[Turning Point] Robbie E. v. Eric Young (C) [Television Championship]

Who wins?

  • Robbie E.

  • Eric Young

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Turning Point 2011
Robbie E. v. Eric Young (C)
TNA Television Championship






All discussion here.​
I wouldn't say I'm a fan of either of these guys but I dislike Robbie E and I don't see him winning here. One on one Robbie isn't on Eric's level and the only time he takes him out is when he has Robbie T to help him out. This one should be interesting, but if Robbie can't beat Young in a regular non title match on Impact and he damn sure won't be taking the title at Turning Point.

Gunslinger's Prediction
Eric Young Retains
For one thing, I am tired of the joker Eric Young! He can wrestle a match and has skills, but when he attacks the ref, it's just too silly to be taken seriously. I wish he would get bashed in the head (kayfabe) and return to his old self. I wish EY would be put into a more serious role as a wrestler that can be taken "seriously".

I think Robbie E will win the TV Title with Rob Terry's help. IMO, the TNA Televsion Title needs to be a legit title, not an absolute joke!
Young has been getting the upperhand on Robbie E that couple of weeks, so having Robbie E win the belt makes the feud continue for weeks more.
honestly, i dont know who is going to win, BUT i want Robbie E to win, hold it for a VERY short time then lose is. Robbie E and Eric Young are both guys i wish werent even on this ppv. one is a comedy figure whose made to look like a moron and the other one is a heel who no one really cares for. i just hope that whoever wins this loses the title soon, really soon. i personally would love to see Bully Ray with this title as it could help build him up and it would give him a singles title run.
I really haven't been a big fan of this feud at all and I hope that this Jersey Shore stuff is over. As for this match, I'm assuming this will open up the show if the X Division match doesn't. I don't really expect much out of this match but I'll be pulling for Young because I like him and I'm totally apathetic towards Robbie E. But I won't be surprised if Robbie wins the title with interference from Rob Terry.
I'm really enjoying Robbie E at the minute and glad he's been put back on TV on a regular basis. I'll definately be fist pumping for Robbie here and hoping he gets the win. He's a proper character, larger than life, and would make a great TV Champion IMO. I don't mind Eric Young, sometimes he cracks me up, I just think Robbie E is much more entertaining.

I see Big Robbie T getting involved here and helping Robbie E win the TV Title. The 2 Robbies make for an interesting combination and I hope these two start winning some matches in the future. Could this be the turning point (see what I did there)?
You have GOT to be kidding me. This is as bad as it can possibly get. I hate Robbie E, I hate when the TELEVISION Championship is defended on PPV, and I hate Eric Young. Well, THIS Eric Young I hate. I liked his World Elite persona. Anyways. I have no desire to see this match whatsoever because not only is it between two guys I don't like but it's also a match that shouldn't even BE on the card. The TELEVISION Championship should only be defended on the TELEVISION show. This match will likely be terrible anyhow so I will be using it as my opportunity to go microwave some leftover stuffed crust pizza slices. Eric for the win since he is the lesser of two evils here. Robbie just sucks.

Eric Young will retain the TNA Television Championship.
Right now, I just flat out despise both these guys. Eric Young is someone that, in my view, has been seriously misused by TNA. Eric Young is a guy with legit skills inside the ring and on the microphone, but TNA has made him a bigger clown over the course of the past year or so than he's ever been at any point in his career. I just can't take Young seriously.

Robbie E is a guy I've hated since he came to TNA. He's legitimately annoying and, quite frankly, he's not at all special inside the ring. He's never really done or said anything that makes me want to see him wrestle. If you're not really a fan of Jersey Shore, which I'm not, then it's hard to just not change the channel whenever this guy is up.

Given that Young has continued to get the best of Robbie throughout their feud, I look for Robbie E to win the TNA Television Championship and take it to new heights...er..I mean lows of mediocrity, if that's possible.
This has to be the most well built feud for the TV title since... Well since it's Global days. Damn, that's saying a lot given the challenger. But any time EY get's in the ring, I smile. And Robbie has been somewhat good on the mic. But that hamster's "bouncer" has been wrecking everything and everyone since that "Ronnie From The Jersey Shore" guy showed up, so things might go differently this time.

I hate to say it, but Robbie might win. Hope EY does the same thing Lethal did last year and just take the title back at F.R. and feud with someone better.
For some reason, I think that the Robbies are earmarked for becoming a Tag combo so I think EY will go over here. I know that logic does go out the window sometimes, but Eric has been embarrassing Robbie E for so long now (and easily) that I feel that it would make zero logic for this to result in a NJ win.
ive actullay enjoyed this fued i hated robbie e and everything he was part of....until he started working with eric young latley ive started to like robbie e i still hate the gimmick but i think hes improved in the ring and on the mic and i like robbie t with him i think EY is funny shit and a good wrestler but i wanna see robbie e win the belt here to keep the fued alive so my pick is for robbie e to win after interfearence from robbie t

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