UIW- Ultimate International Wrestling


The Arrogant Assasin
UIW is a new concept in wrestling. There will be 5 regions in the federation- Canada, USA, Mexico, Japan and UK. There will be a world title for each region, along with a tag team title and cruiserweight title for each region. At every ppv, and only on ppv, the world title, world tag team title and world cruiserweight title will be defended. To challenge for any of these world titles, you must already be a regional champion.

The promotion will be semi-realistic; only living wrestlers will be in it, and ones that are in good enough shape to compete. But anyone can be in it, like The Rock and such.


The Rock
Steve Austin
Brock Lesnar
John Cena
John Morrison

Shawn Michaels
Kurt Angle
Brother Ray
Brother Devon

Tag Teams-
Attitude(Steve Austin and The Rock)
The Next Big Things(John Morrison and Brock Lesnar)
DX(Shawn Michaels and HHH)
Team 3D(Brothers Ray and Devon)

Petey Williams
Eric Young
TJ Wilson(Managed by Nattie Neidhart)

Tyson Dux
Robert Roode
Teddy Hart
Johnny Devine
Chris Jericho

Tag Teams-
Edge and Christian
Team Canada(EY and Petey Williams)
Aerial Arrogance(Teddy Hart and Johnny Devine)

Rey Mysterio
Super Crazy
Juventud Guerrera

Dr. Wagner Jr.
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
La Parka
Rey Bucanero
Silver King

Tag Teams-
Mexicools(Super Crazy and Psicosis)
Rey Mysterio and Juventud Guerrera
Dr. Wagner Jr. and Silver King

Hiroshi Tanahashi
Naruki Doi
Masato Yoshino
Jushin "Thunder" Liger
Yuji Nagata

Keiji Mutoh
Masahira Chono
Hiryoshi Tenzan
Shinsuke Nakamura

Tag Teams-
Speed Muscle(Yoshino and Doi)
Hiryoshi Tenzan and Masahira Chono
Tanahashi and Nagata

Rob Terry
Leroy Kincaid

William Regal
Brutus Magnus
Doug Williams
Fit Finlay
Paul Burchill
Desmond Wolfe

Tag Teams-
The Blue Bloods(Fit Finlay and William Regal)
The British Invasion(Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams)
Travis and Hakan

Jim Ross- Commentator
Joey Styles- Commentator
Eric Bischoff- US GM
Bret Hart- Canada GM
Antonio Inoki- Japan GM
Konnan- Mexico GM
Max Crabtree- UK GM
Hulk Hogan-Worldwide GM

UIW Worldwide(Every Monday, shown worldwide)

UIW Beginnings(Normal PPV)- Jan
UIW Valentines Victory(Normal PPV)- Feb
UIW March Massacre(Normal PPV)- Mar
UIW Easter Elimination(Survivor Series Style PPV)- Apr
UIW Mayday(Normal PPV)- May
UIW Olympics(PPV based on olympics)- Jun
UIW Jacked July(KOTR Style PPV)- Jul
UIW August Assaults(Normal PPV)- Aug
UIW Slamapalooza(Flagship PPV)- Sep
UIW Halloween Heights(Normal PPV)-Oct
UIW November Nights(Normal PPV)- Nov
UIW Christmas Crashes(Hardcore PPV)- Dec

4 weeks to Valentines Victory

Hulk Hogan Promo
Hulk Hogan comes out and announces that within 3 weeks every champion will be crowned, starting with the tag team champions this week.

Mexicools vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. and Silver King
Mexican Tag Titles
The match is very fast paced and highflying. The finish comes when Psicosis takes Dr. Wagner Jr. out on the outside, and Super Crazy hits Silver King with the moonsault for 3.

Speed Muscle vs Tenzan and Chono
Japan Tag Titles
Another fast paced match to warm the crowd up, with Naruki Doi hitting a springboard 450 to the outside at one point. The finish comes when Chono locks Doi in the FTS and he taps out.

Edge and Christian interview
Edge and Christian trash talk Aerial Arrogance, talking about how it will be a walkover. That match is up next.

Edge and Christian vs Aerial Arrogance
Canadian Tag Titles
Aerial Arrogance's offence consists mainly of high risk moves, and Edge and Christian break out a bit of aerial offence themselves. The finish comes when Edge spears Johnny Devine off the apron, then Christian goes for the Killswitch on Teddy Hart, only to have it reversed into a rollup for 3!

Aerial Arrogance interview
Aerial Arrogance celebrate their win, saying people considered them the underdogs, but they proved those idiots wrong.

The British Invasion vs The Blue Bloods vs Travis and Hakan
Elimination Tag
UK Tag Titles
The match is a very technical affair, with Travis and Hakan eliminated first after a spinebuster-european uppercut combo from The British Invasion. The finish comes when Doug Williams hits the Chaos Theory on Regal for 3.

DX vs Attitude
US Tag Titles
In an absolutely massive match, between two massive teams, DX get the win with Shawn Michaels hitting Sweet Chin Music on The Rock for 3.

DX Interview
DX explain that none of the other 4 teams in the main event battle royale have a chance of eliminating both of them, and they will destroy them all.

10-man battle royale for World Tag Team Titles
The first two wrestlers out are Doug Williams and Masahiro Chono, who put on a technical affair before Brutus Magnus comes out to give The British Invasion the advanage. They soon eliminate Chono with Magnus hitting Tormentum over the top rope.
The next wrestler out is Teddy Hart, who gets beaten down by The British Invasion, and eliminated quickly and systematically. Next out is Triple H, who's a house on fire, hitting spinebusters on both of The British Invasion, and eliminating Brutus Magnus. Hiryoshi Tenzan is out next, who squares off with HHH, to come out on the losing end after a pedigree and toss. Psicosis is out next, only to be clotheslined out straight away by Doug Williams. Doug Williams brawls with HHH, and has Chaos Theory reversed at the last second. Super Crazy comes out, and him and Doug Williams begin brawling. After a while, they decide to team up on HHH, and after a chaos theory he is eliminated. The last entry is Shawn Michaels, who comes in and eliminates Super Crazy and Doug Williams with in minutes to become World Tag Team Champion.

The show closes with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff handing the titles to HHH and Shawn Michaels, and they lift them to the air as it closes.

Next week, the World Cruiserweight Champion is crowned!
UIW Worldwide- Episode 2
3 weeks to Valentine's Victory

Eric Young Interview
Eric Young says tonight he will take on all opposition, even his own partner in the Canadian Cruiserweight Championship match. He says he will show no remorse for anyone, and walk out winner.

Teddy Hart vs Petey Williams vs Eric Young vs TJ Wilson
Canadian Cruiserweight Title
The finish comes after Eric Young and Teddy Hart are left in the ring. Eric Young hits the DVD, only for Petey Williams to springboard in with a missile dropkick on Eric, then hit the Canadian Destroyer on Hart for the win.

Jushin Liger vs Yoshihiro Tajiri
Japan Cruiserweight Title
The finish comes when Tajiri goes to spit the green mist into Liger's face, but Liger ducks and nails the Brain Buster on Tajiri for the 1,2,3.

British Invasion interview
The British Invasion say that tonight, Doug Williams will win the British Cruiserweight Championship, as well as the World Cruiserweight Championship, to add to their British Tag Titles.

Doug Williams vs PAC
British Cruiserweight Championship
The match is an interesting one, with PAC hitting aerial moves while Williams tries to ground him. The finish comes when Williams goes for the Chaos Theory, but PAC grabs the top rope, jumps up and hits a Shooting Star DDT on Williams for the win.

Rey Mysterio vs Mistico
Mexican Cruiserweight Championship
The match is very, very fast paced, with the crowd barely able to keep track of each move. In the end, Rey Mysterio manages to reverse a La Mistica attempt into a 619 position, and hits it along with a West Coast Pop for the win.

John Morrison Interview
Morrison says many people compare him to Michaels, but tonight he proves he is above Michaels, because while Michaels cheats to win, he'll beat him fair and square.

John Morrison vs Shawn Michaels
United States Cruiserweight Championship
A magnificent, four star match that lasts a good 20 minutes, with Michaels picking up the win, after superkicking Morrison with a belt wrapped around his boot.

Shawn Michaels vs Rey Mysterio vs PAC vs Petey Williams vs Jushin Liger
Gauntlet For The Gold
World Cruiserweight Championship
First out are PAC and Jushin Liger, with PAC eliminating Liger after a Shooting Star Senton. Next out is Rey Mysterio, who eliminates PAC after a 619. The next entrant is Shawn Michaels, who puts on a classic with Rey, only to be eliminated by a quick rollup. The final entrant is Petey Williams, who manages to hit a quick Canadian Destroyer to score the upset win.

The show closes with Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart awarding Petey Williams the World Cruiserweight Title, and announcing that next week we will crown our very first Worldwide Champion!
UIW Worldwide- Episode 3
2 weeks to Valentines Victory

Hulk Hogan comes out and says, with the tag and cruiser titles they were able to cut down the rosters, but with the world title everyone is eligible. So they're gonna have a little tourney.
This week there will be five massive battle royals, then next week a triple threat and one on one matchup, picked at random. Then the winners of those matches will face each other for the world title at Valentines Victory.

UK Battle Royale
UK Championship
First out is Rob Terry and William Regal, which doesn't look good for Regal. After a bit of brawling, Terry does manage to eliminate William Regal, when the next entrant comes out, Travis. Travis climbs up to the top rope, goes for a cross body, but is caught and droped over the ropes. Next out is Hakan, who wisely slides underneath the bottom rope, and takes out Terry by the legs. Terry fights back though, and as he's beating on Hakan, out comes Fit Finlay. Finlay hits a clothesline on Terry, before tossing Hakan out. Terry and Finlay start brawling, as Doug Williams comes out. Williams and Finlay have a technical little brawl, before Williams hits the Chaos Theory. Williams starts attacking Rob Terry, as the next entrant comes out- Brutus Magnus. Williams and Magnus double team Terry, and eliminate him after a double clothesline over the top. They then do the same to Finlay, before PAC comes running out. PAC springboards in with a senton on both of the British Invasion, and starts hitting them with aerial offense. Next out is Paul Burchill, who gets taken down by PAC, and hurricanrana'd out of the match. The British Invasion finally manage to eliminate PAC, with a superkick german suplex, just as Desmond Wolfe makes his way down to the ring. He manages to fight off both the British Invasion, and eliminate them one by one, before grabbing the mic. He says that whoever is out next doesn't have a hope in hell of beating him, and he will advans all the way to Valentines Victory, and it will be his victory. Leroy Kincaid comes rushing down, and hits a Hernandez styles clothesline over the top rope from the apron. He starts beating the crap into Wolfe, but when he goes up top for the spiral tap, Wolfe pushes him over and celebrates with the British Championship.

Leroy Kincaid Interview
Leroy Kincaid says Wolfe got lucky, and Kincaid says he's coming for Wolfe.

Mexican Battle Royale
Mexican Championship
We start off with Mysterio and Chavo in the ring, rehashing their old rivalry. They put on some good technical wrestling, with a little aerial offense by Rey, before Chavo is eliminated by a dropkick to the back. Next out is Dr. Wagner Jr., whouses power moves to take down Mysterio, before Psicosis comes out. Psicosis hits some aerial attacks on Wagner, while Mysterio hits the 619 on him. Next out is Super Crazy, who joins in the 3 on 1 attack on Wagner, before Silver King comes out and cleans house. Silver King manages to eliminate both Psicosis and Super Crazy, while Wagner recovers and starts beating on Mysterio. La Parka is next out, and he comes with steel chair in tow, and beats on everyone in the match. He traps Mysterio's head in the chair, and stamps on it. Juventud Guerrera is next out, and he ducks a chair shot and beats on La Parka, and eliminates him. He then manages to toss Silver King out, before Rey Bucanero comes out. Bucanero climbs to the top rope straight away, and hits Castigo Bucanero on Wagner who is grounded. He then starts exchanging blows with Guerrera, as Mistico comes out, the final entrant. Mistico and Mysterio exchange blows, but Mistico gets the upperhand and tosses Rey Rey out. just as he does this Wagner comes up behind and lifts Mistico out of the ring, then as they are struggling on the rop rope, throws Juventud Guerrera and Rey Bucanero out to become Mexican Champion.

We go backstage for an interview with Jushin "Thunder" Liger, but he is attacked by Tajiri. Soon enough, the whole Japanese Roster is involved in a backstage brawl, but Mutoh runs in with a barbwire baseball bat, and takes everyone out, and he stands tall while they lie in a bloody mess.

Japanese Battle Royale
Japanese Championship
Keiji Mutoh comes out, and it is announced that none of the other competitors could make it, therefore Mutoh wins by forfeit, and is awarded the Japanese Title.

Interview with Edge and Christian
They say it will be one of them walking out Candian Champion tonight, and may the best man win.

Canadian Battle Royale
First out are Eric Young and Robert Roode, who exchange holds for a while. Teddy Hart is next out, and he hits a 450 on the two of them while Roode is applying a chinlock. Hart tosses Young, and begins exchanging blows with Roode. Edge is next out, and he cleans house with clotheslines, before Christian comes out. Edge and Christian grab Teddy Hart, tossing him out of the ring. With Roode lyuing in the corner, Edge and Christian square off, and begin exchanging blows. Soon enough TJ Wilson makes his way down, and springboards onto Christian, but as soon as Christian is down, Wilson eats a spear from Edge, and gets tossed out. Jericho is out next, and he squares off with Edge, but suddenly gets hti by a killswitch from behind. Christian lifts him up, and goes to throw him over the top, but Edge throws the two of them out, and turns his attentions to Roode, hitting a spear on him. Next out is Tyson Dux, who gets hit by a series of clotheslines from Edge, before getting tossed just as Johnny Devine runs out. Devine manages to get the upperhand on Edge, hitting a DDT and a Spinebuster, but Roode grabs him and hits a payoff to the outside to eliminate Devine. Petey Williams is next out, who quickly hits a canadian destroyer on Edge, allowing him and Roode to eliminate Edge. This leaves Williams and Roode, who last a good 6 minutes in the ring, before Williams goes for a missile dropkick and gets knocked off the top by Roode, who wins the Canadian Championship.

USA Battle Royale
US Championship
First out are Brother Ray and Brother Devon, who instead of wrestling, choose to just relax in the corners until the next entrant comes out. It turns out to be Triple H, who runs in and hits spinebusters on the both of them. Triple H tosses Devon, but as he does this, gets hit by a Bubba bomb from behind. Next out is Lesnar, who beats on Ray and throws him out, before the gong sounds and Undertaker appears in the middle of the ring. Lesnar and Taker exchange blows, but as they fight near the ropes, HHH runs over and clotheslines them both over simultaneously. Next out is John Morrison, who jumps in and hits a chuck kick on HHH, and starts hitting him with aerial moves before Kurt Angle comes out and starts suplexing John Morrison to death. Angle finally decides to olympic slam Morrison out of the ring, and as he does this out comes Michaels, to hit the superkick on Angle. DX then begin to double team Kurt, before Kurt manages to back body drop HHH out of the ring. The glass shatters and Austin is next out, and starts stomping a mudhole in Michaels, before The Rock comes out and lays into Kurt Angle. Soon enough The Rock tosses Angle, and Austin thinks he's tossed Michaels, but Michaels skins the cat, and hits asuperkick on The Rock, who goes flying over the top rope. Austin and Michaels are left, and go for a good 12 mins, before Michaels hits a third SCM on Austin and throws him out of the ring, to become US Champion.

The Draw
Hulk Hogan comes out, and reveals that next week we will see Desmond Wolfe vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Keiji Mutoh in our opening match, and in our main event Shawn Michaels vs. Robert Roode, to decide the main event of Valentines Victory! On top of that we will see Rey Mysterio defend his Mexican Cruiserweight Title against Mistico, with the winner being no.1 contender to the World Cruiserweight Title, while Aerial Arrogance take on The Mexicools to decide the No.1 Contenders to the World Tag Titles. Be sure to tune in!
UIW Worldwide- Episode 4
Valentines Victory this Sunday!

Desmond Wolfe vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Keiji Mutoh
3-Way Dance
Winner advances to Valentines Victory World Title Match
A good technical match, with lots of three person submissions and clever spots. Dr. Wagner Jr. is eliminated first after a tower of london from Wolfe, then after a good technical battle between the two, Mutoh eliminates Wolfe after spitting the green mist in his eyes, to advance to Valentines Victory

Petey Williams Interview
Petey says as World Cruiserweight Champion, he is the greatest cruiserweight in this company, and whether he faces Mistico or Mysterio at Kingdom Come, he will still destroy them. He also says, tonight him and EY, Team Canada will destroy Team 3D.

Team Canada(EY and Petey Williams) vs. Team 3D(Brothers Ray and Devon)
A good all out brawl, with EY getting some good offence in. The finish comes when Petey goes for the Canadian Destroyer on Devon, only to be dumped over the ropes, then with Eric Young to themselves, Team 3D hit the 3D for the three count.

Mistico vs. Rey Mysterio
Mexican Cruiserweight Title
A great high flying match, where Mysterio hits the 619 to win it. Afterwards, the two shake hands, only for La Parka to run in and nail both of them with steel chairs, and stand tall.

Mistico Interview
Mistico says La Parka ruined an honourable moment, and since Rey already has a match at Valentines Victory, La Parka can face off with him.

Aerial Arrogance(Teddy Hart and Johnny Devine) vs. The Mexicools(Super Crazy and Psicosis)
Candian Tag Champions vs. Mexican Tag Champions
No.1 Contendership to World Tag Titles
An entertaining little spot fest, where Aerial Arrogance get the win after a moonsault from Devine.

Leroy Kincaid Interview
Kincaid said he was coming for Wolfe last week, and if he wins his match next, then Max Crabtree said he would give him a British Championship match at Valentines Victory

Leroy Kincaid vs. Paul Burchill
A nice little brawl that goes to the outside. The finish comes when Burchill goes for a superplex, only to be pushed off and hit with a spiral tap for the 3 count.

Speed Muscle(Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi) vs. Tanahashi and Nagata
No.1 Contendership to Japanese Tag titles
A nice little strong style match, with Yoshino hitting the muscular bomb for the win.

Shawn Michaels vs. Robert Roode
Winner advances to World Title match at Valentines Victory
A great little match, with the two's styles working really well together. In the end, the match goes to a time limit draw at 30 mins. Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart and Eric Bischoff come out, and decide that both of the competitors will be added to the World Title Match with Keiji Mutoh at Valentines Victory!

The commentators run down the card for Valentines Victory as the show comes to a close-
Shawn Michaels vs. Robert Roode vs. Keiji Mutoh
Degeneration X (c) vs. Aerial Arrogance
Petey Williams (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
Desmond Wolfe (c) vs. Leroy Kincaid
Hiryoshi Tenzan and Masa Chono (c) vs. Speed Muscle
Mistico vs. La Parka (Just announced to be no disqualification!)

Will Michaels be able to pull off doing double duty, and come out with both world titles in tact? Will Petey Williams' youth and drive be able to overcome Mysterios experience? For the answers to all these questions and many more, tune in to Valentines Victory!
Valentines Victory

Mistico vs. La Parka
Grudge Match
No Disqualification
A hard hitting amtch, with the steel chair predominantly used. The finish comes with Mistico hitting RVD's old Van Terminator, Coast to Coast style move for 3.

Hiryoshi Tenzan and Masahiro Chono (c) vs. Speed Muscle
Japanese Tag Team Championships
A very hard hitting match, with Hiryoshi Tenzan going crazy on Speed Muscle at the end, decking them both with steel chairs to give them the DQ win.

Desmond Wolfe (c) vs. Leroy Kincaid
British Championship
A nice little match, starting with Wolfe working Kincaids arm in the ring, before spilling to the outside in a brawl. The finish comes when Kincaide misses the spiral tap, landing on his arm, before tapping to an armbar to give Wolfe the submission win.

Rey Mysterio interview
Rey says he's been the underdog before, and he's taken out opponents much bigger and stronger than him, so against an opponent the same size as him, he should pull off the win easily.

Petey Williams (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
World Cruiserweight Championship
A good, high flying match, that ends in a 20 minute time limit draw. The two shake hands at the end of the contest.

Shawn Michaels interview
Shawn Michaels says he now has two matches in a row, and he's expected to win both of them. He says he always lives up to expectations, even when the crowd are against him.

Degeneration X (c) vs. Aerial Arrogance
World Tag Team Championships
A decent match, with Triple H and Devine working well together, as well as Michaels and Hart working well together. The finish comes when Michaels and HHH hit the SCM/Pedigree combo on Johnny Devine for the 1,2,3.

Robert Roode interview
Roode says Michaels has completed step 1 of his plan, retaining the tag titles, but Roode will use every trick in the book to win the title, and stop his plan.

Robert Roode vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Keiji Mutoh
Elimination Match
World Championship
The match is a good little brawl, that spills to the outside quite quickly. Before they know it, all the contestants have been counted out.

Hulk Hogan comes out to the stage, with Eric Bischoff in tow. Hogan says they will restart this match, but he feels there's no one in it the crowd can really get behind, they can really support. He says everyone in the fed has had their chance, so they're bringing in an American who never got a qualifying shot, who'll get to join the match now.
The contenders stand confused, when suddenly a gong sounds and the lights go out, and the crowd goes crazy. Before they know it, The Undertaker is in the middle of the ring, delivering punches to everyone as the bell sounds.

Robert Roode vs. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Keiji Mutoh
Elimination Match
World Championship
The first eliminated fromt he match is Keiji Mutoh, who gets hit by a chokeslam early on. Next out is Roode, when fellow Americans Michaels and Taker, hit him with a double chokeslam. This leaves it down to the old rivals Shawn and Taker, who stare each other down in the ring. They put on a classic as they always do, with multiple finishers hit. The finish comes with Taker hitting the tombstone on Michaels for the third time for three.

Valentines Victory closes with Tasker doing his usual pose with the world title.
UIW Worldwide- Episode 5
4 Weeks to March Massacre

Opening Promo
The Undertaker comes out, and says at Valentines Victory he won the World Title, and he won it for every fan in the arena that night, and every fan in the arena tonight. But before he can finish Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan come out. Bischoff says he may be the World Champion, but the rules of UIW clearly state you must be a regional champion to be a World Champion. Hulk Hogan says he will get a shot at Shawn Michaels tonight, with the US Title and World Titles on the line.

La Parka and Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Mistico and Rey Mysterio
The match goes along as you'd expect from these four, until while Mysterio has Wagnerin a cloverleaf submission, La Parka runs in and smacks him across the face with a Steel Chair, then starts beating the face team down.

Rey Mysterio Interview
Mysterio says La Parka's been going around destroying him and Mistico with steel chairs, and obviously his loss to Mistico's taught him nothing about messing with the two of them, so Mysterio proposes a match, one on one for the Mexican Cruiserweight Championship, No Disqualification.

Keiji Mutoh (c) vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger
Japanese Championship
The two put on a high-flying, hard hitting affair, with the match spilling out to the outside for the double countout, with Mutoh getting busted open in the process. As Liger leaves, he makes title motions to Mutoh.

Leroy Kincaid Interview
Kincaid says at Valentines Victory he lost fair and square to Wolfe, and he's going to have to prove himself to get another shot, which he'll do tonight against William Regal.

Leroy Kincaid vs. William Regal
The two put on a good match, with Kincaid going up top for the spiral tap only to be caught with a superplex for three.

USA Promo
Eric Bischoff comes out with all the American wrestlers, and says next they have a Survivor Series Match with Canada. He says America have the World Champion and the World Tag Team Champions on their side, and while the World Champion is pre-occupied, he still has one half of the Tag Champions in the match, along with the future World Cruiserweight Champion John Morrison, a UFC Champion in Brock Lesnar, a Hall-of-famer in Stone Cold and a future Hall-of-Famer in The Rock, and they will tear Team Canada apart.

Canada vs. USA
5 vs. 5 Survivor Series Style Match
The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Stone Cold, John Morrison, Triple H
Robert Roode, Edge, Christian, Petey Williams, Teddy Hart

The match starts off with Teddy Hart getting eliminated, after trying to attack Edge and Christian, getting speared by Edge and then pinned by Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is soon out after The Payoff from Roode, and John Morrison meets the same fate. Christian gets eliminated after a pedigree from Triple H, and Edge gets eliminated after a double team move from Attitude. Petey Williams manages to score an upset pin over Triple H with a Canadian Destroyer, but soon gets pinned by a Rock Bottom. Roode is left alone, and manages to score a pin on The Rock after a high angle spinebuster, but goes out to Austin after a stunner.

Shawn Michaels Interview
Michaels says Taker vs. Shawn is a classic rivalry that has spanned decades, and tonight he gets the last laugh and wins what is rightfully his.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
World Title/US Title
The two put on a good 4 star match, but it doesnt seem to be the best they can do. Taker scores the win with a Tombstone off the second rope, to be declared the rightful champion.

Matches announced for March Madness-
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. La Parka- Mexican Cruiserweight Title- No DQ

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