
The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
Let me out or ban me. I'm not playing any games with you, I'm not bending to anyones will. Either let me out and I will do exactly what you want, or ban me and get it over with. This is like a sick fucking game and I am the pawn. I am not doing it anymore. Let me out, and you have my word I will do things your way, or end it. I am not going to sit in here talking to myself 99% of the time to try and prove something. You want me to prove something, give me a real opportunity to do it and I will, but I'm not playing anymore of your games period.
Excuse me, Ultimatum. I made a type. See I can't even edit posts because I am in here and not even that is allowed.
If you make no attempt to improve by driving discussion in here, then why would you be let out.

And if you want to be bant so much, why bother posting at all?

I don't care but I saw your spelling error and laughed. But I notice how you turned back Doc's advice earlier and that's silly in my eyes.
I just want out, I am asking literally nothing of anyone but to let me out of here. Give me that chance and I will make sure you don't regret it, but either way I am done with this, here in the prison.
Post a thread that doesn't suck and I'll happiy post in it to help you get out. Threads like these however put your chances of getting out at .5%
Threads like these however put your chances of getting out at .5%

trying to pander to people isn't going to do me any good, it hasn't thus far and it won't in the future. That's not what I am about.

Honestly, I don't want to be banned, but I refuse to keep this shit up any longer and play this game with them. Either let me out and I will do what you demand, or quit fucking with me and get it over with.
Can't have both. Prove yourself and it will happen. And you must need advice, because I do not see you as a good poster.

I don;t care what you think, I don't care what the mods think, I don't care what anyone thinks. I just want out of here, so I can do what it is I like to do, and that is post on topics, give my view, help further topics, and debate here and there.
And it's exactly why he will. You probably just doubled your time in here

No, no double time none of it. Either let me out like I asked, and I will do things your way, or ban me and get it over with because I am not playing anymore of your games here.
you do realize everytim eyou post in this thead your chances of gttting out are moving closer to 0% right? go start another thread and people will post in it, not a lot but it will move your chances of getting out up instead of down.
Rage, you know what there going to do with demands like this.

I frankly don't care. This is what it is. Either let me out, or ban me. I am not playing anymore games with you people. I am not going through your virtual rehab. I'm not doing any of it. I'm not breaking, but I am willing to bend. No one is going to force anything on me, no one is making me do anything. Either end it, or let me out. I have no more time for these games.
I'm, not trying to talk down to you, just trying to be your friend and give advice as you have done for me plenty of times. i don't want you to take this the wrong way but you can't just go and demand things, i would have sent a private message to one of the mods and explain this to them in a more private matter and ask them that way.
No one is making you do anything.

And you're not going to make US do anything. Either take my advice, or get the fuck off of this forum. You asked advice on how to get out. I gave it to you. You argued with me. That's ridiculous.

I'm a nice guy. I may be very annoying at times, but I'm nice. I wanted to help you. But you are too proud and stupid to realize that the way you could have gotten out is by just taking my advice.

No one is asking you to change your personality. You just have to conform to societal norms, like everyone in this world does.
I don't get the whole "or ban me" if they won't ban you, and won't let you out, what then? you're just gonna leave?

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