diffrent guys will get there slot peremently insted of being out of place which will benefit the WWE more then 3 or 4 good matches a year consistancy is needed which the only way to be constant is for these guys to just hang it up and oh yeah I thought the mania match was good technically but really boring and both guys reked of death in the ring time for them both to hang it up
how do people talk about Batista as if he actually has done something? i mean he's a completely hollowed out muslce head with little to no mic ability.. when i see him i just see a tanned Goldberg who (luckily) sells other wrestlers moves better. if he retires, to me he didnt do anything.. i mean i stopped watching for an entire decade and HBK and Taker are still top tier guys..they might not be able to work 360 days or whatever a year but when they do work they work HARD..

Batista has yet to impress me outside of the fact that he's one ripped sonofagun and has one heck of a natural tan haha.

i'll be sad watching HBK and Taker go seeing as they are two important pieces of my childhood and with my getting back into wrestling again its hard to see the top 2 go... i never got to see the end of The Rock or Stone Cold but i sure as hell got to see the beginnings and endings are no fun..
I'm torn. I've never been a huge fan of any of the guys mentioned but I do have to agree with the idea that Batista doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as 'Taker and HBK.

I've got no problem with 'Taker and HBK wrestling once in a while with limited schedules. But they should be putting over younger talent if that's their role in the company. That means losing. I know the argument that you can still put people over while winning. That's true. But that shouldn't be an excuse. 'Taker has had a couple of great matches with Benjamin on SD! recently. So why couldn't he lose one? A loss would instantly make Benjamin look like one million bucks and 'Taker could just shake it off.

It's very possible for 'Taker and HBK to stick around if they want to and NOT eat up main event slots.

Batista? I'm just sick and tired of the guy. It's clear that he got extra 'roided out of his mind in order to return early. I think his body is going to force him to retire soon no matter what. But again, if he wants to wrestle once in a while on a limited schedule then that's cool. Just don't push him to the moon with his unlimited World/WWE title match Konami code crap.
Before you all start chewing me out I got logical reason for this. Right now WWE is being held back from some great tallent but problem is they are well past their prime. Most matches from these guys seems forced and are kind of sad. Sure these guys can put on some clasic matches still but mostly these 3 are sticking up themain event with a boring, stale, and out of place gimic. If these guys retire wwe will be forced to face realities and push up the young faces (mvp and morison) before its too late and they lost out on them. All three of these guys are just burnt out and its obvious that their main event slot can be used by a younger and healthier person so we have more variety in he main event scene insted of HBK and Batista being out of the picture and having only 1 viable face in the main event with younger people in their slot the main event will be in nice change. How many of you feel that this will be a good thing if they all retire, honestly I will have a party the day I offically hear that any one of these three retire.:flipa::worship:

The Undertaker & Shawn Michels are All-Time Greats. Their careers are historical that have spent years doin so. They could wrestle for as long as they want to.

The only one that should retire is you retiring posting these dumb threads.
First off you are talking like if they are holding people back. Which they are not. Taker has being a big part of SD but is not like he was holding anyone and when the time came, he put someone like Jeff and even HHH over (HHH inside the EC). Shawn actually did the same time after time. You talk like the guys are the main-eventers of their brands and the only ones at it, which is absolutely bull. Sorry to break your bubble but the day Morrison and MVP can give you the kind of matches this two put on is a little far away yet. Their careers have been so good that they don't need the spotlight anymore and they have not used but to help the company.

Now with Batista this is a different issue, the guy is popular but is not like he has a lifetime legacy to relay on. If he retires not many things will change and his big shot spot has been already given so if he retires or not is the same.
Batista doesn't really belong in the main event anyway, his popularity has seen a steady decline in recent years. And yes, to a certain extent he isn't good for the company in terms of him taking up main event spots in "B Pay Per Views" that should be used to give young guys a chance.

But come on, you can't honestly complain about HBK and Taker. Undertaker and HBK haven't been in the title picture in months. And last time they were challenging for the title, they used those feuds to put guys over. HBK made Jericho look like the best wrestler on Raw. As Undertaker did for Edge. Hell, HBK hasn't even held a title since November of 2002. These guys don't need to retire soon because they're serving the useful purpose of helping put younger talent over. Sure, making younger talent look great doesn't always do much for them. Shelton was made look like a million bucks in his match with the Undertaker a few weeks ago and people completely forgot about it by the next week. But that says more about Shelton than it does about Undertaker.

My point is you cannot elevate young talent to the main event without veterans there to help them out. Undertaker and HBK are having their last year or two in the business, putting on great matches while guy like Punk and Morrison are getting ready to go to the main event. In 2 years time, you'll be saying Edge and Jericho need to retire, so read this post in another 2 years.
No this makes no sense. First of all Morrison is a Heel and is better as a heel. Next uh Batista has only been in the WWE 7 years. Next are u kidding me did u miss Wrestlemania or something guess what match of the year was..... Taker Vs HBK who are 2 of the best in the WWE. Their gonna retire soon we all know that but we don't want them 2 well or at least i don't. I know ur tryin to say you u think its time for the younger talent to rise i get that and yeah thats true but HBK is deinately not stale and boring to watch and i its so cool watchin taker enter its gonna suck when dats gone so yeah this thread is dumb even though batista is a little slow and boring ill miss when hes gone too. Screw ur party none of us want invited again i mean come on taker and shawn how can u even say tht????
I'm new to this but I agree. Batista should retire now! Each year he gets injuryed all the time. HBK and Undertaker are showing the younger stars how to work around the ring. Put on good or even great matches. As far as the younger talent, JR said it best during the HBK and Chris Masterson match. "You can't just come in and tell someone to pass you the tourch!" In HHH prime with Evolution he lost to Shelton Ben like 3 or 4 times. Davari disected HBK in his 1st match. What I'm trying to say is younger talents get alot of push but what do they do? They quit, get better, or remain a mid-card or dark show wrestler. Wrestlemaina 25 match up of HBK and Undertaker blew my favorit matches out of the water. Hogan vs Rock, Eddie vs Rey Jr in WCW Halloween Havoc Mask match, Bret vs HBK in a Ironman match, Shelton Ben vs HBK for number one contender match.
Just blew them out the water. Incase you didn't notice, HBK is in most of them.
Ok first things first, what was goin through ur head when u posted this new thread? HBK retire? yeah its gonna happen but in a year or two not now. Deadman retiring? that's the worst thing that could happen to SD! Batista, yeah i like the guy, he's charasmatic but yeah he has gotten boring and like Batista himself said, he's 40 years old but then HBK and Taker are in their 40s as well but are better wrestlers than Batista. I agree with putting over younger talent but some of the so-called "Futures of the Business" aren't worth putting over! Some of these guys are so bad that they couldn't wrestle a good match if their lives depended on it! You want guys like Morrison or Shelton to take the torch when u still have guys who r over with the fans and are still good at what they do. I've heard people ask u if u even saw Wrestlemania 25 but i like to make my own questions so, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? You apparently did not notice the performance these guys put on. And when u say that they were "Dead in the Ring" you apparently did not notice the fact that their match was better than any other on Wrestlemania 25. The crowd was on their feet the whole time! So next time u say someone needs to retire, think to urself, "Is there anyone in the WWE who can wrestle better than this person?" And if the answer is no as in this case, then don't post the thread. Thank you for your time.
OMG! What if you guys retired this topic of Undertaker, Hbk, and Batista retiring? That would be great! Some of you guys lack creativity. Come up with something new and original.
I can't agree. I don't think HBK and Undertaker should retire, Batista is another story. HBK and Undertaker can still go, I mean just look at there match at Wrestlemania 25. If that ain't saying anything idk what is, great, great match. Batista, honestly if he walked out tomarrow it wouldn't affect WWE in any shape or form. Batista has gotten worst and worst in the ring and especially on the mic, OMFG he is horrible on the mic, gives Michael Cole a run for his money lol. But it's good Batista is considering retirement cause it's his time. Honestly, if they really wanted to, HBK and Undertaker got a few good years left in them and well entertain us all until the very end.
They need to stop forcing wrestlers like Batista down our throats and convincing us that he's a great wrestler, Sure he;s big, but there are probably thousands of more talented intresting wreslters around

And why move on 2 of the best wrestlers the WWE have ever seen? If the WWE want to pave new talent into the company, i would hang onto these two blokes, there really is nobody better for young blokes to work with these 2 guys in ring for the WWE to judge if they can really lift to a point where they are comfortable with the guy headlining every PPV

And mentors at least.
while I dont think Batista should be mentioned In this thread with HBK & Taker. But the time will come when these two will not wrestle , I think they have a purpos in the wwe , they can still put on great matches so wwe should work on these two putting over young talent that deserves it before they get to old like Ric flair did. But as far as saying that they can not wrestle any more well they sure as hell can .
while I dont think Batista should be mentioned In this thread with HBK & Taker. But the time will come when these two will not wrestle , I think they have a purpos in the wwe , they can still put on great matches so wwe should work on these two putting over young talent that deserves it before they get to old like Ric flair did. But as far as saying that they can not wrestle any more well they sure as hell can .

I never saidthat I just think when you can no longer put on a full time schedule its time to hang things up because when they do come back they take away from the younger guys not give to them a push. I don't ever see either of these guys used to push offyounge guys well at least not HBK since its obvious that he would never do it. As for Undertaker he might put over one guy but the only way is at wrestlemania unless hes in a prolonged fed but he hasnt been around for mre then a month straight in a while. As for flair I got to agree he took advatage too much and he defently deminished as a ledgend compared to if he retired in 2004-5 since then he did little but show his age
Batista should never retire. He should become the next generation Abe Knuckleball Schwartz. Undertaker retires? It's his yard! Back off his yard, yo. Shawn Michaels already retired in 1998. Don't you remember, or were you even paying attention back then?
Two of those three guys just put on one of the best matches in WrestleMania history. They've still got it and should not hang it up at all yet. I can't even believe this thread was made. Do you even watch the WWE or did you even watch WrestleMania? Both of them are still more than capable of having great matches that don't seem "forced" at all.

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