UnderRated or OverRated - LAX vs. Styles/Daniels, No Surrunder 2006

LAX vs. Staniels - underrated or overrated?

  • Overrated! Not as good as people say.

  • Underrated! Better than people say.

  • Correctly rated! The people say it how they see it.

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Looks like it's my turn to suggest a match for you to suggest if it's underrated or overrated. However, I'll be putting a twist on this regular old school thread; the match itself isn't really old school at all. I made this decision when realising that my old school knowledge was poor and, due to my poor memory, I can hardly remember the context of a match unless it's about two years old and I have the Wikipedia page to reference. So I decided to work to my strengths and give you a - as IC calls it - "Nu Skool" TNA match.

IC posted one of his all-time favourite matches this week, so I'll give you one of mine. I actually prefer these four's cage match at Bound For Glory more but passed it over for two main reasons: 1) I couldn't find any videos of the full match and 2) this match receives more praise and recognition, so is more suited to the purpose of the thread. It's actually difficult for me to decide if this gem is underrated or overrated. It's good; I think that's undeniable. Some people's claims seem to be exaggerate though, particularly when claiming it's better than this or that match. I mean, this match won TNA MOTY in 2006 (as voted for by fans, I believe), despite 2006 being stacked with great matches, particularly in the tag division.

As for a little context, I'm sure you're fairly familiar but I'll refresh your memory anyway. LAX, the fantastic team of Homicide and (Sam's pick for best "big man" in the business) Hernandez had recently claimed their first (I know, it's hard to believe) set of tag titles in TNA during a Border Brawl on iMPACT!. To give AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, then pretty much the hottest tag team in da world, a fair chance at winning back the titles they made it a match which the two helped to introduce into the world - an Ultimate X match. What followed was a show of sheer athleticism, even in Hernandez's case. Spots and bumps aplenty, you can see how this match gets the adrenaline going. The high point really is the finish, which I won't spoil in case you haven't seen it.


So, overrated or underrated?
Vastly Underrated. This match was simply amazing. Homicide in my opinion really brought his A game. Christopher Daniels and A.J. Styles always bring their A game. That leaves the wild card Hernandez. He proved to me in this match that he could flat out go. For such a big man to be put in a little man's match, he amazed the fuck out of me. Everything just seemed to flow so well in this match. I'd probably put it in my top ten favorite TNA matches of all time.

Styles and Daniels were the hottest tag team in the world at this point and rightfully so. This match made them gods if you ask me. LAX were vastly underrated by me at this time but they showed that they were worthy of competing. This match put them on the map.
The is underrated. I normally don't say this but this is definitely underrated. The most interesting element of this match is where all fours careers went after this match. With LAX after this feud ended had one with 3D which essentially was meant to give 3D the belts and buried LAX for about 15 months and only recently you can see their push reemerging, but without the Hector Guerrero element I doubt it would be happening so you can see what TNA seems to think of one of the best teams. Also and interesting point is after going to an indy show LAX was at, Homicide has some insanely good mic skills and they really dont need a mouthpiece what so ever. As for AJ after his breaking from Styles he got to be a lacky for a year and a half and his talents were supressed for storyline purposes. While Daniels has been a mess since him and AJ were split. I mean you had the attempted reformation of him, Skipper and Low Ki, that failed miserably. His feud with Sting failed miserably, and finally everytime I see Curry man a part of me feels hurt cause Chris needs to be doing with more substance.

This match is underrated and more so for what has to be seen as the highlight of these four mens careers for a long stretch untill recently for 3 and definitely for the 4th.

Chris Daniels is hot, spicy and simply a jobber
LAX is underrated. LAX reminds me of the Hart Foundation (the first version with Bret and the Anvil). A big power guy, and a quick, technical guy with polish. TNA should book them like the old WWF booked the Hart Foundation. On the other side, Homicide (with a name change or under his real name) can be a break out star soon. Homicide is one of the three Icons of ROH. CM Punk, Samoa Joe and Homicide were ROH and look at where Punk and Joe are now. On top of the wrestling world. Give Homicide an Eddie Guerrero-type push and watch him become a big time money maker.

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