Turning Point TNA Tag Titles: British Invasion (c) v. MCMG v. Beer Money Inc.

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Tonight we saw the Motor City Machine Guns win the #1 Contender spot in a good Ultimate X match against Lethal Consequences. Right after that, the British Invasion retained by getting themselves disqualified to retain their titles over Beer Money.

This means that at Turning Point, we get to see these two teams meet for the gold. I think it could be a very interesting match. The Guns have been on quite a roll lately, and the Brits have done a grea tjob building themselves as impeccable heels. Tonight really got them a ton of heat.

As far as the actual match, I'm intrigued to see what happens. The Guns work a very fast paced match, with lots of double team moves, while the Brits work a more technical match. It could mesh really well, and end up as a match of the night, or it could come off as bland, and leave us looking for something more.
Im really hoping for The Guns to finally win the tag gold here, but BI just won it so im sadly skeptic. It should no doubt be solid as Williams is awesome and Magnus has vastly improved imo, and of course The Guns rock! Here's a round hoping for The Guns!
This could be good. The British Invasion are good workers (particularly Doug Williams), and we all know how talented both Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are. Something about this match just tells me it's going to be bad though. I know that's a strange attitude to have, but I just get the feeling this is going to be another one of those TNA matches that I completely and totally forget five minutes after it's over.

I hope they prove me wrong here, because these four are certainly capable of putting on a good bout. Hopefully we finally get to see MCMG win some damn gold already.
Hopefully we finally get to see MCMG win some damn gold already.

With everything else that has been going on, I completely forgot that they've never held gold in TNA. I doubt they win here, with the Brits just winning the belts at BFG, but I wouldn't be amazed to see a change, if only to further a feud between the two.

I'm also not sold on this being the final match-up. Beer Money Inc. has a legitimate gripe, and could always work their way into this match, and then the level of awesomeness just goes through the roof.
Nope, the MCMG have never held TNA gold. The only belts they've ever held, according to my memory, is the IWGP Jr. Tag Team Titles, which they lost some time back on TV.

Unfortunately, I doubt they're walking out of this one with the straps either. British Invasion are on a roll right now, just got the titles and aren't dropping them just yet, I'm sure.
I'm not looking forward to this match as much as i would like to be, I just dont really like the BI but they did impress me in the full metal mayhem match at BFG, this match could a hit or miss match, MCMG are incredible, my favourite tag team in TNA other than Beer Money Inc., I'm just glad that MCMG are going to be on two consecutive pay per views which is always a nice thing as they excite they crowd and make it watchable.
I'm not looking forward to this match as much as i would like to be, I just dont really like the BI but they did impress me in the full metal mayhem match at BFG, this match could a hit or miss match, MCMG are incredible, my favourite tag team in TNA other than Beer Money Inc., I'm just glad that MCMG are going to be on two consecutive pay per views which is always a nice thing as they excite they crowd and make it watchable.

Wow...Learn to use the "." man...

I get your point about not being excited though. The Brits don't exactly appeal to the common fan, but the MCMG do, and are obviously huge crowd favorites. If the Brits performance at BFG and then at Impact showed us anything, it's that they can take some bumps, and work any style of match. Working against a fast paced, high impact team like Shelley and Sabin, they'll need to do just that. They have a size and power advantage, but it's not like they're tree stumps, sitting there in the ring.

This match should have some very nice spots, and hopefully a big flashy finish, leaving us wishing the match had 10 minutes added to it.
This should be fine. It's a good team in the Guns against an improving team in the Invasion. I doubt the Guns will win but considering it's TNA there's at least a shot of it. Now that there seems to only be one set of tag titles, we could actually get a decent division going. The best thing here would be to just have the Invasion keep them. You need to build up a team and then let them dominate until another face team comes up to fight them. The match should be fine. It's basic booking but at the moment that's possibly the best thing. I'm happy with this.
You need to build up a team and then let them dominate until another face team comes up to fight them.

Since they've announced that the British Invasion have been "suspended" for "a few weeks" on Impact, I've been scratching my head, wondering how they're going to build this match. The Guns can obviously appear on TV, and will continue to show their stuff, but how do the Brits get built as crtedible champs going into the PPV? They had one match, and they retained because of a DQ. Maybe they'll be allowed to cut promos, but that won't dop as much as if they were allowed in the ring...
If there is any time for the MCMG to win the tag titles it's soon because the British Invasion are an inferior team in the ring and with Jarrett gone management could ok their first title reign. MCMG are well overdue for the titles and need to win them soon or they'll fade away again down the division.
Meh. I'm very excited for the prospect of the Guns winning the belts as they're my favorite tag team of the last few years, but I just don't see it happening in TNA. Sure, they're over and everything. But they have been for a long time. The Brits and World Elite are on a push now and aren't losing the straps a month into their reign... I think.

Anyhow, should be a decent match. Brits aren't really in the Guns' league though. Could be one of the better matches the Brits have had, but this will be average for the Guns.
As much as I would like MCMG to come out with the belts I know it won't happen. But I am glad to see they are getting pushed into the title scene. Finally my favorite tag team gets a shot. I've been waiting for this.

I don't see them winning the belts here but I do see this being a half decent match. I look for the Brits to win by DQ though setting up a rematch or two to go along with their heelish ways. Hopefully MCMG win the belts someday. This will not be their day though.
This was pretty interesting this week...The Brits came in and attacked Beer Money, only to be run off...At the top of the ramp, they got jumped by the Guns...

The Guns are definitely the ones heading into this match with momentum, even if they didn't have a match this week. TNA does a great job of pushing them until they're so close, and then pulling the rug out from under us. How do they take the belts away from the Guns?

Beer Money Inc. They'll probably interfere in the match, causing either a DQ or a No Contest. This either sets up a triple threat at the next PPV, or takes the Guns out of the picture, and sets them up for a run at whoever would be next...
Considering this involves the MCMG, this'll be entertaining if nothing else. Expect more than a few flippys from Shelley and Sabin throughout this one. It's highly unlikely they'll take the titles from the BI here though, wouldn't make much sense to me with TNA really pushing the WE at the moment.

I guess this is pretty good overall than, at least gives the Guns some time on TV. I can't see BM interfering though, I think a MCMG DQ victory followed by BI coming down to make the save would be more likely, or maybe this match could actually finish cleanly
Here's the next installment of NSL plays fantasy booker:

After Rob Terry cost his team the match on Impact, Taz and Tenay both referred to "backstage" arguments between the World Elite members, claiming they were upset with how Rob Terry was making them look. While it's justified, I think this could play into the outcome.

What if the Brits are in control, and then Rob Terry blows the match for them? They can either retain via DQ, or lose the belts to the Guns who would go on to face (maybe) a heel-turning Dudleys?

It's a lot of "What If?", but it could all make sense.
I'd say that this will probably be a good solid match, but I don't expect anything particularly memorable to take place. I don't look for the guns to get the gold here. They haven't been built up to any degree since they've spent most of the past 6 months doing...well pretty much nothing literally. Primarily though, I think the BI will keep the titles if TNA still has plans for the World Elite to be a real force in TNA. They need all the credibility they can and a lame duck run with the tag titles won't provide that.
Wow...Beer Money just got added to the match, and I'm even more stoked to see what happens. The Brits are surrounded by drama, and appear to be on the road to splitsville (at least Big Rob).

This also makes it look like the Guns have found yet another way to not be given the reward for their hard work and how over they are with the crowd.

My pick to win this changes also. Beer Money is going to leave this match with the belts. They deserve them. They truly are the best team in TNA right now, and with the Brits dissolving, and the Guns just not getting gold, it makes it even clearer.
With the Addition of Beer Money I still See British Invasion retain. They just won the titles and I don't think tna wants to take the titles off them this soon. I see there regin last thought to Destination x the longest.
Although I would want for the motor city machine guns to finally win the titles, as they are the best tag team in TNA, I still see The British Invasion retaining. And I see them retaining by controversial means. In a triple threat tag match, two teams have one wrestler in the match, while one team waits for a wrestler to accidentally go near them, so they can tag themselves in. What I see happening is Doug Williams or Brutus Magnus working Sabin/Shelley/Storm/Roode, then Williams/Magnus tags themself in to lie down for the pin for their team, while Big Rob takes out the other four men.
This is another rush job to me...at least as far as Beer Money is concerned. While they've been involved in the storyline, throwing them in all of a sudden bothers me. Nine times out of ten when a title is on the line in a triple threat match, the champs retain and that's what I predict here.
Did I read the review correctly? The Guns weren't in this match? Or, did they just leave them out?

The result of the match shocked me a little. I figured Beer Money was leaving with the gold, but they do really work well as chasers. Having Rob Terry not at ringside is probably part of the storyline, so he can be upset, but they're happy he didn't cost them the belts.

There's a lot of storyline going forward, but I'd guess it's not long until we see Storm and Roode wearing gold.
This was pretty good as well. Now that the IWGP titles are out of the picture, the TNA tag titles look like they actually mean something again. The crowd was solidly behind MCMG as usual, and frankly I can't believe they didn't get the win here. How fucking long are TNA going to wait to give them a title run? British Invasion aren't a bad team by any means, but it's about time MCMG got a title run. It's the only way to keep them respectable.

Solid midcard match though.

Beer Money and the Brits are both pretty good teams to put money on for a good match, so I'm not surprised.

The Guns being in there is a major plus, and as upset as I am that they haven't worn TNA Tag Team gold, I do have a feeling it's on the horizon (view my post on the Feast or Fired cases). They're definitely getting a ton of fan support, and if we've learned anything this year, fan support can win you a title or two.

I don't think we've seen the last of the Brits fighting with Beer Money. It's been going on for a while, but it doesn't feel bland or stale like some of the ones we've seen in the "E".
This match was pretty darn good, was some nice parts in this match and it was nice to see MCMG almost winning, they should of won this, would of given the fans something they wanted, hopefully they will be given them really soon as they are so over its incredible. Out of a possible 5 stars this gets 3 stars.
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