Turning 23 Is Pointless

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
I turned 23 yesterday. What a pointless birthday. After the 21st it's all down hill from there. Birthdays are no longer some great thing to look forward to; it's not like you get presents like when you were a kid; and there are no more special privelages left for you to attain.


So what'd everyone get me? Konnan love-dolls I'm assuming?
Happy Belated Birthday! I turn 20 a week from today, and I'm aiming to sleep off a hangover all day. I don't know where your from, but 19 is the top of the list in Canada, so I can do whatever now. So yeah, I guess it's just another excuse to have a day off work now.
Yeah I thought that was awful nice of them to do that just for me.

It's okay though, I drank so much last night that I thought the Sox won until I woke up this morning. Then I was angry.

Maybe all this Blue Jays hype is for real...
Oh yeah Wes you know I'll be tuning in. I love a good pitching duel, plus this is Beckett's first start this year since the back spasms issue, so it should be very interesting to watch.

How's that Texas baseball comin' for ya Wes?

Good at times, and then shit. Typical Rangers baseball, one game in a series they look phenomenal, then another they look like the Pirates.

We need pitching though. I can always dream. Although I have been a bit surprised by Millwood in his first two starts, but meh.
Sorry it seems people missed your Birthday. Shit is more annoying than you'd think. Happy (belated) Birthday, xfear.

And just out of curiousity, what happened on your 22nd birthday? You said everything beyond 21 is pointless.. but you said you just turned 23, so was last year hell as well?

I'd like to say next year would be any different, but if its like mine, then it won't. You'll be lucky to have people even remember. Once you get beyond the "meaningful" ones, you're pretty much dead to the world.
Here ya go, I got you a couple K-Dawg photos...



And what package couldn't be complete without the greatest music video EVER!?

Hey I'm 21 too (turning 22 this year) at first it sucked, because I felt really really old and almost got depressed, but now I kinda accept it and I figure it will suck if im gonna be miserable everytime I get older because in the end I'll be super miserable lol, so I'm just trying to look at everything from a positive view, like I'm getting wiser, and almost getting my degree soon and can move out. Stuff like that
Hey I'm 21 too (turning 22 this year) at first it sucked, because I felt really really old and almost got depressed

You need slapped. HARD! :disappointed: If you felt you were getting really, really old because you turned 21-22, you'll end up killing youself by 25. How the hell can you feel really, really old in your 20's?!

People normally don't even feel old (logically) until they hit 30, at the BARE minimum.

but now I kinda accept it and I figure it will suck if im gonna be miserable everytime I get older because in the end I'll be super miserable lol

WOW. :lmao: Well, at least your IQ won't be super miserable with talking like that. :p

so I'm just trying to look at everything from a positive view, like I'm getting wiser

See above bolded comment. lol

and almost getting my degree soon

Good luck. What are you going for?

and can move out. Stuff like that

I'm a pathetic loser, I still live at home.
I'm getting my masters in medical engineering in a year knock on wood, and I dunno if you insulted me but I live at home so I don't have to pay so much moneyfor living, my parents don't mind it aslong as I study
I'm getting my masters in medical engineering in a year knock on wood, and I dunno if you insulted me but I live at home so I don't have to pay so much moneyfor living, my parents don't mind it aslong as I study

No, I actually do live at home, so it wasn't an insult I was actually mocking myself. I (likely more than anyone) know how costly it is to be on your own, and as a result living under the Parents' roof isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

If I'm frowned upon for living at home by people who no longer do, tough shit. Sounds to me like jealousy more than anything. I have my own freedom and my job actually fits around me living here, so it all works out for me. The only downside is the 'lack' of freedom that a person has with their own home.

I wish you luck in your degree. Anything medical seems extremely hard.

And I was mainly mocking you for the whole "I feel really, really old" when you're only 21 still. lol
my parents are from korea and it's like totally normal there to live at home till you're like 30 or married so they dont mind it at all and i was never brought up with that social stigma but I can't wait until I can move out anyway lol.

And yeah you and all my friends mock me for that lol
Yeah I don't get what's with this country and not living at home with your parents. Where I'm from it's okay to live with your parents till you get married, and some people do even after that. It's family. You shouldn't be ashamed of living with them.

Flames Out
Yeah I don't get what's with this country and not living at home with your parents. Where I'm from it's okay to live with your parents till you get married, and some people do even after that. It's family. You shouldn't be ashamed of living with them.

Flames Out

I don't think its ever a question of being ashamed to live with your Parents. I think its a matter of foolish pride that America looks upon. To live on your own, is to make it without a crutch. (Parents = crutch)

Millions of mindless idiots think that living on the street, wondering what they'll ever eat that night is better than living with their Parents beyond 20 because they "made it" on their own. :rolleyes:
LOL. calm down guys. casanova cant help himself :) LOL

nd who gives a fuck if you live at home. as long as your doing something productive, or moving towards doing something, it shouldnt matter. Its just another stupid ignorant ideal people like to clutch too.
and weird situations dont occur?? lol

Depends what you classify as weird. We have an unofficial "apartment" cut off to itself from my Parents. Yet its the same house, as in we share the bathroom & kitchen. Other than that, its an upstairs and a downstairs each to their own.
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