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Turning Point: KO Tag (For All Titles) Beautiful People v. Sarita/Taylor/ODB

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
So all the belt are on the line...Meaning there's pretty much no way the BP win. I couldn't buy Lacey holding any of the gold, and I don't think it's time to take the straps off Taylor and Sarita yet.

This should work out to be a little bit of filler, with the faces getting in some nice spots.
I agree. But you know what, the BP are over. Over to the point that they've become a focal point of the division. I agree I can't see them winning seeing as how Lacey is like a deer in headlights, but if the BP win, it'll be Lacey/Rayne with the tag titles and Love with the big one. That would last for a month with just interfering in matches on iMPACT and doing nothing else, to lose it back to some other KO. Taylor and Sarita are good workers, but they're not over. That seems to be the big dilemma in wrestling these days. Good worker vs being over. Add the fact that they're female -- and I'm no sexist, but we know females don't draw much. It IS filler, but somewhat interesting I guess. I'm always interested as to what random promo or feud BP is gonna have next lol.


1. Love is no longer in the BP. It's been Velvet and Madison working as a tag team, which means if they won, Lacey would end up as the champ, and I'd rather see Deaner get the belt back.

2. The KOs do draw for TNA. The KO segments/matches are always among the best rated parts of the show. Giving the belts to the BP killsany credibility any of the belts have worked for, and it would take a lot to save them.

3. Taylor is over. She got a big reaction when she won tonight, and her and Sarita always get big pops when they appear in the Impact Zone. They are still working to build up the tag belts, and keeping them is the best way to keep adding to it. They'll hold the belts until at least the new year.

4. ODB won't lose the title to the BP. You can tell she's just keeping the belt warm for the winner of the Kong v. Tara feud.
NSL, saying ODB is a belt-warmer for Tara or Kong is really not being fair. She's a good worker, entertains the shit out of me personally and is over with the crowd. Granted, both Kong and Tara are wildly popular and seem like shoes-in for either a title run or serious feud for the Knockouts title, but ODB was rewarded with a run at top because she is so over in her own right.

It's a real testament to TNA's knockout division to note that their women's division not only has a singles champ and tag champs, but also enough depth to spawn a legitimate cage match battle not even involving the champs. The WWE can't create enough interest in their Divas division to even make their two titles relevant.

Score one for TNA, for sure.
yeah Lacey should not win the KO title, they need to get Love back and reform the original BP, hope her Visa situation gets worked out soon. I love Taylor and Sarita even if they are not as popular. good looking AND good workers. and about the KO title I hope Alissa Flash wins it soon. if Tara gets it before her, its just another push for a former wwe wrestler. why dont they push their OWN stars??? any other Alissa fans out there?
Sorry about my above post, I meant sky. I'm so used to saying Love. My bad.

And you say they draw for TNA. Ok. Put them at the headline of an iMPACT or a featured PPV match. See how much they draw.

And if you think the Tara vs Kong in a cage is gonna be more than a 5-10 min brawl, you're sadly mistaken. I like the next wrestling fan would like to see like a 15-20 min match here because they can both work. It's likely it won't happen though.
This is a typical filler match trying to get as many wrestlers and title on the PPV as possible. Not sure exactly how this works here, which BP member gets the KO Title if they win? I guess it doesn't really matter though as they won't and shouldn't win, considering they more or less suck now without Love.

I guess this should be somewhat entertaining if nothing else. Sarita is fun to watch and watching a drunk ODB pounding on her tits isn't a bad thing. But yeah, just a filler here, Kong/Tara is the #1 KO match on this PPV.
My only hopes for this match would be #1 ODB quits after this match so we never have to see her ugly carcass in TNA ever again and #2 Velvet Sky wardrobe malfunction. That's about it.
With all the Belts on the line, I’m thinking this is the best chance the Beautiful People have to win the Titles. We’ve seen the BP lose in their Knock Outs Tag Team Title match, and I just can’t see anyone one of them beating ODB by herself. However, with the given circumstances, I believe the BP walk out with three belts. It should be whoever gets the pin gets the KO Title and the other two get the KO Tag Titles. Hopefully Velvet finally becomes Knock Outs Champions!!
Meh, this could be decent. Not expecting anything great here, but any time I get to see Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne, that's a bright spot on any show for me. Yeah, I'm shallow like that. Wrestling schmestling, give me some hotties damnit.

I'm not sure what they're going to do here though in terms of where the belts will go.
This match could be decent as long as Lacey is not in the ring as much. Most of the girls in the ring will have decent chemistry with each other so this should be good. I can see this go either way The beautiful people could use this ppv win. But I don't want Sarita or Taylor to lose the titles just yet since there doing so well with them.
Three days before Turning Point, and we got some more build for this match. Sarita took a nice bump tonight, and Taylor and ODB both did well with their time in the ring.

What really made me happy though, was seeing Velvet and Madison show why they were signed in the first place. They sold their opponent's offense well, and landed a few decent moves of their own.

I'm sticking with the champs all retaining though. I just can't buy the BP winning with Lacey getting any gold. TNA cannot be that stupid.
What I'm curious about is in the event BP do win, who gets which titles? Could potentially lead to problems within. Personally, while Velvet and Madison are good at selling and bumping, I think BP needs to stick to being annoying and not too bright walking silicone like they do so well.
Personally I'm weary of trashing on Lacey Von Erich's abilities. Its still early with her and personally, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. Now does this mean I want her holding any gold? Not yet. Not now at least it's way too early. And while I'm in agreement about Taylor and Sarita, truth is how much longer can the BP go on with trash talking and coming up short? Something has to give.
Thankfully we finally got a "You can't wrestle" chant, and Lacey got to feel some heat. I'd guess that she's on her way out of the Beautiful People, because Velvet and Madison will only deal with her holding them back for so long. They've both been showing their real skills lately, and I can buy them with tag team gold, as long as she's not involved.

ODB deserves to keep her belt, and Taylor and Sarita are clearly the class of a shallow tag division, so the outcome, and the match itself, were pretty much expected.
Not really sure what the point of this match was. I guess just a reason to get the Knockouts onto the PPV. Could Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky look any hotter? I'm not sure it's possible. Short skirts and booty shorts always help make any match more enjoyable with these two. Lacey continues to show she is just absolutely terrible in the ring, and I had a chuckle when the crowd began chanting "You Can't Wrestle!" at her, deservedly so.

ODB getting the win makes sense, it was fairly obvious that her team was going to win the match. Nothing special here, but nothing terrible either.

ODB getting the win makes sense, it was fairly obvious that her team was going to win the match. Nothing special here, but nothing terrible either.

I actually talked to people today, that were upset she got the pin. I, personally, think it's a great move. She's the champion, and hasn't looked particularly strong since BFG. Getting the pin here shows that she's the best in the match, and is a real force with the belt. I just hope they give her someone better than the BP to feud with until the Kong v. Tara angle is over.
This match wasn't that bad considering, wasn't amazing but nothing too terrible. It was probably the worst match of the night but with how good I thought the other matches were its not that bad. ODB looked great in it, a real force to be reckoned with, Sarita and Wilde show why they deserve to be champs, really good chemistry between them which is a nice touch. Out of 5 stars I give it a 2.
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