Turn Daniels heel soon!

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
Yes, I said it, and I'd say many of you agree. TNA need to turn Daniels heel, whether it be before or after Turning Point. Why? Because he's shit as a face. He has zero charisma, zero character and zero interest. He's as bland as vanilla. What is his current gimmick or character. The fallen angel. What exactly does he do that's face-ish. He, err, is friends with AJ. Who needs character when your best bud's over.

Now, there is a salvage for his boredom inducing face work. And that's turn him. Because it will add to everything. He's slow and methodical on the mic, which better suits a heel. But his character is best affected. The fallen angel is a much better gimmick for heels, like Dinero's pope. When Christopher Daniels is a heel, he's great. He's a fallen angel, who is literally "holier than thou". He has a higher calling, and you should be glad to be in his presence.

His most successful times have always been as a heel. 2003 when he ran the super X Cup. End of 2005, start of 2006, where he wrestled Joe and AJ, including their classic at Unbreakable. Which, if you watch the start, is a perfect example of how he should be a heel. He points at AJ and Joe, and claims they will never beat him. They then proceed to beat his ass down. That's what he should be doing.

And as I have mentioned in NSL's X division heels thread, the X division is in need of heels. Daniels doesn't rely on high flying, so he has the style suitable for a heel. And the division is in need of one. And who better than a seasoned professional, the original X division heel.

So, coming up to turning point, I expect him to stay as a tweener leaning face, or even full face, untill after. Then he better turn heel. I just don't think he'll turn before the ppv. And when he does, I don't expect it to be by betraying AJ. Because Aj's in the main event, and Daniels shouldn't be after the PPV, so them feuding would be disastrous.

So yeah, soon, it better be Daniels' turning point, or they can just fire him again.
I definitely liked Daniels better as a heel, and feel a turn is needed to keep him fresh. He has no charisma as a face, and going into Turning Point, there's not a whole lot he can do in the Triple Threat as a face, with Joe being the lone heel. He doesn't necessarily need a full turn, but at least get him into a tweener role, similar to where CM Punk was when he took the belt from Jeff Hardy.
they need to give this guy the title, even if its for a few months. Daniels is way to talented to not be in top tier of talent in tna. he is 1 of the best performers in the ring i have seen in years. I think a heel turn might be good for him right now, but they have to give him the title, eventually, and hopefully sooner then later. he can have i think just as good atches as aj styles with opponents like sitng, kurt angle, joe, and others. just give him the chance
They really don't need to give him the title. He works as a contender, but they've spent too long building up Hernandez and Morgan for them to not be next in line for a title reign. AJ will have his match at Turning Point against Joe and Daniels, and then possibly a feud with "that guy that attacked him" (no spoilers), and then one can only hope a run with one of the big men.

Daniels is at his best in the X Division, and could definitely get the belt there, and have a lengthy run with it, helping the younger guys move up the food chain. But, I don't buy him being the TNA champ.
i think just for the fact he has been there as long as he has should give him atleast a chance. He has helped move ome of these guys up and he deserves his chance. after a while jeff hardy finally was allowed to move too the top tier and go against opponents like randy orton, edge undertaker and others. I think daniels would do just as good of a job as hardy did. Hernandez i like but i dont see him as a champion. Matt Morgan would of been wwe champion by now if they atcually listened to cornette 5 years ago. He would of had some amazing matches with people like cena, edge, taker and others. I agree both will evenetually win the title for atleast a month or so, which is what tna liked to do a few years ago but not so much anymore, just ask rhyno, or raven. but he has been tna x division champion like 3 times if not more, its his time to show what he can do as a main eventer.
I've only been watching TNA for...hmm probably close to 3 years now so I don't really know much about Daniels as a heel. But, from what I've seen of him as a face, he just downright sucks. As a face, he has next to zero charisma and his ability in the ring is the only thing that keeps me interested in him at all.

As for his role in the TNA title picture, I just don't buy it really. Daniels is someone that has always been associated with the X-Division and I feel that's the best place for him. In my opinion, the X-Division is a shell of what it once was and the X-Division title has been marred by a string of weak runs and forgettable reigns for close to a year now. Daniels has the goods when it comes to the X-Division and I think giving him a lengthy reign with it, put him into some quality matches and help some of the younger guys move on up could go a long way in helping it. I think it's just time for a fresh start with the X-Division in 2010 and someone that's defined what it's supposed to be about is the perfect way to bring about changing it.
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