[Turning Point] Gail Kim v. Velvet Sky (C) [TNA Knockouts Championship]

Who wins?

  • Gail Kim

  • Velvet Sky

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Turning Point 2011
Gail Kim v. Velvet Sky (C)
TNA Knockouts Championship






All discussion here.​
Honestly call me crazy, but I see Velvet holding onto the title in this one. Clearly Gail is more rounded in the ring. but Velvet has overcome odds like this in the past. No if there were to be a rematch (which is very probable) then chances are then Velvet would drop the title.
I would hope that Velvet will hold on to the title here. Not only is she very over, but she just got the belt. If they take it off her this soon that would be such a waste. Being TNA though, you never know. Especially since they sometimes treat recent WWE crossovers like royalty. I don't think they'll do that just yet though. Velvet retains and Gail Kim gets the belt sometime down the road.
I don't see Velvet Sky retaining, strangely, even though she just won it. Here's why. Karen Jarrett & her bitch Madison Rayne. Granted, Velvet Sky will have Traci Brooks to help her should she need it, but I'm pretty sure that Jarrett will have something to play in this one. Gail Kim is a great Wrestler though, so at that same time as being pissed off that Velvet will lose the Title, I'm pleased it'd go to someone like Gail Kim.
With the Knockouts title getting moved around so much lately, Gail Kim goes back on her thrown, probably with with the help of Rayne and Karen.
to be honest, i think (knowing TNA) Gail Kim will win although i hope Velvet retains as she just won the championship and had to wait a long time to win the Knockouts Championship. I think Traci Brooks will eventually turn on Karen Jarrett and slap her one, you never know that could happen at Turning Point
I always liked gail kim and it just goes to show how wwe can waste talent... upon her return she immediately shines. I think gail is the coolest thing going for the knockouts right now and i would like her to cheat and do something low down and dirty to take the belt off velvet... hand cuff her to the corner then have someone like mickie james make the save and continue this story.
hmm this is a tough one to call i really hope velvet pulls off the win as she works her fake tits off for this divison and has sense it started but sadly gail kim is going to get the title sooner rather then later but hopefully not here if gail wins i see it being because madison and karen screw velvet over but traci could always turn on karen and help velvet retain here...hmm this one could go either way but im gonna go with velvet to win the title and let me say if she drops the title here to gail im gonna be pissed velvet deserves atleast a few monthes as champ
This is a fun match we've got here, the returning Gail Kim going after recently crowned TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky trying to regain what was hers o so long ago. I love Gail Kim and I love seeing her in TNA because she get the respect that she deserves there, and she is certainly coming back strong considering she's already competing for the Knockouts title and she won the Knockouts Tag Titles with Madison Rayne Thursday night. I know that it may seem crazy not only that she would win the title so soon after returning, and when she's already holding a title and Velvet just won the title, but Gail has alot on her side. Gail is coming in with more experience, momentum and confidence than Velvet is, and on top of that she has Karen Jarrett in her corner which sure doesn't hurt.

I am actually very excited by the idea of Gail as both the Knockouts Champion and one half of the Tag Team Champions, as long as she defends both regularly then think it's a fantastic idea and it will be entertaining. Sorry to all the velvet fans out there, Velvet may have a heck of a rack but Gail Kim is going to show her what a real champion is like when she takes her title at Turning Point.
Gail Kim win and becomes the new Knockouts Champion
There's no way that Gail Kim leaves oblivion in WWE and jumps straight over to TNA to become their Knockout Champion. TNA would never fast track a former employee of WWE and automatically put the title on them only a few weeks after their arrival, now would they?

I see Velvet Sky holding on to the title for a little while. Despite constant involvement of Karen Jarrett and company, I see an underdog Velvet retaining for the forseeable future.

I guess all of the bullying she was overwhelmed with years ago must have really toughened her up ;). After all, look at her, the poster child for a victim of bullying :)
I think TNA is building up Sky to be the underdog champion so I see her overcoming the odds to retain title here and honestly, I don't see her dropping it anytime soon. She'll probably be the "take on all comers" champion and fend off challengers, the next being Madison Rayne should Sky go over here and possibly Mickie James at some point down the line. I like Gail Kim though so I wouldn't have a problem seeing her win the belt.
I am not all too thrilled about Gail Kim being back in TNA although I can see why they would capitalize on her return by doing this match. It won't be much to write home about but at least it will be better than the Television Championship match.... Velvet will retain because she needs to establish her credibility as champion. Winning against the first girl to ever hold the belt is a step in the right direction.

Velvet Sky will retain the Knockouts Championship
I doubt Sky loses here. She's been built up as one of those "I finally did it" champions. Though to be honest, the last one of those got a bottle to his face 2 weeks later so... Plus Gail can put on quality matches while Vel-Vel can just shake her fun bags.

I see Gail winning.
I'm kind of on the fence here. On one hand, I can see Velvet retaining because she is over and a defeat could have a devastating effect on that. Flipping that over though, Gail could gain immense heat from a tainted victory especially if Karen uses the fact she is also Tag champ to help her dodge defending the Singles belt. Ultimately though, I think Velvet will overcome the odds because I feel that Gail is very fond of the division she helped put on the map and will want to do what she thinks is best for the title so wouldn't try politicing it back round her waist.
I would like to see Velvet retain here but Gail is deffinately the more talented ring worker here and will probably win, plus Vedlvet has the odds stacked against her with Karen Jarrett and Madison in Kims corner. The only way I see Velvet retaining the title is with help from Mickie James or maybe Tracie Brooks will help her out since she will most likely be at ringside to, thats the only way I see her keeping the title.

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