Ulysses S. Adams (USA)

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Wrestler's Real Name: Ulysses S. Adams
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: USA
Wrestlers Nickname: The Only Superpower
Height:6' 4
Weight: 257
Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX
Billed From: The Purple Mountains Majesty
-----------Hair color/length: Dark Brown, faded, 2 on the sides, trimmed up on top
-----------Eye color: Green
-----------Facial Hair: Scruffy beard, somewhere between five o'clock shadow and a beard
-----------Ring Attire: shoes are red on the outside of the foot, blue on the inside, with thick laces, kneepads similar to captain america's shield, long MMA shorts with red and white stripes and a blue band at knee level about an inch and a half high - blue with white stars
-----------Backstage Attire: jeans and my merchandise
-----------Physical Features: large arms, defined calves, large scar on right tricep, happened on 9/11 as a beam fell on me after the crash. i was in the building picking up my little brother to go to the doctor from my mom, who was killed on the 85th floor.
-----------Tattoos: never forget on my right forearm, let's roll on my left forearm both in old english and vertical orientation
Alignment(Face, Tweener, Heel): uberface
Gimmick: love everything about America and will fight to defend it, former marine, sent home from Afghanistan for roughing up al quaeda operatives i single handedly captured torturing a family that had an American flag in their home.
Strength/Weakness: stregnths: resilience, aggressiveness, ring smarts weaknesses: controlling temper, xenophobia, too concerned with protecting others (Sting disease)
Trained By: Shawn Michaels
Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History:large scar on right tricep, happened on 9/11 as a beam fell on me after the crash. i was in the building picking up my little brother to go to the doctor from my mom, who was killed on the 85th floor. former marine, sent home from Afghanistan for roughing up al quaeda operatives i single handedly captured torturing a family that had an American flag in their home. Now I feel a need to protect those I love. Sometimes, that need gets in the way of my self-preservation. Furthermore, I am a loner, and only let tag team partners who will inevitably turn on me and blonde divas close
Title History: Rookie
Entrance Music: The beginning of the Rocky Theme Jimmy Hendrix National Anthem
Entrance description: American Flag waving on the Titan tron, as the Rocky Theme ends, a shower of sparks a la previous Orton rains down as the guitar starts, I walk out three seconds into Hendrix and turn and salute the Titan Tron with the flag. A picture of me comes up saluting back and I turn and preen for the crowd, high fiving and pumping my arms. The Titan tron shows me slamming people and posing for something similar to those Raw commercials with the black backgrounds. Halfway down the ramp, I drop and do military style pushups, three of them, and they are on cue with pyro on stage, on the first pushup, a red rocket goes up from each side of the stage, white on the second pushup and blue on the third. I enter the ring and salute in each corner.
Finishers: Jackhammer-like move called the Rocket's Red Glare, a sideways powerbomb where I pcik up the opponent like the Razor's edge and then fall sideways, spiking my opponent as I fall. This move will be called Bombs Bursting in Air
15 Most used moves:
1. Running Power Slam
2. Fall Away Slam
3. Bunker BusterSit down Powerbomb
4. Patriot MissileImpaler DDT
5. Samoan Drop
6. Second Rope Lariat
7. Atomic Drop
8. Sit Down Face Buster
9. Suicide Dive to the outside
10. Old Glory Inverted Twist of Fate
11. Swinging Neckbreaker
12. Tornado DDT on stunned corner opponent
13. Mudhole in corner
14. Catapult into corner
15. Boston Crab
Sample RP: Lovker Room segment with the Grish:

TG: USA, you've certainly made a splash with your build up, but as we await your first match, how are you feeling?

USA: Well, Grish, when I was fighting for the freedom of this country, I realized two things. The first is that one Marine is worth 20 terrorists, and secondly, what makes this country great is that other nations don't have the stomachs for conflict, they shrink away from the pressure. We attack head on, never folding, always standing tall. Those other nations are represented by by many of the superstars here in WZCW. I am here to rid the WZCW of the cowards, of the cheaters, and of those who look to control by fear.

TG: Those are strong words, who do you have in mind?

USA: It doesn't matter who they put in front of me. (Grabs mic and moves Grish away)

If tonight I face Hogan and tomorrow Andre or if next week I fight Ric Flair's ghost, the only thing to whoo about will be the red white and blue. I am coming at the WZCW with the full force and strength of the mightiest fighting force the world has ever seen. Those who terrorize one's who choose to fight the fair fight, or attack those that cannot fight them have a shield. There is a new doctrine in WZCW. The Adams doctrine says, "Do me wrong, and Old Glory is gonna get run up your ass." (Throws down mic)

(Encounters Cowan in the hallway)

COWAN: That won't fly around here Apollo

USA: I don't remember asking you. But now that you're here, I remember seeing you attack one of the ladies around here when she tried to stop you from hurting her client. That won't fly with me. Why don't we go to the ring and I can show you what it feels like to get hit with a bunker buster?
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