[Turning Point] Roode v. Storm v. Styles [#1 Contender's Match]

Who wins?

  • Bobby Roode

  • James Storm

  • AJ Styles

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &


Turning Point 2012
Bobby Roode v. James Storm v. AJ Styles
#1 Contender's Match for the
World Heavyweight Championship




All former champions. All fan favorites (well, sorta). All want a shot at gold.

The caveat? The loser(s) cannot challenge for the WHC again until Bound For Glory... 2013.

Who wins?

All discussion here.​
All three would make a viable contender. But Roode is my pick. Somehow he'll find a way to steal the victory to get another crack at the title.
I think it's obvious that AJ Styles will take the fall here...but does anyone else think that TNA will "conveniently forget" about that stipulation in about three months(classic three month rule, WWE booking uses it, so will TNA) or so? Because somehow, someway, I can see all three of these guys challenging for the strap some time before BFG '13 anyway.

Anyway, regardless I see Bobby Roode finally getting his title shot once again. Maybe even being the guy to end Jeff's title reign.
I also see AJ taking the fall here, and Bobby Roode getting a shot at the title. He has waited for a while now, and I see him winning, and facing Jeff hardy after he retains his title.
Awesome match on paper, but I really, really don't like the stipulation here if they are actually going to stick to it. All three of these guys should be hovering somewhere around the title scene, to completely rule one of them out of the title picture for basically a year doesn't make much sense to me at all. Am hoping they find a way to book their way out of that.

Unfortunately I also see AJ taking the fall here.

Or possibly not AJ, with the guy who takes the fall then joining Aces and Eights so he can stay in the spotlight without needing to be involved with the belt.
I'd say AJ should take the fall here, but then I could see TNA doing something stupid like giving AJ Styles the X-Division Title by June, so he can cash in for a World Title shot at Destination X and they forgot the whole stipulation of this match.

I'd love to see Bobby Roode get another shot at the World Title but he has already faced Aries & Hardy, and Storm & AJ. But Aries & Hardy haven't faced Storm or AJ, Storm & AJ haven't even faced each other, so I can see all 4 of them being the next #1 contenders to the World Title and them facing each other in the next few months to come, so I think Bobby Roode will take the fall here.

Bobby Roode would do just fine without being in the World Title picture anyway. He never did finish off his feud with Kurt Angle, so I could see them restarting their feud next month or at the beginning of the new year, and this time it would be a lot better cause Roode is much more estabilished & credible as a main eventer than he was when he first faced Angle, and he's much more better as a heel than he is as a face. I could see a Roode-Angle feud being a lot like Anderson-Angle in 2010 and Jarrett-Angle in 2011, where Roode gets in Angle's head and gets the better of him, and they both trade victories with each other in their first set of PPV matches together until Lockdown, where they settle it in Six Sides Of Steel with Angle coming out as the winner of the feud. This could be one epic feud if done right.

After he's done with Angle, he could then make a huge face turn and start feuding with Aces & Eights, and at one point maybe even reunite with James Storm to face two members of Aces & Eights in a tag match on PPV.

By the time BFG 2013 rolls around, with Roode's epic feud with Angle and a huge face turn going up against A&8's, everybody will be dying to see Roode go for the World Title again, which would make his insertion back into the World Title picture just that more special.
This one should steal the show. All three are great talents and all three make credible challengers for Hardy after he retains. I'm really sick of Roode being in the title picture all the time so really hoping he takes the fall here so he can't go for the world title till BFG 2013. I would like to see James Storm win he deserves it after getting such a short run last time. That being said knowing TNA my pick is for Roode to roll up AJ and steal the victory....sigh.
I think Roode walks away with the win here. TNA is wanting to keep Jeff Hardy in their company as his contract is set to expire next year, so I don't see him dropping the title back to Aries at the ppv.

So, TNA really needs a heel to go up against Jeff Hardy that's capable of carrying the lion's share of the storytelling & build up when it comes to the promos. Roode can do that. Turning AJ Styles heel to battle Hardy just doesn't appeal to me. Styles, to me, just doesn't cut it as a heel. Everything about AJ Styles practically screams babyface. The times he's been a heel have been, in my eyes, pretty awful for the most part. James Storm doesn't need to go heel to face Hardy. Among the wrestlers in TNA that weren't already stars elsewhere, Storm is probably the strongest babyface on the roster right now.

All three of these wrestlers are viable World Championship contenders but there's no real downside to Roode scoring the win here. It gives Hardy a strong heel to work with that can hold his own inside the ring while keeping Styles & Storm as two over babyfaces.
I think this one has Storm all over it. He's the guy Hulk is pushing, and he's just about finished with his fued with Roode. Plus, we haven't seen a Hardy / Storm main event yet, and that oughta produce something good.

Think Roode will take the fall too. He set the record for longest title reign, it would kind of make sense if he took a back seat from the title picture for a while. Personally I think AJ should take it though.
I'm actually going to buck the trend and say that I believe that AJ will pin Bobby Roode.

I don't think that TNA are finished with the Roode/ Storm feud just yet, so I can see Roode screw Storm again (only to get caught unawares by AJ).
Bobby has just came off a TNA record breaking reign and established a persona that would only gain from a year long bitching session.
Roode vs Hardy/ Aries for the belt has happened but AJ vs Hardy/Aries and Storm vs Hardy/ Aries hasn't.
AJ has overcome the shenanigans of Daniels & Kazarian with the Dixie and Claire Lynch allegations, this would fit well into him getting his just reward after being distracted for so long.
Likewise, when Storm gets his go, they can play off him being screwed and distracted by Roode.
Some may disagree but I personally feel that the leader of the selfish generation could ultimately gain from losing; the Phenomenal One and the Tennessee Cowboy would only lose standing with the fans.
This ought to be one of the best matches of the night, the only other one that could be better is the World Championship match. I think it will go on next to last on the show. All three guys are above average in the ring, so the question remains.... Who will become the #1 contender? Also, who will not get to challenge for the World Championship until next year's Bound For Glory? And finally, why are we having #1 contendership matches on PPV rather than on Impact? The stipulation that someone in this match will not be able to challenge for the World Championship for nearly another year makes it all the more interesting.

As much as I hate to say it, AJ Styles will likely be taking the loss. Storm and Roode both need world title feuds in order to stay relevant right now. Styles will always have the fans' support. Storm could get the win, yet so could Roode. It comes down to whoever TNA plans on having end up winning the main event. If Hardy is to retain, a heel needs to emerge as the #1 contender. That means Roode wins this match. However, if Austin will be regaining the belt then a face would need to challenge him. Storm wins in that scenario. I've got Hardy retaining (more on that in its own thread) so Roode will end up likely winning this match because then he can be Hardy's next challenger for the belt. AJ and Storm both will move on to other feuds afterwards.

Bobby Roode will become the #1 contender.

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