Ultimate Warrior matches that were supposed to happen

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Macho Maniacs (Randy Savage & Ultimate Warrior) vs. Ric Flair & Razor Ramon - Survivor Series 92

Shawn Michaels vs. Ultimate Warrior for the WWF Championship - KOTR or Summerslam 96

The Warrior was penciled to have these two matches but then he got released before they could happen. Which out of the two would you like to have seen happen?

I don't know if it was King Of The Ring 96 or Summerslam 96 where he was supposed to face Shawn for the WWF Championship but I believe it might've been Summerslam since he was set to team with Shawn & Ahmed Johnson to take on Owen, Bulldog & Vader at In Your House: International Incident.
If Warrior was supposed to go against HBK I would guess it would have been Survivor Series. KOTR was a continuation of the Bulldog feud after the controversial finish at Beware of Dog. SummerSlam was clearly set up for HBK vs. Vader. I'm not heartbroken about missing either of the matches but I would be curious to see how Michaels would have done with Warrior.
He would've been seriously injured, is what would've happened.
Warrior was always a loose cannon, and HBK wasn't exactly a big beefy guy.
He would've been seriously injured, is what would've happened.
Warrior was always a loose cannon, and HBK wasn't exactly a big beefy guy.

...what? When has Warrior ever seriously injured an opponent? The answer to that would be never. And if he has that I'm unaware of, it was surely an accident.

No matter how big of an asshole HBK was back then, he and Warrior both would have taken care of each other in the ring and gave the fans a decent match. Warrior by then wasn't anywhere near as good as he was in 1990/1991, but regardless... HBK in 1995/1996 could have gotten a good match out of ANYONE

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