[Turning Point] Kash v. Sorensen v. Aries (C) [X Division Championship]

Who wins?

  • Kid Kash

  • Jesse Sorensen

  • Austin Aries

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Turning Point 2011
Kid Kash v. Jesse Sorensen v. Austin Aries (C)
X Division Championship






All discussion here.​
This one has alot of potential, these guys are gonna put on a hell of a match and i'm really looking forward to it. I'm really not interested in Kash in this match although I think it'll make the match more unpredictable, but my focus is on Aries and Sorenson here. I have been pretty impressed by the new kid since he came to Impact back in July, he reminds me of Cody Rhodes in a lot of ways. I see him being a legitimate threat to Aries's title here but i'm picking the champion to retain because I think it would be a bad idea to have Sorenson win the title right now. I see Aries winning but almost losing to Sorenson, then they feud a while longer and Aries drops the title to him maybe at the next PPV.

Gunslinger's Prediction
Austin Aries Retains
I have to go with A double here, he seems to have the most to offer the X-Division, and i enjoy his work.

IHW's Prediction-- Austin Aries
I believe Kash wants to kick Jesse's ass more than winning the belt, and for that comment I see Kash and Jesse killing each other, and Aries takes the momentum and retains after he's getting to be white hot in TNA right now.
Austin Aeries for the win here. He's doing a good job as champion so far and is really the best candidate to carry the X Division for the foreseeable future. He's a better choice for X Division champion than Kid Kash is and for damn sure a better choice than Sorensen for now anyway. This just feels like filler for a eventual feud with Alex Shelley and to further the feud between Sorensen.
This will probably open the show and I think it will be a good one. Kash kinda sucks but I like what I have seen from Sorensen so far and we all know how good Aries is. I can see Aries retaining after multiple pin attempts from all three men. In the end it would make sense for Aries to retain because Sorensen is still too new and Kash sucks.

Austin Aries will retain the X Division Championship
I'm going with Aries to retain and I'm certainly hoping that's what happened. Aries comes across as a sneaky, opportunistic heel and it seems logical that, like HoHo said, Kash will be mostly intent on just beating the snot out of the rookie with the title being almost secondary. Aries should have little problem taking advantage of that.

That being said, I honestly do have a feeling that TNA might put the title on Sorensen. It's not entirely clear at this time. Last week, Sorensen scored a clean win over Aries but this past Thursday, he was beaten down and left for laying by the heels.

Aries needs to retain here as he's really the only thing going in the X Division. He's keeping it afloat as of right now. Kid Kash, despite what he says in his promos, isn't some legendary figure that's gone out and conquered the wrestling world. He's a veteran of the indy circuit who, in very rare instances, has gotten some big time exposure in his career. Up until not that long ago, I forgot that he even existed but your average fan probably has little to no clue who this guy really is. As for Sorensen, he's been in wrestling long enough to have a bowel movement and that's about it. Right now, he's your typical generic, nice looking, well built wrestler with a tan and a tattoo. He's just not ready.
I'm really looking forward to this match. Austin Aries has been fantastic ever since he's been back in TNA and I also think that Kid Kash plays his heel role perfectly and I think that Jesse is a good babyface to go up against two strong heels in Kash and Aries. Sorensen has really impressed me so far for someone who is so young, in the ring he is very solid he sells well has good facial expressions and the crowd is starting to get behind him. I think that this is going to be Very Good match. I think that Aries will sneak out a win and pins Jesse after Kash hits Jesse with that sick Moneymaker move like he gave Sorensen this past Impact.
No way in hell should Kash win here. That would mean mic time for him. How'd he go from a Kid Rock look-a-like to a ranting, possibly drunk, uncharismatic hick anyway? Aries has barely had much of a run right now and given the solid pop's he gets even as a heel, I wouldn't take strap from him. Even if it's for Sorensen who has impressed me since his debut. Sorensen is still growing, and Aries has done very little other than feud with Brian Kendrick.

My money is on Austin.
After overcoming a match long double teaming the underdog Sorensen will knock Aries from the ring, hit Kash with his finished only to be flung out of the ring by a returning A Double who then takes his pin. I jsut can't see any logical reason for this to be anyone but Austin, Kash is a veteran who doesn't need the belt and giving it to Sorensen would be hot shotting to an unforgivable degree.
So poor Jesse Sorensen is in a nice little jam in this bout. But the silver lining for his is so typical, it's funny.

Here's how the match will go:

Cash and Aries are going to beat up on the football star (I'll complain about that later) until all looks bleak for Jesse. Then -hark!- the silver lining comes through when obvious disagreement comes into play on who should pin. Cash will deside he deserves to be champ since he's backed up Aries all along and has more talent, while Aries being Aries decides he doesn't need Cash anymore. They get int a scuffle and who ever comes out on top of that will turn around into Jesse's finisher, having ignored the fact our fallen hero was gathering his bearings the whole damn time and will be pinned. Thus the fans hero wins and we get to hear him talk for the first time next week on his win.

DivaGirl's Prediction:
Jesse Sorensen.
id be shocked to see kid kash pull out the victory here so im gonna rule him out already but this should be a really good match i expect aries and kash to double team sorenston for most of the match until they go after each other my pick is aries to win but i could see sorenston pulling off the victory as well

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