Undertaker and Summerslam.


Dark Match Winner
Ok so as we seen tonight undertaker has returned to try and get revenge on kane but ended up getting tombstoned. now i thought this was a very good segment. But during the segment i notice something. This is the thrid year in a row Taker has returned at summerslam.

2008 against edge in Hell In A Cell after Vickie hired him back after losing to edge in the tlc match.

2009 he returned chokeslamming CM Punk, returning from injuries from wrestlemania.

2010. He returned trying to get revenge on Kane but got tombstoned.

Has anyone else noticed this? will he return next year? Hell in 2007 HHH return so maybe it will be another star to return lol.

And did anyone else think the undertaker looked a lot different.

By the way this is my first thread so dont be to hard on me im used to making videos on youtube about wrestling but my account got suspended so i figured ill try this out.
He's been taking a hiatus after every WrestleMania to rest up.
He's pretty banged up after years in the ring so that explains that!
Ok so as we seen tonight undertaker has returned to try and get revenge on kane but ended up getting tombstoned. now i thought this was a very good segment. But during the segment i notice something. This is the thrid year in a row Taker has returned at summerslam.

2008 against edge in Hell In A Cell after Vickie hired him back after losing to edge in the tlc match.

2009 he returned chokeslamming CM Punk, returning from injuries from wrestlemania.

2010. He returned trying to get revenge on Kane but got tombstoned.

Has anyone else noticed this? will he return next year? Hell in 2007 HHH return so maybe it will be another star to return lol.

And did anyone else think the undertaker looked a lot different.

By the way this is my first thread so dont be to hard on me im used to making videos on youtube about wrestling but my account got suspended so i figured ill try this out.

You forgot his return from injury at Unforgiven in 2007 when he took on and defeated Mark Henry in his returning match, taking revenge for Henry "injuring" him months before and Survivor Series 2005 after he was gone for a few months after his loss to Randy and Cowboy Bob Orton at No Mercy and in 2006 when he put over Khali, disappeared for 2 months and then came back to fight int he first ever Punjabi Prison match. The Undertaker always takes time off in some way shape or form and makes a grand return, its just what he does and the crowd will always love mark the fuck out for it. Taker's getting older so naturally he'll be taking off as much time as he can so that he won't get injured as much as he did a few years ago and so that he can keep going and entertaining the fans. Every year I think Taker's returns can't get any better and somehow he finds a way to surprise me.
Despite whatever physical maladies, he also was scripted to not had been in the best of shape given he just reappeared after being in basically a coma.... I'd chalk it up to the Undertaker giving a nod to Kane allowing him to still have his moment and be strong while revealing the Spectre of the Undertakers forthcoming vengance.
well taker was suppose to be working since money in the bank but he ended up being injured in the match with rey. also rey was suppose to get the rest instead of taker
Yet another thing that didn't make sense.

Rey is the one that actually put the Undertaker out, Not Kane! Why go the predictable way and have it be Kane? Inject some god damn realism and say it was Rey. WWE writers fail at making sense.
I don't care about when he returns. I'm just happy that he returns at all. At this point in his career he could retire whenever he wants to, but the fact that he keeps coming back is the real reason that I respect him.
Well for one this return was different because he did come back way earlier but got injured in a match between Mysterio.

And for him looking different, not really, you could tell The Undertaker was 'selling' the fact that he'd been in that vegetative state for a long while. To me it looked like he was purposely acting tired.
Yet another thing that didn't make sense.

Rey is the one that actually put the Undertaker out, Not Kane! Why go the predictable way and have it be Kane? Inject some god damn realism and say it was Rey. WWE writers fail at making sense.

While I agree having Rey be the one to take Undertaker out would "inject some realism and show that WWE wasn't hiding the fact that Rey legitimately put Undertaker out. I'm personally glad they went with Kane. Come on can you really say you'd want to sit through Rey vs. Undertaker? At least with Kane vs. Undertaker there presents a chance to be a decently contested match.

Rey vs Undertaker would provide zero entertainment.

Undertaker vs. Kane for another round is something the WWE Universe has been waiting for. A chance to give Kane a good push while allowing him to carry a gold belt around his waist. This feud could go for months on end now. Because neither man really needs to wrestle each other for the angle to continue. Look at it this way. You've got Kane who has been doing some damn fine interviews/promos on one end. You've got the Undertaker on the other end who is one of the best promo providers to me of all time. It provides a way for Kane to reestablish himself as a legitimate "monster" and it also provides Undertaker with potentially one last solid, well thought out feud. Because let's face it. This may be Undertakers last year in wrestling. I personally would love to see him going out as he came in. On top.
He always does, after WrestleMania, he takes time off healing up...and why not return at SummerSlam? Its a major ppv it feels like a good time to rest up..From Mania til SummerSlam, the ppv's are really anything special in terms of being major ppv's...After next years Mania expect him to either to the same or retire...and I also think HHH will start taking time off after Mania as well now!

Just thought i'd note this, Taker actually returned before Fatal 4 Way ppv, which means he wasn't planning to have a long break, but another injury occured so...
I am not sure i care for another Undertaker vs Kane fued where Kane turns on Taker. It's been done what.. three times now? That being said the only way I see this working is if Kane is the dominate guy in this feud. Constantly attacking Taker and even a CLEAN win in a match or so. I don't want the usual UT dominating Kane deal.
I don't care about when he returns. I'm just happy that he returns at all. At this point in his career he could retire whenever he wants to, but the fact that he keeps coming back is the real reason that I respect him.

I am the same way...and another thing I respect about him is that he doesn't say he's gonna retire, retires for a few months or years, then comes back to wrestle some more.
Undertaker is known to have always had spectacular returns. This return was definitely the worst ever in his career because he didn't dominate but was on the receiving end despite it being "his" return. With that being said, I don't mind it BECAUSE it was KANE who beat him. Its good that Taker is making Kane look good because for the last few years Kane was reduced to a jobber, even losing cleanly to nobodies like Mysterio and Kofi Kingston and who not. I can stand Kane beating down Taker as he did at Summerslam, I can't stand anyone else doing it ;-) but in a match, Kane can't get a clean victory against him. Hell, nobody can, because he's the dead-man and so you can't hurt him.
Its good that Taker is making Kane look good because for the last few years Kane was reduced to a jobber, even losing cleanly to nobodies like Mysterio and Kofi Kingston and who not.

I dont usually post much on this forum but i had to do for this one, how is mysterio a nobody? Hes arguably in the top 3 of the main eventers on smackdown and is a lot more over than kane and sells merchandise by the truck load. :wtf:
guys there is something up with wwe and TNA.

did u see the syfy promo of smackdown going there?

jack swagger was lifting JEFF HARDY if you look carefully.

theres something up with wwe and tna

You can probably expect at least a warning for this, if not an infraction, but that's up to the mods.

As for this Taker/Kane feud, its been done enough times, imho. Perhaps if it were not a forgone conclusion that Undertaker would ultimately win, things would be a bit interesting. I know that WWE has become less and less predictable as of late; however, Kane owning this rivalry just isn't going to happen. It didn't happen in 97 when he was WAY more dominant and built as near-indestructible, and it won't happen now. BUT, who's to say what happened at summerslam will even manifest itself into a new feud between the brothers of destruction? Perhaps this story is more complex than just what appears to be the obvious.
Undertaker has flat out been loyal to the WWE and busted his ass, so him taking time off after Wrestle Mania is fine by me! It doesn't bother me one bit. Undertaker's been busted up, Rey's hurt, Triple H is still out. These vets all need rest, but they can't all go at the same time just like that. Hopefully this means Undertaker is back for now and Rey is going to get his knees taken care of or something.

Undertaker played his part great last night and it's great to see Kane look so dominant and powerful. This feud could very well be the best chapter in their rivalry.
Please, Lord, don't tell me we're going to have Taker/Kane...again!! Enough is enough. They need to freshen this up. I still love the potential idea of The Nexus being the attackers and acting on the orders of Cena or HHH setting up a match between Taker and Cena or HHH at either Royal Rumble or Mania next year. Taker and Kane...this ship has sailed. Leave it alone.
The only way this works is if Kane goes back to the Mask... I can see that being a way to freshen the feud up... if it's WM27 for the final battle, I am sure Kane will re-don the mask... I can see Taker's "vengence" involving finally disfiguring Kane...

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