Tuesday night a wrestling night?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ever since the Monday night wars i have lived for Monday nights, Mondays have always been wrestling night in my house, but after Monday i have that "Tuesday blues" and left wanting more wresting, almost like a "wrestling hangover". Mondays and Tuesdays have always been boring days to me. Even though i like wrestling; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday has never been wrestling nights IMHO. I Just could never get into it on those days, it just never had that "wrestling spark" you could say.

I Know this all sounds stupid, but i think Tuesday night would be great for either SmackDown or iMPACT Wrestling. I Think the ratings would be pretty good.

Does anyone fill the same? are you more than likely to watch either TNA or Smackdown on a tuesday night or is thursday and friday nights work for you?
I honestly think they really have to make SD live on tuesdays. Everytime they have a special tuesday live show i freaking love it. back-to-back live wrestling shows. sounds awesome to me but maybe scheduling or younger talent on SD is a reason they choose not to do it.
I honestly think they really have to make SD live on tuesdays. Everytime they have a special tuesday live show i freaking love it. back-to-back live wrestling shows. sounds awesome to me but maybe scheduling or younger talent on SD is a reason they choose not to do it.

It's like you have that monday wrestling hangover, i could watch any wrestling on a tuesday night (ROH, TNA, WWE) only show i watch on tuesdays that i would ditch wrestling to watch and that show is Sons of Anarchy, but after the season is over, nothing else i like watching on a tuesday night so i'm either on the PC or PS3.

Also, it does seem that the WWE have been testing the waters for thuesday night live wrestling show.
I kinda wish Impact! would switch nights. Thursday night is pretty crowded TV wise (It's Always Sunny, The Office, Parks and Rec, The League, etc.) I'd be happy if it moved to Tuesday or Wednesday.
Funny you bring this up. I remember at one point wrestling was on everyday except Tuesday. Remember when it was Raw on Monday, Thunder on Wednesday, Smackdown on Thursday, ECW on Friday, WCW Saturday Night, and Sunday Night Heat. People would always ask me "so what do you do on Tuesday?" lol. In the last few years it existed though wcw Saturday Night was unwatchable! Even Sunday Night Heat became unwatchable after being so hot(no pun intended). To answer your question though, I don't watch much of the current wrestling to care. If I did then yeah I'd want there to be something on Tuesday. Back in the day, there should have been something on Tuesday!
Actually, if you've got one of those DirecTV Sports package (I forget which one) then wrestling DOES come on everyday of the week for you... and ESPN-2 & ESPN Classic still show old school AWA shows, which even though they're reruns, they're still epic and a great way to catch up on your wrestling history. In today's society, there should be no reason why someone can't get ahold of some kind of wrestling every day of the week. Youtube alone has so many indy matches and classic WWE matches that you could host a week long marathon of wrestling. Local indy shows are always going on some day of the week, even on Tuesdays. Yeah, they're not WWE quality shows but that's why they're called independent promotions.

When I was younger, and less internet savvy, I would've agreed with you and said the same thing... but then my true love for wrestling grew and now my collection of DVDs and Youtube playlists consist of everything from WWE to New Japan... It's really the only collection besides power rangers that I have that's worth over a grand.
Tuesday Night is definitely a wrestling night. I love when SmackDown is on Tuesday and really enjoyed Tribute to the Troops. SmackDown NEEDS to get out of that Friday time slot.

Did you guys know that SmackDown is actually on during something called 'The Friday Night Death Slot'?


The Friday night death slot is a perceived[who?] graveyard slot in American television, referring to the concept that a television program in the United States scheduled on Friday evenings is destined for imminent cancellation.

The term possibly began as a reflection of certain shows' dominance of Friday night in the 1980s, which condemned to death any television show scheduled opposite those programs.[1][2][3] Today it reflects the belief that Americans rarely watch TV on Friday or Saturday nights, as these days people (especially younger people) tend to leave home for other activities, thereby removing the most lucrative demographics for advertisers from the household.[4][5]
Tuesdays used to be a wrestling night. Back when WWE's version of ECW was on and when NXT was still on tv instead of online, they were on tuesdays. If Smackdown went live then I would not be against it being on tuesdays, although I am perfectly fine with it being on fridays because that had become a weekend tradition. Impact should stay on thursdays. Tuesday not being a wrestling night anymore is not a big deal to me. Monday is Raw. We get a few days in between for a break, before Impact on thursday and Smackdown on friday. Then we have PPV events on sundays before the cycle starts over with Raw on monday. The current format is fine honestly because PPV's on sunday, Raw on monday, and Smackdown on tuesday could be too much all at once for some fans.

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