Two types of Main Eventers in WWE?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
So over the course of time, if some readers have been paying attention, I've gone on record saying that in WWE there are two different types of Main Eventers. There's the guys like Cena, Orton, Triple H, Edge, and now Miz who can walk in to Mania and main event the grandest show of them all, a feat not given to many in the WWE.

And then there's the ones that I like to call "Summer Time Main Eventers". These are people who get pushed and sometimes even get title wins during the summer that usually don't lead to anything more than those summer time reigns. Rey Mysterio, Christian, CM Punk, Sheamus, and Del Rio (thus far) are the ones that I would place into this category. Sure, there's people who could be Mania Main Eventers, like Punk and Sheamus, but right now all that WWE wants from them are to sell tickets during the summer.

Now, in your opinions, which main eventer is the most important? Sure, some could say that Mania main eventers are because they're in charge of bringing money in to the big show, but what about the guys like CM Punk and Sheamus who get it during the post-Mania sessions and have to keep fans interested? Surely that gives them great claim to state their better half of importance.
Those "summer time main eventers" are recuring main eventers. There main event statues when they need to be but also work as very high midcarders. They can work any aspect in a card without a hintch. The summer main eventers arnt as well praised as WM main eventers becuase WM is a step up from summer slam. Most guys from the recuring main event statues can pull a huge WM match if they want to but they have it harder to get in it as the top guys. Miz and del rio being WM main events isint ganna happen that much as saying HHH and cena in the main event. Its almost garanteeeed to see them in the main event. Anyways the top guys are probably there becuase they have done time and are legit big guys. The other main eventers well they pop can still go dry in do time. There both important becuase if u dont have those high midcarders and recurring main eventers then they will never grow to be the top guys in the company like cena and orton are doing now.
I agree completely. However, I've usually seen them refered to as transitional champions. I'd say the "summer time" guys are there just to keep things fresh. You honestly can't have the same two guys keep the belt all year anymore. Having guys that can keep things going for a few months while the main guys heal up is very important.

I'd have to go with the Mania main eventers as being the more important of the two. Simply put, they are the biggest stars in the company.

P.S. I'm not so sure about the Miz. He will always be important because of his crossover appeal. However, I don't think we will see him at that Mania main event level for a while. He's good, but he still looks completely out of place in the ring with Cena, Rock, Triple H, or Undertaker.
I think you're right, there is an obvious dividing line between the people they push at WM vs the people they push in the summer. But I don't think they are in different leagues. I think they are in training grounds to be future main eventers or high middle carders at WM. It's strategic to develop people in the summer so that by the time Wrestlemania comes around they can sell even their midcard matches as high profile matches.
If you watch the development of wrestlers in the summer, they are prepping them for something pretty big at Wrestlemania, if they can carry their own weight. For example Edge was built up in 2005 from winning MITB, to Intercontinental Title and was given the show stealer of a hardcore match with Foley at WM22, then main evented WM24, 25, 26 and 27 (yes I know his match was the opener but you know what I mean, he had the title). Then you watch them build up Sheamus when he had his match with Triple H, and Mysterio when he won the title and Miz for WM27. I think it's a strategic gameplan to position them as big time players in the summer to get them over in the future. That's why I'm certain that Del Rio, Barrett, Sheamus and Punk will have some major angles at Wrestlemania, again maybe not the main events, but maybe it will be that for some, but to make the midcard look solid for Wrestlemania 28, which is obviously one that they are trying to make sure is one of the best.
I would say that those summer time main eventer are people who wouldnt be able to carry a title or a storyline for an extended period of time. I'm going to go ahead and pick two examples, Rey and Christian. Rey cant work a full program due to his nagging knee and Christian doesnt draw enough to be a full time main eventer. Show ratings usually suffer since its the summer and most people are out rather than sitting at home watching WWE so certain people are put in place to play to those who are more likely to be at home watching, ie little kids.
I think the summer main eventers are the ones that wwe is trying to push to get a higher card match in mania and they just keep working with them. A good example would be the nexus with wade barrett. They worked with him over the summer and now that people are noticing him more he may not get a wrestlemania main event but its gonna be one of the lower card matches
The Mania-time main eventers are more important.

If you are a draw, you're a mania-time main eventer. The summer time guys are guys who are fringe guys, being given a chance to be a top draw. If a guy is a summer time main eventer and then skyrockets (like Punk is this year) he becomes a Mania-time main eventer. If he doesn't, get gets pushed back to the upper-midcard when it's time for the big bucks to be made.

It makes sense. It's not like WWE has a section of guys who they only push in the summer. They have guys who draw the most money, and guys who don't. They would LOVE for everyone to be a huge draw.

Summertime is kind of an experimental time. If you screw up by pushing a guy who doesn't get over in August, it's okay. You still have all sorts of time to build up for Mania. If you push a guy in December you want in a feud for Mania and he flops, then the clock is ticking to find a guy for that same slot.
It's obviously the Mania time main eventers that are more important. Nothing major will happen if a Summer Time main eventer fails, but if a guy fails aound Mania then obviously that will put the company in a bit of a muddle. They would either have to keep pushing the guy and hope for the best or find a new guy real fast.

From what I understand, the WWE usually expects the business to be a bit slow around Summer time. That is why I guess they push these guys that are on the fringe at around this time to see if they can draw anything when the heat is not on them. When they do, WWE slowly starts taking them to the next step by giving them an upper midcard feud heading into WrestleMania. If they do well there as well, then by next year they are in one of the Mania main events. If you want proof of someone who followed this path, just look at Miz from 2009 to 2011.
I agree, I see the two types as well. Even though the Miz is not a big time main eventer yet. He is still on the same level with Rey/Sheamus.

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