UFC Fighters wanting to wrestle... Could this be the rebirth of the "Attitude" era

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
In recent weeks we have heard that Roy "Big Country" Nelson, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Shonie "Mr.International" Carter are expressing interest in the WWE as a future career choice. We are all aware of Lesnar/taker so I don't want to draw to much on that...but I do have several questions that I would love your opinions on:

1) Would Lesnar/Taker at mania help bring UFC fans back to WWE for more than just short term?

2) Is signing a former UFC name a good idea for Vince and co.?

3) Ken Shamrock and Dan Severn were part of the attitude era... Shamrock even had a skeptical incest angle... Do you think that bringing in these guys could signify a rebirth of the greatest era of wrestlings time?
I noticed that a lot of MMA guys have been saying they want in the WWE Royal Rumble or they wanna end the Undertaker's streak. There's been a lot of talk about some kind of MMA/WWE partnership. Here's the thing, Mixed Martial Arts is in, Wrestling is out. That's how it is now days. Everywhere you go you hear about "who's gonna win the fight tomorrow" not "who's the better wrestler". If the WWE were smart, they'd snatch up some UFC or MMA fighters to help draw in some older, adult viewers.

I think Undertaker/Brock Lesnar certainly stirred up something in both the wrestling and MMA worlds. Brock Lesnar is one of the top guys in the UFC. Maybe some of the other fighters saw this and they want to follow. I'm thinking if they have the match at Wrestlemaina we'll see partnership between the two, kind of like the Rock n' Wrestling connection back in the '80s. It would draw fans, but eventually wear off.

Like I said, its a great idea for Vince to sign a MMA fighter. Older viewers will be drawn into guys that they use to watch everyday in the UFC or other MMA Promotions. I think maybe a one time apperance would be likely like they used Floyd Mayweather at Wrestlemania 24.

Your last question, I don't believe if they invite a couple guys in, we'll see any kind of era. Maybe a storyline or two with a couple Superstars or even some kind of MMA invasion if they sign enough. MMA does exhibition matches between an MMA fighter and a boxer. I could see a Wrestler vs. MMA fighter sometime in the future. Who knows, maybe they aren't serious about joining WWE, but if they do, I don't see any kind of long term thing or even a Ken Shamrock-like stint.
1) Would Lesnar/Taker at mania help bring UFC fans back to WWE for more than just short term?

First and foremost, The Undertaker in a promotional match doesn't sound right to me. I don't mind Big Show doing it with "Money" Mayweather or that sumo wrestler, but we are talking about one of the biggest reasons to watch Wrestlemania. I'd rather have someone who is a credible WWE star take on The Streak then a mixed martial artist from another company.

It's not believable for me. BUT if say Lesnar did quit Ultimate Fighting and truly came back to the 'E as "The Next Big Thing" I wouldn't mind that one bit. However, he has stated numerous times he never wants to return for any reason, so this most likely will never happen.

2) Is signing a former UFC name a good idea for Vince and co.?

Absolutely. In fact, signing any martial artist that has garnished a reputation is a good thing. It's money and will put a few more asses in seats. Good business move if guy can sell like a professional wrestler.

3) Ken Shamrock and Dan Severn were part of the attitude era... Shamrock even had a skeptical incest angle... Do you think that bringing in these guys could signify a rebirth of the greatest era of wrestlings time?

Absolutely not. Brock Lesnar, perhaps the biggest name in UFC right now, wasn't wrestling in The Attitude Era. He was part of the "Brand Extension" Era or whatever they call it. I believe AE died around 2002-2003. UFC fighters don't make a product TV-14 rated on their own; that's the company doing that. Many factors come into play as a result of The Attitude Era. MMA fighters wasn't really a single one.

That's the writers, not the fighters/wrestlers that make mature storyline.
Bringing MMA guys into WWE, or bringing a guy like Shamrock back wouldn't change a thing for WWE production. They'd have the MMA guys adapt to the WWE programming and not the other way around.

Just because a guy like Shamrock was a part of the Attitude Era changes nothing. Mark Henry had his share of storylines in the Attitude Era that was filled with the kind of Attitude Era stuff, the same goes with Triple H, Chris Jericho etc. They all had it, but they managed to adapt just as well.

So bringing back talent from the past, or bringing in new talent that could have relations to stuff from the past makes no difference. WWE would go back to the Attitude Era if they wanted to, on their demands. Not on the wrestlers past's demands.
How does UFC guys joining the WWE mean a rebirth of the attitude era? Makes no sense to me.

All that will happen is that they will have to adapt to working the WWE style, and then focus on a strike/submission based moveset. Nothing more, nothing less

Shamrock did very well in adapting to a wrestling style as he was a trained wrestler before joining the UFC, but I would be surprised if any of these UFC guys would do as well as Ken.

It is going to be beneficial for the ratings though, as UFC is insanely popular right now, and some of their big names jumping to the WWE will hopefully encourage their fans to make the jump too, or at least watch both, therefore boosting viewing figures.
Quick question: Why should people who don't follow MMA give a damn about this?

I know there's always going to be that hatred for pro wrestlers who jump to MMA by MMA faithful. I think it has something to do with the fact that Brock Lesnar is a fucking beast and can effectively whoop anyone's ass. But WWE fans aren't going to care about some MMA guy unless he presents a character.
I think that bringing UFC fighters as wrestlers may help improve WWE since everyone is the same. As for your questions, yeah it would bring some of the fans back from UFC, very temporary. It would not be in Lesnar's interest since he wants to be known as legitimate.
Honestly UFC guys in TNA could be good but realistically they are better off as one time occurances as enforcers for matches or some sort of interactions similar to Mayweather and Tyson were before. Guys like Shonie Carter and Big Country could draw some initial interest from the MMA world but I cant see them getting anywhere in WWE in the long term. If anything they'll get blasted like Miz for being outsiders coming in. Guys like Tito Ortiz and Rampage have the charisma and names to build a feud but in ring would need a year or so to get at a decent level and seriously looked at. Then again I could be wrong because look at Shamrock and he made a pretty easy transition from enforcer/special ref to competitive and legit WWE superstar....
I dont think it means the return of the attitude era as much as it means a return to a more "sports" centered era. In 2003-2005 we had guys like Lesnar, Angle, Guerrero, and Benoit. Tough guys with a well rounded technical offence, I think we're going to start seeing more of that again in the next couple of years if these MMA guys really do make it into the WWE.
Quick question: Why should people who don't follow MMA give a damn about this?

I know there's always going to be that hatred for pro wrestlers who jump to MMA by MMA faithful. I think it has something to do with the fact that Brock Lesnar is a fucking beast and can effectively whoop anyone's ass. But WWE fans aren't going to care about some MMA guy unless he presents a character.
So long as they aren't named Shane Carwin or Cain Velasquez. Brock Lesnar hasn't had a dominant fight since his intestine troubles, and I consider myself a fan of Brock in the UFC.

Shane Carwin thumped Brock around the cage for five minutes, losing not because he couldn't supply as much power as Brock, but because he tried to go all Chuck Liddell on Lesnar on a Mark Henry stamina budget. Cain Velasquez utterly dominated Brock- it was an ugly fight to watch.

Brock Lesnar is an extraordinary MMA talent, there's no denying that. But people need to stop looking at him as the Alpha and Omega of UFC, because he's simply not. He can deliver a strong punch, but lacks the technical striking skill to make them land. Wrestling has been the trump card in MMA as of late, but if you can't get them to the ground (a la the Velasquez fight), they're going to beat Brock on the feet.
So when Frank Trigg worked an angle with AJ Styles over in TNA, did that set up an overhaul of the company?

Sorry, I don't see what one thing has to do with the other. Bringing in new talent with MMA backgrounds aren't gonna cause the company to totally change direction. That would be radical and dumb. While the actual addition of guys like Quinton Jackson, Roy Nelson and others would be completely far from bad, that certainly doesn't mean the company is gonna change direction completely.
just because these guys are good in the world of MMA means nothing when it comes to the WWE. just because they are good mma fighters does not mean they can be good professional wrestlers. i bet these guys couldnt handle the wwe life style. the constant travel. and they probly couldnt sell worth a dam. hard to pretend to get beat up when ur used to getting hit forreal. and bringing in a handful of performers would not change a thing about the product. they would have to adapt, the writers would not adapt to them.
I don't think anything involving MMA or bringing MMA wrestlers into WWE, has any kind of tie to the "Attitude Era".

I think it is a good thing for MMA fighters to come to WWE. They are very marketable as wrestlers with a "real" fighting style.

I think it does nothing to change what WWE decides to put out as it's product. No matter how many MMA fighters are signed or say they are contemplating coming to WWE, Vince & Co. will do what they want to do and work their talent into it, not the other way around.

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