Twitter in WWE

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I'm slighly getting annoyed by all the Twitter bitching by WWE Stars. It seems every day someone is complaining about someone else over Twitter. I know that they use it to advertise but why can't we have people actually feuding in real life. Instead every week we have to here oh Cena wrote .... on Twiiter. Honestly who gives a shit. If I want to follow their messages then I will; but don't bring the media aspects unto a wrestling show. It annoys me to no end. Especially Cena he is the most notorious for making many posts. I don't care what Cena does behind a computer. Yes it maybe encouraged by WWE for advertisement but please keep it an advertisement and not base feuds around fucking Twitter.

What are other's opinions on this?

But Twitter does nothing for me in Wrestling. I follow the guys on Twitter and just read it, does nothing for me really. I think it's allright that some guys respond in different ways to on the Mic, it makes for something else.
They do it a decent bit with NFL players too, not as much...but occasionally when something happens. Like when Jay Cutler bitched out and sat on the bench, all sorts of players were complaining.

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