Tyson Kidd ^ Trent Baretta


Dark Match Jobber
So I was watching Nxt the other day and noticed that Tyson Kidd has turned face which surprised but pleased me as it looks like he is getting a well deserved push.On the show he also had a great match with Trent Baretta and after the match Kidd suggested to Baretta that they should form a tag team.
My question is if they were booked right could you see them as tag team champs and a credible threat to the belt ?
In another thread, I listed kidd/Baretta as a potential tag team, so I say lets do this I think that they would be a good team and put on entertaining matches
Hmm. I'm thinking that creative can pick up where Air Boom (Evan Bourne) left off. Baretta and Kidd both had something going for them before being regulated to jobber status a couple of years ago. Both are young and need something to do but this is wrestlemania season so any focus on them from creative would be mute right now unless there's an impromptu tag team battle royal at wrestlemania happens.
I've come to accept Trent Baretta as the ultimate face jobber with Tyson Kidd just a little bit higher up than him. That said, they could still make them a threat to the tag team championship with a bit of rebuilding. After all, it wasn't so long ago that Primo was a huge heel jobber. To be honest, I'd rather see a tag team of Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu. From a kayfabe standpoint, it would've made more sense for Tyson Kidd to want to team with Yoshi, as Yoshi has had Kidd's number in almost all of there matches. Whereas I don't think Trent has ever beaten Tyson Kidd. So you want to team with a guy you've beaten 168 times on Superstars and NXT?

Well, if it leads to some sort of push for Tyson Kidd, I'm all for it. He's far more talented than a lot of the guys he's been forced to job to.
Tyson's too small to be singles guy with world title apserations; he's talented by all means but the fans can't seem to connect with him on that level, his persona is the generic kind, Trent on the other hands... I've only seen him a handful of times (I don't watch SD unless it's live, and NEVER watched NXT) but Trent is like Tyson the same generic persona so having them tag team up and tweaking them up and keeping them in the tag division sure.
I already have a name for their team T N T. Would definetely work if they came out to AC/DC's TNT...

I like that name I think it could work. To be honest with you I'm don't think that half of the WWE fans don't even know who Trent Baretta is. Has he even wrestled a match on Raw yet? I've never seen a Trent Baretta match so I don't know how good he is. I don't even know when was the last time Raw seen Tyson Kidd.

WWE needs to bring back the tag team division and I think those two would have great matches and could have a good feud with Primo/Epico. I would see them as future tag team champions. I'm a big Tyson Kidd supporter and I can't think why WWE doesn't use him. He is an incredible athlete the last person to train in the Hart Dungeon. Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu had one of the best matches in 2011. WWE needs a tag division like they once had. I'm all for Baretta and Kidd teaming up.
They would make a wonderful team.
They have the past experience in tag matches, and both of them are pretty good in the ring.
I think that if WWE actually put stock in a Kidd/ Baretta tag team, then I think that they would be great. WWE would have to do it right, though. They would need matching ring attire, music, solid booking, and maybe even a name for their team as long as it is better than AirBoom. Damn that name sucked. Kidd and Baretta would easily be threats for the tag titles if they got that stuff. They would have a very fast paced London and Kendrick vibe going on. Plus the tag devision sucks, There is only two, maybe three teams right now, so just exsisting as a tag team makes them threats to some degree.

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