Turn the Boogeyman HEEL!

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WWE Million Dollar Champion
Ok, so as I read through the many threads about who should be fired, or what wrestlers may not stick around too long I always see that people want the Boogeyman gone because of his lame gimmick.

This made me think....

What if, Big Daddy V really whooped his ass and he was gone for a couple of months, and came back as a heel.
I mean a demonic, sadistic, cruel HEEL! Not demonic the way the Undertaker once was, as his mic work isn't great, but use some aspects of that.
Mind games, not humorous ones using worms, he could start leaving snakes, spiders or scorpions, (you know, something that really does pose a threat) as his calling card.

Maybe you guys could come up with a good storyline, or general idea's to bring him back as a heel.

I think it could work, only in ECW and short term, but it could be interesting.

I think it'd work with someone that has talent, but the reason people seem to be suggesting that the Boogeyman be released.. isn't whole-heartedly because of his gimmick, its because he's worthless overall.

The man has next to no talent. In fact, his gimmick is the single handed reason why he hasn't been shipped off to O.V.W. or fired all together.

I don't care at this point if he gets turned heel or not. Unless he decides to learn more wrestling holds, moves, etc.. or if he knows them, decides he'll finally use them.. then I don't care what happens to him, I just don't wanna see him. C.M. Punk, John Morrison, Elijah Burke, Kevin Thorn, Tommy Dreamer, The Miz even.. all of these guys have talent, some of their gimmicks might suck, but they have talent.

Why waste t.v. time on someone who enjoys eating worms, when they could showcase someone else, who can capture the audience's attention? And I don't mean, because of a side-show type situation.
I don't think a heel turn could save him, either. I mean...was the Boogeyman even meant to be a face? I dunno, but he has all of three moves, horrible mic skills (I mean...the Boogeyman's supposed to scare you...ain't he supposed to be able to scare you with his voice) and since moving to ECW, has been a bit of a jobber/whipping boy. Seems like that would be the prerequisite to keeping a job in Vince's eyes, so barring a suspension, I think we're stuck with the present-day Boogeyman.
I just want to know who the new Boogeyman is. It seems like I'm the only one that's even noticed it's not Marty Wright anymore. They switched actors after Big Daddy V's first beatdown on him, when he slammed him on the desk and needed two tries to put him through the chalk board. When he came back it was a different guy.

As for a heel turn, nah. Boogeyman's this generation's version of Doink The Clown. Outragous gimmicks like that just don't work, face heel or anything else.
As for a heel turn, nah. Boogeyman's this generation's version of Doink The Clown. Outragous gimmicks like that just don't work, face heel or anything else.

I agree, Circus-like shit such as that doesnt do it anymore. As a whole fans are past that.

Also I always kinda figured he was supposed to be a heel. Ive never seen a face eat worms and BTW I'd feel like 80% less hateful towards the character if I never saw it do that. It was vile. If I wanted vileness I would watch Jackass.
I just want to know who the new Boogeyman is. It seems like I'm the only one that's even noticed it's not Marty Wright anymore. They switched actors after Big Daddy V's first beatdown on him, when he slammed him on the desk and needed two tries to put him through the chalk board. When he came back it was a different guy.

You're not the only one that noticed that i figured the real Boogey got injured getting put through the desk & they switched till he recovered. my girl doesn't watch wrestling & saw him & asked me what happened & why they switched the wrestler playing Boogeyman, i've been waiting for someone else to mention it.
I just want to know who the new Boogeyman is. It seems like I'm the only one that's even noticed it's not Marty Wright anymore. They switched actors after Big Daddy V's first beatdown on him, when he slammed him on the desk and needed two tries to put him through the chalk board. When he came back it was a different guy.

I'll admit I've never given too much attention to paying THAT MUCH attention to the Boogeyman, although are you sure its no longer the same guy?

For years people thought there was more than one Ultimate Warrior, & even when Kane returned with a new mask & look in 2002 (I think it was) everyone claimed he was slimmer & it wasn't the same guy, yet in both of those cases.. it was the same guy.. just differently toned, or w/ tattoos added.
While it's odd Marty even got a job after lying about his age on the worst season of the ill-fated "Tough Enough" which was broadcasted solely on smackdown... turning him heel at this point would be pointless. He should've been a heel from the start, not a new version of doink. It didn't really work turning Doink heel, so why does anyone think this comedy character with terrible in-ring and mic ability would do any better?

And it doesn't appear to be a different guy unless they are taping Marty talking and pulling a Britney Spears lip-synching moment.....

Great idea for a HEEL gimmick Marty... which everyone has to remember the gimick was his idea, straight from his audition tape for tough enough... that's one old bastard
I think turning him heel would be a good idea because there really is no sadistic heel in the WWE anymore. There all just work off things done in the past. People bad mouth boogey because he can't wrestle or has 3 moves. Look at Cena, Batista, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, Snitsky, Chris Masters, or Hogan. They all had barely any moveset and people don't down them. Hogan was one of the worst and people praise him and say he changed wrestling. He changed wrestling by making anyone that was not him look like crap and achieve nothing. Truthfully since Boogeymand left Smackdown and Flair hasn't been on in a while, I really don't watch Smackdown anymore. I watch TNA on Thursdays instead of waiting on more day for crap.
I just want to know who the new Boogeyman is. It seems like I'm the only one that's even noticed it's not Marty Wright anymore. They switched actors after Big Daddy V's first beatdown on him, when he slammed him on the desk and needed two tries to put him through the chalk board. When he came back it was a different guy.

It's not a different guy, they've just gave him different face paint to wear, even though his new look does make him look even worse, kinda like a baby clown. Maybe a heel turn will work but since ECW has such a small roster I don't think it would matter that much. btw, did anyone else notice that Stevie Richards was in the main event of ECW this week?
What's wrong with the Boogeyman the way he is now? Why does he need re-packaging? He still gets face cheers when he enters, and yeah his gimmick is disgusting but he is entertaining to watch. I don't think he should turn heel yet. I think he needs to keep on feuding with Big Daddy V then move on to Kevin Thorn. Right now he's fine.

You guys bash Marty Wright too because he's playing a character and not wrestling five-star high flying matches. He's a brawler playing a certain type of character, the same way The Undertaker started out in 1990. Man, you guys are hard to please. Not everyone can be The Rock and C.M. Punk. Sometimes I think you guys bash wrestlers because you have nothing better to do.
I am not saying I don't like him the way he is now, I just wondered what peoples opinions where on him becoming a heel sometime. I just think it would be interesting to see what creative could do with him as a heel, because you can only spit so many worms at people, which makes me think, he could team with Carlito, and have a 'Richard Scarry Childrens Book' tag team and spit apples and worms at people. I bet creative have already thought of that though, with the crap they are feeding us at the moment.
What's wrong with the Boogeyman the way he is now?

He isn't over with fans, Shit wrestler, Waste of TV time and is beginning to become a jobber.

Why does he need re-packaging?

I don't suppose he does. The gimmick is terrible though, It's up there as one of the worst IMO. Really who the hell wants to see a worm eating fake character?

He still gets face cheers when he enters

I have never heard them. Usually silence.

, and yeah his gimmick is disgusting but he is entertaining to watch.

When? The only time he's even worth watching is when he is shoving worms down peoples throat. In-Ring wise...He's terrible.

I don't think he should turn heel yet. I think he needs to keep on feuding with Big Daddy V then move on to Kevin Thorn. Right now he's fine.

A heel turn really wouldn't do wonders. He hasn't even accomplished to get over as a face. A heel turn will likely not be any different. People just look at him like a circus clown with a silly gimmick. He keeps a dumb gimmick like that he will never get over with fans. That's why he was moved to ECW in the first place.

You guys bash Marty Wright too because he's playing a character and not wrestling five-star high flying matches.

Boring character that is going nowhere. Has he even had a singles match that went beyond 5 minutes?

Man, you guys are hard to please. Not everyone can be The Rock and C.M. Punk. Sometimes I think you guys bash wrestlers because you have nothing better to do.

He is a terrible wrestler/entertainer. So therefore people including myself bash him.
I think the Boogeyman is both really entertaining and also really good in the ring. I can see him(if he turns heel) going to raw and challengeing Cena for the belt. Can u imagine Cena Vs. Boogeyman. I think that would be entertaining but they will have to turn him heel first, maybe team with V & striker? Boogey is one of the top 5 guys in ecw!!(behind V,Thorn, Cor Von, striker)
that..is the dumbest thing...ive ever heard....you're tellin me...that he is better in the ring..than Triple H...and...on a caliber...good enough....to headline...a PPV....YOU R A DAMN FOOL!!!! Lets look at headliners....HHH,Cena, Orton, Michaels, Punk, Batista, Taker, Edge...and the boogeyman...thats insane. That like sayin "EUGENE vs. HORNSWOGGLE vs. BOOGEYMAN vs CENA IN A 4 WAY DANCE FOR THE BELT!" That was insane to say. Do u even watch wrestling? By that statement...im guessin no. HES A BAD GIMMICK...BAD TALENT....AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED BEFORE EUGENE WAS!!!!
I never said he was better than HHH or Edge ect. I said he was top 5 in ecw and it would be cool to see him feud with Cena. Maybe not get the belt but the feud would be GREAT!!!!And yes I do watch wrestling!!!
I think the Boogeyman is both really entertaining

Your entitled to your opinion.

and also really good in the ring.

Wo Wo Wo. Hold it there kidder. Did you just say good in the ring? You cant be serious. The Boogeyman is on par with Viscer & Khali in the bad wrestler stakes. Why do his matches always last less than 3 minutes? Because he's so clueless WWE dont trust him to wrestle any longer.

I can see him(if he turns heel) going to raw and challengeing Cena for the belt.

He will get nowhere near a title shot, let alone a run. And they would never promote a main event fued with him. There's no way they would put the biggest star in the company against a comedy character in a main event match.

Can u imagine Cena Vs. Boogeyman.

I'd rather not.

I think that would be entertaining

Your opinion.

but they will have to turn him heel first,

Hey get this. Cena. Boogeyman. TAG TEAM. Imagine it.

maybe team with V & striker?

Then you have two terrible wrestlers as a team with a mouth piece that nobody cares about. That would be pointless.

Boogey is one of the top 5 guys in ecw!!(behind V,Thorn, Cor Von, striker)

In a brand full of wrestlers who aren't over he could possibly be one of the top 5 most over. But in the whole company let a lone ECW he's the worst wrestler. And I'm including the Expose in this.
Top 5 on ECW when there's only like 10 wrestlers on the roster whoopty damn doo, nobody on ECW is over except for maybe Dreamer who will always be over with the original ECW fans and Balls Mahoney. Seeing Boogeyman get a title run would be like seeing the Miz get one. Heel turn wouldn't really do anything ECW has enough heels that cant get over
wasent he suppose to be when he first got on smack down.
but yeah it would be just to see if he cant be if he is really the next undertaker, witch there basically trying to make him, or at leased thats what i think.
It's not a different guy, they've just gave him different face paint to wear, even though his new look does make him look even worse, kinda like a baby clown. Maybe a heel turn will work but since ECW has such a small roster I don't think it would matter that much. btw, did anyone else notice that Stevie Richards was in the main event of ECW this week?[/Q

Yep,I noticed Stevie.Boogieman should be kept as far away from ECW championship gold.His gimmick is okayish when he's a face.But I think he'd be another Big Daddy V or Hardcore Holly if he turned heel.
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