Undertaker Cena WM27 starting at summerslam?

Right, so we've all heard Undertaker is supposed to make an appearance at SS, Sunday. It is widely expected that he gets involved in the Kane vs Mysterio match. But what about if he was the 7th member of Team WWE in their match against Nexus. Then with the supposed Heel turn off John Cena, Cena turns on UT when those 2 are the last two left for team WWE costing them the match. This would get Cena instant heat from the crowd by turning on Undertaker. They could then have Cena running away from Taker for the best part of the year until WM, where they face off in the match of the titans.

Now i know this is very far fetched and it would have to be booked well for it to continue for 6 months and hell, they are on separate brands but i'm just saying it would be a way to get Cena over as a heel and start a build to a huge match at mania. I mean if you look at HBK UT from this year that started to be built around this time when Shawn gave his speech at the Slammys.
There is SOOOO much wrong with what you just said. Way to many things that arent going to happen have to happen to make this work.

!. The 7th member - If it isn't the Miz, it won't be the Undertaker. Keep in mind he is coming back from being in a vegetative state. He isn't going to wrestle right away.

2. Being in the match - How will it be explained that Undertaker is going to ignore the whole Smackdown main event and team with team RAW?

3. The feud - I don't know where to begin here. John Cena, even if he was a heel, would not be ducking people. Let alone for 8 months. He would probably be more like Batista was as a heel.

4. The reason why the HBK - Undertaker feud was able to start so early is because it was just a challenge. It was barely mentioned for the first few weeks. By the way, the Slammy's was in December; double check your calender.

While I do hope we see this match at WM27, there is not one chance that this situation will happen.
Yea, if he was ducking the Undertaker for 8 months, how would it be billed as the match of the titans? I wouldn't mind seeing Cena/Taker since I'll be at WM27 next year. AND, a Cena heel turn on Taker would bring in much much more heat. However, it would be more effective if Taker was on Raw.
ya this makes very little sense..... if taker is involved at SS it will be in the kane match which i fully expect him to go after mysterio then turn and chokeslam kane.. taker has NO reason to be in the raw mainevent.
Just to know, is there an official Cena turning heel thread? Sure, a heel Cena is overdue, BUT IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, at least not in the R-PG WWE. Cena is a moneymaker, and he is involved in many things outside WWE (Nick, Make-a-wish, etc) If Cena became a heel it would affect his non-keyfabe image, so it simply won't happen. So, other than all the Taker incoherence this situation would mean at Summerslam, I don't see it happening, not even close.
yeah dude your so off i mean why would he even be in the 7 on 7 match when he is on smackdown you dont so nexus on smackdown. and since kane is the one who "put undertaker in the vegitative state. there would be no way he would even start a feud with john cena even if he turns on ss. im kinda expecting it to be kane vs undertaker a wrestlemania
I personally think that if the Cena/Undertaker match was going to happen @ WM27. I think that would the perfect time for Cena to go heel.

Think about it for a moment. Cena and Taker are the companies 2 top faces (IMO). It would be a huge draw to see them clash at Wrestlemania. After the match we see Taker do the taunts, and still be undefeated. Cena goes to congratulate him. Then WHAMMO!!! Turns on him causing Cena to go heel. Not only would it be huge for Cena to turn against Taker but at Wrestlemania too. He would have instant heat.
ok how could he be the 7th member? there is already 7 members, unless i missed something i am pretty sure there is not going to be aa mysterious 7th member when there is already 7 members, unless hart gets injured before the match at the ppv and they are down a man.. so please refresh my memory and the reasoning of taker being the 7th member..
wow ppl still on the cena/heel idea how bout this when cena/baby face stops making vince a s*** load of $ then you can start talking about a heel turn how the heck u gonna have cena run from a guy 4 months when his whole wwe persona is never back down so you want 2 delete idk the last 5 years of cena in one night ummmm no and cena cant be the batista type heel because he not over muscular or extremely tall
arite too be honest i cant see cena a heel. thats just me i mean the biggest face of the company. all the kids would turn on him and wwe couldnt have that. jacarr the great kahli got injured and will not be in the 7 on 7 tag team match. as for taker being the 7th memeber that cant happen because he is either going to fued with kane or mysterio for the belt. and cena/taker fued would be great but not as a heel/face match. just as a face/face to see whose better.
they could explain it by saying the nexus put taker in his vegative state, thus taker joining team wwe, then cena turns on taker costing them the match, cena joining nexus and ordering the nexus to take him out, why? i dont know, also i dont know how they could carry it on all the way to Wrestlemania, and if cena is ducking taker for the next 6 months, not exactly cenas "never back down/want some come get some" attitude is it?
ok how could he be the 7th member? there is already 7 members, unless i missed something i am pretty sure there is not going to be aa mysterious 7th member when there is already 7 members, unless hart gets injured before the match at the ppv and they are down a man.. so please refresh my memory and the reasoning of taker being the 7th member..

You did miss something. Nexus took out Khali on RAW and it was mentioned on NXT that he will not be in the Summerslam match.

And Im also glad everyone is agreeing with my initial response. I would also like to add that I highly doubt Cena is turning heel, even though I know the importance of it needing to happen.
0_0 Wow.....
That's a money idea you have there. I don't think it would happen, but that sounds incredible. In my personal opinion, Cena needs to be added to the streak, and what better time then this year?

Now, like I said, I don't think it will happen. There are just too many things in it's way. Undertaker being on Smackdown, with the Rey and Kane match going on. It's just not likely to happen, but none the less, I would love to see it happen.
Before i write this, please understand i am ready for you verbal beatdown.

Cena vs Undertaker would be takers last match.

#1. Cena will still be the face of the company
#2. Undertaker would make a much better heel then Cena
#3. Undertaker isn't going to be around much longer and i think that he is able to let something like this (his streak) die rather than go out on top.
#4. It wont happen til next yrs WM (2012) due to it being his number 20. No one is ever going to beat it or even come close.
#5.Undertaker is the last of his kind in the WWE, he is more recognizeable than HHH, Kane, or anyone that has been around for that long, and to "pass the torch" to Cena, because he really hasn't had anyone to it to him, would be the respectiable way to transition himself out of the WWE.

Now please do not get me wrong, i HATE Jon Cena with a passion, id rather watch a dog take a crap then watch on of his wrestling matches, but whatever draws the next generation of wrestling fans in works for them, works for me.

IMO: TNA is so much better, in-ring wise than WWE.
Right, so we've all heard Undertaker is supposed to make an appearance at SS, Sunday. It is widely expected that he gets involved in the Kane vs Mysterio match. But what about if he was the 7th member of Team WWE in their match against Nexus.

I don't see this happening as he is in a state where he can't walk.Plus haven't you noticed that the guys on Team CeNation are all from the Raw brand.Why have one Smackdown guy let alone a guy that Nexus have done nothing to since they formed.

Then with the supposed Heel turn off John Cena, Cena turns on UT when those 2 are the last two left for team WWE costing them the match. This would get Cena instant heat from the crowd by turning on Undertaker. They could then have Cena running away from Taker for the best part of the year until WM, where they face off in the match of the titans.

The heel turn that has been coming for years, yes years.Guess what it still hasn't happened yet and will not happen at Summerslam.Cena has been the driving force for the WWE against nexus and it wouldn't make sense for him to join guys that have been attacking him.

This match could happen at WrestleMania 27 but not this way.John Cena hides from nobody and it wouldn't make sense for a guy that ran head first into battle would than change his mind and run away from it.
for a john cena heel turn at summerslam would have to go like this. say nexus takes out edge, chris jericho, r-truth, JMO. and maybe hart. you prly got cena, miz, left in the match maybre against 5 nexus members and cena basicall says fuck it and takes miz out. bam miz turn and john cena turn. what a fued between them 2 that would be.
ok number one why would cena turn at SS and join guys who have been beating the crap out of him 4 the past few months? number two I would love to see Cena vs Taker at WM big money making match I say Cena turns at the Rumble or somewhere close to that like it could be Cena and Taker last two men in the Rumble Cena is the 1st entrant makes it all the way to the final two only to get eliminated by Taker He gets pissed off loses his mind and just beats the crap out of Taker setting up a WM match. anbody?
Why would The Undertaker be the 7th member of Team WWE? It makes no sense at all. Taker has had nothing to do with The Nexus storyline, so why would he get involved in this match? It makes a lot more sense for him to interrupt the Kane VS Mysterio match because his attacker is one of the participants. It's very possible Cena VS Taker will be THE match at Wrestlemania this year, but we still have a long way to go before any type of build can began for that one.
I think that this could work if done like this.

Taker would come out mid match and be revealed as the seventh memner of the team, later on he would explain that is was because The Nexus took him out, during the match Cena and Taker are the last two left against Wade and victory looks certain until Cena AA's Taker and Barrett makes the pin thus revealing himself as the leader of The Nexus. Over the next few months Taker would go after each member of The Nexus individually (beating them but putting them over in the process) once he is done with each one he would continue saying that he is coming for Cena while Cena is shi*ing himself. Once Taker is done with The Nexus he tries to go after Cena but everytime he does he ends up getting beat down but The Nexus and Cena eventually he realises that the only way he is going to get Cena is by wining the Rumble, all 7 members of The Nexus are in the Rumble specifically to stop Taker from winning but he does. Finally Taker and Cena square off at WM in an epic match.

If that is how the fued was done I think that it would be awesome.
mrbrownstone*-Kudos for thinking along the same line and not focusing on how it doesn't make sense.

Although I think it'd work better to make Cena look strong leading up to WM 27, and NOT have Taker be the focus until early next year when they can share the spotlight. Taker has Kane fight for him until Taker is 100%. Setting up Kane vs. Cena up until HIAC where they do the sendoff bout. Maybe give Cena the belt(although not necessary), have Cena's motives be clear that he wants Nexus to help him wipe off the "Taker's Streak" legacy. That way someone else can win the rumble if it's for the title and it still makes sense.

As for Cena turning, I think it's freaking obvious. As I've said before in other related threads, it could be explained 1 of 2 ways. He gives up because Nexus is too strong, or he concocted a way to make RAW vulnerable, under his thumb(a/k/a for a crazy person, it'd be because of mind games). The 3rd reason that makes sense for the OP's original topic. He wanted to beat Taker at WM, per reasoning of being the absolute best.

If that is the case I hope his move set goes back to something similar of what made him great in 2002 on up until about 2005.
Although we now know this didn't happen. I would of like to have seen it, and tbh it would have been pretty easy. Just have Cena standing Behind taker for eight months. I would like to see this match alot. Just to see Cena finally lose a match lmao
Undertaker is bound to be around until he can get his streak to 20-0 and it would be great for his final opponent to be the face of WWE John Cena and maybe even for the WWE Title. Now before anyone says the WWE Title wwould look shit on Taker now just read on a min. This year at WM27 i think will be Jericho or even Rey. Rey would be good because he could say he actually did ATTACK undertaker and we no at SS Kane was saying it wasnt him and yh after he beat Taker maybe in self defense. But next year at WM28 Cena could say that he knows hes the face of WWE and he wants to prove he is the greatest ever by beating Undertakers streak. And everybody says that Cena HAS TO GO HEEL if they fued. HE DOSNT! Look at Taker vs HBK for WM25. HBK came out every week and beat the crap out of Taker because he was going heel for a while until the match itself. But the fans were so hyped about 2 of the biggest names ever facing off at the silver stage of WM they decided to ignore all of HBKs heel promos and attacks. Cena just needs to say that this is a match to decide who is the greatest he dosn't need to attack taker he can just stand up to him like HBK. but heres what i think.

Taker vs Cena at WM28 for the WWE Title. They have an epic match in the making to big names building up on their own brands and now finally realising that if they beat another then they are actually awesome. They face off with Taker winning. now yh oh man taker look shit with WWE Title. But then to end his legendary career he does his bow with the WWE title and the lights go out. When they come back on all we see is the WWE Title in the centre of the ring and the words echo R.I.P 20-0 and so ends the legendary undertaker... :(
for a john cena heel turn at summerslam would have to go like this. say nexus takes out edge, chris jericho, r-truth, JMO. and maybe hart. you prly got cena, miz, left in the match maybre against 5 nexus members and cena basicall says fuck it and takes miz out. bam miz turn and john cena turn. what a fued between them 2 that would be.

Already been done, & Miz Turning Face, God No, His Heel character is great, For him to turn face so would Alex Riley, for no reason other than his mentor turned? And why would Cena Just say "Fuck It"? Your idea makes next to no sense, and I would love it if you actually explained your idea, It Could be a good one. :)
On a different topic, I don't think 'Taker will stick around 'till WM28, I think He'll dissapaer after WM27 then come back a few times throughout the year.

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